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Interview questions:

1. Tell me something about yourself.

2. What are your strengths?
3. What are your weaknesses?
4. Why should we hire you?
5. There are thousands of applicants wanting to be part of the Kyes team, what is your edge from
6. You’re underqualified, you’re just a fresh grad, and you’re wet behind the ears, why should we
hire you?
7. I’m sorry but the starting salary is just PHP5, 000 per month. Would you still apply for the job?
8. Tell me something about your family life?
9. What can you sacrifice for this company?
10.Why should we not hire you?
11.In your 20 years of education, what is the best learning that you have encountered? And how can
you apply it to your current profession?
12.What is your mantra in life?
13.Who’s your favourite author?
14.What should a ___________ possess? Do you have such?
15.Why should I take risk in giving a job to a stranger like you?
16.How do you view yourself, 5 years from now?
17.Are you going to stay here for a long time?
18.Can we count on your loyalty?
19.What if there will be a job opportunity abroad, are you going to leave the firm?
20.How much would you like to be your monthly salary?

More queries: (finance)

1. What motivates you to work in my company?
2. What is your greatest achievement?
3. What can you bring to this role that you’re certain other applicants can’t?
4. What hurdles or obstacles have you overcome?
5. What would previous co-workers and managers say about you?
6. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
7. Are you willing to relocate?
8. Are you willing to work all hours?
9. Do you play sports?
10.What other industries are you looking into?
11.What was the worst class you had in college?
12.If you could only pic one, what stock would you pick and why?
13.What do you know about our company, our competition, and our industry as a whole?

1. Can you tell me about a recent project or process that you made better, faster, smarter, more
efficient or less expensive?
2. You’ve just been assigned to a project involving a new technology. How would you get started?
3. With your eyes closed, tell me step-by-step how to tie my shoes.
4. What technology-related blogs, podcasts, tweets or websites do you follow? Do you share any
information yourself on-line?

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