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Directions: You should use the strategies taught in this lesson.

See page 21-22 for these strategies.
The following editorial, written by ethicist Trinh state of mind. On the one hand, if pilots could be alerted
Nguyen, appeared in a national newspaper in if they lost concentration while flying, that could raise
December 2018. 35 the quality of transportation safety, but on the other hand
if they were prevented from working based on feeling
Electroencephalography, or EEG, is a technology any emotional disturbance, that would be unfair. What
that detects the brain’s electrical activity and can if monetary bonuses were tied to brain scans? What if
show emotions or other states of mind. Wearable EEG mind-tracking allowed employers to discriminate against
technology is now available as low-profile headsets 40 people whose gender, political beliefs, genetic mental
5 connected to electrodes that read brain waves and record health, or religions did not conform to the “brain type”
that information, similar to wearable technology that desirable in an employee? Even worse, brain data could
monitors heart rate or sleep. The EEG wearables have be hacked, spied upon, stolen, resold, or all of the above
the potential to provide a wealth of services that will so that governments, companies, or organizations could
improve human lives. In the health sector, such brain- 45 make a profit on information gleaned from the mental
10 tracking wearables can help people with epilepsy or states of workers. A further step along the possible
other brain conditions. They can also help people with outcomes of public or mandatory wearable EEGs is that
limited mobility speak, type, or drive using only the someone could be arrested for thinking about committing
power of thought. Yet even as brain-tracking or mind- a crime or for thinking about protesting against a political
tracking becomes more advanced and convenient, it 50 party or politician. The opportunity for controlling
15 raises concerning legal issues about mental privacy people by misusing their mental data is as limitless as
and cognitive liberty. Before brain-tracking becomes the imagination, if an EEG-monitor would allow such
commonplace, measures need to be implemented to creative thought to flourish.
protect the data that comes from a person’s mind. One way to resist the loss of mental privacy is to
In her talk at a TED Salon event in November 2018, 55 restrict the flow of brain data. Even if brain-tracking
20 legal scholar Nita Farahany explained that people do not wearables were used for safety, such as in the example
understand the sensitivity of brain data. In a survey she of pilots, only clearly defined data would be tracked,
conducted, Farahany found that most people believed while the other data would be destroyed, securely stored,
their social security numbers to be more sensitive data or otherwise used according to the individual’s wishes.
than their emotions or opinions. The implications of 60 Brain-tracking technology for health would likewise be
25 this apathy toward the value and importance of brain worn with the individual’s knowledgeable consent and
data, Farahany suggested, hold the potential seriously to with much more robust privacy measures than are in use
compromise people’s privacy—even down to the level of at the moment. Laws that would place rights to brain data
their thoughts. in individuals’ power or that would restrict how brain data
A worst-case scenario about the use or misuse of brain 65 could be recorded or exchanged would also help to protect
30 data can be chilling, and it isn’t that farfetched, either. mental privacy.
People might be required to wear brain trackers for work, Another recourse for legal protections of cognitive
which would give their employers instant access to their liberty would be to focus on brain data rights but also

KD College Prep — 1920 VERBAL 4: A.1
2019 © This material is covered by Federal copyright laws that prohibit its reproduction in whole or in part
without the express, written permission of KD College Prep. No rights claimed for original works of outside authors.
on remedies—or, justice to repair harm—for the misuse 3
70 of data. If someone learned that the data of her mind-
tracking wearable had been mined without her consent, The point of the survey conducted by Farahany was to
she could, for example, receive monetary damages or find out
other reparations for the harm that she sustained. While
this approach tends to assume that people will be harmed A. how many people already used mind-tracking
75 by the misappropriation of their data, on the other hand wearables.
it focuses on proper usage of data with penalties for B. how secure people’s social security numbers were.
misuse, which many consider a fairer legal position than C. whether people agreed that brain data should be
data restriction. Regardless of the exact verbiage of the protected.
laws that could be created, it is important at this point that D. whether people believed their brain data was sensitive
80 some legal framework about cognitive liberties and brain information.
data is constructed at all.
The author implies that brain data tracking “isn’t that
Which question does the main idea of this passage answer farfetched” (line 30) mainly because
most closely?
A. health and safety are reasonable causes for tracking
A. What are mind-tracking wearables? brain data.
B. What are the legal issues at stake in mental privacy? B. corporations are always searching for ways to steal
C. What are the ways, if any, that brain data can be data about individuals.
misused? C. certain nations have already made wearable EEGs
D. Who will write the laws that reflect the protection of mandatory.
cognitive liberty? D. when it comes to data security, there is no real
protection against hackers.
The first paragraph states that EEG wearables
The author most likely employs the two rhetorical
A. possess the potential to cure brain conditions. questions in lines 37-42 in order to
B. are already in use in the health industry.
C. help to predict the way that individuals are likely to A. create fear and resentment towards employers that
vote. connect brain data with wages.
D. can be used to cultivate persona-specific B. explain why workers should refuse to wear EEG
advertisements. trackers recreationally.
C. illustrate some of the worst situations in which brain
data could be misused.
D. compare nefarious business practices to that of

KD College Prep — 1920 VERBAL 4: A.1
2019 © This material is covered by Federal copyright laws that prohibit its reproduction in whole or in part
without the express, written permission of KD College Prep. No rights claimed for original works of outside authors.

6 9

The fourth paragraph (lines 54-66) indicates that It can be inferred from the sentence in lines 73-78
(“While this … restriction”) that a legal debate on the
A. limiting the influx of data will help protect cognitive topic of cognitive liberty lies between
B. brain data is easy to misappropriate when wearable A. whether to use laws to restrict data or to state
brain tracking is mandatory at work. remedies.
C. cognitive liberty is less important than the ability to B. the use of brain data for crime prevention or for
prevent crimes. transportation safety.
D. specifying remedies for misuse of brain data will help C. whether to limit individuals’ rights or governments’
protect cognitive liberties. rights over brain data.
D. to what extent to allow the exchange and sale of brain
7 data or to delete it.

In line 55, “flow” is closest in meaning to

A. flooding
B. leakage
C. transference
D. promulgation

In line 71, “mined” is closest in meaning to

A. deposited
B. excavated
C. hoarded
D. accessed

KD College Prep — 1920 VERBAL 4: A.1
2019 © This material is covered by Federal copyright laws that prohibit its reproduction in whole or in part
without the express, written permission of KD College Prep. No rights claimed for original works of outside authors.

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