How To Start and Finish A Conversation: Example 1

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Personal Information Level A1

How to start and finish a conversation

• How are you? • Good • I’ve got to go now

• How do you do? • Pretty good • Sorry, I’d better be off
• How's it going? • Not bad • See you
• What's going on? • Not so good • See you later/soon
• How are things with you? • Not great • Thanks for your help
• What’s new? • Not so well • Nice to meet you
• What’s up? • Not much • Bye

Personal information

• What’s your name?

• Where are you from? • What’s your passport number/ID number?
• Are you married or single? • What’s your address?
• Marital status? • How old are you?
• What’s your phone number • What’s your email address?

Conversation examples
Example 1
A.- Good morning, welcome to ALX Company
How do you do?
B.- Pretty good, thanks
A.- Is It your first interview?
B.- Yes, it is
A.- Could you help me with some personal information?
B.- Sure, no problem
A.- What’s your name?
B.- I’m Michael Scott
A.- How do you spell that?
B.- M I C H A E L S C O T T
A- How old are you?
B.- I’m 27 years old
A.- Where’re you from?
B.- I’m from Australia but currently I live in London.
A.- Please, give me your phone number and an e-mail
This is to send you some information about the company
B.- Sure, my e-mail address is and my mobile number is 992046835
A.-Thank you, let’s continue with the interview

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Personal Information Level A1
Example 2
A.- Excuse me! Are you Mr. Robins?
B.- Yes, I am
A.- Oh It’s amazing. How do you do Mr. Robbins? I Love your paintings
B.- Oh really? Thank you. What’s your name?
B.- I’m Liliana
A.- Nice to meet you Miss Liliana or is it Mrs. Liliana?
B.- Miss Liliana is ok
A.- Perfect. Where you from? You aren’t Italian.
B.- I’m from Russia but I’m living in Rome
A- Are you here for work?
B.- No, I’m not. I’m getting my graduate degree
A.- That’s great. Oh, sorry I lose the track of time.
I have to go now. I have a meeting.
B.- No problem I understand. Goodbye Mr. Robins
A.- By, nice to meet you

1.- Create a conversation for each situation. Use phrases to start and finish and conversation
and ask for personal information.

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Describing your family Level A1

Your family
• Father • Aunt • Grandson/Granddaughter
• Mother • Nephew • Godfather/Godmother
• Brother • Niece • Bother/sister in law
• Sister • Cousin • Son/daughter in law
• Son • Grandfather/mother • Father/mother in law
• Daughter • Grandparents • Step father/mother
• Uncle • Grand children • Step son/daughter

People Jobs
• Baby/Child
• Boy/Girl • Engineer • Cook
• Teenager • Lawyer • Baker
• Doctor
• Parents • Factory worker
• Teacher •
• Relative Shop assistant
• A sales manager •
• Acquaintance Cashier
• CEO • Hairdresser
• Boyfriend/girlfriend • Accountant • Housewife
• Married couple • Architect • Waiter/Waitress
• Oldman/woman • Psychologist • Farmer
• Seniors • Researcher

Example 1
A.- Who is she?
B.- She is my sister
A.- What’s her name?
B.- My sister’s name’s Rita
A.- What’s her profession?
B.- She is an English teacher

Example 2

A.- My wife’s brother is a Travel agent

B.- He can help you planning
your family’s travel
B.- That’s great. Can you give his number?
I’d like to call him to ask for some information
A.- Yes, His name is Mike and his phone number is 3042605

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Describing your family Level A1

Example 3 Example 4
This is Carlos’ wife’s son That is a picture of my sister’s wedding
He isn’t a Journalist My brother in law’s name’s Jason.
He is a photographer He is a Sailor. He is wearing his uniform
These are some of his main pictures Those are all my family’s members

1.- Make a description about your family. What’s your family relationship? What do they work
on? Use articles (a, an) and possessives (‘s)

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Describing people Level A1

Good Personality Demonstratives

• Brave • Crafty • Loyal

• Calm • Enthusiastic • Polite This
• Charming • Fair • Reliable
• Clever • Funny • Smart
• Cheerful • Intelligent • Sympathetic
• Confident • Kind • Nice That
• •
Bad Personality
• Annoying • Dishonest • Thoughtless
• Aggressive • Disloyal • Moody
• Boring • Jealous • Restless
• Bossy • Lazy • Shy Those
• Clumsy • Rude • Unreliable
• Cruel • Sneering • Vain


Example 1

This young man is my friend Mark. He lives in

England. He is a musician. He’s 22 years old. He is
very cheerful and kind. His mother is the famous
British singer Ava. She is a very talented woman.
As you can see, they are a very interesting family.

Example 2

That man in the picture is my boss. His name is

Roberto. He is 35 years old. He is the advertising
director of the company I work. He is very Annoying.
And clumsy. He always wears ridiculous clothes. He
isn’t easy-going. By the way I have to stand him.

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Describing people Level A1

1.- Describe the following people (name, age, nationality, relationship, profession,

2.- Make a short presentation of yourself (name, age, nationality, where do you live? Who
do you live? Profession or occupation, personality)

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Ask for Information Level A1

Places in the city

• Bus station • Music shop • Police station • Supermarket

• Airport • Book shop/Book store • Hospital • Cinema
• Ticket office • Grocery store • Pharmacy • Gym
• Platform • Craft store • Hotel • Hairdresser's/Barber's
• Restaurant • Cash machine/ATM • Library • Church
• Café • Bank • School • Park
• Pub/Bar • Car park/Parking • University • Museum
• • Mall
Bakery • Service station • Factory
• • Zoo

Ask for information

• Excuse me, where are the taxis, please? Prepositions of place

• Excuse me, where can I find a cash machine?
• Is the cinema next to the music shop?
• Could you tell me where the bank is? • Near of
• Do you know where the toilets are? • Next to / beside to
• In front of
• Between of …. and….
• Yes, It’s over there • Behind you
• Yes, they are near the cark park • Upstairs/downstairs
• Yes, they are upstairs / downstairs • Over there
• No, it isn’t. It’s next to the book store • Outside/Inside
• Sorry, I don’t know

Example 1
A.- Excuse me, I'm new in the city and I'm a bit lost
Could you tell me where the bank is?
B.- Yes, It's near the park. Just next to the chemist's
A.- Oh, Thanks for your help.
B.- It's a pleasure

Example 2
A.- Excuse me, Is there a bakery near here?
B.- Yes Sir. It’s one in front of the Library.
A.- Can you show me on the map? Please
B.- Yes, of course. Bakery…That is It there

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Ask for Information Level A1
Example 3
A.- Excuse me, I’m looking for the North street exit
B.- Erm, just a moment. Let’s have a look at the map
Oh yes, here It is. It’s at the other end of the shopping center
Near the book shop
A- Wonderful, thanks

1.- Make questions to know where are each place in the next map. Answer the questions
using prepositions of place

2.- You are a tourist and you are in an airport. Make a script asking someone for a place to get
cash, to get something to eat, to get a taxi, and to make a phone call.

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Countries and nationalities Level A1

Countries and nationalities

• China- Chinese • Italy-Italian • Brasil-Brasilian

• Japan-Japanese • France-French • Argentina Argentinian
• Korea-Korean • Spain-Spanish • Colombia colombian
• Canada-Canadian • Egypt-Egyptian • Peru-Peruvian
• United States-American • Turkey-Turkish • Ecuador-Ecuadorian
• England-British • Greece-Greek • Venezuela Venezuelan
• Germany-German • Russia-Russian • Cuba-Cuban

Country’s Information Languages

• Where are you from?

• Do you speak French?
• What’s your nationality?
• How well do you speak Italian?
• What’s the language of your country?
• Do you speak any other language?
• What’s the capital of your country?
• What’s the currency of your country?
• I speak French very well
• I speak German quiet well
• I speak a little Italian
Examples • I don’t speak Spanish
• I speak Portuguese but I don’t speak Spanish
Example 1 • I speak English and Greek
My name is Alan. I’m swiss. I live in Switzerland
I live in Berna. Its currency is the Swiss franc and
the main language is French although I speak german too.
My mother is from Italia so I can speak a little Italian

Example 2
A.- Hi Annie, can you understand this phrase?
B.- Oh yes, It’s easy. This means Good luck.
A.- Oh, I don’t know you can speak German
B.- Yes, I can. It could be a little difficult but
my boyfriend is from Germany and he taught me.
So, I speak English and a little german too

1. Makes a friend’s description. Where does he/she live? (Country, language, nationality,
country’s capital, currency) What other language does he/she speak? Why does he/she
speak another language?

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• House-s • Church-es • Country-ies

• Boy-s • Bush-es • Factory-ies
• Page-s • Glass-es • City-ies
• Tree-s • Bus-es
• Car-s • Box-es


• Man-Men • Foot-Feet
• Woman-Women • Mouse-Mice
• Child-Children • Fish-Fish
• Person-People • Sheep-Sheep
• Tooth-Teeth • Species-Species
• •

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