Assignment 2

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Assignment 2
Marks: 70 (draft 20 + final 50)
Expected Word Count: 2500 (draft 700, final 2500)
Submission Deadline: (draft discussion: 1st July, 2020; final submission: 8th
July, 2020}
1. Ashish Nandy_An Ambiguous Journey to the City (in drive)

Optional (Any 2)
1. Gautam Bhatia_Rethinking Monticello (available on jstor)
2. Nita Mathur_Modernity, Consumer Culture & Construction of Urban Youth
Identity in India; A Disembedding Perspective (in drive)
3. Annapurna Shaw_ The challenges of urbanization in India: Towards a more
humane urbanism (in drive)
4. N. Jayaram._Revisiting the City: The Contemporary relevance of Urban
sociology (in drive)
5. Ashis Nandy_The changing Popular Culture of Indian Food: Preliminary
Notes (in drive)
6. Ashish Nandy_Science Hegemony and Violence (in drive)

Assessment Exercise
Term Paper
A detailed discourse on any relevant aspect of Indian architecture, society, and
urbanism, aspect as per student’s choice.
1. Zeroing in on and relevance of the theme/aspect/argument.
2. Discussion on the framework/skeleton/pointers.
3. Formulation of draft paper : week 2, 700 words
4. Submission of final paper and presentation : week 3, 2500 words, max 6
slides with points per slide

Assessment Criteria
a. Draft topic + argument + framework – 25 marks
b. Final Term Paper topic + argument + framework + style + referencing – 45

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