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Social Science & Medicine 58 (2004) 997–1005

Women, work and musculoskeletal health

Lyndall Strazdins*, Gabriele Bammer
National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health, The Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200, Australia


Why are employed women at increased risk for upper limb musculoskeletal disorders and what can this tell us about
the way work and family life shape health? Despite increases in women’s labour force participation, gender differences
in work-related health conditions have received little research attention. This appears be the first study to examine why
employed women are much more likely than men to experience upper body musculoskeletal disorders.
A mailed self-report survey gathered data from 737 Australian Public Service employees (73% women). The majority
of respondents were clerical workers (73%). Eighty one per cent reported some upper body symptoms; of these, 20%
reported severe and continuous upper body pain. Upper body musculoskeletal symptoms were more prevalent and
more severe among women. The gender difference in symptom severity was explained by risk factors at work (repetitive
work, poor ergonomic equipment), and at home (having less opportunity to relax and exercise outside of work).
Parenthood exacerbated this gender difference, with mothers reporting the least time to relax or exercise. There was no
suggestion that women were more vulnerable than men to pain, nor was there evidence of systematic confounding
between perceptions of work conditions and reported health status.
Changes in the nature of work mean that more and more employees, especially women, use computers for significant
parts of their workday. The sex-segregation of women into sedentary, repetitive and routine work, and the persisting
gender imbalance in domestic work are interlinking factors that explain gender differences in musculoskeletal disorders.
r 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Gender differences in health; Upper body musculoskeletal disorders; Repetitive strain injuries; Women’s health; Australia

Introduction and occupational overuse syndrome. These disorders

occur gradually, have a chronic course, and often go
Musculoskeletal disorders, particularly those of the untreated (Polanyi et al., 1997; Yassi, 1997). Typically,
upper body, are increasingly prevalent in Western pain becomes progressively severe and loss of function
societies (Muggleton, Allen, & Chappell, 1999; Yassi, occurs. The pain and disability may persist for many
1997). Although some studies have found levels as low years, and in some cases become intractable (Bammer &
as 10%, in the working population levels of around 50% Blignault, 1988; Keogh, Nuwayhid, Gordon, & Gucer,
and as high as 80% are more common (Ariens, 2000; Putz-Anderson, 1988). Employed women are two
Borghouts, & Koes, 1999; Bammer & Blignault, 1988; to five times more likely than men to report these sorts
Blyth et al., 2001; LeResche, 1999; Putz-Anderson, 1988; of problems (Ariens et al., 1999; LeResche, 1999; Unruh,
Unruh, 1996; van der Windt & Croft, 1999). Upper 1996).
body disorders cover a wide range of clinical symptoms Why are employed women at increased risk for upper
and conditions, grouped under general terms such as limb musculoskeletal disorders, and what can this tell us
repetitive strain injuries, cumulative trauma disorders about the way health differences are shaped between
men and women? In developed economies, the relation-
*Corresponding author. Tel.: +61-2-6125-2837; ship between work and health is changing for both men
fax: +61-2-6125-0740. and women. Now, most women are in paid employment
E-mail addresses: (Hatch & Moline, 1997), and the nature of work itself is
(L. Strazdins), (G. Bammer). changing. These two social changes are likely to affect

0277-9536/03/$ - see front matter r 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
998 L. Strazdins, G. Bammer / Social Science & Medicine 58 (2004) 997–1005

both men’s and women’s lives, but in differing ways. biomechanical and psychosocial risk factors for upper
Like other western nations, the Australian labour body musculoskeletal disorders (Ariens et al., 1999;
market is characterised by an increase in part-time jobs, Bernard, 1997; Carayon, Smith, & Haims, 1999; Latko
reduced job security, contingent and uneven workforce et al., 1999; Putz-Anderson, 1988). Many women work
attachment, increased pace and workload, and, an with computers where these risk factors can be
increased reliance on computer technology (ACIRRT, exacerbated (Torgen & Kilbom, 2000; Webster, 1996).
1999). These changes have brought with them an array Interlinked with the sex-segregation of the labour
of potentially new factors that could affect women’s force is the gender division of domestic work (Baxter,
health. On the one hand, gender gaps in some health Gibson, & Lynch-Blosse, 1990). Women’s domestic
outcomes might narrow as women’s participation in the work, especially once they become mothers, affects their
labour force comes nearer to men’s. On the other, ability to participate in the labour market by imposing
women and men may have vastly different experiences time constraints that men generally do not share. This in
of paid employment and its effects on family life, turn channels women into increasingly casualised, low-
especially once they become parents (Blane, Berney, & skilled jobs (Webster, 1996), the sorts of jobs where
Montgomery, 2001). The sex-segregation of the labour routine and repetitive work predominate. Furthermore,
force and the persistent gender imbalance in domestic the gender division of domestic work may mean that
work means that employed women’s exposure to risk employed women have less time outside of work for
factors from both work and family could differ widely activities that might ameliorate the health costs of their
from employed men’s (Hunt & Annandale, 1999). This jobs. Compared to fathers, mothers invest more time
exposure is likely to be daily and chronic. Musculoske- and energy caring for children, helping others, and
letal disorders may thus reflect the accumulation of doing housework (Bird, 1999). The resultant ‘time
difference in exposures at work and at home, providing poverty’ means that employed mothers have less time
an opportunity to tease out the relationships between for leisure, relaxation and exercise (Firestone & Shelton,
work-related factors, domestic load and underlying 1988; Hildebrandt, Bongers, Dul, van Dijk, & Kemper,
biological differences. 2000; Lundberg, 1999; Ross & Bird, 1994).
Prevailing explanations of women’s excess health risk Thus domestic work, per se, may be a risk factor for
revolve around two basic propositions. Greater pre- musculoskeletal problems, and, more importantly, it
valence or severity of symptoms may be due to the may constrain women’s ability to protect themselves
higher demands and constraints that women face, or from the effects of their paid work. For example,
because women are more affected by, or vulnerable to, Lundberg (1999) argues that lack of relaxation impairs
the health impact of particular demands and constraints recovery of the musculoskeletal system from repetitive
(McDonough & Walters, 2001). Thus the difference work demands. He proposes that domestic work and
between women and men in exposure, at work and at stress from overload further exacerbate musculoskeletal
home, to risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders is disorders because they interfere with the recovery
one model that may explain the markedly higher process. The health hazard of domestic work, in this
prevalence of these disorders in women compared to context, is time constraint, and this combines with the
men. We call this the work and family demand model. hazard of repetitive and sedentary duties that many
An alternative explanation is that women may be more women encounter in the workplace.
prone to developing musculoskeletal disorders due to
sex-linked biological factors such as hormones or Gender differences in vulnerability
physiology, because the meaning of work and family
demands are different, or because women have less Pain severity and chronic duration of pain are central
resources to cope with these demands. We refer to this as symptoms of musculoskeletal disorders. Women appear
the vulnerability model. And, of course, both models to be more sensitive to pain and consistently report
may be involved. greater pain when it is experimentally induced (Filling-
ham, Edwards, & Powell, 1999). Furthermore, pain
Gender differences in work and family demands sensitivity varies across stages in the menstrual cycle
suggesting that sex-linked hormones are involved in pain
As we have outlined above, changes in technology, perception (Fillingham et al., 1999; Fillingham & Ness,
and the emergence of the information and service 2000; LeResche, 1999). Women also tend to see their
economy have altered the sorts of work women typically pain problems as more threatening, and to cope
do (Webster, 1996). Women tend to be clustered into differently compared to men, suggesting that there
lower status jobs, often sedentary and involving may also be some gender differences in the meaning of
repetitive work and static load (holding the body in pain and in the resources that men and women bring to
one position for extended periods), with less job control bear in coping with pain (Jensen, Nygren, Gamberale,
and less substantive complexity. These comprise the key Goldie, & Westerholm, 1994; Keefe et al., 2000). Thus
L. Strazdins, G. Bammer / Social Science & Medicine 58 (2004) 997–1005 999

the gender gap in musculoskeletal disorders is possibly conditions and to sample enough men and women to
due to women’s greater pain sensitivity, or women’s make meaningful comparisons. Focus groups were held
tendency to perceive and cope with pain differently. initially to refine the questionnaire. Then, surveys were
This study provided an opportunity to test both the distributed to randomly selected branch offices. Partici-
work and family demands and vulnerability models for pation was voluntary and responses were anonymous.
explaining the gender difference in musculoskeletal The response rate was 50%, resulting in 737 question-
disorders. If women are at greater risk because of the naires returned.
combination of their work and family demands, then the Occupational status was coded using the Australian
association between gender and symptom severity Standard Classification of Occupations (ASCO 1st
should disappear once these demands are included in Edition, ABS, 1986). As expected from the nature of
the analysis. If a gender excess persists, or if work and the organisations, which primarily administered and
family risk factors affect women more that they affect delivered government benefits to the public, clerical and
men, this suggests that sex-linked vulnerabilities are service jobs predominated; 77% worked in clerical
exerting an influence. and customer service jobs, 16% in managerial jobs,
7% in professional jobs, and 1% in unskilled jobs.
Methodological problems studying work conditions and The mean age was 36 years (SD=9.55). Most
health employees were Australian born (73%), 12% were of
European origin, and 9% were of Asian origin. Just
Studying work conditions and health poses particular under a third of the sample (32%) had completed 10
methodological problems. Associations found between years or less education, another 32% had 12 years of
work and health from cross-sectional studies have been completed education, 17% had obtained trade or
challenged because having a health condition could technical qualifications or an undergraduate diploma,
predispose workers to perceive or report on their work 13% a Bachelor degree and 5% a post graduate diploma
conditions negatively (Emslie et al., 1999). or higher degree. Nearly 60% of the sample were either
The present study is also unique in addressing this married or living with a partner. Forty three per cent of
limitation in cross-sectional research, which was possible employees were parents with at least one dependent
because workers were organised into teams. We child living at home.
compared individuals with their team’s aggregated Women and men differed on several demographic
ratings of the shared workplace environment to see the variables. Men were more likely to be older (the average
extent of consensus within teams, and whether indivi- age of men was 37710 years, while the average age of
duals with poorer health perceived the workplace women was 3579 years, (t (642)=2.65, po0:01). Men
differently. General features of the work environment were also likely to be better educated (w2=38.89,
that all team members shared were rated, such as overall po0:01). Only 16% of men had attained 10 years or
building and equipment design. Then comparisons were less of education, compared to 38% of women. In terms
made within work teams of team members with high or of tertiary qualifications, 25% of men compared to 15%
low musculoskeletal conditions. If workers with and of women had attained a Bachelors Degree or higher.
without a musculoskeletal condition rate general char- Men also worked in higher status occupations (30%
acteristics of the workplace differently, it would suggest worked in professional or managerial positions com-
that their health status is influencing their perceptions of pared to 17% of women, w2=21.57, po0:01). Women
work. On the other hand, if there are no differences in were more likely to be parents of dependent children
these general workplace ratings, we can be more (47% women, 34% men, w2=10.65, po0:01) and to be
confident that associations found between individual’s employed part-time rather than full-time (20% of
specific work conditions (e.g., degree of control, women were employed part-time compared with 5% of
repetitive workload) and their symptom severity reflects men, w2=30.05, po0:01). The differences in occupa-
the influence of work conditions on health, and not the tional status and part-time employment reflect the sex-
reverse. segregated nature of work (Labour Force Statistics,
ABS, 1997).

Upper body musculoskeletal symptoms
Respondents were sampled from two government
organisations spread across three eastern states of Following Browne, Nolan, and Faithfull’s (1984)
Australia. We sampled across the organisational hier- description of upper body repetitive strain injury, the
archy to include a range of occupational levels and work 17 item measure assessed a variety of symptoms, their
1000 L. Strazdins, G. Bammer / Social Science & Medicine 58 (2004) 997–1005

location and degree of pain persistence. Symptoms Poor ergonomic equipment: A single item assessed
included pain, aching, stiffness, cramp, swelling, sore- comfort and ergonomic design of work equipment and
ness, weakness, tingling and numbness, and respondents work environment. Response categories ranged from
rated the extent symptoms were present while they 1=very comfortable and well designed to 5=very
worked (response categories ranged from never to uncomfortable and poorly designed.
continuously). Respondents were then asked to rate Job control: A four item scale measured control over
the extent of pain and pain persistence in their upper work load, pace, duties and decisions (e.g., ‘how often
back, neck, shoulders, arms, elbows, forearms, wrists, does your workplace give you control over the pace of
and fingers. The response categories were no pain your work?’). Response categories ranged from 1=very
(scored 0), pain present but gone by the next morning seldom to 4=almost always. Items were summed and
(scored 1), pain present at work, persists to the following averaged to form the scale (a ¼ 0:82).
morning, but is gone after the weekend (scored 2), and Relaxation and exercise: Two items assessed time
pain is present and continuous all the time which is the spent on exercise, leisure and relaxation over the last six
most severe category (scored 3). Scores were summed to months (‘yhow often have you set aside time just for
form the scale (a ¼ 0:92). A zero score indicated no physical activities (leisure or exercise)’ and ‘yhow often
symptoms in the upper body, whereas high scores have you set aside time just to relax?’). Response
indicated more severe symptoms. For example, neck categories were 1=not at all, 2=some or a little of the
pain that persisted after work but was gone by the next time (about once a month or more), 3=occasionally or a
morning would be given a score of 2. If respondents moderate amount of time (about once a week or more),
described their neck pain as continuos the score would 4=often or a lot of the time (about once a day) and
be 4. Scores would be higher if multiple upper body 5=frequently (more than once a day). These items were
areas were involved. While the measure uses criteria highly intercorrelated (r ¼ 0:66) and were summed and
developed for treatment and rehabilitation of upper averaged to form the measure.
body musculoskeletal disorders, high scores are not
diagnostic of specific clinical conditions.
General workplace rating
Gender differences in musculoskeletal health
This was assessed using two items; ‘Compared to
other workplaces, do you think your workplace provides Age adjusted means for musculoskeletal health for
employees with comfortable and well-designed equip- men and women are presented in Table 1. Proportion-
ment, where the work is not too repetitive, not too ally more women reported at least one symptom (83%
stressful, not too boring, and the amount and pace of of women compared to 77% of men, w2=13.38,
work is not too much?’ and; ‘In general, how physically po0:01). Women also reported more severe symptoms
stressful is your workplace? Is it likely that your (23% of women reported continuous pain in their upper
workplace is the sort of place where people could body compared to 12% of men).
develop muscle tensions, strains and overuse problems?’
Response categories, respectively, ranged from very Gender differences in work and family demands
comfortable (scored 1) through intolerably uncomfor-
table (scored 6); and not at all (scored 1) through According to the demands hypothesis, the gender gap
extremely physically stressful (scored 6). The two items in musculoskeletal health occurs because women en-
were summed and averaged with low scores representing counter more risk factors. To test for this, age adjusted
positive evaluations of the workplace and high scores mean differences in risk factors for men and women
negative evaluations (item r ¼ 0:65). were compared (see Table 1) and statistically significant
differences were found for all but one risk factor.
Risk factors Women’s work conditions were more likely to involve
physically repetitive work demands. For example 34%
Repetitive work demands: Seven items assessed the of women compared to 21% of men sat in the same
extent work duties involved repetitive movements, position for long periods of time, 81% of women
keyboarding, computer use, and holding an uncomfor- compared to 73% of men worked longer than 5 hours
table posture or body position (e.g., on a routine day per day on a computer, and 30% of women compared to
how often do you have to make repetitive movements 16% of men reported that their job involved making
with your head, neck, arms, hands or fingers). Response repetitive movements all of the time. Women were also
categories ranged from 1=never to 5=all the time. more likely to work in poorly designed and uncomfor-
Items were summed and averaged to form the scale table environments. Fifteen per cent of women, com-
(a ¼ 0:80). pared to 10% of men described their work environments
L. Strazdins, G. Bammer / Social Science & Medicine 58 (2004) 997–1005 1001

Table 1
Age-adjusted gender differences in mean scores for upper body musculoskeletal symptoms and risk factors

Variable Gender Adj. mean 95% confidence interval Difference p

Upper body symptoms Men 7.14 (5.97, 8.31) 2.74 0.001

Women 9.88 (9.16, 10.61)
Repetitive work Men 3.47 (3.37, 3.60) 0.30 0.001
Women 3.77 (3.71, 3.84)
Poor ergonomic equipment Men 2.36 (2.23, 2.50) 0.18 0.022
Women 2.55 (2.47, 2.63)
Job control Men 2.20 (2.08, 2.31) 0.06 0.326
Women 2.131 (2.06, 2.20)
Relaxation and exercise time Men 3.01 (2.88, 3.13) 0.32 0.001
Women 2.68 (2.61, 2.76)

as either uncomfortable or very uncomfortable. In demands and job control were also tested, and were non-
addition, women spent considerably less time than significant.
men exercising or relaxing. Twenty per cent of women However, vulnerability factors may also be important
did no exercise at all and 14% did not spend time and may modify the effects of work conditions and time
relaxing, over the previous month. This compares to to relax and exercise for men and women. After
12% and 10%, respectively, for men. There was, centering all predictor variables to reduce multi-colli-
however, no evidence that women experienced less job nearity (Aiken & West, 1991), cross-product terms for
control than men. For example, 51% of men compared gender with each of the predictor variables were entered
to 60% of women reported that they often or almost into the equation. Only one significant interactive effect
always made decisions about their work, 65% of men for the predictor variables was found, namely time to
and 62% women reported that they often or almost relax and exercise, which was more strongly associated
always had control over the pace that they worked, and with women’s upper body musculoskeletal symptoms
67% of men compared to 64% of women reported they than men’s. Beta weights in separate sex regressions were
often or almost always had control over the amount of b 0.18, po0:01; for women and b 0.00, ns, for men.1
work that they did. In summary, we found no evidence that women are
more affected than men by repetitive work or poor work
Multiple regression analyses testing the vulnerability and conditions, nor was there evidence of a persisting gender
demand models difference due to unmeasured sex-linked factors such as
pain sensitivity or pain perception. Instead, the gender
A hierarchical regression equation (OLS) tested the gap appears to be explained by employed women’s
model that gender differences in upper body musculos- greater exposure to risk factors at work and the
keletal symptoms were due to women’s poorer work difficulty these women face finding time to relax or
conditions (repetitive work demands and poor ergo- exercise outside of work.
nomic equipment) and greater constraints on time to
relax or exercise. A reduction in the size of the
Parenthood and time
standardised b coefficient or beta weight for gender
after entry of the risk factors would provide support for
The gender difference in time to exercise or relax may
this model (Baron & Kenny, 1986). Pearson product–
be due to the gender division of domestic work, which
moment correlations among predictor variables are
becomes most marked for mothers. If this is the case,
appended and show that they are not highly inter-
then being a parent should have different effects on
men’s and women’s time. Simultaneous regression
Table 2 summarises the change in association between
analyses (OLS) with centred variables provided support
gender and upper body musculoskeletal problems after
the exposure variables were included in the equation. 1
The sample was also stratified (upper quartile compared to
The beta weight for gender dropped to become non-
lower three quartiles) in terms of symptom severity. Both
significant, indicating that the gender gap is due to groups showed similar patterns of associations between risk
women encountering more risk factors for musculoske- factors and symptoms, with one exception. Time to relax or
letal problems at work and at home. Following exercise showed a stronger association in the more symptomatic
Karasek’s model of demand and control (Theorell & group (beta coefficient 0.25, po0:001) compared to the lower
Karasek, 1996) interactive effects of repetitive work symptom group (beta coefficient 0.03, ns).
1002 L. Strazdins, G. Bammer / Social Science & Medicine 58 (2004) 997–1005

Table 2 Table 3
Summary of hierarchical regression analyses testing demand Summary of simultaneous regression analyses testing for gender
and vulnerability models of gender differences in upper body differences in the effects of parent status on time to relax and
musculoskeletal symptoms (n ¼ 665) exercise (n ¼ 665)

Predictor B SE B ba Predictor B SE B ba

Step 1 Gender 0.23** 0.08 0.11**

Gender 0.17** 0.04 0.16** Age 0.00 0.00 0.05
Step 2 NESB 0.32** 0.08 0.15**
Gender 0.07 0.04 0.07 Education 0.02 0.02 0.05
Job control 0.04 0.11 0.08 Occupation 0.03 0.02 0.05
Repetitive work 0.27** 0.08 0.43** Workhours 0.00 0.01 0.06
Poor ergonomics 0.09** 0.02 0.19** Parent status 0.25** 0.07 0.14**
Relaxation and exercise time 0.07** 0.02 0.13** Gender  parent status 0.32* 0.16 0.08*

Adjusted R2 ¼ 0:20; po0:01: R2 change 0.03, po0:01 for set Adjusted R2 ¼ 0:09; po0:01: Gender scored 0=male, 1=
one (gender only), R2 change 0.29, po0:01; for set 2 (all female, NESB scored English speaking background=0,
predictors). Gender scored 0=male, 1=female. Age, ethnicity, non-English speaking background=1, Parent scored non-
education, occupational status, workhours and parent status parent=0, parent=1. Missing data deleted listwise.
were entered in a second set after gender to control for possible po0:05;   po0:01:
confounding (coefficients not shown). This set of variables did b standardized beta coefficients.
not contribute significantly to the prediction of upper body
musculoskeletal pain (R2 change 0.02, ns) or affect the beta
coefficient for gender. Missing data deleted listwise. symptoms=4.50, SD=0.87, tð7Þ ¼ 4:25; po0:01).
a Even though the small size of some teams would have
b standardized beta coefficients.
reduced power to detect significant differences, it is
noteworthy that no differences in how the workplace
environment was viewed were found in the larger teams.
for this hypothesis. Gender and parent status interacted These analyses suggest that the effects of workplace
in their effect on time relaxing and exercising (see Table factors on health are unlikely to be greatly confounded
3). On average, women were less likely than men to by the effects of health status on the reporting of
exercise or relax regularly. However, this gender workplace conditions.
difference varied between parents and non-parents.
The gender difference was relatively narrow among
non-parents and widened among parents. Mothers were
the least likely to take time to relax or exercise, whereas Discussion
fatherhood made little difference to men’s time.
This is one of the first studies to explain why women
have an excess risk for upper body musculoskeletal
Comparing ratings of the workplace by respondents with disorders. We compared men and women employed in
and without musculoskeletal disorders white collar clerical and service occupations—the
occupations where women tend to predominate, and
A possible explanation for the associations we have where upper body musculoskeletal problems are pre-
found is that severe musculoskeletal symptoms affected valent. Women in our sample were more likely to report
the way respondents viewed their workplaces. To see if symptoms in their upper body, with nearly a quarter
such a perceptual bias was present, we dichotomised reporting continuous pain suggestive of advanced
respondents on the basis of their symptom levels; those disorder. We tested the possibility that women were
who had no or mild musculoskeletal symptoms, and prone to musculoskeletal problems, either because of a
those with severe or continuous pain. We compared the propensity to report more pain, or because risk factors
ratings of respondents within work teams because they affected them more than men. We found that women’s
were likely to share the same workplace environment. excess risk was due to the different demands that they
Twenty-five teams, ranging in size from 7 to 31 members faced at work and at home. At work, women spent more
were identified. Workplace ratings of team members time using computers, did more repetitive movements,
with and without severe symptoms were compared using and reported poorer and less comfortable equipment.
t-tests (because of the number of comparisons, the Outside of work, women bore the brunt of the unpaid
significance level was set to 0.01). Of the 25 compar- work involved in parenting, and to accommodate the
isons, only one significant difference between ratings was time squeeze, cut back on their exercise and relaxation.
observed (M low symptoms=2.80, SD=0.27, M high In this way, they lost access to activities that protect
L. Strazdins, G. Bammer / Social Science & Medicine 58 (2004) 997–1005 1003

against, or at least may help ameliorate, upper body concern with their health or dissatisfaction with their
musculoskeletal disorders. This pressure on women’s workplace and possibly some gender-based bias in
time is likely to continue as western economies respond responding occurred. We do not have information on
to globalised labour markets and the pace of work non-respondents and cannot assess the extent to which
intensifies. self-selection may have biased our sample. These
This study is also one of the first to address a common limitations may have inflated the prevalence of upper
concern with cross-sectional research on work and body problems, or meant that the workplace was rated
health. If the presence of musculoskeletal symptoms more negatively. We checked for the possibility of an
systematically alters perceptions of work conditions, it effect on the nature of the association between
might suggest that the associations we found between symptoms and risk factors by stratifying the sample by
work conditions and symptoms reflect a perceptual bias gender and symptom severity, and found little difference
rather than a causal relationship. Thus we compared, in effects, with one exception. Constraints on time to
within work teams, the way employees with high and relax or exercise was more important for those
low symptoms rated the teams’ shared workplace respondents reporting relatively more severe symptoms,
environment. We found no evidence that having a thus our results may be most applicable to high
musculoskeletal disorder systematically alters the way symptom groups. Finally, the study was cross sectional
workplaces are perceived, lending more confidence to in design, therefore the associations that we report
our interpretation that work conditions act as risk cannot be considered causal.
factors. However, longitudinal studies are needed, Changes in the nature of work, the sex-segregation of
especially because upper body musculoskeletal disorders women into sedentary, repetitive and routine work, and
are cumulative, likely to evolve over time and intensify the persistent gender imbalance in domestic work, are
during particular life course stages. interlinking factors affecting the health of women in
contemporary Western economies. This study illumi-
Study limitations nates one way that these factors combine to explain
gender differences in musculoskeletal health.
More studies are needed to test the model in different
countries, sectors and organisations. The sample was
white-collar government employees, limiting generalisa- Acknowledgements
bility to private companies and organisations, or to
other industries and occupations with different types of We would like to thank the men and women who
repetitive work demands, such as manufacturing, pack- participated in this study, as well as Monika Reinhart
ing, etc. In addition, the relatively small sample size may and Brian Wilson for their help in conducting the study,
have affected our power to detect differences, especially Comcare Australia for access to the data, Dr. Dorothy
for the men in the sample. The response rate may also Broom, Dr. Rennie D’Souza, Dr. Mark Clements,
mean that some self-selection bias occurred. Perhaps Karen Lees and Marluce Silva for their helpful
employees who volunteered were more likely to have a comments.

Table 4
Intercorrelations among independent variables (n ¼ 665)

Predictors 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1. Gender — 0.09 0.05 0.17 0.16 0.21 0.12 0.19 0.10 0.03 0.17
2. Age — 0.10 0.02 0.14 0.04 0.22 0.08 0.02 0.05 0.05
3. NESB — 0.12 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.03 0.04 0.01 0.17
4. Education — 0.15 0.13 0.13 0.10 0.01 0.08 0.08
5. Occupation — 0.14 0.02 0.23 0.05 0.27 0.11
6. Workhours — 0.29 0.10 0.01 0.15 0.14
7. Parent — 0.05 0.02 0.07 0.17
8. Repetitive work — 0.31 0.27 0.06
9. Equipment — 0.15 0.12
10. Job control — 0.08
11. Time —

Note: Gender scored 0=male, 1=female, NESB scored English speaking background = 0, non-English speaking background=1,
Parent scored non-parent=0, parent=1. ‘Time’ denotes relaxation and exercise time. Bolded correlation coefficients are significant at
the po0:05 level (two tailed). Missing data deleted listwise.
1004 L. Strazdins, G. Bammer / Social Science & Medicine 58 (2004) 997–1005

Appendix A ity in full-time bank employees. Social Science & Medicine,

48, 33–48.
Bivariate intercorrelation matrix of independent vari- Fillingham, R. B., & Ness, T. J. (2000). Sex-related hormonal
ables predicting upper body musculoskeletal pain is influences on pain and analgesic responses. Neuroscience
and Biobehavioural Reviews, 24, 485–501.
given in Table 4.
Fillingham, R. B., Edwards, R. R., & Powell, T. (1999). The
relationship of sex and clinical pain to experimental pain
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