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Topic: proper use of good or well

Good or well? These common English words can be a little confusing. Are they
adverbs, adjectives, or both?
First thing to remember:
Good – adj, Well – adv they are two different part of speech.
Adjective modifies a noun or tell us more information about a noun.
 Good modifies a noun (something can be good) [either in front of it, or
after a linking verb like is, are, was, or were.]
Ex. He was good.
A good kid.
A good afternoon
A good night’s sleep.
 Adverb modifies a verb, an action can be done well.
Ex. She swims well for her age.
We have eaten well.
Well is modifying the verb
But we have significant exception to this rule of using good or well.
1. When we are talking about Health (the quality of someone’s health) well
can be used as an adjective, too. So if someone is well it means that they
are healthy.
Ex. My brother is safe and well.
Is your mother well enough to travel?
2. We can actually use good with some non-action verbs like:
(to) be, (to) look, (to) seem, (to) feel – these are stative verbs, are verbs that
express a state rather than an action. They usually relate to thoughts, emotions,
relationships, senses, states of being and measurements.
We do that when we’re connecting a subject to an adjective. We can say:
Ex. Don’t worry everything’s good. (everything is good)
This book is good.
The children are good.
I feel good today!
The new office seems good!
The hotel you’re staying in looks so good!
So here, we can use good with a non-action verb.
3. Good can be used with the verb (do), when good is a noun. When you’re
taking about morally correct behavior.
Ex. Some people volunteer to do good within their local community. (they help
others, this is to do good)

You speak English good. (well) [modify a verb, speak in the sentence]
Your English is well. (good) [ this is an adjective because we can see the subject
followed by the verb, be]
I’m having a good day. (modifying the noun, day)
My day is going well. (the adv is modifying the verb)
Did he do well on his exam? (modifying the verb, do)
This rain is good for the garden.
Her job isn’t good for health. (because we are talking about health in the
sentence doesn’t mean we need to use well)
You spoke well at the conference.
I saw Jeremy last night. He looked good. (here we can use the adjective, good or
the adjective, well. Both are possible but the meaning is different. Well means
that he looked healthy, good means that he was pleasant to look at, handsome.

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