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Chat Log C:\Users\REP\Documents\ChatLog Lab Demo FortiGate Security 6_2 Self_Paced _ May

18_19 2020 GMT_2 2020_05_19 17_09.rtf

Aguinaldo Pedro (to Everyone): 13:59: Hi everynone

Alexander Röttger (to Everyone): 13:59: good morning
Ahmed Abdelsalam (to Everyone): 13:59: Hi Aguinaldo :-)
Aguinaldo Pedro (to Everyone): 13:59: Good morning
Hassan Amedioune (to Everyone): 13:59: yes
Ahmed Abdelsalam (to Everyone): 13:59: Yes
Alexander März (to Everyone): 13:59: yes
Stefan Agh (to Everyone): 13:59: yes
Aguinaldo Pedro (to Everyone): 13:59: Yes
Aguinaldo Pedro (to Everyone): 14:00: Are you there?
Ahmed Abdelsalam (to Everyone): 14:01: Yes, we will start in the next few minutes
Wiktor Sedkowski (to Everyone): 14:15: audio gone?
benjamin quidor dit pasquet (to Everyone): 14:15: Hi Everyone, am i alone with no audio ?
Dimitrios Giannoulakis (to Everyone): 14:15: I also cannot hear you
Somma, Gaetano, Vodafone Italy (to Everyone): 14:15: yes, audio gone
Somma, Gaetano, Vodafone Italy (to Everyone): 14:15: yes
Saujanya Bohara Bohara (to Everyone): 14:15: audio gone
Dimitrios Giannoulakis (to Everyone): 14:15: yes
Stefan Agh (to Everyone): 14:15: Yes now OK
Ahmed Abdelsalam (to Everyone): 14:16: Now Yes
Plamenko Hadrovic (to Everyone): 14:19: where can i watch this recorded video?
Ahmed Abdelsalam (to Everyone): 14:19: The recorded video will be avaliable later on the course page
in NSE Training institute website
Ahmed Abdelsalam (to Everyone): 14:19:
benjamin quidor dit pasquet (to Everyone): 14:20: Hi Ahmed, about the deep inspection, we need to
activated another security profile only if we use the Proxy based ? or both case ?
Ahmed Abdelsalam (to Everyone): 14:22: @benjamin, in both cases if you would like to do deep ssl
inspection to decrypt and inspect https traffic
Ahmed Abdelsalam (to Everyone): 14:24: SSL inspection is a profile that you usually enable along with
many other profiles (AV, webfilter, App control,..etc) to decrypt any encrypted traffic so it can be examined
by the assigned security engine (AV, App control ,...etc)
Wiktor Sedkowski (to Everyone): 14:24: so to use those features related to keyword searching or
youtube content blocking, we need ssl inspection right?
benjamin quidor dit pasquet (to Everyone): 14:25: Thk !
Ahmed Abdelsalam (to Everyone): 14:26: @Wiktor, yes for any content inspection we will need deep ssl
Ahmed Abdelsalam (to Everyone): 14:27: because it is part of the packet payload
Wiktor Sedkowski (to Everyone): 14:28: yup, thx
Ahmed Abdelsalam (to Everyone): 14:28: You are most welcome :-)
Dimitrios Giannoulakis (to Everyone): 14:51: will the Application Control work if I left th policy mode to
proxy ?
Ahmed Abdelsalam (to Everyone): 14:52: Yes
Dimitrios Giannoulakis (to Everyone): 14:52: thanks
Ahmed Abdelsalam (to Everyone): 14:53: Application control can be configured in proxy-based and
flow-based firewall policies. However, because application control uses the IPS engine, which uses flow-
based inspection, inspection is always flow-based.
Dimitrios Giannoulakis (to Everyone): 14:53: great, makes sence
Ahmed Abdelsalam (to Everyone): 14:54: Yeah :-)
Dimitrios Giannoulakis (to Everyone): 15:14: yes
Hassan Amedioune (to Everyone): 15:14: yes
Thierry Tummers (to Everyone): 15:14: yes
Stefan Agh (to Everyone): 15:14: yes
Hassan Amedioune (to Everyone): 15:19: Hi Ahmed,without a License you can't see the menu option
Application Signatures? is that right? or is that a new option on the new version?
Ahmed Abdelsalam (to Everyone): 15:19: Hi Hassan, Hassan in answering now :-)
Hassan Amedioune (to Everyone): 15:19: ah ok I see.
Hassan Amedioune (to Everyone): 15:20: thank you,
Shamsudeen E.P (to Everyone): 15:20: cannot see proxybased webfiltering in 6.2.3
Ahmed Abdelsalam (to Everyone): 15:20: You are most welcome
Ahmed Abdelsalam (to Everyone): 15:21: Shamsudeen, please check system > feature visability
Shamsudeen E.P (to Everyone): 15:23: what to check in feature visibility?
Ahmed Abdelsalam (to Everyone): 15:23: Explicit proxy
Shamsudeen E.P (to Everyone): 15:23: ok
Ahmed Abdelsalam (to Everyone): 15:24: I think you mean WAF (Web Application Firewall). Right?
Shamsudeen E.P (to Everyone): 15:24: explicity procy is alreday enabled
Shamsudeen E.P (to Everyone): 15:24: but still not able to see proxy option in webfilter
Ahmed Abdelsalam (to Everyone): 15:25: You mean the feature set in the webfilter profile? (Proxy or
Ahmed Abdelsalam (to Everyone): 15:26: or you mean the Web Application Firewall profile
Ahmed Abdelsalam (to Everyone): 15:26: please clarify :-)
Hassan Amedioune (to Everyone): 15:38: Is it making any sense to configure deep inspection and all
those sec features for servers that are in backend? Especially if those only contact some trusted websites
(as microsoft..)?
Ahmed Abdelsalam (to Everyone): 15:39: Yes, because the attacking techniques used by Threat actors or
Hassan Amedioune (to Everyone): 15:40: ok thx
Ahmed Abdelsalam (to Everyone): 15:40: Attacks like SQL injection, i-frame injection and cross-site
scripting. It is payload attack
Ahmed Abdelsalam (to Everyone): 15:41: someone can just inject a malicious code to your webserver
Ahmed Abdelsalam (to Everyone): 15:41: this isn't a virus that can be detected easily
Hassan Amedioune (to Everyone): 15:41: ok thank you
Ahmed Abdelsalam (to Everyone): 15:42: and for SQL injection, the hacker just need to enter a SQL
injection command as an entry for the username field of your SQL database web interface
Wiktor Sedkowski (to Everyone): 15:48: '; drop table movies
Wiktor Sedkowski (to Everyone): 15:48: ;-)
Dimitrios Giannoulakis (to Everyone): 15:55: if I enable web filtering, and AV, and IPS, and App Control,
on a single policy, then what will be the order of inspection ?
Ahmed Abdelsalam (to Everyone): 15:56: Great Question. I will share with you the packet flow document
which will clarify this point :-)
Dimitrios Giannoulakis (to Everyone): 15:56: thanks
Ahmed Abdelsalam (to Everyone): 15:57:
Ahmed Abdelsalam (to Everyone): 15:58: This document shows packet flow in different configuration
scanrios :-)
Dimitrios Giannoulakis (to Everyone): 15:58: thanks
Ahmed Abdelsalam (to Everyone): 15:59: you are most welcome :-)
Hassan Amedioune (to Everyone): 16:09: great thanx
Ahmed Abdelsalam (to Everyone): 16:10: you are most welcome :-)
Dimitrios Giannoulakis (to Everyone): 16:13: why all and not only the ssl pool ?
Hassan Amedioune (to Everyone): 16:13: Is that the same if you take both interfaces in a Zone? oinstead
of multiple IFs?
Dimitrios Giannoulakis (to Everyone): 16:14: ok, thanks
Ahmed Abdelsalam (to Everyone): 16:14: @ Hassan
Ahmed Abdelsalam (to Everyone): 16:14: yes
Ahmed Abdelsalam (to Everyone): 16:15: You can create a zone and selected later :_
Ahmed Abdelsalam (to Everyone): 16:15: :-)
Hassan Amedioune (to Everyone): 16:15: But in this scnario the IFs are not the same Zone.
Hassan Amedioune (to Everyone): 16:16: I mean is that not a security issues, if you put both Ifs in the
same Zone?
Hassan Amedioune (to Everyone): 16:17: ok thx
Hassan Amedioune (to Everyone): 16:17: okI see
Kaleab Kassahun (to Everyone): 16:19: Do we have etherchannel on fortigate?
Ahmed Abdelsalam (to Everyone): 16:20: yes, we can configure it
Ahmed Abdelsalam (to Everyone): 16:20: etherchannel 802.3ad
Hassan Amedioune (to Everyone): 16:20: audio goes and comes
benjamin quidor dit pasquet (to Everyone): 16:21: yep, no audio
Dimitrios Giannoulakis (to Everyone): 16:21: I cannot hear you as well
Hassan Amedioune (to Everyone): 16:21: yes
Somma, Gaetano, Vodafone Italy (to Everyone): 16:21: yes
benjamin quidor dit pasquet (to Everyone): 16:21: yes, it's ok now
Alexander März (to Everyone): 16:21: yes
Ahmed Abdelsalam (to Everyone): 16:21: @Kaleab:
Somma, Gaetano, Vodafone Italy (to Everyone): 16:32: Connectivity issues for you too?
Somma, Gaetano, Vodafone Italy (to Everyone): 16:33: for me audio gone
Ahmed Abdelsalam (to Everyone): 16:33: Sorry Somma, are you facing any issues
Ahmed Abdelsalam (to Everyone): 16:33: We are currently in a break
Ahmed Abdelsalam (to Everyone): 16:33: we will be back in two minutes :-)
Somma, Gaetano, Vodafone Italy (to Everyone): 16:34: I didn't hear that
Somma, Gaetano, Vodafone Italy (to Everyone): 16:34: I'll restart goto meeting
Ahmed Abdelsalam (to Everyone): 16:34: Yes please. Thanks!!
Somma, Gaetano, Vodafone Italy (to Everyone): 16:36: ok I can now see the video again
Ahmed Abdelsalam (to Everyone): 16:36: Great :-)
Dimitrios Giannoulakis (to Everyone): 16:57: do local subnet on Local Forti has to much the remote
subnet on remote forti. I mean in ipsec settings
Dimitrios Giannoulakis (to Everyone): 16:58: thanks
Mick Mortensen (to Everyone): 17:01: i think you put the worng local subnet on the local fortigate
David Tyler (to Everyone): 17:05: Im good thanks!
Saujanya Bohara Bohara (to Everyone): 17:05: than you for your time
Ahmed Abdelsalam (to Everyone): 17:06: <>.

Ahmed Abdelsalam (to Everyone): 17:06:

Somma, Gaetano, Vodafone Italy (to Everyone): 17:07: Are you going to send us the videos that tou
have been recording?
Somma, Gaetano, Vodafone Italy (to Everyone): 17:07: ok thanks
Saujanya Bohara Bohara (to Everyone): 17:07: for partners do i have to sing up from training page
Hassan Amedioune (to Everyone): 17:07: thank you both for the great session also today.
Braamhaar, Hans (to Everyone): 17:08: Thanks for the sessions, great!
Stefan Agh (to Everyone): 17:08: Thank you. Bye :-)
benjamin quidor dit pasquet (to Everyone): 17:08: Thank both for you time.
Pat Rodgers (to Everyone): 17:08: Thank you very much
Mick Mortensen (to Everyone): 17:08: Thank you for today
Thierry Tummers (to Everyone): 17:08: Thank you
Alexander Röttger (to Everyone): 17:08: thx
Karoline Skoric (to Everyone): 17:08: Thank you.
percival sithole (to Everyone): 17:08: thx
Ahmed Abdelsalam (to Everyone): 17:08: Thank you all :-)
Mick Mortensen (to Everyone): 17:09: Thank you bye,
Sebastian Szmytka (to Everyone): 17:09: thank you lads, all the best

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