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Ultimate E-Whore Guide

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Hi there, and thanks for buying my book! My name, obviously, is Snow.Eskimo and I’ve been
around on E-whoring since 2008. I’ve alway been very active in the E-Whoring section and
have personally made thousands from E-whoring. If you want to make money with ZERO
start-up cost, then E-Whoring is the right method for you.

What is E-Whoring?

E-Whoring is a very popular online scamming technique which involves the scammer
interacting with the mark online under the pretence of being a girl who sells her body
online. The most common way of monetizing from this is for the scammer to ask the mark

for money in return for pictures/videos/camshows/articles of clothing. There are some less

common ways in which people can earn money, this often involves trying to make the mark
‘fall in love’ with you over the internet and involves daily contact with the mark where the

scammer talks to them, identifies with them and slowly reveals a very sad story of hardship
to evoke sympathy from the mark and make the mark feel compelled to help financially with

the scammers dire situation. This long-term form of e-whoring can yield HUGE results when
implemented correctly, but you need to have a good story before going in and you must be
able to keep track of the lies you have told in case they are brought up in the future.

Getting Started
The things you need to begin E-Whoring are as follows:

- A fake identity
- A picture/video pack
- A VPN (not needed, but recommended)
- A Fake Skype
- A Fake MSN
- A fake Email

Ultimate E-Whore Guide

Fake Identity

So, if you are going to trick someone into thinking you are someone else online, your story
has to be consistent. If you tell them one thing one day and something completely different
the next, even a love-blind idiot is going to start asking himself questions.

Here is a place that will get you started:

If you are feeling creative, then it’s probably best to create an identity yourself. Personally I
say I am from the city that I’m actually from, this means that my mark can’t catch me out on
anything when it comes to where I live. You need to be as comfortable with the details as
possible so that you can relax into the role.

When thinking about your identity write down the following:

- Your name
- Age
- Location
- What you are doing currently ( if it’s school for example, then write down what

- Personality – write down a few things about the personality you want to adopt

- Email address and password

- MSN details

- Skype details
- Fake Facebook details (if you go this far)

A Picture/Video Pack

I’ve enclosed my entire index of E-Whoring picture and video packs that I’ve collected over
the years; you should be able to find something that suits your needs within (there are over
10,000 files) If not, hop into the E-Whoring section on HF and see if someone has what you
are looking for.
Here is the link to my collection – it’s a large RAR file but shouldn’t take too long to
download. Archive password is :

A Virtual Private Network is a network technology that creates a secure network connection
over a public network such as the Internet. VPN’s are needed most for when you blackmail (
I’ll go over this later) as they hide your IP address and present a different one, un-related to
you but it’s always good practise to use one. Personally I don’t and I’ve never had any
problems, but if you are interested in using one then here are some free VPN’s:

Ultimate E-Whore Guide






Paid VPN’s such as nVPN are very worthwhile if you plan on getting into blackmailing hard
core. You want to look for ones that either keep no logs or delete logs after a short time

Fake Skype, MSN and perhaps Facebook

It’s fairly likely that your mark will have either Skype or MSN, so having one of each makes
things easier for you. You ALWAYS want to get your mark onto Skype or MSN asap after
finding them online, a lot of websites which are good to fish for marks prohibit activities

such as selling nude photos and it’s easy to get banned from them. If you get your mark
onto Skype straight away your accounts on the fishing websites will last much longer.
Making a fake Facebook is easy, create a profile with your fake email and non-nude pictures

of you in albums – it’s a good idea to build this profile up gradually. Play some games such
as Mafia wars, Zynga poker and Farmville – join Facebook groups on them and then post in

the groups saying “Playing “game name” need friends, add me!” then next time you log in

just accept all the requests you get. Rinse and repeat this until you have around 500 friends.


The money you earn from E-whoring has to go somewhere, you have two main options.

1. Amazon Vouchers
2. PayPal

Option 1 is the easiest and safest way to go, this involves creating an or account and when it’s time to pay you explain to your victims that you don’t
have PayPal or anything similar, but you buy all of your school stuff off Amazon so they can
make you an amazon gift card which will be emailed to you. Other excuses for directing your
marks toward Amazon include:

 My PayPal got limited when I tried to sell my bag on eBay, turns out it was fake :(
makes sense as he was such a shitty boyfriend!

Ultimate E-Whore Guide

 Last time I used PayPal I got stalked really badly and had to phone the police, this
way there’s no chance of that :)

For PayPal, you have two options:

Option 1: Use your own PayPal and direct your marks to pay to that with an excuse such as:

 I don’t have PayPal but my best friend lets me use his

 My PayPal is limited, send to my friend
 I use a fake PayPal for doing this because I don’t want my dad seeing it

Option 2: Create a fake PayPal and send it to your main from there.

To do this you will need to create a CANADIAN PayPal. The reason behind this is that
Canadian/Australian/German PayPal accounts are given a $3000 limit before you are
required to add a bank account – this is brilliant, because obviously we don’t have an
account in that name. You just make a new identity every time you are getting up to your
$3000 sending limit.

Notes: There are methods of activating your Canadian PayPal, these often include using a
virtual credit card. There are members on HackForums who offer this service for a minimal

Always make them pay as a GIFT, this means they can’t get the money back easily.


You should always know what your mark does for a job before setting a price, if someone

says I’m unemployed then you start low, if someone says they are a rich businessman then
you start high. A good default price plan for the beginner is as follows:

20 Pictures: $10
40 Pictures: $18
80 Pictures: $35

If you think they have money then start at 20 pictures for $20 and see how you do. I’ve sold
20 pictures for over $300 before, just because I found out what the guy did at the beginning.

Ultimate E-Whore Guide

Where to E-Whore?
When it comes to picking your websites it’s often useful to go through a list of potentials
and narrow it down to 2-3 at first and then more in the future. Focus on these 2-3 websites
and focus on your customer service.


Ultimate E-Whore Guide


Ultimate E-Whore Guide

This is a useful website to have open while E-Whoring, has links to places you might want to

Advertising in chat rooms


For chat rooms you need a very to the point message which you can have in your clip board.
Some chat rooms will block you for spamming, so if there are mods online then only use
your macro on people who PM you. Something like this:

“Hey, here’s me: “shortened image link” selling my nudes and cam shows on Skype
“username” add me if you have hormones and money ;) xxx

Ultimate E-Whore Guide

How to Photoshop, E-Whore Style
Sometimes you will need to entice your mark with a proof picture, something to give him
peace of mind that you are who you say you are. Luckily, we are in the digital age – and this
is easy! You will need to get yourself a copy of Photoshop or have a friend who can help you
out to produce an image of your e-whore with the marks name handwritten on her skin.

Here is a tutorial:

Firstly, you’ll need your image – MAKE SURE this is NOT one you have sent to the mark
previously, otherwise they will figure out that it’s a fabrication.

Here is mine:


Now, I need to write my marks name on her stomach somewhere to prove who I am. Before
opening Photoshop, you’ll need to have a good font to use which bears a likeness to
handwriting. Go here:

Pick a font that you think will be suitable and install it, I’m going to use Hand of Sean.

Ultimate E-Whore Guide

So; open up your image in Photoshop and select the font you wish to use. Write the mark’s
name in black to start with:


After this, you need to resize it and place it somewhere where it will look natural. Use the

“create warped text” button to aid you, I’m using flag:


Ultimate E-Whore Guide

After this, we need to make it look less sharp. We are going to set the opacity to 60%


This is better already, making it blend into the picture slightly – but this alone is not enough.

Now we are going to flatten the image and select the blur tool – strength: 50%

Ultimate E-Whore Guide

After you have blurred it in slightly, it should be looking good – one more thing we need to
do is to smudge it slightly to give the impression it was written in ink. Our finished product:


This was just a quick 5 minute demonstration job, but if you spend time on it you can
achieve some stunning results.

BIG POINT: If you are writing a name which has multiple instances of the same letter, then
things get a little more complicated. You need to alter the size of each repeated letter
slightly and then after that you need to take the eraser and shave a tiny bit off one of them
to give each letter an individual look. If they are EXACTLY the same, it’s easy to see it’s done
with a font but if they are slightly different then it looks like it was hand written.

Ultimate E-Whore Guide

Manycam is a tool which E-Whores use to have cam sessions with their marks. It’s an
extremely useful program which lets you broadcast your video files over webcam.

Download & Install

Upon running the program, you should get a window like this:


Click Text Over Video and uncheck the show manycam logo – it’s a bit of a giveaway to have
that up when you are E-Whoring ;)

Ultimate E-Whore Guide

Make your way to the sources tab, click Movies and then open new files:


Navigate to your cam stash and select the video loops you want to use.

Ultimate E-Whore Guide

If you have a video pack which is chopped into things like “wave” “blow kiss” “play with
boobs” “laugh” “smile” etc then you can load them all up into manycam and double click
them at the right moment for the desired effect. You should always have a “home” video
which is just the girl typing/chilling running on a loop. This is what you revert back to after
you have done your “wave” for example. This lets you focus on typing without having to
worry about what the video is doing. Unless you are a girl, make sure you turn your mic off
when you go on skype or any other type of video chat.

I have included some good video packs with this E-Book.

How to chat
A lot of people respond well to the dumb young girl routine,“Hy bby hw u doin? =)” but
others may respond better to a semi-intelligent girl who is just doing this because she has
to. You chose who you want to be, but be consistent with whatever path you go down. This

lets you improve your fake personality. Here are some words which you might want to
substitute civil English with sometimes:

You: U
Thanks: Thanx, ty, fanks, fancu,

Okay: k, kk, oki, kay, okaaay, okies


Was: waz
Babe: bbz, baby, babs

Use slang a lot basicly.

Putting extra letterssss onn the endddd sometimessss is a pretty good technique too.

However, throw this out of the window if the person talking to you uses perfect grammar
and sophisticated language – if you can have an intelligent conversation with someone
smart then they usually respond very well.

When talking to them, be interested in what they have to say and make sure you remember
key things so you can bring them up later (notepad is a good tool), showing you care. This
will evoke fondness towards you from the mark very early on. When they tell you
something, ask for more info, be interested, identify with them “Whoa, really?! I LOVE Diet
Coke too!” be a bit of a tease, be cheeky and don’t be dirty right from the start – they would
rather give money to someone hot who is interested in them.

Ask for a picture of them, they will usually give you one of their face, or their penis.
Whichever it is you get a photo of, be complimentary – tell them they are hot, cute or sexy

Ultimate E-Whore Guide

and are exactly your type. It’s good to talk about random stuff with your mark sometimes,
be it a TV series or the current political climate in North Korea, it’s their preference. If they
start talking to you about something you don’t know much on, google it and come up with
something interesting to say.

Stories of hardship usually go down well with the mark, they usually empathise and their
generosity increases as a result. You can say you have to raise your baby sister alone or that
you are being molested by your father and this money is going into savings so you can
move. Your imagination is the limit.

You want to find out if people are going to pay as early as possible, you must always aim to
find out if they are here to pay you within 5 minutes, otherwise you will not be very
productive. The best way to do this is to find out what they do for a living – if it’s a highly
paid job, bang – you’re in there if you play your cards right. If they are unemployed, don’t
waste time on them.

Some people just aren’t going to pay, they will ask for samples and will then ask for more.
You will quickly gain a sense of who these people are, once you think you have found one,
block/ignore/delete them and move on. They are timewasters.
Blackmail & Rats –

What is blackmail?

Blackmail, is when the grifter threatens to use revealing, damaging, embarrassing, secretive etc

information in order to get money or other kind of cooperation out of the mark. There are many
ways to do it, and some are more efficient than others. It's pretty much extortion considering you
usually always give a threat of physical action with the threat to reveal said information.

Examples of this are, if you can get photos of someone cheating on their wife. You can blackmail
them for money, because there is a low chance they will turn you into the authorities, as they will
get found out. If you can do it smartly it won't matter if the authorities get involved.

Ultimate E-Whore Guide

Getting info & Doxxing

Now obviously, the best way to get dirty or unwanted information about the person you would like
to blackmail, is by doing it without them knowing, or setting a trap. And to state the obvious from
these forums, we're looking at setting up a keylogger or a RAT. I’m not going to go into a heavy
tutorial on Keylogging and Ratting because the book would get too long, but I will give you an
overview. A RAT is a remote access Trojan, think of it like Teamviewer apart from the person you are
controlling does not know that you are there and there are hundreds of additional features, such as
Keylogging, Audio recording, webcam recording, access to all of the files on their computer which
you can invisibly download, etc.

There are plenty of resources on Hackforums which can help you to set up & crypt your rat, once this
is done, you can bind your server with an image and include that in the .zip file of images you send
your mark.

If, like a lot of people, you don’t want to get into ratting – that’s perfectly fine. We can get
incriminating evidence in other ways.

1. Find out their email: You need their email address, the best way to achieve this is to tell
them your Skype/MSN/AIM is fucked and you’ll have to email them the photos. If you want
to blackmail them, then don’t accept the first address they give you – tell them the mail is

just getting returned to you undelivered and ask if they have another address. If they hand
over another one, that’s one more email to dox. Try www. and -
.E is useful for looking up usernmes – check it out. There is some good
doxing software available around the internet too. Don’t fall for infected links though.

2. After you have their email, finish your initial transaction. If it’s PayPal, you have their full

name. Afterwards, ask for a picture of them. This picture will be used to help you find them
on Facebook/MySpace. If their profile does not have appropriate privacy settings, you are
laughing. Write down the names of his close friends and family. If he has his shields up, add
him as a friend with a fake Facebook profile. Often people list their jobs on their profile, it
only takes one email to get them fired with the evidence you have.

If you have managed to get them to email you, you can take the IP from their email and run it
through This will confirm where they are, in case they say they are from the
opposite side of the word.

A good way to find out if the pictures they are sending you are fake or not, is to head over to A relatively new feature has been implemented that lets you drag and
drop a picture from your computer into the search bar. Google will then cross reference the picture
with the google images index. This will show you any identical or very similar pictures and 8 times
out of 10 will tell you if they are sending a fake picture.

Sending a small amount of money to their PayPal email, from your fake PayPal will also provide you
with a sizable amount of information such as full name and address.

Ultimate E-Whore Guide

Once you have your blackmail material:

You have to be prepared to show them no mercy. Don't rush into blackmailing them with the newly
found information. Maybe you not only found some information, but a weakness. BINGO. Prey on it,
plan it well. Don't be afraid to let them know, without giving up too much. Don't be too threatening,
and don't use something barely incriminating, or they're not going to take you seriously, or they will
just go to the police. Adding them with a fake Facebook account can be profitable, as you can see if
they are in a relationship, as well as who their close friends are. You will be surprised what you can
learn after looking at someone’s Facebook for 10 minutes, this will then give you vulnerabilities you
can exploit with blackmail.

Try to reference something personal that they are keeping secret in the first contact, but please for
the love of god don't spill all the beans. You aren't just dangling a hook in front of them to take,
because fish occasionally get away from the hook. You're danging a lure, with multiple hooks, and
you want all of them as deep as possible. The more damage the more reward. On another note,
keep it short and simple, don't get strung out on the bloke, because he doesn't want to read a diary
of what he did for the last week, that’s just weird too.

Of course you haven't made any demands yet. Leave that for later once they know they are screwed,
plus demands just scare them off, and we don't want to do that either. When it comes to demands,

you have to be able to gauge a few things.


1. How much money can this guy afford to pay?

2. How much is this information not getting out worth?

3. How carefully have I anoynamised myself

After you have considered all of the above, you need to put down a price. Sometimes it’s a good idea

to ask them how much the info is worth to them, if they come out with $100 then you know that you
can say $150 and be fine. Don’t charge too high a price, because if paying you means that they can’t
pay their bills at the end of the month then they might just go to the police.

When you go for the kill, you need to clearly explain the seriousness of their current predicament.
Here is an example so you can see the kind of thing that works:

So, your name is “name” and you are “age” - your email address is “email” and you have girlfriend
called “name”. What would she say if 1. I sent her a FB message with these chat logs and 2. I told the
police all about what went on here and how you, knowing that I was under age accepted naked
pictures and videos of me and 3. Had you put on the sex offenders register for life? I could have you
arrested and sent to prison, I have the evidence right here. Just for good measure I might publish
these logs and the sensitive pictures I received of you to as many of your friends as I can.. such as
“names”. I am ready to release this right now. The only way you can make this all go away is to send
$200 to “whatever your preferred payment method is”. If you block me or ignore me then I’m going
to start socialising with your soon to be ex-friends. Oh, and one more thing – you were kind enough
to list your place of work on your Facebook page.. One email to them with these logs and pictures

Ultimate E-Whore Guide

and your life is over. There’s nothing you can do to prevent this, just accept that you have to pay me.
I’ll be gone forever as soon as I receive payment.

Two more BM letters ( they are public - not written by me, but pretty much the same as mine)

BlackMail Note #1

You do realize you are [slave AGE] and you're name is [NAME] and I am [WHORE AGE, UNDER 18].
This will count as pedophilia in [slave STATE]. By simply sending these chat logs and videos to the
police/cops/feds I could have you arrested and sent to prison for 10+ years easily and have you
permanently put on the sex offenders registry. I could also contact your friends like [FRIEND],
these logs and the video I recorded of you on cam. How do you think they would react?! :) If you
send me [HOW MANY]x $[HOW MUCH] [METHOD OF PAYMENT, (I prefer Amazon Gift Cards)] to
[WHORE EMAIL], I will erase everything and all will be forgotten. I'm giving you 30 seconds to
respond. If you don't respond within the next 30 seconds, all of your friends will know about this and
it will be all over [SOCIAL NETWORK]. If you log off or block me, I'll do all of this immediately. The
choice is yours.

BlackMail Note #2
Hello, my name is [WHORE NAME] and yours is [slave NAME]. Through our [TIME LENGTH] of

chatting, I have figured out your [DOX INFO 1], [DOX INFO 2], [DOX INFO 3], etc. I have also talked to
a few of your friends. I have lots of information about you, but there's something I need to tell you

about myself. I am part of an agency preventing pedophilia on the internet. I'm actually [WHORE
AGE, UNDER 18] and I belong to [MADE UP ORGANIZATION] against pedophilia. Through our time

chatting, I have gathered all of your information, which you can see attached to this email. All of the
videos I have gathered from your cam and all of the photos I have sent will be turned into the [slave
LOCATION] police and also be sent to your friends. The only way to stop this is if you follow my

demands. I would like [AMOUNT OF MONEY] sent to [WHORE EMAIL]'s [FORM OF PAYMENT, (again I
recommend amazon because it can't be charged back.)]
I hope this financial loss teaches you something about pedophilia on the internet, and not everyone
is who they say they are.

Ultimate E-Whore Guide

The Extra Mile
A more advanced E-Whoring method which you can do simultaneously with the normal
method to get money off the people that just aren’t going to pay method starts with you
signing up for dating or webcam affiliates. These affiliates provide $1 pay-outs for free sign-ups. One
such resource for this type of affiliate is at, where as of this writing, they have $1
pay-outs for free signups to the website.

After you have signed up for an account and have your affiliate URL, go to a chat site and sign up for
an account. You can do a search on Google for the top chat sites on the internet. When signing up,
pick a name that sounds like a female name. A good example would be something like "mistylove".
You want a name that sounds "sweet", not something that sounds skanky, like "sexybusty", because
most guys are aware that this is a fake and they will ignore you.

Next you need to get a domain and hosting (Use Hackforums for this, plenty of members will help
you out). Try to use a domain name that is very generic. Create a subdomain and add a PHP
Redirection for your affiliate URL. So when guys enter the subdomain, they will be redirected to your

Affiliate URL landing page. Make it so the URL isn't such an obvious indication that it is an affiliate
link. For example, a good URL would be:

Now go to an image site like or similar and find a photo of a girl to use. Don't get a photo
of some girl showing off her body. Find one that looks like an attractive or pretty girl who is just

posing for the camera. Take this photo and upload it to Get the photo URL and

have it handy to show guys what you look like if they ask.

Finally, go online into the chat room and post that you are looking for anyone to chat with. You will

start getting tons of private messages asking you for your ASL (Age/Sex/Location). Just chat with one
guy at a time until you get the hang of it, then you can chat with multiple users at once to maximize
the amount you make per hour.

In the conversation, tell them that you would like to chat via webcam or to use the chat interface on
your dating website account (webcam/dating sites are your affiliates from PussyCash). Then provide
them your PHP Redirect URL. Tell them to sign up and after they notify you that they signed up, then
place the user on your ignore list and move on to another guy.

Their sign up will have generated $1 for you. Do this over and over and you can make hundreds of $1

Summary Overview:
1. Sign up webcam/dating site affiliate that pays $1 for free sign-ups.
2. Get your affiliate URL to the webcam/dating site.
3. Register an account at a chat website with female name.
4. Create and upload a PHP Redirect url for your affiliate url.
5. Get a photo of pretty girl to show.

Ultimate E-Whore Guide

6. Go to chat room, post that you are looking to talk to a guy.
7. Multiple private messages will appear asking ASL (age/sex/location).
8. Get them to go sign up for your webcam/dating site to chat further.
9. After sign-up, place user on ignore list and repeat steps 6 thru 8.
10. Make $1 per sign-up every minute and get up to $60/hour.

This method has been around for a long time and a lot of online marketers are using it. If you have
ever been in a chat room, you have probably seen them. They are the ones posing as females saying
"Anyone want to see me naked?" or similar such phrases. That approach is a little too obvious and
can have a negative response instead of a positive one, so it is recommended that you take the more
subtle approach of coming across as a nice and sweet, rather than seductive.


Well, that’s it! Hopefully you now have the tools and
the knowledge to go out and make some serious cash!

PM me if you have any questions, good luck!


Ultimate E-Whore Guide

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