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Wayne State University

Mike Ilitch School of Business

BA 7080 – Strategic Management (Web)
Summer 2020
Scott D. Julian, Ph.D.
439 Ilitch                                                
313-577-4494 (Wayne Office)                                             
734-469-4474 (Home)                                              

Text: Grant, R.M. 2018. Contemporary Strategy Analysis, Text and Cases Edition. 10th
Edition. Wiley. ISBN: 978-1-119-49567-3

Prerequisites: All other MBA core courses; must be taken in the final 12 credits

Course Introduction & Description

This course focuses on the application of theory and concepts regarding strategic formulation and
implementation from the perspective of senior management, to integrate the functional areas and
provide a unified direction for the firm when it is operating in complex local and/or global

Mission Statement:

 This class provides for students information and learning experiences centered on the
ability to build and leverage valuable, unique, and hard to imitate resources and
competencies, leading to a global competitive advantage for both themselves and the
businesses that employ them.
 In accomplishing our mission, the class provides value for our most important stakeholders:
o Students: individuals attending WSU seeking to improve their career prospects by
means of a business masters degree
o Current/Future Employers: businesses competing in global environments who hire
WSU graduates in need of competent and forward-thinking employees
o WSU: this institution, which is striving to provide a distinctive educational experience
in recognition of its urban heritage and mission
o Southeast Michigan Area: in need of continued business innovation and excellence
in order to remain economically viable in the global market into the 21st century
o Michigan Taxpayers: providers of much of the institution's expenses and who
benefit from an educated and skilled workforce

Learning Objectives: this course will particularly address the following Wayne State University
MBA program learning goals through coverage of the associated course strategy tools (consult the
BA 7080 Strategy Tool List in the Canvas course site for explanation of these).

 Critical Thinking
o Comprehensive problem understanding, formulation and frame solution
o Integrate course concepts, provide insightful recommendations
 Environment Analysis
o Understand all dimensions

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o Creative alternatives toward competitive advantage
 Global Analysis
o Understand global dimensions
o Creative solutions using theory
 Integrative Problem Solving
o Identify cross-functional elements of business problems & solutions

Course objectives drawn from these are as follows. Students will . . .

 Thoroughly and critically assess a proposed strategy along the key criteria of strategic
 Construct a comprehensive yet focused strategic plan of action for an actual firm.
 Comprehensively examine, discriminate and analyze the full range of trends, sectors and
forces of a particular firm’s external environment.
 Systematically identify, appraise and prioritize internal resources and competencies
underlying a firm’s potential for sustained competitive advantage.
 Analyze the multinational environment along relevant criteria and generate a strategic
posture that closely aligns with it.
 Create an integrated and complete multi-functional plan of implementation for a selected
strategic trajectory.

Course Grading: We will use the following scale, rounded to the nearest whole number.
A 93 - 100
A- 90 - < 93
B+ 87 - < 90
B 83 - < 87
B- 80 - < 83
C+ 77 - < 80
C 70 - < 77
F 0 - < 70

Grade Breakdown:

Test One 120

Test Two 140
Individual Strategic Analysis 170
Group Strategic Analysis Project 220
Discussion Forums 180
Test Three 170

Graded Course Components:

Discussion Forums: There will be three Discussion Forums in which students are expected to
participate over the semester. See the course schedule for the closing dates.

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Each Forum covers three cases from the text. The task is to demonstrate knowledge and
understanding of various strategy tools covered in class by applying one of them correctly to the
three relevant cases (ideally, three different tools, each one applied once to a different case). The
strategy tools used can be from any lecture, not just ones in the same class session as the case.
(A comprehensive list of these tools in posted on Canvas.)

Each Forum consists of two components: “main post” and “reaction post/replies.” The main post
will be evaluated based on its QUALITY. The main post should be no more than 300 words.
Exceeding this will unfavorably affect the grade. PAY ATTENTION TO THIS.

In this main post you should address three different tools and three cases. (This averages to 100
words per case.) You should apply only one of these tools to each case. Thus, there should be
three tool-case combinations. No tool should be used more than once, and no case should have
more than one tool applied to it.

High quality posts are:

 Organized - well structured, formatted and easy to follow

 Complete - apply strategy tools to all cases pertaining to that Forum
 Varied - apply a different strategy tool to each case
 Succinct - adheres to 300-word limit
 Original - do not merely repeat course content or the insights of others
 Substantial - relate to, and/or explicitly apply, course material
 Correct - applies the strategy tools in an accurate and exact manner
 Logical - provide reasons and evidence for why
 Incisive - demonstrate critical thinking and insightful application
 Respectful - avoid demeaning or needlessly aggressive language or tone
 Grammatical - proper spelling and English usage and/or

In light of these standards, points will be awarded as follows (words in quotes are from the Ladder
of Cogency in Ch00d):

Points Description
0 no contribution
sketchy, incomplete, generally incorrect; no employment of case material; inadequate,
< 33
scattered, puzzling; “puerile”
perfunctory understanding and application of the material; little organization; some clear
34 ~ 38
errors; little employment of case material; marginal, approximate, ambiguous; “possible”
passing understanding and application of the material; correct but shallow usage of
39 ~ 42 strategy tools; basic organization; errors are few; minor employment of case material;
competent, sufficient, general; “plausible”
moderate understanding and application; errors minor and insignificant; uses a few finer
43 ~ 46 aspects of strategy tools; organization clearly structures the content; significant
employment of case material; engaged, interesting, compelling; “probable”
strong understanding and application; error-free; insightful and extensive usage of finer
aspects of strategy tools; near exemplary organization that structures content in a
47 ~ 50
readily accessible way; widespread employment of case material; incisive, outstanding,
vivid; “persuasive”

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Students should also post reactions to other students’ main posts and reply to other students’
reactions. There is no word limit for the reaction posts and replies but a good target would be
around 100 words each. Quality of the “reaction posts” and “replies” will not be evaluated as
heavily. Up to ten additional points will be rewarded approximately as follows.

 1 reaction/reply post; 100 words total: < 2 points

 2 reaction/reply posts; 200 words total: < 6 points
 3 reaction/reply posts; 300 words total: < 10 points

You should post at least 3 reaction/replies. “Words total” means the sum of all such reaction/reply

Posts entered after 11:59 PM on their close date will not be graded. The forums will not close to
posting however, to allow students access to the material even after the close date. Thus, students
will need to participate prior to the forum close date.

Individual Strategic Analysis: The current business environment is utterly unique. In our
lifetimes, nothing like the Coronavirus has occurred, and its effects are without precedent. Firms
struggle with how to do deal with not only severely altered and discontinuous current conditions,
but also with complete unknowns in the mid-and long-term. The need for grounded and creative
strategic thinking has never been greater.

With this in mind, for this assignment, each student must select a company to individually analyze.
This company may not be one that a group is doing for the Strategic Analysis Project (see below)
or that is a Strategic Analysis Project example from a previous semester. It may, however, be one
that is covered in second half of the textbook. (It would be wise to select something that has a
SWOT analysis in Business Source Complete.)

The assignment is a brief analysis and set of recommendations for your selected firm. Given the
current environment, you should focus on the pandemic, how it affects the firm, and what strategic
responses they can take in relation to it. You should exclusively and obviously employ strategy
tools from the course. Doing so successfully is the key grading component, along with applying
these tools to the current Covid environment. A possible general outline is as follows:

 Situational Analysis
 Strategic Agenda
 Strategic Alternatives (List 3, Select1)
 Recommendations
 Assessment

This must be severely abbreviated, no more than two 1.5 spaced pages (using Cambria, 12-
point), with at least 1/2-inch margins all around. It should be in Microsoft Word. I’d recommend
following a bulleted format with brief explanations/justifications of every point, but the structure is
up to you. As well, as make all points in terms of the strategy tools presented in the course. (A
comprehensive list is available in the Strategy Tools Master List in Canvas.) Put your name at the
top of the first page and list any sources on a third page. (Suggestion: save space and don’t
separate major section with blank lines.)

The objective of this assignment is to see if you, as an individual, can think strategically and briefly
and coherently encapsulate the strategic situation of a firm to make plausible recommendations
that effectively respond to current pandemic conditions, as well as likely future fallouts. The

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storyline should be obvious, and your application of course material (the Strategy Tools) in light of
the Coronavirus environment should dominate the analysis.

Turn these in using Canvas Assignments.

Strategic Analysis Project: Early in the semester I will randomly divide the class into groups of 5-
6 students. Each group must select and gather extensive information about a publicly-traded firm
(larger preferred, but not necessary). You may not select a firm covered in the case portion of the
text (after page 374). Also avoid selecting companies involved in addictive and morally
controversial products such as alcohol, tobacco and/or pornography. Such selections would
necessitate discussions of legitimacy (different from legality), ethics and social responsibility that,
while valuable, would detract from the primary focus of this assignment, which is competitive- and
firm-, rather than industry- or product-, based.

This assignment emphasizes concept application, analysis, synthesis, and assessment. Basically,
you will analyze the firm's current situation and make a list of recommendations, taking into
account the problem construction framework discussed early in the class. Obvious data sources
for this assignment are Business Source Complete, company websites, investor-related web
pages, etc.

You should address at least the following areas, probably in something close to this order.

 Brief Overview
 External Context (Opportunities & Threats)
 Internal Frame (Strengths & Weaknesses)
 Strategy Agenda (Symptoms & Causes)
 Recommended Solution
o Mission and Objectives
o Multinational
o Corporate
o Business
o Functional
 Plausibility

The primary deliverable is a PowerPoint presentation with a supporting document as the

secondary one. The presentation should be something that could be covered in a 30-35 time frame
and will be judged as if it was for actual presentation (ie. no slides filled with small font!).

Given the extensiveness and detail of the material associated with this assignment, fitting all of
your work into a PowerPoint presentation may be difficult. To demonstrate the entirety of your
work, also turn in a written supporting document. To provide appropriate credit and avoid
plagiarism, fully cite all sources using APA format. Turn in the paper using Canvas.

As a supporting document, its structure should allow the reader (actually, grader) to easily navigate
it and locate key sections. Using the same font throughout would be a definite creature comfort, for
example. However, the organization requirements for this document are not strict. The basic idea
is that the group may have written material as part of generating the presentation. If so, might as
well include it, too, on the assumption that more probably wouldn’t hurt.

As well, be sure to review the Academic Dishonesty information below.

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Grades involve a variety of factors. I will be primarily assessing the presentation along with the
supporting document as a supplement, according to the following criteria:

- frequent, thorough and effective employment of course concepts (consult the Strategy
Tools Master List in Canvas)
- achievement of course learning objectives
- construction and solution of strategic problem
- analytic intensity and synthetic clarity
- quality of presentation and its content
- degree to which the presentation and ideas pass the plausibility test
- peer evaluations fellow group members fill out about you

Peer Evaluations and Group Performance: At the end of the semester you will be asked to fill
out evaluations of your group members’ performance on the Strategic Analysis project.

The peer evaluation forms are designed for both numeric and written assessment. You (and your
group members) must complete these forms fairly and without bias. Honest assessments can be
either negative or positive, and it is primarily the responsibility of each student to perform in such a
way so that fellow members’ assessment of him/her will be positive.

For example, it is just as important to be in touch with your group as it is to be with me. It is the
individual’s responsibility to be in contact with the group, not the other way around. Further, in
some cases although the quantity and quality of work may be commendable, failure to attend to
deadlines or an overbearing attitude can reduce the overall effectiveness of a group member. They
should be assessed accordingly. These are merely examples; other instances also apply.

Please note you must turn in a peer evaluation on your group or jeopardize your own Strategic
Analysis Project grade.

Tests: Three primarily multiple-choice exams will be given using Respondus Lockdown Browser.
Two-thirds will draw primarily from the notes and one-third from the text. They will focus on the
extent to which you have learned (know and understand) and can use (apply) material from the
course (in keeping with the Ch00a screencast). Thus, the testing does not assess commercial
aptitude or strategic intuition, but the extent to which you have acquired knowledge from content of
this course such that it could provide insights in future business situations.

You will have the option to write explanations of multiple-choice answers. Thus, even if you don’t
know a particular answer, you will be able to demonstrate what you do know for possible partial
credit. More information on the tests will be provided before they are made available. Be sure to
review the Academic Dishonesty information below.

Important notice: the monitoring that occurs with Respondus requires a working webcam. For
further information, please see the section “Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor
Information” which is also below.

University Policies & Information

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(These represent required inclusions to a Wayne State course syllabus. I recognize not all of them
may strictly apply to our online class.)

Religious Holidays: (from the online Academic Calendar):

Because of the extraordinary variety of religious affiliations of the University student body and
staff, the Academic Calendar makes no provisions for religious holidays. However, it is University
policy to respect the faith and religious obligations of the individual. Students with classes or
examinations that conflict with their religious observances are expected to notify their instructors
well in advance so that mutually agreeable alternatives may be worked out.

Student Disabilities Services:

If you have a documented disability that requires accommodations, you will need to register with
Student Disability Services for coordination of your academic accommodations. The Student
Disability Services (SDS) office is located at 1600 David Adamany Undergraduate Library in the
Student Academic Success Services department. The SDS telephone number is 313-577-1851
or 313-202-4216 for videophone use. Once you have your accommodations in place, I will be glad
to meet with you privately during my office hours to discuss your special needs. Student Disability
Services’ mission is to assist the university in creating an accessible community where students
with disabilities have an equal opportunity to fully participate in their educational experience at
Wayne State University. You can learn more about the disability office at

To register with Student Disability Services, complete the online registration

form at:

Counseling and Psychological Services:

It is quite common for college students to experience mental health challenges, such as stress,
anxiety and depression, that interfere with academic performance and negatively impact daily
life. Help is available for any currently enrolled WSU student who is struggling with a mental
health difficulty, at WSU Counseling and Psychological Services (; 313 577-
3398). Other options, for students and nonstudents, include the Counseling and Testing Center,
and the Counseling Psychology Training Clinic, in the WSU College of Education
( Services at all three clinics are free and
confidential. Remember that getting help, before stress reaches a crisis point, is a smart and
courageous thing to do – for yourself, and for those you care about. Also, know that the WSU
Police Department (313 577-2222) has personnel trained to respond sensitively to mental health
emergencies at all hours.

Academic Dishonesty (Plagiarism and Cheating) (Nicole Winkler, MISB):

All acts of academic dishonesty including cheating and plagiarism will be viewed as violations
of appropriate student conduct and they will be dealt with following student due process
policies in effect. Disciplinary actions will be taken as warranted. An act of academic
dishonesty in this course will automatically result in a grade of F on the test or
assignment at issue, and possibly for the course itself. Please, give credit where credit is
due, specifically and consistently. The appropriate use of technology is expected. Please
refer to the material posted on the WSU website regarding academic integrity and acceptable
student conduct and appropriate use of technology resources. The following website provides
clarification and examples of the behaviors that are prohibited.

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Strict compliance with the Wayne State University Academic Integrity policies and the
Student Code of Conduct are required in this course. Any cheating (including collaboration
among students on quizzes or exams), fabrication, plagiarism, or other academic dishonesty
may result in an automatic failing grade for this entire course, irrespective of the specific
context or assessment involved (quiz, research paper, exam, etc.). There is zero tolerance of
academic dishonesty in this course.

In this regard, please be advised that written assignments will be submitted to UNICHECK for
an evaluation of the originality of your work, for assurance that these assignments contain no
plagiarism, and for proper attribution of published sources, and may be included in the
restricted databases of providers such as UNICHECK, solely for the purpose of detecting
plagiarism. Plagiarism is a form of cheating and, consistent with the University's Student
Code of Conduct and our School’s Code of Ethics evidence of plagiarism in written
assignments, or evidence of other violations, are grounds for further disciplinary action.

Types of academic dishonest include, but are not limited to:

 Cheating - fraud, deceit, or dishonesty in an academic assignment, or using or
attempting to use materials, or assisting others in using materials that are prohibited
or inappropriate in the context of the academic assignment in question, such as:
o Copying or attempting to copy from others during an exam or on an assignment.
o Communicating answers with another person during an exam.
o Preprogramming a calculator to contain answers or other unauthorized
information for exams.
o Using unauthorized materials, prepared answers, written notes, or concealed
information during an exam.
o Allowing others to do an assignment or portion of an assignment for you,
including the use of a commercial term-paper service.
o Submission of the same assignment for more than one course without prior
approval of all the instructors involved.
o Collaborating on an exam or assignment with any other person without prior
approval from the instructor.
o Taking an exam for another person or having someone take an exam for you.
 Plagiarism – the use of intellectual material produced by another person without
acknowledging its source, for example:
o Wholesale copying of passages from works of others into your homework,
essay, term paper, or dissertation without acknowledgment.
o Use of the views, opinions, or insights of another without acknowledgment.
o Paraphrasing of another person’s characteristic or original phraseology,
metaphor, or other literary device without acknowledgment.

Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor Information (Nicole Winkler, MISB):

This course requires the use of LockDown Browser for taking online exams. The computer used for
taking exams must also have a built-in or external webcam. The LockDown Browser software
prevents a user from accessing other applications or going to other websites during an exam. The
webcam (Respondus Monitor) records you during the exam to ensure you're only using resources
that are permitted. Together, these tools make it possible for students to take online exams from
any location, and at times that are convenient. It also creates a fair testing environment for
everyone in the course.

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You will need to download and install LockDown Browser to your computer and use it to take tests
(instead of using your normal browser). Do not download a copy of LockDown Browser from
elsewhere on the Internet; those versions won't work at our institution.

Exam Preparation Checklist:

 Ensure you are in a location where you won't be interrupted
 Turn off all mobile devices, phones, etc.
 Clear your desk of all external materials — books, papers, other computers, or devices
 No one else should be in the room with you
 Remain at your desk or workstation for the duration of the test
 Launch the LockDown Browser, you will be taken right to your Blackboard log in page
o Log in and navigate to your course
o Go to your Exam Content area and select the exam
o You will then need to review and agree to the Terms of Use for Respondus
 The Webcam Check will confirm that your webcam and microphone are
working properly.
 The first time the Webcam Check is performed on a computer, Adobe
Flash Player will require you to select Allow and Remember.
o The remaining steps of the Startup Sequence will depend on settings chosen by
your instructor.
o Follow the instructions and note your progress along the top of the screen.
o If you encounter a problem, select the It’s not working link for troubleshooting
o The test will begin after the Startup Sequence is complete.
 If an interruption occurs during the exam, briefly explain what happened by speaking
directly to your webcam
 You cannot exit the exam until all questions are completed and submitted for grading.

Remember that you cannot take the exam using any other Internet browser (Internet Explorer,
Firefox, Safari, etc.) besides the LockDown Browser and that you cannot exit the LockDown
Browser until the quiz is submitted.

Also remember to save your answers as you go along the quiz.

We highly recommend that you use a wired Internet connection as opposed to a wireless
one - if your wireless connection drops, you will get disconnected from the Canvas server and
may have to have it reset.

Pre-test System Check:

Take the system check exam that is posted in your Canvas site at least 1-business day prior to
your exam. Exam extensions will not be granted for last minute technical difficulties.

Testing Accommodations at the Undergraduate Library:

The Undergraduate Library has computers available in the WRT zone where you can take an
exam using Respondus Monitor. Webcams can be checked out at the circulation desk.

Course Drops and Withdrawals:

In the first two weeks of the (full) term, students can drop this class and receive 100% tuition and
course fee cancellation. After the end of the second week there is no tuition or fee cancellation.

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Students who wish to withdraw from the class can initiate a withdrawal request on Academica. You
will receive a transcript notation of WP (passing), WF (failing), or WN (no graded work) at the time
of withdrawal. No withdrawals can be initiated after the end of the tenth week. Students enrolled in
the 10th week and beyond will receive a grade. Because withdrawing from courses may have
negative academic and financial consequences, students considering course withdrawal should
make sure they fully understand all the consequences before taking this step. More information on
this can be found at:

Students Services:

 The Academic Success Center (1600 Undergraduate Library) assists students with
content in select courses and in strengthening study skills. Visit
for schedules and information on study skills workshops, tutoring and supplemental
instruction (primarily in 1000 and 2000 level courses).
 The Writing Research and Technology Zone is located on the 2nd floor of the
Undergraduate Library and provides individual tutoring consultations free of charge. Visit to obtain information on tutors, appointments, and
the type of help they can provide.
 Library research assistance: Working on a research assignment, paper or project?
Trying to figure out how to collect, organize and cite your sources? Wayne State
librarians provide on- campus or online personalized help. Contact them at:

Class Recordings:

Students need prior written permission from the instructor before recording any portion of this
class. If permission is granted, the audio and/or video recording is to be used only for the
student’s personal instructional use. Such recordings are not intended for a wider public
audience, such as postings to the internet or sharing with others. Students registered with
Student Disabilities Services (SDS) who wish to record class materials must present their
specific accommodation to the instructor, who will subsequently comply with the request unless
there is some specific reason why s/he cannot, such as discussion of confidential or protected

I reserve the right to change any portion of this syllabus, with fair and timely warning, if circumstances
warrant it.

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