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Three issues related to my career and study of choice is Nationwide Crime Rates, Prison Population &

Buildup, and the Costs of Incarceration.

Nationwide Crime Rates have dropped dramatically this last decade as much as a 35% drop in violent
crimes and 47% decrease in property related crimes as well as homicides dropped 50%. The nationwide
arrest rate decreased by 16% and the arrest for drug crimes increased by 93.4%, drug sale and
manufacturings arrests increased by 55% and drug possession arrests increased by 104.5%.

Prison Buildup the last thirty years have increased by 340%. For decades the number of inmates going
into jail far exceeds the numbers being released from jail. In the United States around the year of 2013
2,220,300 people were incarcerated. Increased number of people going in can be attributed to many
factors like increased rates of investigation, prosecution, sentencing, and admissions. Decreasedreleases
can be due to these factors increased sentencing length and decreased eligibility for parole.

Costs of Incarceration in the year of 2010 totaled about 80 billion dollars. The percentage of raised costs
have increased from the year 1980 to 350%. Most of which surprisingly have increased more or so at the
local ad state facilities rather than federal. It mostly can be caused from more women being arrested
than men. Women costs more money in the facility because of the need for feminine products and such.

These all can effect my career and study of choice because for any job you need supply and demand. My
services and I are the supply and guilty and non guilty subjects are my demand. I knew quite a bit about
all of this before I went into the curriculum but did not know the exact specifics till recently.

Criminal Justice Reform: William A. Galston, Oct/14/2016 From

I chose two topics that are both important and tie for issues related to being a defense attorney. They
both affect me and my career because without Crime rates and Cost of incarcerations sky rocketing its
hard for people like me to do my job properly.

First off Crime Rates, in 2019 nationwide have overall decreased 3.1% in violent crimes compared to
2018 preliminary report. Property crimes in the U.S. alone decreased by 5.6% in 2019. Arson crimes
dropped in 2019 to 12.5%. So all in all crime rates have all went down dramatically worldwide. With the
crime rates being down it may be good for the world but sad to say not so good for me, wanting to be a
lawyer. See I would need cases and that requires wrongfully accused people and or people guilty of
crimes, point in case.

And lastly the Costs of Incarceration, did you know nationwide that on average it costs 31 thousand
dollars to house, feed, clothe and take care of each inmate per year and some states even cost up to 60
thousand per year. People do not realize that most of that money comes out of taxpayers pockets. Plus
families of those inmates/victims pay out of pocket costs for phone calls, lawyer fees, gas to visit them
and items in commissary like hygiene products and feminine products. Thats why I believe that
nonviolent offenders should not be imprisoned, causing their families and U.S. tax payers more money
for a crime that is not that serious as others like murderers, rapists, ect , ect.

Christopher Wray/Director-FBI, Preliminary Semiannual Uniform Crime Reports(Jan-Jun2019)

Eliza Mills -Market Place, How Much Does It Cost To Send Someone To Prison(May 19, 2017)

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