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Katlin Bielfeldt



TEKS: (C2) (1A) engage in a variety of ASL exchanges of Objective: (C3)
learned material to socialize and to provide
After learning the unit vocabulary, the students will create a video of
and obtain information
themselves on the app., Flip Grid, answering the question is ASL sentence
structure and incorporating at least 2 signs from the unit vocabulary.
American Sign
9-12 Language Level 1
Grade: Subject:
Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Time

Strategy to teach Language: (C4)

Task Analysis: (C4)
What lang. must be taught: 5 Parameters of ASL
What skills must be taught: Handshape, Palm Orientation, Location, Movement, Non-Manual Signals Word/Sign Journals

Assessment: (C5)
Formative Assessment – signing reports through the app., Flip Grid

Strategies for Success: (C6) Element of Technology: (C6)

Cooperative Group – Think Pair Share Flip Grid App. (Bloom’s Taxonomy -Create)

Learning Styles Addressed: (C6) Resources / Materials needed: (C6)

Visual – have engaging Power Point to learn
 Power Point on concepts/vocabulary
vocabulary  Posters on wall of 5 Parameters of ASL
Auditory – have class discussion or Think Pair
 Journals, paper, and pencils for students to write down
Share  Phone or computers for students to sign their answer on Flip
Kinesthetic – practice signs while I’m teaching Grid app.
Katlin Bielfeldt

Higher Order Questions to ask: (C6)

1. What are the 5 Parameters of ASL?

2. What Parameters are used in this specific sign?

3. Memorize these signs, they are important to know for what you’re going to do next. What is the sign for ___?

Hook: (C7) Closure: (C7)

Show the class an interesting sign language video Exit pass – have the students sign a sign they learned that day in
Katlin Bielfeldt

1. Teacher Input / Direct Instruction / Modeling: (C6)

I will teach the vocabulary and ask them questions to check for understanding.

2. Student Activities / Guided Practice: (C6)

The students will practice signing the answer to the question with a partner before they sign the video of themselves on Flip
Grid. I will monitor the class at this time as well.

3. Independent Practice: (C6)

Create a Flip Grid video of themselves signing the answer to the question on their own Flip Grid account.

Modifications / Accommodations: (E6) Comprehensible Input Techniques: (R6)

Time: Adapt the time allotted and allowed for learning, Ensure multiple exposures to new terminology
task completion, or testing.
Use multiple modalities to remember words
Individualize a timeline for completing a task; pace Have students “buddy study” words
learning differently (increase or decrease) for some
learners. Those students can submit the Flip Grid video
later as I walk them through the process individually.

Katlin Bielfeldt

Name: Katlin Bielfeldt


After learning the unit vocabulary, the students will create a video of themselves on the app., Flip Grid, answering the question is ASL
sentence structure and incorporating at least 2 signs from the unit vocabulary.


To motivate and engage the student’s interest in the content I will show the students an interesting video in sign language connected
to the topic of the lesson.


The knowledge of the 5 Parameters of ASL: Handshape, Palm Orientation, Location, Movement, Non-Manual Signals is needed for the
students to gain skill in the objective. I will incorporate the strategy of Cooperative Groups, specifically, Think-Pair-Share. The
technology the students will use is the Flip Grid App. which aligns with Bloom’s Taxonomy level of Create. I will use learning styles by
having an engaging Power Point to teach vocabulary (Visual), have a class discussion or Think-Pair-Share (Auditory), and the students
will practice signs while I’m teaching (Kinesthetic).


I will teach the vocabulary by signing the vocabulary and ask the students questions to check for understanding. I will clearly state the
directions of what the students will do and give them an example.

Retaining / Rehearsing

The students will practice signing the answer to the question with a partner before they sign the video of themselves on Flip Grid. I will
monitor the class as I move around the room to provide individual remediation as needed. I will also use “Praise, prompt, and leave” as
a strategy during this time.   


The students will demonstrate an independent application of new skill by creating Flip Grid video of themselves signing the answer to
the question on their own Flip Grid account.



I will be giving back effective feedback after I assess their signing in their Flip Grid video.
Katlin Bielfeldt


We will know the students have individually mastered the objective when they have uploaded a video of themselves on the app., Flip
Grid, answering the question is ASL sentence structure and incorporating at least 2 signs from the unit vocabulary. The video is the
evidence that they have or have not mastered the objective. This will be a completion grade, and effective feedback will be given to
those who have and have not mastered the objective.


 Power Point on concepts/vocabulary

 Posters on wall of 5 Parameters of ASL
 Journals, paper, and pencils for students to write down answers
 Phone or computers for students to sign their answer on Flip Grid app.


The way I will have the students end the lesson and reflect on what they learned will be to use an exit pass. I will have the students
sign a sign they learned that day in class as an exit pass.

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