Final Critic No. 2 - Filipino Culture of Filling Up Space in A Gated Community

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FABABEIR October 01, 2019

MaEd – Mathematics

Critique Paper No. 2

Filipino Culture of Filling Up Space in a Gated Community

This article is an observation of the author on how Filipino Culture filling up spaces in a Gated
Community or what we called subdivision on this modern day. The author of this article is Ar. Clarissa M.
Lorenzo who is a member of United Architects of the Philippines. The main idea of my critique on this
article is the positivity and negativity of Filling Up Space in Gated Community affected by Filipino Culture.
This article started by an abstract that over view the whole article to easily understand by the reader.
Stated first is the Filipino Culture from Filipino Family who is a noisy and colorful household. Another
quality is have a strong family ties. Another is Filipino Home like "bahay kubo" which is a semi-permanent
bungalow made house that are no partitions, the interior is one open area and the whole family sleeps
together every night. Second is Philippine Spatial Dynamics from the maximalism which is to maximize
spaces and not letting empty spaces unfilled. The typical Filipino home has every wall covered with
paintings, photographs and assorted memorabilia. A veranda cannot have just one table and two chairs; it
must also have an altar and so another table, plants, the Banga and a small rocking horse. The Filipino
study focused on residential communities and the cultural parameters that influences community
architecture. The "Horror Vacui" is a Latin expression used to describe the interiors wherein rooms were
filled and walls were covered with variety of objects. The "maximalism" which common Filipino is a
maximalist, filling up every available space with forms and things. The "Sayang" is loosely translated as
"what a waste", common expressions are "pwede pa yan" and "Malay mo magamit pa". The "abubot" is
linked with knick-knacks or trinkets. A souvenir or gift becoming priceless and difficult to part with. The
"burloloy" is an accessory, item or detail that completes. Third is The Filipino Culture of Filling Up
Space in a Gated Community or what we called subdivision in the modern days. It stems from the
concept of "bahay Kubo" which Filipinos have a need to fill empty spaces. In a song entitled "bahay Kubo"
stated that "bahay Kubo kahit munti Ang halaman doon ay sari-sari...", even in a what we called
subdivision who is known as a high class way of living on this country there are ornaments around the
house thats why Filipino Culture is so much different to other foreign culture.
As I carefully read this article I observed that the author started to explain on the culture of the
Filipino from family to kinds of home of every filipino. He introduced next the Spatial Dynamics of the
Filipino that observe maximalism which uses every spaces within their vicinity. The attitude of not giving
up everything that came from the word "Sayang" or the common expressions "pwede pa yan" and "Malay
mo magamit pa" and lastly the Filipino Culture of Filling Up Space in a Gated Community which they have
strong feeling that in time that spaces have a myriad uses. For me the exact title is "Factors resulting to
Filling up Space in Gated Community based on Filipino Culture" because on this article introduces the
factors why we are filling up spaces and keeping up something for the use in the future. The attitude of
Filipinos that not giving up something or what we called "Sayang". The "abubot" which is priceless and
"burloloy" which give completeness and have a lesser importance based on the consultations with
professionals from different fields.
Based on my understanding the Filipino Culture of Filing Up Space in a Gated Community is
adopted from our attitude of deeply love in everything that are came from fruit of our hard work, that's why
we are experiencing difficult to give up everything which has a strong connection to our heart that
resulting to putting this item on spaces within the vicinity of our houses. Maximizing areas and
opportunities of something is the reason why we Filipinos filling up spaces in Gated community.

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