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The purpose of this experiment is to experimentally determine:

1The hydrostatic force of a vertical, submerged (partially or totally),

Plane surface.
2 To find the point whitch the hydrostatic act.

3 The experiment is compared with a theoretical prediction.

Theory and analysis:

The fluid exerts pressure at every point on a body submerged in it or in contact
with it. The resultant effect of all these pressure acting on the body
is called "Hydrostatic Force", (FR). The point through which this force act is
known as the center of pressure (Cp) of the surface.
Submerged surfaces are found in many engineering applications, such as in
dams, weirs and water gates are familiar examples of submerged surfaces used
to control the flow of water.

The submerged surfaces may be:-

1- Horizontal plane surfaces. 2- Vertical plane surface.

3- Inclined plane surface. 4- Curved surface
The resultant force on the vertical plane surface, as shown in figure (1), with
width (b) perpendicular to the paper and height (H), Know we get to find the
resultant force due to the hydrostatic pressure, as follow:-
Consider the pressure at finite element (dA), on the vertical plat (BC) as shown
in figure (l) below:-

dFR= PdA
Where: h =depth of element from the fluid free surface, and dA= bdh ,
By integrate the both sides to find the total pressure force :-

∫ 𝑑𝐹𝑅 = ∫ 𝛾ℎ(𝑏𝑑ℎ)

ℎ𝑜 +ℎ ℎ2
FR=γb∫ℎ0 ℎ 𝑑ℎ =[ γb [ ]]

γbH[ℎ𝑜 + ]
=> γbHhcg

where ,
Area (A)=b×H
H/2:center of gravity for rectangular

FR=γhc.gA …………….(1)
Equation (1) above is used to find the Hydrostatic Force effect by fluid at
static on the submerged surface in vertical position.

Center of Pressure (hc.p):

The intensity of pressure on an immersed surface is not uniform, but increases
with the depth. That mean the pressure is greater at the lower portion, as shown
in figure below, therefore the resultant pressure force will act at some point,
below the center of gravity. The point through which the resultant pressure
force acts is known as center of pressure and it's always expressed in term of
the depth from the liquid surface. The center of pressure is determined by
taking moments of the force on elementary areas with respect to an axis (say
point B as shown in Fig. Above) and equating it to the product of the distance
of the center of pressure from this axis and the total force on the area.
The moment of the horizontal strip of thickness dh,
Total pressure force on the strip is =γhbdh×h
Moment of this pressure force about B, dM=γhbdh×h
Total moment of all such pressure for whole area, M =∫ ℎ2 𝑏𝑑ℎ
But ∫ ℎ2 𝑏𝑑ℎ : the 2nd moment of inertia (I0).
M=γI0 The sum of moment of the pressure force about B is:
∑𝑀 = 0
hc.p = (Where I0 =IG + Ahc. g 2 )
h c.g
hc.p = +hc.g ……………(2)
h c.g
IG: is the moment of inertia about the horizontal axis through its center of
= e:-Eccentricity (the distance between the c.g and c.p), and it’s clear
h c.g
that the eccentroied inversely proportional with the depth of centre of gravity .
Equation above used to find the center of pressure through which the resultant
force (FR) acts on the vertical plate.
The values of (IG), areas for some important geometrical figure are shown below :
In figure (2) is an experimental device which consist of an annular sector
(quarter-circular) block made of solid material with a vertical rectangular end is
attached to a balance beam. When the device is properly balanced (mass unit
sensor zero reading the face of the sector that is not attached to the beam is
directly below the pivot point axis. The solid sector and the balance beam is
supported above a tank of water.

l-Measure and record the following dimensions:-
. Outer and inner radius R2 and R1 of the sector.
. width, b and height, H of the vertical rectangular plane.
. The length, L, moment arm between the pivot point and the mass unit sensor.
2- Switch on the mass unit sensor, and be sure the reading must be zero when
there is no water in the tank.
3Add water up to some level. During the lab will use three water levels. Make
sure some water levels leave part of the vertical face exposed.
4Measur h , and record the value of balance mass (m) for each water level.
5-Return to step 3 and repeat the measurements for more three water level
above the end top of planc.
Reading and Results:-
R1= 100 mm , R2=200 mm , L=250 mm b=75mm
Part (A) , When h<(R2 – R1):-
sample of calculations:-
=> Wexp. (N)=m(Kg) × g(m/sec)
=> FR=γ×hc.g×A
. A=b×h , hc.g=(h/2)
=> Wtheo.(N) × L(m) = FR(N) × d(m)

. Wtheo.(N) = FR×d

Part (B) , When h>(R2 – R1):-

sample of calculations:-
=> Wexp. (N)=m(Kg)×g(m/sec)
=> FR=γ×hc.g×A
. A=b×(R2 – R1) , hc.g=[h-(R2 – R1)/2] IG
FR=γ×[h-(R2 – R1)/2] × [ b×(R2 – R1)]
=> Wtheo.(N) × L(m) = FR(N) × d(m)
d =R2-[(R2 – R1)/2]+(yc.g – yc.p)
yc.g – yc.p = IG
𝐴h c.g
Where IG
bh 3 b(R 2 – R1)3
IG = =
12 12

Note: Plot the experimentally and theoretically determined weight W, on the

same graph as (y-axis) as a function of water depth h, as( X-axis).

No. Wact (m×g) H, cm W(N),Theo No Wact (m×g) H cm W(N),Theo.

1 6
2 7
3 8
4 9
5 10

Discussion: - Answers
2This change happened because the high level of media and also quantity are
kept at the gate.

3when you the vertical Distance between the media and the level of area to
face change contact with the gate.

4- e=
𝛾×𝑃×ℎ 𝑐.𝑔
d =R2-[(R2 – R1)/2]
Wtheo. × L = FR × d
5You can adopt the weight value on the amount of as well as the
determination depends on the angle of inclination and the means to rise.

6Here we do to take effect, which resulted from media pressure of the weight
of it when we b designed submersible structures such as dams and others and it
is another benefit and he determine and the concentration of pressure points and
we distribute upon each and every geometric shape which is possible through
avoiding failure of gates or dams and other.

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