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THURSDAY, JULY 9, 2020 / Sunny, 91°/ Weather: P. 28 HH LATE CITY FINAL • • • • $2.00

Students will go to
school in person only
2-3 days a week in the
fall, Mayor de Blasio
and Chancellor
Richard Carranza
announced yesterday
— leaving working
parents angry about
how that will affect
kids and child care.


Parents rip Blas-Carranza’s half-in, Post photo illustration: Peter LaVigna

half-out, half-assed school plan


News Columns
Karol Markowicz . . . . . . 4

Put cops on buses to

Miranda Devine . . . . . . 12
Maureen Callahan . . . 22
Weird But True . . . . . . . 24
Page Six . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

enforce masks: TWU

New York Post, Thursday, July 9, 2020

Cindy Adams . . . . . . . . . 16
Post Opinion p. 25-27
Betsy McCaughey . . . 25
Julie Kelly . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Kelly Jane Torrance . . 27
Weather p. 28
Business p. 29-31
Features & Lifestyle By DaviD Meyer
Transit Reporter
Su Doku . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Crossword . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 The MTA’s largest union wants
Scrabble Grams . . . . . . 32 cops assigned to buses to make sure
Horoscope . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 riders wear masks — with drivers
Home p. 33-35 saying up to half of their passengers
don’t cover their faces.
Classifieds p. 37 “The MTA and the city both
Sports p. 37-49 should deploy their police to this
health hazard. If someone doesn’t
Belmont Selections . . 38 have a mask, they should be es-
Brian Costello . . . . . . . . 43 corted off the bus and hit with a
Steve Serby . . . . . . . . . . . 46 $100 fine like farebeating,” Trans-
Ken Davidoff . . . . . . . . . . 48 port Workers Union Local 100 pres- get one free:
Television p. 50-51 ident Tony Utano said in a state- An MTA worker
ment issued late Tuesday. hands out masks at
Post contact numbers He called the scourge of un- Fulton Street. The
Editorial masked passengers “much worse head of the agency’s
Main Office . . . . . . . . (212) 930-8000 than farebeating.” largest union says

Gregory P. Mango
News Tips . . . . . . . . . (212) 930-8500
Sports Desk . . . . . . . . (212) 930-8700
“This is jeopardizing the health of the rise of maskless
Advertising riders and bus operators,” Utano riders is “much
Classified . . . . . . . . . . (212) 930-8100 said. “If they want social workers worse than
Circulation and Home Delivery out there handing out masks, that
Customer Service . . . . (800) 552-7678
Mail subscription & back issues:
would be fine too, but there has to
All orders, changes of address and be real enforcement.”
inquiries, contact New York Post, P.O. Box
1407, Bellmawr, NJ, 08099 or phone 1-888- An MTA survey last month found ing in August. The agency is also in- bus is so crowded, people want to are going to leave,” Felix said. “They
208-4157. Foreign and domestic mail
subscription rates available upon request
90 percent of subway riders were stalling plexiglass shields around wear a mask for others,” said Felix, still have a lot of symptoms, and
to the Publishers Information Center, Inc. wearing masks — but one bus oper- bus-driver seats. who contracted the virus in March. they’re struggling with them.”
Postmaster: Send address changes to The ator told The Post compliance is “They’re going to take down our “My calves feel very, very sore a In a statement, MTA rep Abbey
New York Post, 1211 Ave. of the Americas,
NY, NY 10036-8790. now much lower on her route in old protection and put in new pro- lot, which is kind of weird to me. Collins blasted the TWU for its
Vol. 219, No. 237. Copyright © 2020, NYP Manhattan. tection, and there’s no guarantee I’ve never had that problem,” he push for additional enforcement.
Holdings Inc. (USPS-383200). Published
daily by NYP Holdings Inc., “I would say it’s 50-50, especially that will work,” she said. “There’s said. “Sometimes I do start strug- She said a new survey on mask
1211 Ave. of the
since it’s gotten warmer. I’m not going to be too many people close gling with my breathing.” compliance on buses is underway,
New York, NY saying I don’t understand that, but to our area.” The MTA has lost 132 employees but insisted “the vast majority of
we have to wear it for eight hours,” Jason Felix, a driver based out of to the coronavirus — the vast ma- New Yorkers are wearing masks.”
Periodicals postage paid at
New York, NY, and additional
said Regan Weal, who drives the the Gun Hill Depot in The Bronx, jority of them city bus and subway “If riders aren’t following the
offices. The Post uses crosstown M14 line in Manhattan. said the vast majority of his passen- workers. Since early March, more rules, by law they need to leave the
recycled paper.
“You should be able to wear the gers wear masks — but conceded than 10,000 people out of the system,” Collins said.
Lottery mask for the few minutes when that he and many of his co-workers agency’s 70,000-person workforce “We continue to do everything
NEW YORK you’re on the bus.” still suffer from the residual effects had missed work at one point or an- possible to keep customers and em-
Midday Nos. Wed.: 161 Weal said mask wearing is a par- of the virus and fear for their health. other due to the virus. ployees safe and despite the side-
Midday Win-4 Wed.: 5844 ticular concern as the MTA pre- “When they get on, out of cour- “If a second [coronavirus] wave show, TWU Local 100 knows that.”
Evening Nos. Wed.: 106 pares to resume front-door-board- tesy, they will put the mask on. The happens, I know a lot of bus drivers
Evening Win-4 Wed.: 2398
Pick-10 Wed.: 2, 4, 5, 7, 8,
11, 13, 15, 17, 18, 32, 33, 41,
53, 55, 61, 62, 66, 74, 78

Cash-4-Life Wed.: 4,
13, 15, 19, 26; Cash Ball: 1
Powerball Wed.: 3, 10,
34, 36, 62; Powerball: 5;
Power Play: x10
All must take cover in NJ: Phil
Wearing a face mask out- recommended out-of- ately say what the penalties “But we have to take this surge outside the tri-state
doors in New Jersey is now doors. We’re gonna turn would be for failing to step, particularly given the area, in states including
Lotto Wed.: 25, 27, 42,
required by law, Gov. Phil that up a notch today and comply with the new order. hot spots we’re seeing else- Florida, Texas and Arizona.
45, 56, 58; Bonus: 37
Murphy said. say, we’re gonna ask you: If The new mandate will where in the country. In New York, Gov. Cu-
Take-5 Wed.: 2, 13, 25,
Murphy appeared on you can’t socially distance, require face coverings in “We’ve gone through hell omo has ordered residents
29, 32 in New Jersey. We’ve lost from 19 states to quaran-
MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” it’s gonna be required,” the public with a large number
NEW JERsEY Wednesday to announce governor said. of people when social dis- over 13,000 people. We’ve tine for 14 days upon enter-
Pick-3 Wed.: 727; Fireball: 1
Pick-4 Wed.: 1375; Fireball: 1 the signing of an executive People in New Jersey tancing isn’t possible. brought our numbers way ing the Empire State.
Cash-5 Xtra Wed.: 2, 8, 9, order, calling face masks have been required to wear “Admittedly, this is down. We can’t go through New Jersey has seen
20, 23; Xtra: 4 “game changers” to slow face masks in indoor set- harder to enforce, which is that hell again.” 173,878 total cases of COV-
CONNECtiCut the spread of COVID-19. tings since early April. The why it’s not a no-brainer,” The move comes as cor- ID-19 and 13,425 confirmed
Play-3 Wed.: 942 “They’ve been strongly governor did not immedi- Murphy said. onavirus cases continue to deaths. Lia Eustachewich
Play-4 Wed.: 5573
Cash-5 Wed.: 9, 11, 20, 22, 24

New York Post, Thursday, July 9, 2020

for seat
in salon
Rich ’do anything for hair
By doree lewak meaning fewer total daily appoint-
Well-coiffed New Yorkers are go- It’s enough for clients to tear their
ing to great lengths to get a haircut hair out — and spend big bucks for
— resorting to bribes and other a bespoke experience.
sneaky tactics to score a coveted “People don’t want to wait.
appointment. They’ll bring you to their homes,”
Colorist Louis Licari says his cli- said Pinon, who was spirited away
ents turned into “desperados” when to a Hamptons yacht for a client
his Upper East Side salon, Mizu who just couldn’t wait 10 days for a
Louis Licari, reopened in June. salon spot. It was worth the trip: Pi-
“I knew they wanted in, but I non, who usually charges around
didn’t expect this,” said Licari. $300 a cut, netted more than $1,500.
“Some try to pay off the bookers” Manny Rolon, co-owner of My
— like greasing the palms of the Darling Ivy salon in Chelsea, said
maitre d’ back in the day — or at- one of his clients secretly paid an-
tempt to reserve multiple appoint- other to swap appointments.
ments under different names to get “I was expecting one client, and
an earlier slot. then it was someone else,” said a
Savvy clients who know that the bewildered Rolon of the “briber,”
way to Licari’s heart is through his who was too anxious to wait three
teacup Yorkie, Isabella, have been more weeks to get glam.
pampering the pooch to butter him Ultimately, “she got her way,” he
up. said. “I totally get it. Everyone’s hair
“She’s gotten more leashes and is suffering right now.”
collars lately than she knows what At Arsen Gurgov’s eponymous
to do with,” he said, laughing. salon, hair hustlers “went crazy”
Since the city’s Phase Two re- when they reopened, he said, and
opening, hair salons are back in even offered double the service
business, but not everything is price to get in.
so glossy: The new social-dis- Other snippy clients tried the old
tancing and sanitizing regula- “but I should be on the list” standby,
tions restrict the number of protesting to the receptionist, “I
clients allowed at a single time, thought I had an appointment.”
creating waiting lists that In some cases, giving in to impa-
stretch for weeks. tient glamazons has its benefits.
Alain Pinon, founder of Salon Angelo David, who specializes in
AKS, said he faced a daunting 800- wigs and extensions at his name-
person waiting list upon reopening sake salon, got a call from a desper-
last month. Even with a 6,500- ate client vowing to buy lunch for
square-foot space, his former 40- the whole salon staff. “We made
chair salon has been whittled down some accommodations for her,” he
to 20, as per the new guidelines, said. “Lunch was very good.”

Drew Barrymore is one selfie-assured

woman (check out the remote in her left hand
Photo by Drew Barrymore

to work the camera) in the August issue of

InStyle — a k a the “Badass Women’s Issue.”
The 45-year-old star tells the mag, “I . . . love
to see the word ‘badass’ in a joyful context,
like on this cover with a smile, a peace sign
and a shirt that says, ‘Good news.’ That
makes me feel like I’m on the right path.”

class clowns

No clue for

Mayor’s Office
New York Post, Thursday, July 9, 2020

dumb and
KAROL between sending kids to school
three days per week or five. This is
MARKOWICZ the worst example of splitting the
baby. Part-time school will only
make things more difficult for par-
ELL, they did it. Mayor ents, teachers and — remember

W de Blasio and his schools

chancellor, Richard Car-
ranza, have finally confirmed an
them? — kids.
Everyone else is managing to
open schools. Look at Europe,
absurd plan to have school restart where many countries had far more
on a part-time schedule in the fall. deaths per total population than
What will parents who still have to the US, and are still opening
work full-time do? Who cares! schools because they know educa-
What will teachers who have tion for children is paramount and
school-aged children do? That’s they know online classes do not
their problem. The new “let them provide an adequate education. A bit of this, A bit of thAt: Chancellor Richard Carranza and Mayor de Blasio on Wednes-
eat cake” is “hire a nanny.” We don’t even need to look day unveil their hybrid school-reopening plan — which offers little relief for working parents.
The mayor treated this an- across the ocean. How about just
nouncement as some sort of reflec- looking across the Long Island
tion of what parents wanted. “75% Sound? Connecticut plans to re-

of families want to send their kids open schools in September, full-
back to school in the fall,” he time, no nonsense. The Hartford
tweeted. The survey sent to parents Courant reported last week that
had three options, and none of them “16,000 New Yorkers have left the
was “reopen schools full-time.” The state for suburban Connecticut
mayor had to know a majority of since March, according to new data
parents would have picked that. from the US Postal Service.”
Because everything to Hizzoner This is not a coincidence. Anyone
is about President Trump, de Blasio who can get out, will, and the rest of
added, “What we won’t do is ignore us will be stuck with an already-
the science and recklessly charge failing school system that doesn’t
ahead like our president. We will work for anybody. By NolAN HiCkS, said. “Students will return in vey of more than 300,000 fami-
do it the right way. We will keep The same people who designed Selim AlgAr, CArl September in a blended learning lies and 115,000 students.
everyone safe.” our abysmal online education sys- CAmpANile and AAroN FeiS model or an online learning Fifty-three percent of families
There is, of course, absolutely no tem during the lockdown are re- model, if they choose.” asked in a first question if they
way to “keep everyone safe” and, as sponsible for this foolish plan. A Mayor de Blasio and Chancel- He stressed, however, that, would feel very or somewhat
the mayor who ignored the story in these pages last week high- lor Richard Carranza on “New York City students will be comfortable returning to school
COVID-19 epidemic until the last lighted an irate mom of a Brooklyn Wednesday unveiled a plan to learning five days a week, full time had said yes, along with
possible second, even famously go- Tech student telling the story of six get more than 1 million public whether it’s in person or at 56 percent of students.
ing to the gym the day after he was of his seven teachers skipping live schoolkids back in the class- home.” A second question posing
forced to close schools, de Blasio instruction. If one of New York’s room this fall — sort of. Workers at all levels of the three options — none of which
knows this. finest high schools can’t get it right, Students would alternate two- public-school system weighed in was returning to school every
The most galling part is when who can? and three-day weeks of in-per- to help craft the proposal, Car- day — found a schedule of alter-
these politicians pretend they are A mother of twin first-graders, at son classes as part of a “blended ranza said. nating days the most popular.
making their decisions based on one of the “best” elementary model,” in the most jarring “I want to thank all of our Maintaining the status quo of
facts or science. But study after schools in New York City, told me change detailed by the duo at a principals and teachers and sup- five days of in-home learning
study shows that kids rarely con- their teacher did not do a single live City Hall press briefing. port staff, including our parapro- was the second-most-popular
tract coronavirus. Children rarely instruction during the entire lock- Online classes would make up fessionals, but including as well pick, followed by a schedule of
spread coronavirus. Children very, down period. Do we really believe the balance of the schedule — our student-nutrition workers, alternating weeks: Five days in a
very rarely die of coronavirus. that teacher will spring into action and adding to the hodgepodge, our school-safety agents, our classroom, followed by five
Are they protecting adults? when she’s responsible for both in- parents can also opt in to having custodians, who all had a voice learning at home.
Teachers will still be exposed to person and online education? their kids learn remotely five in developing these plans,” the The need to maintain social-
100 percent of kids as well as each It’s like New York is in an invisi- days a week. schools boss said. distancing rendered running
other under blended learning. ble competition to see how quickly “For the 2020-2021 school year, The plan also apparently drew schools at full-capacity impossi-
There is absolutely no “science” we can destroy every aspect of our it will look different,” Carranza influence from a recent city sur- ble, Carranza said.
where this makes sense. city. We’re winning!
There is no medical difference Twitter: @Karol

class clowns

New York Post, Thursday, July 9, 2020

Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza and
Must be
Mayor de Blasio on Wednesday outlined a
plan for a staggered-week return to
school for more than 1 million New York
City kids — who will still spend about half
there in
their time in online learning. These are
some of the details of the proposal:
Kids would alternate two- and three-day
weeks in schools, learning remotely the rest
of the time.
Parents can opt for full-time online learning.
VP, Don
Class sizes will be cut to a social- Both President Trump and Vice
distancing-friendly nine to 12 kids. President Mike Pence emphasized
Students and teachers must wear masks Wednesday the need to reopen
schools in the fall.
and practice social-distancing in the “What we heard yesterday from
classroom. education officials and what we
Schools will be given caches of heard from the American Academy
of Pediatrics, it is absolutely essen-
disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizer. tial that we get our kids back in the
Schools will also be cleaned nightly with classroom for in-person learning,”
electrostatic disinfectant sprayers. Pence said, referring to a White
House forum Tuesday.
School HVAC systems will be upgraded to “We cannot let our kids fall be-
allow for better ventilation. hind academically. But it is impor-
tant that the American people re-
Hallways will run one-way, and spacious member that for children that have
rooms like auditoriums, cafeterias and gyms mental-health issues, for special-
may be used as classrooms. needs children, for nutrition, for
children in communities facing
persistent poverty, that school is
the place where they receive all of
those services,” he continued.
“This is not simply about making
sure our kids are learning and ad-

Plan 50-50
vancing academically, but for their
mental health, for their well-being,
or their physical health, [we] have
to get our kids back to school.”
He also said the Centers for Dis-
ease Control and Prevention would
be issuing guidelines for safe
school reopenings next week.
But Pence stressed that the CDC
guidelines were not mandates and
that it was up to the states to ulti-
“We know that we cannot trostatic antiviral sprayers. “Some parents are going to be place — and, in fact, whether mately decide how to proceed.
maintain proper physical dis- School HVAC systems are also able to make it work under cur- schools statewide reopen at all in Education Secretary Betsy DeVos
tancing and have 100 percent of being upgraded to allow for bet- rent conditions,” he said. the fall. echoed Pence’s message that it was
our students in school buildings ter ventilation, hallways will run “Some are going to need extra “No locality has the legal au- up to the states to decide how to
five days a week,” he said. “It’s one-way, and spacious areas like help, and we’re going to work thority to determine if they open safely reopen.
just geographically, physically cafeterias, gyms and auditoriums over the coming weeks to find or not,” Cuomo told reporters. “I “It’s not a matter of if, it’s simply a
not possible.” may be used as classrooms to let other ways to help them.” think the mayor would say . . . matter of how. Schools must fully
When students do have in-per- students spread out, the officials Meanwhile, the plan remains ‘I’m putting in the plan to reopen open and be fully operational and
son classes, the sizes will be sig- said. just a proposal until it is ap- the schools.’ how that happens is best left to ed-
nificantly reduced, with Car- One glaring problem in the proved at the state level. “That nuance is very impor- ucation and community leaders,”
ranza calling groups of nine to 12 plan, however, is the lack of The decision on whether or tant.” she said.
the “optimum” size. child-care options to help work- not to shutter schools and transi- The governor said the state’s Trump had threatened earlier
The plan also features a num- ing parents, many of whom will tion to remote learning in the 688 school districts should sub- Wednesday to withhold federal
ber of other safety precautions. need to go back to their jobs first place played out as a public mit proposals to Albany by July funding for schools from states that
As is the case everywhere else while their kids are still learning tug-of-war between de Blasio 31, outlining how they can safely don’t reopen in the fall.
in the state, teachers and stu- remotely. and Gov. Cuomo — one that ap- reopen. “In Germany, Denmark, Norway,
dents will be required to wear “I feel for parents who are jug- pears to be ongoing. “August 1 to 7, the state will an- Sweden and many other countries,
face masks and practice social- gling so much,” said de Blasio. In a briefing of his own held nounce a decision on whether or SCHOOLS ARE OPEN WITH NO
distancing in the classroom. He pointed to the city’s Tues- after the de Blasio-Carranza an- not those schools open,” Cuomo PROBLEMS. The Dems think it
The Department of Education day announcement that child- nouncement, Cuomo said that said. “We’ll look at the data in the would be bad for them politically if
will distribute disinfecting wipes care centers are reopening as a the city officials were right to first week and we’ll make a deci- U.S. schools open before the No-
and hand sanitizer to all schools first step, but said that more re- draw up a plan — but stressed sion.” vember Election, but is important
to kill any germs not caught by lief will be announced in the that he has the final authority Additional reporting by Lia Eu- for the children & families. May cut
nightly deep-cleanings with elec- weeks ahead. over whether it gets put into stachewich off funding if not open!” Trump
said in a Twitter post.
Mark Moore, Bob Fredericks, Wires

class clowns

‘Heads spinning’
New York Post, Thursday, July 9, 2020

already: teachers
Chaos will likely rule the “We have eight weeks be- cautious endorsement of
classrooms under the city’s fore this is all supposed to de Blasio and Schools Chan-
plan to reopen public fall in place,” said a teacher cellor Richard Carranza’s re-
schools with a staggered in Manhattan’s high-per- opening plan, but noted that
schedule this fall, teachers forming District 2. many teachers “are obvi-
told The Post on Wednesday. “Heads are spinning. How ously very apprehensive
“There are so many varia- do we make sure kids have with so many of our mem-
bles right now that teachers their masks on? What do you bers passing away from”
don’t know what to think,” a do when they don’t social COVID-19.
teachers-union leader in distance? What are the halls Mulgrew also blasted the
Brooklyn said. going to look like? It’s city for not providing sup-
“The assumption is that endless.” port to parents who can’t be
this is going to be a mess.” Another teacher said home to supervise their kids
Several teachers told The Mayor de Blasio and the De- during remote learning
Post they had a host of wor- partment of Education sessions.
ries about the looming should have addressed the “We’ve been telling the
school year — including per- issue earlier and given prin- city this for months and they
sonal health fears, the feasi- cipals more time to develop still have not gotten back to
bility of staggered student a plan. us,” he told The Post.
attendance and concerns The head of the United “This is a crisis we know is
about their own kids being at Federation of Teachers, coming right at us.”
home while they’re at work. Michael Mulgrew, offered a Selim Algar, Bruce Golding

Kids at emotional risk

Keeping kids out of the has worked for some stu- kids grow and mature so-
classroom can deprive dents, but others — partic- cially.
them of structure and ularly those with less ac- “The playground politics
hamper their learning of cess to technology — have is very important and
not just academics but key gotten the short end of the learning how to navigate
social cues, a city-based stick, according to Fox. social situations,” said Fox.
child therapist told The “A good number of kids “That’s the learning. You’re
Post. are falling behind,” said learning to navigate social
“Kids thrive with a regu- Fox. “Some kids don’t learn interactions.”
lar routine,” said Ari Fox, with this format.” In a June 25 guidance, the
who is also the founder While the potential re- American Academy of Pe-
and director of Cope With turn to at least some in- diatrics said that, while
School NYC. “Consistency person learning in the fall common sense precau-
is important.”
The switch to full-time
home learning necessi-
could help, Fox said that it
can’t fully take the place of
a five-day-a-week class-
tions should be taken to
prevent the spread of the
coronavirus, kids learn
I would like kids
tated during the last school
year by the coronavirus
room experience — partic-
ularly in helping school
best in classrooms.
Carl Campanile, Aaron Feis
to go full-time, but if
Biden’s for (safe) reopening it’s not possible, then
Like President Trump,
presumptive Democratic
nominee Joe Biden wants
and pressing Trump to act.
But we need to ensure we
can do it safely, in line with
child-care providers and
schools — particularly
poorer Title I schools.
they need to help
schools to reopen this fall,
a Biden campaign official
said Wednesday.
the recommendations of
public health experts, and
Trump keeps failing us on
Speaking Friday during a
virtual fundraiser with the
National Education Associ-
the parents that
have to go to work.
“Of course he does,” the that score,” the aide added. ation, Biden predicted
source said when asked if Biden’s classroom-re- schools would likely use
the former vice president opening plan includes sig- distance learning “for a
hoped schools would be nificantly scaled-up fund- while longer,” before echo-
able to return in the fall. ing for personal protective ing teachers unions’ call for — Bronx hairstylist Carolyn Martinez
“That’s why he’s been equipment and “enhanced more money for safety
making these proposals sanitation efforts” for measures. Emily Jacobs

class clowns

New York Post, Thursday, July 9, 2020
By KevIn Sheehan, ISaBelle FrIedBerG
and Bruce GoldInG

Parents and students expressed outrage

Wednesday over the city’s plan for
“blended” instruction, saying remote
learning already has proven a failure — and
limiting kids’ time in school won’t keep
them safe.
“Whatever the plan, it’s not going to meet
everyone’s needs,” said Hana Jaber, 34, a
stay-at-home mother-of-four from Park
Slope, Brooklyn.
“You can’t win! I’m a qualified teacher,
but my son does not want me teaching him.
And remote learning is not effective. They
are sitting in front of a screen in la-la land!”
She added: “My son, the 6-year-old, he
tells me, ‘You’re not my teacher, I’m not in
school, I’m not doing this!’ ”
Another Park Slope mom, Dina, 31, said of
her three kids, “I don’t see how it’s going to
be safe for them. How does only going for
two or three days make a difference?
“Remote learning doesn’t work, and my
kids don’t want me as their teacher. I have a Limbo: Astoria Park-goer Luan Demaj, with wife Effette and kids Wednesday, said, “I have to help my children with online work” and
third-grader going into fourth grade, and I wishes they’d go back full-time, while Brooklyn mom Hana Jaber (right) fumed the city’s plan is “not going to meet everyone’s needs.”
don’t think he learned anything at home.”
Brooklyn grandfather Bobby Roman, 65, said her 3-year-old daughter, Arcadia, city’s plan. “I don’t think they should go who was at Astoria Park in Queens with
said that “the main issue is the younger kids won’t be attending preschool at PS 196, as back at all, not until it’s safe! The risk, it’s his wife and two sons Wednesday, said he
have to go back to school so the parents can planned. not worth it. All this going on, and they are has been collecting unemployment since
go back to work.” “If they can’t open up the theater, how are going to bring it home. No! Not my kids, the lockdown began and is worried he
“I don’t see how this is helping most peo- they going to open up the schools?” she not until it’s safe.” won’t be able to return to work in the fall
ple. We’re lucky. We can help my daughter. said. “I want them to be open if it is going to Carolyn Martinez, a hairstylist from The due to the school situation.
We’re retired, but a lot of people don’t have be safe for the kids, but I don’t think right Bronx, said her child struggled with online “My wife does not speak English, so I
a built-in babysitter!” he said, now that’s going to happen.” learning the past three months. have to help my children with online
“What are the rest of the parents gonna Bensonhurst resident Stan Skylar, 17, an “I would like kids to go full-time, but if it’s work,” he said. “If it was up to me, the chil-
do when they have to go back to the office?” incoming senior at Manhattan’s City-As- not possible, then they need to help the dren would go back to school five days a
Jeannie Risolo, who lives on the Upper School HS, said he can’t “see the purpose of parents that have to go to work,” she said. week. For me, that is better. If police and
West Side and runs a test-prep and tutoring opening the schools now.” Lauren Anchor, a single mom of two from doctors can go back to work and be safe,
company, said there’s no way she and hus- “I still have to travel on a train, so I don’t College Point, Queens, said she was ini- why can’t teachers?”
band, Ray Angelo, will be sending their know. They get pretty packed,” he said. tially able to work from home for her em- Social worker Beth Manitsky of Windsor
twin daughters, 7, back to school . “Especially underground — it starts ployer, a construction company that “has Terrace, Brooklyn, who has two high-
“Over time , they will learn, and I can fill spreading on the trains, and it’s gonna get been considered essential during the entire school-age girls, called the city’s plan “not
the learning gap, even if it takes more time,” worse, not better.” pandemic.” realistic.”
Risolo said while on a day trip to South- But Willa, a 14-year-old Park Slope resi- “But with everything opening back up, I “I think it’s unsafe. I don’t think it’s going
ampton with her family. dent who’s planning to enter high school, am back at my office,” she said. “The to work,” she said.
“I fear for our family and extended family said, “I would rather just go back full-time.” thought of my kids possibly not going into She favors all-virtual learning because “if
James Messerschmidt
if our children go back to school . . . My Sheepshead Bay resident Crystal Estrada, the classrooms full-time will deeply impact and when we get hit again . . . I’d rather they
mother visits all of the time, and I can’t 30, a supermarket cashier, said she has a 10- my life. The days my kids might be learning have it together for staying home once and
have her compromised.” year-old child entering fifth grade and a from home, I will have no one there to for all.”
Upper East Side resident Erin Aska, a fur- 6-year-old entering first. watch or help them.” Additional reporting by Julie Coleman,
loughed television-industry worker, also “No! It makes no sense!” she said of the Marble and tile installer Luan Demaj, 44, Doug Cortese and Lorena Mongelli
Nos. belie

Cuo claim
on elderly
New York Post, Thursday, July 9, 2020

New York state dis-

patched more than 6,300 re-
covering coronavirus pa-
tients into vulnerable nurs-
ing homes during the height
of the pandemic, officials
said this week.
The transfers were made
under a now-scrapped,
highly criticized policy that
barred nursing homes from
refusing to take in
COVID-19 patients — a di-
rective from the Cuomo ad-
ministration intending to
free up hospital beds for the
sickest patients.
New York is now home to
one of the highest nursing-
home death tolls in the na-
tion, with more than 6,400
deaths tied to the virus.
But Gov. Cuomo and his

NY Post photos: Annie Wermiel

administration argue that the
controversial policy is not to
blame for the tragic toll.
State Health Commis-
sioner Dr. Howard Zucker
instead said the virus was
spread by the 20,000 in-
fected facility staffers, many
of whom kept going to work
One step at a time: Asimenia Polychronakis is back at Minas Shoe Repair, the in March and April unaware
shop her dad founded 50 years ago. She’s glad to have returning clients, but also has that they were sick.
about 100 pairs of unclaimed shoes (inset), all dropped off before the pandemic began. “Facts matter. And those
are the facts,” Zucker said at a

Dad rebuilt shoe-fix shop news conference on Monday.

Cuomo, under pressure,
reversed the order on May
10, but has maintained for

after 9/11. Now it’s her turn weeks that sick workers,
and not patient transfers
stoked the spread in nurs-
ing homes. Vincent Barone

By LISA FICKENSCHER There are no the same pair of that: “I retired my mother, who is

Asimenia Polychronakis was

determined to reopen Minas Shoe
duty yet because
“no one is dressed
on shoes twice,” Asi-
menia said.
Still, times are
65 [and managed Omega]. I want
her to be able to chill out.”
Looking around her shop, Asi-
No ’shroom
Repair in June, the 50th anniver-
sary of the business her late fa-
ther founded.
up” and too few
people are back at
their offices, she
tough: Revenue is
down by 90 per-
cent from a year
menia wonders about the un-
claimed shoes — more than 100
pairs — and whether any belong to
in DC: rep.
Before the pandemic shutdown, said. How businesses ago, she esti- customers who have died from the A Maryland congressman
are bouncing back
the devoted daughter, 37, was But seeing her mates, and sum- virus or lost their jobs “and are not vows that Washington, DC,
planning a fitting tribute to her old customers has mer is already the thinking about their shoes and won’t decriminalize psyche-
dad, Minas, an immigrant from
Greece who became internation-
been one of the
brightest spots of after lockdown slow season for
shoe repair.
During the three months the
delic mushrooms, cacti and
other hallucinogenic plants.
ally known after his shop in the her new day. She has applied store was closed, just 10 custom- Republican Rep. Andy Har-
mall at the World Trade Center Bianca Alexis has been a patron for a $40,000 Paycheck Protec- ers called to pick up shoes they’d ris said he’s appalled that
was destroyed on 9/11. for 10 years, starting when Minas, tion Program loan to bring back left at the shop in March. drug-reform activists submit-
His story was told in countless who died in 2018 at 76, was in her five employees for full-time But there are encouraging signs. ted on Monday what they say
articles plastered on the walls of charge. She befriended him, dis- work and to help with the bills. Some customers mailed in shoes is enough signatures to get an
the shop where he relocated in cussing cooking and politics. The frenetic pace she was used during the lockdown, another initiative on the November
2003, at 63 Wall St. “It’s awesome to see them open to — six-day work weeks, with brought in a piece of leather fur- ballot to classify natural hal-
Asimenia had hoped to cele- again,” Alexis said, adding that some nights spent working until 3 niture to be stitched, and the lo- lucinogens as part of the low-
brate reopening there with some she brought in a pair of white a.m. — has been rolled back to cals who need her really need her. est law-enforcement priority
hoopla and special promotions, shoes that needed to be repainted. five days a week, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., She mentioned a lawyer whose in the nation’s capital.
including a shoeshine for 75 cents Then there’s the French doctor, for now. nearby office reopened, who Harris said he’ll use the
— the cost in 1970. a customer for 15 years, who came The toughest decision she has stopped in to get his shoes resoled. power of Congress over DC’s
Instead, she quietly opened the in with 14 pairs of shoes in the had to make was closing a second “I’m still trying to be optimistic budget and force an Appro-
doors on June 15 despite the Fi- days after the shop reopened. shop, Omega Repair, located a and patient,” the shop owner said. priations Committee vote on
nancial District’s empty streets “In all the years she has been com- block away, on June 30. “I can hear my father’s voice in the bid via a budget rider to a
and office towers. ing in, I have never seen her bring in She said there is one upside to my head telling me to keep faith.” pending financial-services
bill. Steven Nelson

New York Post, Thursday, July 9, 2020


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bill, do something

NYPD data citY coPs

New York Post, Thursday, July 9, 2020

at odds
Robert Mecea
with brass
Gunplay surprise
By CrAig McCArthy, CArl scribing 25 as “victims” and an-
CAMpAnile and AAron Feis other 24 as “witnesses.”
That’s because “just being at
State bail reform and corona- the scene of a shooting means
virus-related releases from city something,” Chief of Department
jails are not driving this year’s Terence Monahan said Wednes-
surge in shootings, the NYPD’s day in response to this story.
own data show — despite the in- In addition to the one charged
sistence of department brass to with a shooting, 31 are described
the contrary. as “suspects,” and the remaining
“It’s bail reform. It’s COVID. It’s 10 as “perps,” a description not
emptying out prisons,” Commis- defined further by the NYPD in
sioner Dermot Shea — who’s its breakdown.
credited with developing the de- The known connection be-
partment’s data-driven policing tween those released with the
model — said as he attempted last coronavirus bearing down on the
week to explain the troubling rise city and the spike in shootings
in gun violence across the city. was even more tenuous.
While the surge in gunplay is While about 275 of the approxi-
undeniable, a Post analysis of de- mately 2,500 Rikers Island in- An East Harlem bicyclist was fatally shot near The incident comes amid a surge in gunplay
partment data found that most mates sprung to reduce crowding his home early Wednesday, one of seven victims across the city.
people released under bail reform amid the pandemic had been re- — two of them fatal — in six shootings reported Brown’s murder was one of six shootings with
or amid the pandemic had no arrested as of mid-June, the in the Big Apple within less than 24 hours. seven victims reported citywide on Tuesday
known ties to the bloodshed — NYPD said Tuesday that only Kenneth Brown, 35, was riding his bike on and early Wednesday, police said.
with criminal-justice experts say- nine of the 275 — or 0.3 percent Pleasant Avenue near East 120th Street around They included a second fatality in East New
ing cops should focus on the flow — had been linked to shootings. 12:45 a.m. when a man came from across the York, where a 27-year-old man was gunned
of illegal guns into the city instead One has been arrested, and two street and started firing at him, cops said. down just before noon Tuesday in Lincoln Ter-
of playing the “blame game.” are described as persons of inter- Brown was pronounced dead at Harlem Hos- race Park, at East New York Avenue and Buffalo
Although the city logged 528 est, while three are victims and pital Center. There were no immediate arrests, Avenue, cops said.
shooting incidents through June three are witnesses. police said. At 3:30 p.m., a 15-year-old boy was shot in the
30 — a 46 percent spike from the Despite what the numbers
362 tallied at the same point last show, NYPD brass have repeat-
year — just one person released edly drawn a line between the
under the statewide bail-reform releases and the gunplay.
laws that went into effect on Jan. 1 “It’s a combination of things — As of last month, an arrest had behalf of the NYPD that “bail re- de Blasio floated the explanation
has been charged with a shooting, bail reform, COVID releases from been made in just 28 percent of form has an impact on numerous last week.
according to a breakdown pro- prison, court shutdown, which shootings — approximately half crimes, with the greatest impact Asked about The Post’s find-
vided by the NYPD. has Rikers [Island] at half of the normal rate — The New York on burglaries, robberies and ings by radio host John Catsimati-
In fact, just 91 of the approxi- where they were,” Monahan said Times reported, citing Chief of theft-related crime, including dis on Wednesday, Monahan
mately 11,000 people sprung from in a Monday press briefing, fol- Crime Control Strategies Michael auto theft.” made his “just being at the scene
Rikers Island under the initiative lowing a holiday weekend in LiPetri. He also pointed to a backlog in of a shooting means something”
— or 0.8 percent — have been which at least 49 people were The department would not pro- some 800 gun cases making their comment, and noted that police
found to be anywhere near a shoot- struck by gunfire, eight fatally. vide a comment on why its com- way through the courts — a claim have not identified suspects in
ing this year, the figures show. However, the NYPD is also missioner and top chief were blasted by state Office of Court every shooting.
And more than half of those 91 closing out shooting cases at a making the claims about shoot- Administration spokesman Lu- A criminal-justice expert was
are not accused of any wrong- significantly reduced clip this ings without supporting evi- cian Chalfen as “absurd, patently unsurprised to learn that there
doing, with the department de- year. dence, and LiPetri responded on false and ridiculous” when Mayor was no significant link between

bill, do something

New York Post, Thursday, July 9, 2020

in rush to retire No respect, no
OT: ‘Who the hell
wants to stay?’
By Tina Moore, CraiG chokeholds while trying to subdue
McCarThy and BruCe GoldinG violent suspects.
“There’s just droves and droves of
Members of New York’s Finest are people retiring,” one cop said. “But
putting in for retirement faster than there’s no surprise here; who the
the NYPD can handle — citing a hell wants to stay on this job?”
lack of respect and the loss of over- “Why would you want to stay on
time pay, The Post has learned. this job when people don’t appreci-
The number of city cops filing for ate what you do?”
retirement during the past week Sources also said the flood of
more than quadrupled over the overtime tied to last month’s pro-
same period last year, as the city tests — which will boost pension
grapples with a surge in shootings. payouts for eligible retirees — and
And the stampede has caused a the expected loss of overtime due to
dark night: An NYPD detect- bottleneck that’s forcing others to the recent $1 billion cut to the
ive takes notes on Pleasant Ave- delay putting in their papers, offi- NYPD’s budget were also factors.
nue early Wednesday after a bi- cials and sources said. “This is the best time to leave,”
cyclist was shot dead. The at- The NYPD said Wednesday that one officer said.
tacker was still at large. 179 cops filed for retirement be- “You’ve padded the numbers as
tween June 29 and Monday, an as- high as you can pad them.”
tounding 411 percent increase over Another cop noted, “When they cut
the 35 who filed during the same the OT, a lot of people were done.”
period in 2019. “Also, there’s another class hitting
The rush for the door came as 503 their 20th year in September, so that
cops filed for retirement between will be another group leaving,” one
May 25 — the day George Floyd was source added, noting that cops often
killed in Minneapolis, sparking anti- retire once they hit the minimum
back on Mapes Avenue in The Bronx and taken Shortly before 11:30 p.m., in Brooklyn, a 33- cop protests around the country — requirement for pension vestment.
to Jacobi Hospital. The suspect fled on a year-old woman was shot in the chest and a and last Friday, the NYPD said. In a prepared statement, Police
scooter, police said. man, 30, in the right arm following a dispute on That number represents a 75 per- Benevolent Association President
A 25-year-old woman was shot in the right Linden Boulevard, according to police. Both cent increase over the 287 who filed Pat Lynch blamed lawmakers for
thumb a little before 10:30 p.m. in Brooklyn by were taken to Brookdale Hospital. for retirement during the same having “completely dismantled our
three assailants who fled in a white sedan. She The violence came after a bloody Independ- period last year, the NYPD said. justice system” and called the rash
was treated at Maimonides Medical Center. ence Day weekend that saw dozens of New Sources said that the deluge has of retirement applications “one an-
About 10 minutes later, a 32-year-old man was Yorkers shot. In one grim stretch, 39 people overwhelmed the department — swer to the question on every police
shot in the head and wounded in Far Rockaway were shot between midnight Saturday and 6:30 due to cancellation of OT for work- officer’s mind: how are we sup-
by an unknown gunman in a white Ford Ex- a.m. Sunday, with at least three of the shootings ers who process the applications — posed to do our job in this environ-
plorer. He was taken to Jamaica Hospital. fatal. Tina Moore and Jorge Fitz-Gibbon and that as a result, the number of ment?
daily applicants was being limited. “And now that crime is out of con-
On Tuesday, The Post spotted a trol, they want to blame us for that,
line of cops waiting outside the too,” Lynch added.
office at One Police Plaza where “Whether we have 20 years on the
bail reform and the burst of gun “many,” identifying one of the Aborn also pointed to a move retirement papers get filed. job or only two, police officers are
violence. most pressing as the flood of ille- away from so-called “broken “Apparently, the pension section is tired of trying to sort out these
“There’s a blame game going gal firearms onto city streets. windows” policing that could only taking a certain amount of peo- mixed messages. Many of us are
on and I don’t think it’s helpful,” “We need a laser-like focus on prevent some serious crimes be- ple per day and I think they are looking elsewhere.”
said Richard Aborn, president of illegal guns,” he said. fore they happen. backed up ’til late July, early An NYPD spokesperson called the
the Citizens Crime Commission. The NYPD disbanded its plain- “We’ve had a lot of de-enforce- August,” one cop said. skyrocketing retirements “a troub-
“I think it would be helpful if the clothes Anti-Crime Unit — ment of low-level offenses,” he “That’s why you don’t see like 100 ling trend that we are closely moni-
NYPD put [out] a clear report which focused on guns and drugs said. a day, because they are only doing toring” but insisted the department
explaining why they think the — on June 15, with Shea citing Whatever the cause, Aborn like 35 to 40 a day, by appointment.” is not turning down any applications
uptick in shootings is linked to the unit as generating a “dispro- said the city’s focus must now be Sources blamed the situation on for officers retiring in the next 30
bail reform.” portionate” number of com- on containing the outbreak of vi- growing anti-cop sentiment, cou- days.
Aborn posited that there is no plaints and police-involved olence before it gets any worse. pled with a pending city law that Additional reporting by Larry
one cause of the uptick, but shootings. would make it a crime for cops to use Celona
Miranda Devine
New York Post, Thursday, July 9, 2020

End the lies

He president’s unilateral decision to ures to share accurate information as re-

T withdraw from the World Health

Organization — without announcing
an alternative body, against the ad-
vice of medical experts and the
GOP’s own House Foreign Affairs Commit-
tee’s recent report into the origins of
COVID-19 — does nothing to reassure vot-
quired by international law and the sup-
pression of voices seeking to warn the
Tedros “actively engaged in an effort to
defend the CCP’s leadership from criticism,
negatively impacting the world’s under-
standing of the virus and hampering the
ers that we will be prepared for the next global response effort.”

and coverup
pandemic. McCaul wants the US and “like-minded
We know the Chinese Communist Party WHO member states” to investigate how
is to blame for unleashing the virus and and where the virus mutated into its lethal
WHO helped cover that up, but what are form.
we going to do, apart from take our bat and He points out WHO learned of the out-
ball and go home? break only last Dec. 31 from a US early-
We need to make sure the same mistakes warning site, not from the CCP.
don’t happen the next time a bat virus But there is evidence from open-source

mutates somewhere in China. intelligence that at least six weeks earlier,
First up, officials all over the world the CCP was preparing for a dangerous res-
should stop lying. piratory-disease epidemic.
After so many lies, it’s no wonder that, On Nov. 13, China’s national health author-
after obeying orders for three months, ity issued new influenza guidance instruct-
Americans are starting to behave irration- ing hospitals to check blood-oxygen levels of
ally and case numbers are rising again. pneumonia patients and look for what we
White House health adviser Dr. Anthony now know are COVID-19 symptoms such as
Fauci admits he lied about the effectiveness across 16 countries, wearing a face mask re- should be investigated, a time-wasting cha- pneumothorax and mediastinal emphysema
of masks in order to safeguard stockpiles duces the chance of COVID-19 infection rade. and multifocal brain damage.
for health workers. from 17 percent to 3 percent, with best re- This weekend, an advance team of WHO The virus may have been circulating in
No excuse. It was an arrogant vote of no sults from N95 respirator-type masks. investigators will fly to China, eight months September, when satellite images show
confidence in the good sense of Americans But Fauci’s lie gave masks a bad name and after the first confirmed case in Hubei prov- Wuhan hospitals unusually crowded.
to self-regulate if given accurate informa- caused outbreaks of hostility between ince of the new coronavirus that has killed An African Ph.D. student trapped in Wu-
tion. skeptics and believers. more than 500,000 people worldwide. han during the lockdown told Korean Ari-
When officials lie, we lose faith in author- Of course, the deadliest lies are from “We can fight the virus better when we rang News in February of a pneumonia out-
ity, get our information elsewhere and China. The CCP keeps changing its story know . . . how it started,” WHO Director- break “somewhere in September.”
throw caution to the wind. about the outbreak. First it came from the General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus By November, it was “an epidemic but [it]
The result is that too many Americans Wuhan wet market, and then it didn’t. said last week. was concealed,” he said. “There are more
think masks don’t work when, The party swore it didn’t come from the No kidding. than 10 hospitals in Wuhan, and they are
in fact, they’re probably Wuhan virology lab that just happened to It’s pathetic. No wonder the Trump ad- overwhelmed.”
the best tool we have to be testing coronaviruses and has a ministration has run out of patience. That was at least a month before WHO
ward off infection. track record of sloppy safety. But the GOP’s June report, “The origins knew anything.
According to a The CCP blamed the US mili- of the COVID-19 global pandemic,” recom- Then there is the mystery of the disap-
review last tary and now is pointing the mends a more constructive path. pearing database at the Wuhan Institute of
month in The finger at Spain, after an un- The author, Texas Rep. Michael McCaul, Virology, which contained records of 15,000
Lancet of 172 verified University of Bar- says the US should dump Tedros but re- viral samples from bats, birds, mosquitoes,
studies celona study found virus main in WHO and leverage international rodents and ticks.
traces in wastewater pressure to stop the “CCP’s malfeasance Among the samples was the bat corona-
samples dated March from giving rise to a third pandemic during virus RaTG13, which is closely related to
2019. the 21st century. SARS-CoV-2, and was collected from a
As soon as WHO “We do not believe the withdrawal of the mineshaft in Yunnan province where an
belatedly bowed to US or the establishment of a competing in- outbreak of unexplained pneumonia in 2012
international pres- ternational organization is the correct path killed three workers who had been clearing
sure to investigate forward.” mounds of bat feces.
the origins of the vi- McCaul blames the CCP for “allowing a But every trace of that invaluable WIV
rus, China leapt on local outbreak to become a global pan- database has been deleted at a time when
the Spanish news to demic [due to] its efforts to conceal the the world needs it most.
say all countries spread and novel nature of the virus, fail- It can’t happen again.

Nation ‘being torn apart’ by anarchists

A terrible thing happened commemorates the ultimate this country had better wake
Tuesday night in the close- sacrifices of Lt. Glenn Perry, up and speak up. Our country
knit Hudson Valley town of Mark Whitford, Bobby is being torn apart.”
Washingtonville. Hamilton, Gerry Nevins and The mayor assures him the
Some worthless vandal Battalion Chief Dennis culprit will be caught and he
Way tOO late: sawed off a flagpole and Devlin, has been desecrated. draws comfort from the
The World Health toppled the American flag Perry’s brother Frank, 63, kindness of locals, who
Organization, led by that stood over the memorial can’t bring himself to tell his already have offered money
Tedros Adhanom built for five local firefighters 88-year-old mother. for a reward and will repair
Ghebreyesus, was killed on 9/11. “Enough is enough with the the flagpole.
late to investigate The “Washingtonville 5” anarchistic activities,” But it’s a crying shame to
the origins of the World Trade Center he says. see our 9/11 heroes

coronavirus. Memorial, which “Law-abiding citizens in dishonored.


Open the door to...

New York Post, Thursday, July 9, 2020
Experience the ultimate in waterfront living from your own private terrace.
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Residences starting at $1.83M. Only 10 units remain out of 72.

his aterial is or pro otional purposes only. t ontains artists on eptions and graphi representations that ay not a urately re e t the a tual i pro e ents to e onstru ted. he o plete o ering
ter s are in an o ering plan a aila le ro the sponsor. ile no. . ponsor inro esour es . . anhattan ille oad uite ur hase . Equal Housing Opportunity.

Angst over Doc’s house call

DR. Phil’s production companies got up to eponymous talk show and “DailyMailTV,” and loans and the home purchase. But after TV
$7 million in government aid loans during the was on a list of recipients disclosed on Mon- sources pondered why the family needed to
pandemic — while his son splashed out on a day by the Small Business Administration. ask for the government handout, sources close
$10 million Beverly Hills, Calif., mansion, Page Dr. Phil’s other production company, Peteski to the star stressed that Dr. Phil’s companies

Six has learned. Productions, also got a loan valued at between requested the cash to protect their employees
New York Post, Thursday, July 9, 2020

According to newly released documents, Dr. $2 million and $5 million, the government — and the loans had nothing to do with Jor-
Phil’s production companies received up to $7 agency reported. dan’s house.
million from the paycheck protection pro- On the same day those numbers were re- This all comes after Dr. Phil apologized in
gram, the massive federal plan designed to ported, Variety reported Phil’s youngest son, April for questioning on Fox News why lock-
help small businesses ride out the financial aspiring rock star Jordan — who is engaged to downs were necessary when “we don’t shut
crisis caused by the coronavirus. reality-TV star and E! host Morgan Stewart the country down” for deaths from car acci-

Emily Stage 29 Productions, run by Phil McGraw

and his son Jay McGraw, got a loan valued at
between $1 million and $2 million. The com-
— had paid $10 million in cash for a 6,500-
square-foot mansion in the exclusive Trous-
dale Estates neighborhood of Beverly Hills.
dents and swimming pools. He wrongly
claimed 360,000 people die in swimming
pools in the United States every year.
pany makes programs, including Dr. Phil’s There is no link whatsoever between the Dr. Phil declined to comment.

Ian Mohr New
Mara Siegler couple Lily
Carlos Greer James and Chris Evans are very
Oli Coleman social, but not too distant, while hang-
Tashara Jones ing out at a park in
Puzzling decision
GWYNETH Paltrow says she
got her 14-year-old son, Moses, a
jigsaw puzzle festooned with
breasts “just for fun” in lockdown.
The 450-piece Jiggy puzzle, titled
“Boobs,” was designed by Brook-
lyn freelance illustrator Julia
Heffernan, and features draw-
ings of breasts of various shapes,
sizes and colors. It costs $40. Pal-
trow’s nugget of information was
part of a post on her Goop Web
site, which included a roundup of
products helping her family get
through summer in self-isolation.
“There’s been a lot of Trivial Pur-

suit happening at the house,” she
wrote. “And I got Moses the boob
puzzle just for fun.”

One to forget
‘Borat’ bids to prank Rudy A day after Montauk’s Love at
RUDY Giuliani called the NYPD when “Borat” star Sacha Baron the End march to support Black
Cohen — wearing a spangly pink bikini — tried to prank him during a Lives Matter drew celebs such as
spoof interview. The former mayor and personal attorney to President Julianne Moore, Sienna Miller
Trump went to the Mark Hotel on Tuesday for what he thought was a and Naomi Watts, the town’s
serious interview about the administration’s response to COVID-19. A Memory Motel offended activists
female interviewer began the conversation in a hotel room fitted with a by hanging a Blue Lives Matter
professional camera and lights, before, as Giuliani tells flag and posting it on Instagram.
us, “This guy comes running in, wearing a crazy, what “It’s a huge middle finger to the
A Jerry good dad I would say was a transgender outfit. It was a pink
bikini, with lace, underneath a translucent mesh
Listen now! black people who work and live
here,” one march organizer told
Memoir for Mimi
BEN Stiller says his father, top. It looked absurd. He had a beard, bare legs and Page Six. It removed the post after BACK in 2018, Page Six re-
Jerry Stiller — who passed away wasn’t what I would call distractingly attractive.” being called out in the comments. vealed that Mariah Carey
in May at 92 — was “so not like” Giuliani said he didn’t recognize the gatecrasher as Owner Brian Kenny told us the (above) was working on a mem-
the abrasive, curmudgeonly dad Cohen. “This person comes in yelling and scream- post was meant to give thanks to oir. On Wednesday, she said on
he famously played on “Seinfeld.” ing, and I thought this was a scam or a shakedown, so cops. “We worked effectively this Instagram that she’s completed
On streaming show “Stars in the I reported it to the police. He then ran away.” Other July 4 weekend, hand in hand with the book. “It took me a lifetime to
House,” Ben (above) recalled his sources said Cohen was seen running out of the hotel down 77th Street the police, to keep our guests safe have the courage and the clarity
father’s reaction when he in just a bathrobe but was not apprehended by cops, who arrived in the new world of [coronavi- to write my memoir,” she wrote.
dropped out of UCLA after seven quickly to investigate. The NYPD did not comment. Giuliani ex- rus.]” He added that the flag “in She said it recounts “my mishaps,
months, saying, “He wrote me plained, “I later realized it must have been Sacha Baron Cohen. I no way was meant to look like we my struggles, my survival and my
this long letter about life and why thought about all the people he fooled and I felt good about myself be- were taking a side.” Kenny said songs. Unfiltered.” Carey worked
it’s important to stick things out. cause he didn’t get me.” Yet, he added, “I am a fan of some of his mov- that he’d “like to believe you can on the memoir with Michaela
It got very philosophical. Reading ies, like ‘Borat,’ because I’ve been to Kazakhstan. [Giuliani then mim- support law enforcement, BLM Angela Davis and it’ll be pub-
it now, it was a beautiful thing. He icked Borat’s accent and recited a line from the movie] ‘She is my sis- and first responders without lished under Andy Cohen’s book
really cared.” ter. She is No. 4 prostitute in all of Kazakhstan.’ That was pretty funny.” slighting one side or the other.” imprint.

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Your heavy ‘Summer’ read

than my back. My typewriter sat

higher than my jaw. And suddenly,
you’re crazy.’
“Besides writing, mine’s a quiet life.
cause we’re nervous about hurri-
canes, but for now we’re still in
Cosmic whiff
I heard back. I thought it’s just an- Watch old movies. ‘The Thin Man’ Florida.” COMES now a perfume that
other turn-down. But the Boston with Myrna Loy or ‘Klute’ with Jane His new did-they-or-didn’t-they smells like the cosmos. NASA
New York Post, Thursday, July 9, 2020

company Little, Brown accepted it. Fonda and Donald Suther- book “The Summer House” is chemist Steve Pearce, asked
I went to see them. It was great. A land. Or TV’s ‘Balthazar’ about a murder in Georgia, plus to develop a scent for astro-
fire in their fireplace. Books from Paris. I enjoy my wife, seven civilians killed, plus the naut-training exercises, took
around by Herman Wouk, Nor- Sue. Married 23 years, we criminal division of the Army, plus four years. Space pilot Tony
man Mailer, ‘Catcher in the play golf together, still go the Middle East. It’s called a sum- Antonelli describes the great
Rye.’ I thought, ‘Wow — look to bed holding hands. Our mer read. What’s “a summer read” blue yonder yonder as

where I am.’ ” son, 22, is in college. We mean?? “strong, unique, like nothing
Why do people love to read live in Florida and usually, “Nothing. Put ‘summer’ on it, and he’s smelled on Earth.” This
his mysteries? in May, come to our West- they just think they have to read it $29 new universe fragrance

Adams “Because they’re like

puzzles. There’s some
resolution. Like the JFK
chester house be- in the summer. People are crazy.” for gents is called Eau de
Product manager Matt

BEST-SELLING author James

ending or what hap-
pened to Epstein — we
still don’t know. Older
Expressing herself Richmond’s down-to-earth
explanation: “The scent is a
mix of gunpowder, seared
Patterson has written 156 books
that have sold more than 325 mil- people sometimes don’t WHEN “Captain Marvel’s” beautiful Brie Larson steak, raspberries and rum.”
lion copies. Whenever, wherever even feel anything any- isn’t out getting supplies with boyfriend Elijah Al- (Right, so whoever’s floating
anybody might be there’s always more, but they can feel lan-Blitz, she’s home alone, and she’s just launched
lan-Blitz around Mars, 72 million miles
some James Patterson thing to pleased reading a mys- a YouTube social-activism channel. The Oscar from a private john, do not
read. Adam and Eve — after knock- tery book because winner was home-schooled as a kid, and she’s now think Old Spice.)
ing off that apple — probably read there’s an ending. home-schooling us. “To have the most popular
James Patterson. “Now I’m surrounded channel on Earth, I’m reaching to steal from really AFTER quarantining and
“My first book attempt was when by a pile of current pro- smart actors, activists, great all-time creators.” raiding his mom’s fridge for

Sara De Boer/startraksphoto
I was 25. More publishers then. I jects. Stuff stuck un- She should include that creative brunette four months, this lady’s son
was turned down by 31 of them. der the book- who dumped her handsome successful hus- just went on the Drinking
Then came an ad for new writers. shelves. Shelves band to gallop after Amazon’s Man’s Diet. Only wine and
So I stuck this same manuscript in full. For one CBS Brie Larson: bozo Bezos. With a brain that’s vegetables. It’s working. In 10
a cardboard box, tied it with a rub- project, I began Has a new under her skirt, this is a real days, he lost 8 pounds and his
ber band and sent it. pulling out draw- YouTube deep thinker. Also heavy-duty driver’s license.
“Those days, sitting in my ers-full. They channel. activist. Only in New York, kids,
kitchen, the counter was higher said, ‘James, only in New York.

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China is 17

ri$ky bet
LifesaVing CaTCh

New York Post, Thursday, July 9, 2020

The Trump administration
warned about investing in

Chinese companies because
of the possibility of sanctions
and boycotts over the Com-
munist Party’s handling of
the coronavirus pandemic
and its strong-arm response
to pro-democracy rallies in
Hong Kong, according to a
National Security Adviser
Robert O’Brien and Larry
Kudlow, director of the Na-

tional Economic Council,
wrote in a letter to the US Rail-
road Retirement Board that in-
vestments in China opened its
retirees to “unnecessary eco-
nomic risk,” The New York
Times reported Tuesday.
The letter also noted that
the investments would put
money into the hands of
companies “that raise signifi-
cant national security and
humanitarian concerns,” in-
cluding some firms that sup-
ply the Chinese army.
The board, an independent
federal agency, managed
$28.3 billion in assets in late Haul oF Famer: Ex-wide receiver Phillip Blanks
(above left) runs to a burning Phoenix building in time to
1 3
2018, the report said.
Mark Moore catch a 3-year-old boy and cradle him while falling, before
running to safety. Sadly, the boy’s mom, Rachel Long, died.

Beijing hits
‘Tibet’ Yanks
By Joshua Rhett MilleR

A former college-football wide re-

ceiver made the most critical catch
of his life — when a 3-year-old boy
Grabs tot tossed “She’s the real hero of the story,”
Blanks said. “Because she made the ul-
timate sacrifice to save her children.”
The boy and his 8-year-old sister,
who was rescued by another good
China announced Wednes-
day it will impose visa re-
strictions on US citizens en-
gaged in what it called “egre-
gious conduct” with regard
was thrown off a burning third-story
balcony in Arizona.
Phillip Blanks, 28, quickly sprang
into action Friday when he heard a
commotion outside his apartment
from blazing apt. Samaritan, were rushed to the hos-
pital with burns, but were expected
to survive, KABC reported.
Blanks now wants to “track down”
the two children, as well as their fa-
to Tibet, the mountainous re- building in Phoenix and dashed out- mother frantically screamed, “Grab bow. His ankle got twisted up as I ther — who was at work at the time
gion that China has been ac- side barefoot, footage of the death- him!” was diving. The guy who was there — to help them during their recov-
cused of illegally incorporat- defying rescue showed. “Instinct. There wasn’t much with me — it looked like he wasn’t ery as much as possible, he told
ing after invading it in 1950. The one-time wide receiver for thinking. I just reacted. I just did it,” going to catch him. So that’s why I WWMT-TV in Kalamazoo, Mich.,
The move comes one day Saddleback College in Mission he told KABC News. stepped in. I just wanted to make a where Blanks attended high school.
after Secretary of State Mike Viejo, Calif., saw an apartment fully “I just had tunnel vision on the better catch.” Blanks, who now works as an ex-
Pompeo announced that the engulfed in flames and a woman patio,” Blanks continued. “And when He attributed his clutch hands to ecutive protection agent, said he
Trump administration was preparing to toss her son to another the boy got thrown off the balcony, it time spent on the gridiron. believed the rescue was fate.
barring entrance to the US man standing nearby. was just me and the boy. I didn’t hear “I know how to catch,” said “I think God has put me on this
for Chinese officials who had That’s when Blanks — also a anything. I didn’t see anything else.” Blanks. “I’ve learned how to catch a planet for that,” he told the WWMT.
restricted American authori- former Marine — dove to the The boy came down “twirling in football. So I’ll give some credit to “I always had a protector mindset
ties, diplomats, journalists ground and made the lifesaving the air like a propeller,” Blanks football.” growing up and it just enhanced
and tourists from entering catch, before dashing off with the recalled. The boy’s 30-year-old mother, Ra- when I went to the military,” Blanks
the Tibetan regions. child in his arms. “I just did my best,” Blanks said. chel Long, tragically did not survive added.
Emily Jacobs Blanks got to the boy just as his “His head landed perfectly on my el- the blaze, according to KABC.

‘Bullied’ Vindman retiring Beau busted in gal-pal slay

Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, and his allies after he testi- National Security Council. A Queens man has been she would not have to witness authorities said.
who testified about President fied before the House Intelli- Vindman said he found charged with stabbing his girl- the furious exchange, accord- The daughter desperately
Trump’s call to Ukraine, is gence Committee last No- Trump’s comments asking friend to death in front of her ing to the Queens District At- tried to stop Mendoza’s as-
ending his 21-year career with vember, his attorney, David Zelensky to investigate Joe daughter — then slicing his torney’s Office. sault, but her mom allegedly
the Army because he said his Pressman, said Wednesday. and Hunter Biden “inappro- own abdomen, officials said. From her room, the daughter said, “I’m dying, leave!” to the
service will “forever be lim- Vindman, a Purple Heart priate” and was bound by a Carmelo Mendoza, 41, of heard her mother screaming teen, who suffered a leg slash
ited” after intimidation from recipient, testified that he lis- “sense of duty” to report Jackson Heights, got into a her name. The teen rushed to and sought help from neigh-
the White House. tened to Trump’s July 2019 them up the chain of com- heated argument with Yaq- her side, then watched in hor- bors before calling 911. Cops al-
Vindman has been the tar- phone call with Ukrainian mand. Trump fired Vindman ueline Collado, 45, last Friday. ror as an enraged Mendoza re- legedly found Mendoza
get of “bullying, intimidation leader Volodymyr Zelensky from his White House post in Collado told her 19-year-old peatedly stabbed the woman slumped over Collado in a pool
and retaliation” by Trump as the Ukraine expert on the February. Mark Moore daughter to go to her room so in the chest, neck and torso, of blood. Rebecca Rosenberg
By kirsten fleming
Don: Reb
his facialist has a cheeky response to NYC’s

flag free

reopening standards.
Sofie Pavitt Skincare Studio in Chinatown
is open for business under Phase 3, but the
aesthetician is not yet allowed to do what Unable to
she does best: facials.
“The irony is that you can get dental appoint-
ments, Botox injections, acupuncture on your face give facials speech
New York Post, Thursday, July 9, 2020

or facials in a [medical spa],” Pavitt told The Post.

But without a medical license, she doesn’t have the
power to work on someone’s face, even if she’s
wearing the same PPE as someone in a doctor’s of-
because of President Trump said dis-
playing the Confederate flag
comes down to “freedom of
fice. “I have been frustrated. But what can I do in speech” — a day after he
the interim?”
Her solution: Offer the same service for the
COVID, blasted NASCAR for banning
the Stars and Bars.
southern cheeks. “My stance is very simple:
“It’s a facial for your booty,” said Pavitt, 36, who
has already lined up 17 clients looking to get their spas are It’s freedom of speech,”
Trump said in a White House
rear ends buffed and ready for thong-bikini season. interview Tuesday with Nex-
“I think after all the time in quarantine, people
are in need of some self-care. They’re jumping at
the chance to have someone touch them. I don’t
smoothing star broadcasting. “NASCAR
can do whatever they want,
and they’ve chosen to go a
think it matters the
body part. This treat-
ment specifically is
out other certain way.”
Trump said his Monday
tweet about NASCAR wasn’t
great for the summer.
If the skin is dull, irri-
tated and has pimples,
parts of the meant to be critical: “I was
just talking about the fact that
NASCAR chose to go a cer-
we are going to get rid tain way and that’s going to
of that,” she said.
The 45-minute treat- body ... be up to them.”
After the Bubba Wallace
ment costs $159 and noose incident, NASCAR an-

starts with an exfolia- nounced that it was banning
tion of the buns, a the Confederate flag at Wal-
scrub or an enzyme lace’s urging because “no one
peel to ditch dead skin should feel uncomfortable
and extractions to re- when they come to a
move pimples. It’s fin-
ished off with a mois-
After all the NASCAR race.”
In the tweet, Trump said of
turizing mask.
“It will tighten up the
time in NASCAR: “Flag decision has
caused lowest ratings
skin, make everything quarantine, EVER!”
firm, hydrated and Wallace told guest host An-
smoother,” said Pavitt, people [are] thony Anderson on “Jimmy
adding that she takes Kimmel Live!” Tuesday that
every safety precau- jumping at Trump should focus on other
tion. “I will give you
disposable underwear,
the chance things than NASCAR.
“When I first read it, I was
and your mask is on. I
am in full PPE.”
to have like, ‘Man, there’s so much
more things that are going on
Client Marian someone back in in the world that I feel like he
Shelley, 33, recently should be worried about,’ ”
had her first booty fa- touch them. action:
Marian he said. Mark Moore
cial and called it “luxu-
rious.” A fan of bum- I don’t think Shelley
shows off
revealing bathing suits, it matters
Guilty in slay
Courtesy of Marian Shelley
the results of
she said of the treat- aesthetician
ment, “It feels nice to the body Sofie Pavitt’s
give attention to that
part of your body. My
skin was radiant after-
part.” $159 “Miss
New Booty”
butt facial.
of pol’s son
ward. After the dull- — Facialist Sofie Pavitt A Berlin court Wednesday
ness of winter and be- convicted a man of killing the
ing stuck inside, it was a good way to come into son of former German Presi-
summer.” dent Richard von Weiz-

Normally, the Brooklyn-based advertising crea- saecker. He was sentenced to
tive director sees Pavitt for about six facials a year. 12 years and ordered held in a
“She says good skin is the best makeup, and I have psychiatric ward.
stopped wearing makeup since I’ve been going to Dr. Fritz von Weizsaecker
her,” Shelley said. was stabbed to death in No-
During quarantine, Pavitt treated clients re- vember while delivering a
motely, putting them on a products regimen and lecture on liver disease.
assessing their progress via pictures. “I can clear Prosecutors said the defen-
up acne in four months 90 percent of the time,” she dant, identified only as Gre-

said. gor S., 57, hated Richard von
The pandemic has given New Yorkers more time Weizsaecker, who died in
to tend to their skin — and perhaps realize they 2015, because the ex-leader
could use a little outside help. had once worked for a com-
“Having the focus on the booty is fun, but it’s not pany that developed “Agent
just about booty facials,” she said. “If you are Orange,” a defoliant used in
breaking out [anywhere] on the body, we can treat the Vietnam War and blamed
it.” by some for illnesses suffered
by people exposed to it. AP

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New York Post, Thursday, July 9, 2020

Turned blind eye at party

By Ben Feuerherd

The former CEO of

Reddit drew criticism this
week after revealing that
she and several others at a
ritzy 2011 Silicon Valley
Christmas party attended
by Ghislaine Maxwell
“knew” or “suspected”
that she was allegedly

supplying underage girls
to Jeffrey Epstein but did
not call her out.
AND 6 TOWNHOMES Ellen Pao said in a Twit-
ter post that Maxwell was
at the party hosted by
Not ‘cool’: Ellen Pao said of Ghislaine Maxwell’s presence
Your haven to residential bliss in ultra-luxurious setting. Kleiner Perkins, a ven-
at a party, “We knew about her supplying underage girls for sex,
but I guess that was fine with the ‘cool’ people” who invited her.”
You have everything you need… at Quincy Heights! ture-capital giant where
she worked as a partner. in the room knew she was charged so I guess it
“She was at the Kleiner a child sex trafficker… would be more accurate
holiday party in 2011, but I and no one in the room to say we ‘suspected’ v
had no desire to meet her objected to her pres- ‘knew,’ ” she wrote.
much less have a photo ence?” another wrote. When asked by another
taken with her,” Pao wrote “Sounds like you’re as- Twitter user if everyone
ONLY 25 MIN TO NYC! in a tweet on Monday. sociated with some pretty at the party was OK with
“We knew about her cool people,” a third user Maxwell being at the
supplying underage girls responded. bash, she responded that
for sex, but I guess that Pao set her Twitter to the employees who made
was fine with the ‘cool’ private after the criticism, up the guest list were fine
people who managed the but later lifted the setting. with her attending.
tightly controlled guest In a second tweet, she The “super exclusive”
list.” clarified that media re- party was attended by
Twitter users slammed ports had implicated tech-industry giants and
✔ Covered Parking Pao — who joined Reddit Maxwell in sex trafficking former politicians, in-
two years later — for not — but the accused cluding former Vice Pres-
✔ Security Cameras saying anything about the madam had not been ident Al Gore, ex-My-
✔ Huge lobby guest list for years after charged criminally at the Space CEO Owen Van
the party. time. Natta and former Twitter
✔ Gourmet inspired “Sorry but it sounds like “To be clear, the press engineering head Mike
you were fine with it too,” had described her as sup- Abbott, according to
kitchens one user responded. plying underage girls for Business Insider.
✔ Spacious floor plans “Wait what? Everyone sex, but she had not been

✔ Fitness center
✔ Nearby shopping
✔ Meeting rooms
Floyd cop’s snide remark
The Minneapolis police former Officer Thomas Wednesday as part of
✔ Extra-large windows officer who knelt on George Lane — one of four cops Lane’s bid to get the charges
Floyd before he died dis- charged and fired over against him dropped.
missed Floy’ds pleas of be- Floyd’s death. “Then stop Lane was holding Floyd’s
ing unable to breath, saying, talking, stop yelling. It takes legs during the fatal May 25

Call 732-702-2760 “It takes a heck of a lot of

oxygen to talk,” it was re-
vealed Wednesday.
a heck of a lot of oxygen to
talk,” replied Derek Chau-
vin, who had his knee
encounter and twice asked
officers if should they roll
Floyd onto his side, but
or Email “You’re going to kill me, pressed on Floyd’s neck. Chauvin refused.
for additional information man,” Floyd said after he The transcripts, not the Earl Gray, Lane’s attorney,
was handcuffed and placed actual footage, of Lane’s and said Wednesday that there
175 Quincy CT, Woodbridge Township NJ, 08861 on the ground, according to former Officer J. Alexander is no probable cause to
the transcript of a body- Kueng’s body-camera re- charge his client.
camera recording from cordings, were made public Kenneth Garger, Wires

A god Among bros

New York Post, Thursday, July 9, 2020

Billionaire’s fans believe he can do no wrong
By suzy weiss

What’s the deal with Elon Musk ado about elon:

Musk’s online army? Kanye West (from top), Pharrell
His legions of sci-fi-obsessed Williams and Joe Rogan are all
stans — they’re mostly men — “Musketeers,” die-hard fans of Elon
congregate online in forums, such Musk (right). The entrepreneur
as the subreddit r/ElonMusk, supports West’s bid for president.
which has 210,000 followers, and
follow Twitter accounts like Elon’s
World and Teslarati. They’ll take
time off from work to watch the
SpaceX launch, vociferously de-
fend their leader online against
what they see, in the words of one
fan, as “garbage media attention,”
and sing his praises even when
stocks dip precipitously.
To the “Musketeers,” as his die-
hard fans are sometimes known,
Musk can do no wrong —
whether he’s pledging “full sup-
port” to rapper Kanye West’s
presidential bid or cheekily sell-
ing silky, red short shorts for the
price of $69.420.
And that’s just this week’s an-
“Even though the guy seems in-
sane at times, there’s a super-ge-
nius aspect behind him and his be-
liefs,” said Keith Muelas, 27, a Seat-
tle video game developer who
saved for six years to be able to
put down a deposit on a Tesla
Model 3. Musk, he said, is “ad-
vancing Earth to protect the fu-

NY Post photo composite/Mike Guillen

ture of humanity.”
The South-African born Musk’s
businesses include: Tesla, the
electric-car company; SpaceX, a
space exploration enterprise that
recently launched the Falcon 9
rocket into orbit; and the Boring
Co., with a stated mission to build
tunnels but which is better known
for producing flamethrowers
wielded by uber-popular YouTu-
bers, such as David Dobrik.
Fanboys of the 49-year-old bil-
lionaire businessman include sev- and Cara Delevingne as part of comply with California law.) shortcomings just serve to un- orders.)
eral celebrities: Joe Rogan, who the actor’s libel case against UK Ultimately, though, Musk is liv- derscore Musk’s “underdog” sta- John, who said he’s “heavily in-
has invited the “super genius” newspaper The Sun. Musk has ing out the ultimate dude fan- tus. vested” in Musk’s companies and
onto his podcast twice; Pharrell denied the affair — although the tasy: becoming an astronaut. His supporters view him as a drives a Model X, couldn’t resist
Williams, who has also publicly rumored ménage à trois has only “There was this young guy who tech punk unafraid to put him- buying those short shorts that
called Musk a “genius;” and Kanye burnished his image. wanted to go out to space. It self on the line. read “S3XY” along the butt and
West, who’s so proud of his bro- Although he doesn’t proclaim sounds like something a little kid “When he was pushing for Cali- sold out in less than five min-
mance with the inventor, he re- to be an objectivist, Musk sure would say, like, ‘I want to have my fornia to open up, he showed up at utes. He and his friends plan on
cently tweeted a pic of them in seems straight out of an Ayn own company and go out to space,’ the factory to get arrested if the wearing them, he said, to the
color-coordinated outfits. Rand novel. Viewed through that ” said Steven Papadakis, 40, an As- cops came,” said John, 33, who next Tesla shareholder meeting.
“There’s a ‘Nerd King’ aspect,” lens, his exploits aren’t bizarre toria resident with his own real- works in tech and declined to give “It’s a joke,” John said, although
Muelas said, when asked to de- p.r. stunts, but rather a kind of estate investment business. “But his last name. He also runs a Twit- he believes Musk — and his Mus-
fine Musk’s je ne sais quoi. And rugged, anti-establishment indi- he’s really making it happen.” ter account called Tesla Owners keteers — will have the last laugh.
the alleged dishy sexploits of the vidualism. In a typically head- So what if his “bulletproof” Silicon Valley. “I’m not saying he’s “It’s a ‘screw you’ to the short-sell-
playboy scientist have only scratching — and apparently ille- Cybertruck can’t withstand a a Mother Teresa, but he definitely ers that were giving him gray hairs
added to his mystique among gal — move, Musk recently metal ball being thrown at it? Or cares about his employees.” (In for the last three years.”
young, single men: Johnny named his seventh child, a son that Tesla has had difficulty May, Musk, who has called the
Depp’s lawyers have accused with the musician Grimes, “X Æ churning out enough cars to coronavirus lockdown “fascist,”
Depp’s then-wife Amber Heard A-12 Musk.” (The couple later break even? reopened Tesla’s Bay Area factory
of having a threesome with Musk changed it to “X AE A-XII” to In the eyes of Papadakis, such in defiance of county shutdown Elon’s payday / p. 30

New York Post, Thursday, July 9, 2020

OHNNY, we hardly knew ye.
For Gen Xers who came of
age in the 1990s, there was no
From young
and ‘Sassy’
one like Johnny Depp. As it is,
our icons are few — Winona, Kate
Moss, the late Kurt Cobain and
River Phoenix — but Johnny was
He was a teen heartthrob, to be
sure, but of a different stripe. One
of my monthly rituals as a suburban

to aging
teenage girl was waiting for my lat-
est copy of Sassy magazine to ar-
rive, and I’ll never forget finding
one issue in particular waiting on
the kitchen table: Johnny Depp, the
magazine’s white whale, finally on
the cover, photographed in black
and white — an almost unheard-of

and bitter
design choice, then and now —
looking right back at me, so beauti-
ful, so bored, so indifferent.
It was the perfect distillation of
his appeal. Johnny Depp, the reluc-
tant pinup, way too cool for this s--t
but playing along anyway, acknowl-
edging besotted teenage fans like
“We hang out at JOHNNY play the eccentric titular B-movie in 2019, “Bitter and old age really is
DEPP’s,” read the cover line. director in “Ed Wood” and the a depressing moment. And when
“Doesn’t he look excited?” child-man with blades instead of you’re 23, you can be angry, you can
That cover is the stuff of 1990s fingers in “Edward Scissorhands.” be a drug addict, a drunk, and you

Getty Images
legend, and Depp went on to be an He starred in Jim Jarmusch’s fringe can be sexy. But [when you’re
emissary of Gen X cool. He lever- black-and-white Western “Dead older], it doesn’t look so good.”
aged his initial fame playing Tom Man” (budget $1 million), in Emir This is the Johnny we’re seeing
Hanson, a square, grown-up under- Kusturica’s “Arizona Dream,” now. The movie star who would
cover high-school narc on “21 Jump and the sideways romance “Benny render talk-show hosts David Let-

Amber’s pic
Street,” and transformed it into an & Joon.” terman and Charlie Rose into bab-
ironic meta-commentary on teen When Depp finally made a con- bling idiots, murmuring “you’re so
idoldom in his first feature film, ventional genre film with 1997’s cool” over and over to his face; the
1990’s “Cry-Baby.” “Donnie Brasco,” he Johnny Depp who, once he decided
Depp was consid- stole it from leg- to go mainstream, horrified Disney
ered crazy to do it. endary co-star Al execs by playing Captain Jack Spar-
He had been on Pacino. row as a drunk Keith Richards and By Tamar Lapin The images came on the
track to be a major Nothing could turning the “Pirates” movies into a second day of Depp’s three-
Hollywood star. But tarnish his image: global juggernaut anyway; the It’s all part of an unbal- week court battle against
instead of going the Not the death by Johnny Depp who would quietly anced breakfast. The Sun newspaper for
conventional big- drug overdose of dress up as Captain Jack and visit Images unveiled in once calling him a “wife
studio route, he River Phoenix out- children’s hospitals, never for pub- Johnny Depp’s libel case in beater” — as a lawyer for
signed up to work side Depp’s LA licity but because his own daughter London on Wednesday the paper continued to
with John Waters, nightclub The Vi- nearly died when she was little — show a table laid out with paint the troubled actor as a
then that rarest of per Room in 1993. that still-crushworthy Depp is gone. his morning meal of booze violent addict who repeat-
things — an openly Not his 1994 arrest It’s painful to see the Depp we’re and drugs during one rage- edly assaulted Heard.
gay director best for trashing his seeing in court, pushing 60 with bad fueled bender. Questioned about the
known for cult films $1,200-a-night ho- teeth, evidence submitted that he’s One pic — taken in 2013 photo, the “Pirates of the
starring a drag queen tel room at Man- taking booze and lines of coke for by Depp’s ex-wife Amber Caribbean” star, 57, admit-
named Divine. hattan’s The Mark, lunch, passed out on the floor and Heard inside her LA apart- ted his breakfast of champi-
It was risky to be then-girlfriend finding poop in his bed. He wasn’t ment — showed two glasses ons that day included booze
sure, and it not only Moss with him. supposed to go out like this. Johnny of whiskey and a cross- and blow after a spat with
made Depp a movie star — it estab- “He looked good under arrest,” Depp was meant to age like the Gen bones-decorated pillbox Heard, 34. “It had been
lished him as a true artist. Waters said of Depp’s perp walk. “I X original he was, not some clichéd marked “property of JD,” quite a nasty argument,”
In the 1990s, Depp reportedly loved the handcuffs — they always version of late-stage Elvis. which Depp conceded Depp said, according to The
turned down the leads in studio work. Criminal movie star is a This week, we Gen Xers lost one “probably” contained co- Sun. “I was definitely par-
blockbusters “Speed” and “Inter- really good look for Johnny.” of our last icons. Note to Brad Pitt: caine, according to reports. taking of the cocaine and
view with a Vampire,” instead Now, not so much. Please hang in there. Four lines of what appears whiskey that morning.”
teaming up with Tim Burton to As Waters told NPR’s Terry Gross to be coke are near a credit The day the photo of the
card and straw. drug-littered table was

breakfast time

New York Post, Thursday, July 9, 2020

AFP via Getty Images
Richards Whiskey
CD Paraphernalia

Who’s Up?!
Driver’s license Johnny Depp and
ex Amber Heard
(opposite page)
arrive Wednes-
Depp-branded day for a day at
London libel
drug box court, which in-
cluded a photo of
his druggy morn-
Lines of cocaine ing intake (left)
shot by the ac-
tress in 2013, a
hard time for the
superstar (inset).

of druggy Depp’s wake-up meal

taken, Heard’s sister, Whit- while fending off claims actress Winona Ryder whore,” in 2014 because he start screaming at
ney Henriquez, got to the he beat Heard for laughing years earlier. thought she was having an her in front of all
couple’s home to find it in at his infamous “Wino For- The laughter “provoked affair with co-star Franco. those people,”
complete disarray, said ever” tattoo and for her disappointment” and “then Depp admitted to being Depp said, accord-
Sasha Wass, the attorney working with actor James anger” in the actor, Wass “uncomfortable” with ing to the Evening
representing the tabloid. Franco — and that he even alleged. Heard working again with Standard.
“Whitney was confronted once dangled her little dog “You slapped her more her “Pineapple Express” He also beat
with a lot of mess — whis- out the window of a mov- than once, because after co-star because she had back claims he
key, lines of cocaine on the ing car. you slapped her the first previously called him once dangled
kitchen table and the sight “She is the only person time, she didn’t react. She “creepy and rapey” — and Heard’s teacup
of Ms. Heard, who was very who has raised that notion just eyeballed you. She just he believed the two were Yorkshire terrier,
red and had obviously been — that I am a monster stared at you, and that having an affair. Pistol, out a mov-
crying,” Wass said, accord- when I drink, take cocaine made you more angry, and But he denied Wass’ ing car during an-
ing to The Sun. or smoke marijuana,” he you slapped her again,” the claims that he slapped and other row. insulting any
Depp responded: “I don’t said of Heard, according to lawyer said, according to kicked Heard during a fight “That is not my idea of [person] who got near” —
recall the level of destruc- The Sun. the Daily Mail. about Franco on a private fun,” he said. “Although my Depp said: “I may have
tion Whitney describes.” The day’s cross-examina- Depp called it “patently jet — though he conceded sense of humor is rather done things that I have no
But he said he remem- tion kicked off with Wass untrue,” insisting, “I don’t he may have called her “a skewed.” memory of.”
bered “sitting at the glass accusing the actor of hit- recall any argument about go-getter slut and a whore.” Confronted with a text But he insisted, “I am cer-
table when she came and I ting Heard in 2013 for any of my tattoos.” “There is a possibility message he sent to fellow tainly not a violent person
was drinking whiskey.” laughing at his infamous The attorney then ac- Ms. Heard and I had a fight actor Paul Bettany — say- — especially with women.”
In court Wednesday, he ink — which he’d had al- cused him of slapping and where those words came ing he’d gone on a binge Additional reporting by
denied that he is a “Dr. Jek- tered from “Winona For- kicking Heard, while call- out of my mouth, but I that resulted in a “blackout, Lee Brown, with Wires
yll and Mr. Hyde” monster, ever” after splitting with ing her a “slut and a didn’t go into a rage and screaming obscenities and
Protester Weird
faked car
‘Religious’ win true

hit: police You can’t call her a “Karen”

A protester who claimed now.
to have been hit by a car on

Justices void birth-control mandate A British writer changed

New York Post, Thursday, July 9, 2020

Long Island was charged on her name after it became

Wednesday with filing a slang for an entitled white
false report, police said. woman.
Keith Harrison was at a By BoB FrEdEricks provide contraceptives the Poor had asked the jus- employees, in violation of Karen J. Yossman, who con-
Black Lives Matter protest with no co-pay to workers. tices to reverse a lower their religious beliefs. tributes to The Telegraph,
in Huntington Station on The Supreme Court on The group said the act vi- court’s order that blocked “Twice before in this on- said she no longer wants to
Monday when a driver Wednesday upheld ex- olated their religious and the exemptions nation- going saga, the Supreme be associated with the “ster-
struck a marcher with his panded exemptions to the moral beliefs. wide. Court has blocked these eotype” on social media.
SUV, according to police. Affordable Care Act’s birth- The law al- The White overly rigid and misguided She now goes by her ini-
Harrison, 56, allegedly control mandate for employ- lowed for House hailed efforts and sided with reli- tials, KJ.
filed a police report stating ers with religious or moral some exemp- the high gious freedom. Today, it has
that he, too, had been hit — objections. tions for court’s deci- once again vindicated the
but an investigation proved The 7-2 vote, with Justice churches and sion. conscience rights of people These hooters got cen-
otherwise, cops said. Clarence Thomas (inset) other reli- “Today’s of faith.” sored!
Police said that another writing the majority opinion gious organi- Supreme House Speaker Nancy A live video of baby owls
man was injured when An- and Justices Ruth Bader zations. Court ruling Pelosi ripped the ruling. nesting in England was re-
thony Cambareri allegedly Ginsburg and Sonia Soto- But after is a big win “The Supreme Court’s moved by Facebook — which
plowed into the march. mayer dissenting, came in President for religious decision to enable the cited “nudity and sexual
Cambareri has been charged the case of Pennsylvania vs. Trump took freedom and Trump administration’s activity.”
with third-degree assault. Little Sisters of the Poor, a office, the freedom of brutal assault on women’s Graham Moss, who set up
Harrison, meanwhile, was Roman Catholic order that feds in 2017 conscience, “ health, financial security cameras in his garden in
charged with falsely report- had sued over the act’s re- issued a rule it said in a and independence is a fun- Doncaster, said he was baf-
ing an incident. quirement that employers to allow exemptions for statement. damental misreading of the fled by why birds had ruffled
Tamar Lapin more employers, including “Almost a decade ago, the statute,” she said. Facebook’s feathers.
publicly traded companies. Obama administration at- “The Affordable Care Act It wasn’t clear if any owls or
Under the rule, private tempted to force employ- was explicitly designed to humans had been mating on
Worker Eligibility for Trade Act Benefits employers could get an ex- ers, including religious prevent discrimination camera. Facebook is “cur-
emption for a “sincerely nonprofits like the Little against women and to en- rently investigating.”
The US Department of Labor has certified that held religious belief.” Sisters of the Poor, an order sure that women have ac-
workers of The Bank of New York Mellon, Global The Trump administra- of nuns, to provide contra- cess to preventive care, in-
Custo dy & Cash Services Division , a tion and the Little Sisters of ceptive coverage to their cluding contraception.” The Canadian Air Force’s
sub sid iary of The Ban k of New Yo rk Mellon newest recruits are goats —
Corp oration, in clu ding on -sit e leased wo rkers no kidding!
from WIPRO Limit ed, Co gniz ant Worldwide Officers are seeking a herd
Limit ed , Seven Seven, and CPT G lobal In c., of goats and sheep to keep
New York, New Yo rk , may be eligible for Trade weeds down in dangerously
difficult-to-reach areas of a
Adjustment Assistance (TAA). The petition number is base in Alberta.
95611. This petition applies to all workers who: The military branch re-
x Were engaged in activities related to the supply quested 250 animals.
of technical support services for systems Removing the vegetation is
applications a good way to keep wildlife
x Were laid off between 1/27/2019 and 3/18/2020 such as bears and moose
or from wandering onto a run-
x Were notified that they will be laid off by way at the base, officers said.
A Canadian lottery winner
TAA benefits may include: nearly lost $74,045 when he
x Career counseling services left a winning ticket in his
x Paid training for a new job jacket pocket, then lent the
x Financial support while looking for new garment to a friend.
employment or attending approved training Jose Lima, 69, of Ontario,
x Allowances to: didn’t realize he’d hit the
jackpot until he got the coat
R Pay travel expenses to job interviews
back and found the forgotten
outside the commuting area Sept. 28 lotto ticket.
R Relocate family and household goods to He plans to use the dough
a new job location to buy a cottage.
x A wage subsidy for workers aged 50 years or
older, if they find a new job that pays less
This kitty’s no longer in a
To apply for these benefits or get more details: jam.
A cat spent two weeks with
x Call (518) 485-1597 or a peanut butter jar stuck on
x Write to NYS Department of Labor, its head before Samaritans
TRA Unit, State Office Campus, caught and freed it in New
Bldg. 12, Room 222, Albany, NY 12240 Zealand.
The feline was first spotted
in Matamata, prompting calls
to an animal shelter.
It was eventually captured
and taken to a vet, where the
jar was removed.
Natalie O’Neill, Wires

New York Post, Thursday, July 9, 2020

Air of Menace
Indoor ventilation is key to fighting COVID-19
Protest beat: The Twin Cities in Ruins
The media “might have ‘moved on’ from the riots in Minneapolis, but
residents have nowhere to go,” reports Michael Tracey at The Wall Street
Journal. “Much of the Twin Cities is still in ruins. Boarded-up storefronts
F you’re working in an office still display makeshift notices that read ‘black-owned’ or ‘minority-

I or eating in a restaurant, and

someone 30 feet away exhales
tiny particles of the coronavi-
rus, those particles can drift and
infect you. Picture cigarette
owned’ to ward off further destruction.” Long Her, an immigrant whose
clothing store had much of its inventory looted, says he still hasn’t heard
from authorities. Flora Westbrooks, whose hair salon was burned to the
ground, is waiting for officials to update her on what, if anything, can be
done. Meanwhile, notes Tracey, “ ‘Black Lives Matter’ signs dot the yards
smoke wafting across a room. of countless leafy homes across the area.” Westbrooks’ neighbor, a white
Same thing. The precautions woman, displays one in her window. “Westbrooks, who is black, does not.”
global and federal agencies are
advising aren’t good enough.
Social distancing — keeping six
Urban desk: How To Destroy Cities
feet away — and washing your “On the surface, progressive ‘blue America’ ” seems strong, with Presi-
hands won’t protect you from dent Trump polling poorly and Joe Biden placating his party’s “activist
this airborne virus. That isn’t and identitarian wings” — but, Joel Kotkin notes at Tablet, “woke pro-
fear-mongering. It’s science. gressives” are “undermining their own urban base” through “crushingly
To defeat COVID-19 and re- high taxes, regulatory burdens and dysfunctional schools.” That’s why
open our economy, we all need “New York, Los Angeles and Chicago have lost population” over the last

Getty Images
to become radical indoor envi- few years, while “the suburbs, exurbs and sprawling cities of the interior”
ronmentalists, shifting our atten- have grown. Instead of trying to reverse the “exodus,” big-city mayors
tion from outdoor air quality to have “conceded enormous credibility” to radicals who believe in “un-
the air we breathe indoors. leashing violence and disorder as an intimidation tactic” — a “riot ideol-
New research from the National New normal: Figures atop Paul’s Daughter diner on Coney Island don ogy” that will “accelerate urban feudalism, driving out middle-class fami-
Academy of Sciences contends masks as science focuses on the role of droplets in spreading the virus. lies and businesses” and “leaving only the lords and the peasants.”
that airborne transmission of the
virus is “highly virulent,” the glasses or goggles. Viral parti- the coronavirus, says Joseph
“dominant” way it spreads. cles can invade eye membranes Gardner Allen from Harvard’s Conservative: Kanye and the ‘Uncancellables’
On Monday, 239 scientists too. The journal Lancet reports School of Public Health. And “Rapper, producer and sneaker salesman Kanye West is almost certainly
jointly announced research that “eye protection is typically against indefinite lockdowns. not running for president,” but just upping his profile
showing “beyond any reasonable under-considered.” Reopening plans proposed by in advance of dropping his next album, argues Ben
doubt” that “viruses are released As for improving indoor safety, most states and the Centers for Sixsmith at Spectator USA. Yet whatever he does, the
during exhalation, talking and kudos to Gov. Cuomo for be- Disease Control and Prevention left can’t destroy him, because he is one of the “peo-
coughing in micro-droplets coming an indoor environmen- overlook the problem of air- ple who somehow transcend cancellation” — like
small enough to talist. At his June borne spread and don’t consider Elon Mush or J.K. Rowling. That doesn’t mean they
remain aloft in 29 briefing, he ex- high-tech remedies. merit “hero worship,” as some on the right opted for
the air” and that pressed concern What the United States needs after West praised President Trump. Still, you “have
can spread across BETSY about the air- is a Green Indoor Deal, an infra- to respect someone who gets rich and starts to say
a room. McCAUGHEY borne virus parti- structure-spending plan to equip whatever they want. What is the point of f-you
They didn’t say cles circulating in workplaces. It would be a bar- money if you never say f-you?” Plus, their ability to
what proportion malls. gain compared to prolonged un- “take heat without apology or ruin . . . exposes the
of infections are caused that way, Unfortunately, he went too far, employment benefits. pack dogs of political correctness as being some-
but the evidence may explain mandating that they install spe- It could also help schools thing less formidable than one might have imagined.” Kanye West
how one “super-spreader” in a cific equipment — HEPA filters reopen. School-aged kids pose
room can infect dozens of other — in their air conditioning, be- the lowest infection risk. Yet
people. fore they’re allowed to reopen. Mayor de Blasio is insisting kids Media watch: Another Baldfaced Lie
The scientists, including engi- Mall owners are pushing back learn from home half the time. According to The New York Times, President Trump stoked “racial
neering experts, urged countries against the HEPA mandate, say- Why? The CDC recommends fears to pit a white voting base against nationwide calls for social justice”
battling the virus to make build- ing the filters won’t work with that students’ desks be spaced in his Mount Rushmore speech — a claim, The Washington Post’s Marc
ings healthier, by improving ven- their existing systems or will six feet apart, making it impossi- Thiessen points out, that isn’t remotely true. In reality, Trump praised
tilation and installing air-clean- cost too much. ble to fit the whole class in one “great black Americans” and “the righteous movement for civil rights.”
ing technologies. Airlines use HEPA. Most recy- room. It’s going to be a night- Because he also criticized radicals who “burn buildings and tear down
Here’s the takeaway: Indoor cle about 30 percent of cabin air mare for parents. statues,” though, the media repeated its “insidious habit” of twisting his
air quality is the key to reopen- through HEPA filters, and ex- The CDC’s antiquated six-foot words to make it seem he was sowing racial animosity. He didn’t; he “de-
ing safely. haust the other 70 percent out of rule ignores that the virus can clared that no one would cancel the American Founding on his watch.” If
The scientists cited research the plane. The cabin air is re- spread through the air and the such “celebrating and defending of our founding principles” is divisive, it
showing how three families at placed about every three minutes. technologies to battle that. “tells us less about Trump” than about “the sad state of our country.”
three different tables in a restau- So a plane is an unlikely place to You may wonder why you ha-
rant in China all became infected become infected by airborne ven’t heard this information
with the virus. One person at ta- COVID-19: A passenger must still from the CDC or the World Libertarian: A Perilous Redefinition of Violence
ble A came in with it, and when worry about people seated close Health Organization. They’re Progressives are waging a “socially corrosive” effort to “radically redefine
he talked, he emitted viral drop- by and about contaminated surfa- behind on the science. On Tues- ‘violence,’ ” warns Reason’s Billy Binion. Current Affairs’ Nathan Robinson
lets that were carried across the ces, but not dirty air. day, WHO grudgingly acknowl- and The New York Times’ Nikole Hannah-Jones, for example, argue that
room in a stream of air-condi- Unfortunately, few indoor spa- edged “the emerging evidence.” “violence” refers only to harming a person, not property. “Human lives are
tioned air, infecting diners at two ces can be fitted like airplanes to It’s airborne, and it’s time to more intrinsically valuable than inanimate objects,” of course, but destroy-
other tables. turn over air in three minutes. deal with that. ing property is still violence, and redefining the word just trivializes the
In a restaurant, you’re mask- But there are other, newer tech- Betsy McCaughey is the chair- struggles of minority business owners now trying to recover from that
less and more vulnerable. The nologies that can be installed to woman of the Committee to Re- destruction. And other left-wingers are expanding the definition with slo-
mounting evidence on airborne combat airborne viruses. duce Infection Deaths and author gans like “Silence Is Violence,” as well as widespread claims that speech
transmission underscores the “Healthy buildings should be of the forthcoming book “The (unwelcome ideas or the wrong pronouns) can be an act of violence. Alas,
importance of masks and eye the first line of defense” against Next Pandemic.” the left’s “incoherent” redefinition effort will only slow down progress on
combatting real violence. — Compiled by The Post Editorial Board

America’s oldest continuously published daily newspaper

How Blas Failed the City:
A Rotten Schools Plan NYers’ Cry for Leadership
New York Post, Thursday, July 9, 2020

arents are rightly panning Mayor de Teachers told members they had no obliga- It is hardly surprising

The Issue: The Post’s call for Mayor de Blasio to
Blasio and Chancellor Richard Car- tion to provide live teaching during the pan- that the city’s quality of
address the city’s spike in violent crime.
ranza’s plan for a half-reopening of city demic — no matter what principals said. life is rapidly deteriorat-
schools come September — a vision It’s one thing for the DOE to be unpre- ing, as each day
that seems to only work for families with at pared when schools suddenly closed in brings more proof of Thank goodness we
least one stay-at-home adult. March. It’s another that, four months later, the disastrous may- have only 18 months
Unless the parents opt for pure remote- the DOE’s remote-learning program re- oralty of Bill de left. Let’s hope he
learning, the scheme has students at the mains of dubious quantity and quality. Blasio (“Bill, do then disappears.
school on a two- and three-day rotating — Plus, the new plan assumes much smaller something!” July 7). Walter Williams
possibly staggered — schedule, with online in-school class sizes — requiring a lot of And it should come Hartsdale
instruction the other days. teachers. Who’s left to run online classes? as no surprise to any-
This, when online “classes” have been a The mayor is making vague promises that one, given the ex- The photo of Mayor
disaster. Last week, parent and veteran city parents won’t have to stay home with kids, treme leftist philoso- de Blasio ostensibly
teacher Jenny Lombard ripped the “abys- though it’s hard to see how that will avoid phy that has guided in a quandary on how
mal” quality of remote teaching at Brooklyn the very crowding that the plan aims to keep his actions right from to deal with the up-
Tech, where her son is enrolled. In a letter to out of the schools: The city doesn’t have the get-go. surge of crime in
school and Department of Education offi- that much excess day-care capacity. His longtime ro- New York City is an
cials, she outlined how her son’s teachers Gov. Cuomo isn’t helping: After de Blasio mance with social- appropriate snapshot.
loaded up students with assignments and announced his so-called plan, the gov reiter- ism has wrought Obviously, the
homework without any actual instruction. ated that no one’s reopening without his OK chaos, as criminal NYPD’s ability to
And Tech is one of the city’s top high and said the state will issue reopening gui- activity in the streets they must be held re- deal with the current up-
schools, which suggests that most schools dance for local school districts next Monday goes unchecked and po- sponsible when they do. surge in crime has been
failed as badly. (Hail to those teachers who, — and judging the districts’ plans starting lice are not given the di- At the same time, curtailed by legislation
despite the lack of support, went all-out to Aug. 1. So it may be back to Square One for rection and support they crime — particularly gun and policies that have
make online learning work.) the city. need. violence — has long benefited the lawless.
Neither de Blasio nor Carranza has ac- One thing’s clear: Working parents (espe- Law and order have be- been a chronic disease in The mayor, City Coun-
knowledged these failures. Then again, both cially single ones) are the last people whose come dirty words, re- America, and New York cil and state officials
went along as the United Federation of needs matter to state and city leaders. placed by crime and dis- City has not been spared. have enacted legislation
order, and de Blasio The reality is: Until we and policies that ham-
blissfully turns a blind reach a collective Uto- string the police.
Supreme-ly Reluctant eye to it all.
David Shapiro
pia, we need cops to
keep us safe.
I’m a bit perplexed as
to why our representa-
ednesday’s headline news from the Su- olic nursing order, has been fighting for years That de Blasio has tives avoid backtracking

preme Court was less than it seemed, to be exempt from the mandate — citing the failed New York City is on reforms and continue
because the justices never should have First Amendment and the Religious Freedom De
 Blasio and the City unrelated to party poli- curtailing police tactics
had to rule on the point they decided on — Restoration Act, which guarantees protec- Council have effectively tics and totally due to his that have effectively re-
and they dodged the central issue for at least tions for sincerely held religious beliefs. tied the hands of the fin- singular incompetence. duced crime.
the second time. Yet the court (repeating a dodge it took in est police department in Daniel Dolgicer The fear of punish-
The court simply ruled, 7-2, that the a 2016 case) declined to rule on that basic the world, and Gov. Cu- Manhattan ment may have reduced
Trump administration could add a broad re- question, which means that New Jersey and omo sat back and did one’s desire to commit
ligious-freedom exemption to the Obama other states will continue litigating against nothing. I
 used to think that crime, but that no longer
administration’s order that employer health the Little Sisters. The police now have to former Mayors Abe exists thanks to the
plans must include “free” contraceptives. This is particularly bizarre, since the same wonder if a potential ar- Beame and David Dink- mayor and state and city
That’s a no-brainer: One president gets to seven justices on the same day broke differ- rest could result in the ins were the worst may- representatives.
make different decisions from another. ent new ground when it comes to religious end of their career or ors in the history of New John Gargiulo
To be clear, the Trump order was in no protections: They held that Catholic schools even possible arrest. York City. Wrong! De Queens
way an effort to rewrite the ObamaCare law and similar organizations can’t be sued for Cuomo needs to come Blasio has easily become
— which is completely silent on the ques- employment discrimination as long as the down from his mountain the worst. I
 used to love visiting
tion. The “contraceptive mandate” was the (ex-)employee’s duties included any reli- and take his chances on How else do you ex- New York, the best city
work of then-Health Secretary Kathleen Se- gious role, such as teachers’ responsibilities the streets of New York plain his crippling and in the world.
belius as she chose how to apply that law. for students’ moral foundation. Even suits City. Ronald Alois then defunding of the po- Sadly, because of the
The real issue here is whether employers for age or racial discrimination are out — Brooklyn lice, his hiring and then policies of your left-wing
who are morally opposed to contraception the “ministerial exception” is that broad. absolute loyalty to his politicians, the city is too
have to pay for it anyway, as Sebelius in- Next to that, siding clearly with the Little De Blasio isn’t responsi-
 Schools Chancellor Rich- dangerous for me to con-
tended. The Little Sisters of the Poor, a Cath- Sisters’ rights of conscience should be easy. ble for all of the city’s ard Carranza or his ap- sider returning.
woes — but he bears re- pointment of his wife, If city residents decide
sponsibility for the jum- Chirlane McCray, to head in the next election to
‘Piling on’ Amy Cooper bled, inadequate re-
sponse to them.
the mental-health initia-
tive ThriveNYC?
use common sense and
vote for someone like
ringing her more misery just seems like rushed to avoid any spillover bad press. We do need to reform Then there’s his ne- Mayor Rudy Giuliani,

‘B piling on,” Christian Cooper says to ex-

plain why he won’t help Manhattan DA
Cy Vance prosecute Amy Cooper over their
Yet Vance has still charged her with falsely
reporting an incident in the third degree,
which could bring up to a year in prison.
the police by changing
hiring practices, retrain-
ing officers and making it
glect of the MTA and the
various transit services
in New York City.
who knew how to lead, I
am sure my mind would
change. With your cur-
now-infamous Central Park confrontation. (Her arraignment’s set for October.) easier to get rid of bad Boo to our clueless rent Mayor de Bozo,
Sure does: She got slammed across social The case seems beyond iffy — how many cops. Police must not doofus of a mayor, de there’s no chance.
media (and regular media) for calling 911 to 911 calls include similar inaccuracies? — and harm the society they Blasio. This guy doesn’t Steve Novello
report that “an African-American man” is a blatantly political prosecution, though an pledge to protect — and even make an effort. New Hope, Pa.
“threatening myself and my dog” — when unemployed woman still might find it im-
he wasn’t really threatening, just being possible to fight the charges. E-MAIL: or WRITE to The Editor, The New York Post, 1211 Avenue of the
creepy. (How many birdwatchers carry Christian Cooper told The New York Americas, New York, NY 10036. Include name, address and daytime phone number. No unverifiable
doggy treats just so they can lure illegally Times, “she’s already paid a steep price,” letters will be published. The Post reserves the right to edit all letters.
off-the-leash canines?) which should be “enough of a deterrent to
The New York Post is published by N.Y. P. Holdings Inc., 1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036.
And she got fired, too, as her employer others.” Indeed. Rupert Murdoch, Chairman; Sean M. Giancola, Publisher; Stephen Lynch, Editor-in-Chief;
Mark Cunningham, Editorial Page Editor

Decry Cancel Culture?

New York Post, Thursday, July 9, 2020

Sorry, You’re Canceled
NE-hundred fifty luminaries, mostly of the left, signed an impas-

O sioned statement against the intolerance of cancel culture — and

were promptly targeted by intolerant liberals for cancellation.
Liberal culture in 2020 is beyond parody: The maddened mobs that
came for the letter writers proved their point instantly and perfectly.
“A Letter on Justice and Open Debate” appeared Tuesday in Harper’s
Magazine, signed by novelists (Margaret Atwood), academics (Steven
Pinker), journalists (Malcolm Gladwell) and musicians (Wynton Marsa-
lis). They decry “a new set of moral attitudes and political commitments
that tend to weaken our norms of open debate,” with the “free exchange
of information and ideas . . . daily becoming more constricted.” They
worry about “intolerance of opposing views, a vogue for public shaming.”
Cancel culture is a beast of the
left, and though the writers are
against conformity, they were care-
ful to trumpet their #Resistance KELLY JANE
bona fides: “The forces of illiberal- TORRANCE
ism” have “a powerful ally in
Donald Trump, who represents a
real threat to democracy.” But the ture being on the letter makes me
“dogma” and “coercion” they’ve feel less safe at Vox,” because it
“come to expect” on “the radical was also signed by “several promi-
right” is becoming a feature of the nent anti-trans voices” and “con-
#Resistance, and “right-wing dem- tained many dog whistles towards

never ‘never Trump’

agogues” are “exploiting” it. anti-trans positions.” (J.K. Rowling,
Indeed, “Donald Trump is the another signer, is a critic of gender
Canceler-in-Chief,” Thomas Chat- ideology; presumably that’s who
terton Williams, who shepherded VanDerWerff had in mind.)
the letter, assured The New York VanDerWerff claims she isn’t
ONSERVATIVES have their dis- Never Trumpers indicated a will- league Max Boot. The hard-line

Times. Huh? Who has Don can- trying to get Yglesias fired — but
agreements with President ingness to call balls and strikes in war hawk — who once fantasized celed lately? at what else would a note like hers
Trump, even as they continue to the first few months after he won about imposing on Muslim lands The virtue-signaling wasn’t be aiming?
support him overwhelmingly for the election: They vowed to sup- “the sort of enlightened foreign ad- enough, of course. “ ‘The Letter’ Already, one signer has folded.
any number of reasons. But a tiny port Trump when he deserved it ministration once provided by self- was shaped/spearheaded from Writer and trans activist Jennifer
group — a groupuscule, really — of (by their lights) and to criticize confident Englishmen in jodhpurs” conversations by four privileged Finney Boylan tweeted a mea
self-styled “true conservatives” him when he went wrong. — now practically sounds like an white men,” huffed New York culpa: “I did not know who else
would have you believe a large But it didn’t last. Policy-wise, as Oberlin College wokester, abjectly Times reporter Farnaz Fassihi. had signed that letter. I thought I
chunk of the GOP is rooting for his Trump became more conserva- confessing his white, male privi-
Democratic opponents to win.
It just so happens that this group-
tive, Never Trump turned more
overtly liberal. “The GOP tax bill’s
lege at every turn.
But it’s Never Trump’s role in
‘ The mobs that came for the letter writers

uscule has massive media influ- bringing out my inner socialist,” attempting to destroy Trump and
ence, far out of proportion to its im- Kristol tweeted in November 2017. his entourage that is most galling.
proved their point instantly and perfectly.
portance to the American right. I’m If a tax reform that yielded mas- All or nearly all of them signed on “Apparently they felt entitled to re- was endorsing a well-meaning, if
speaking, of course, of the Never sive jobs gains before the COV- to the wildest of the “collusion” ally weigh in on racism, diversity vague, message against Internet
Trump movement: the coterie of ID-19 lockdowns can bring out the and Steele dossier theories — and and inclusion. That says it all.” shaming,” she wrote. “I am so
failed political consultants, self- man’s “inner socialist,” that only held on even after the Mueller re- Never mind that the spear- sorry.”
proclaimed “experts” and Washing- suggests there is no deep convic- port debunked these hoaxes. header, Williams, is a black man. Another letter writer might have
ton pundits happy to tell the left tion in that core. Sen. Mitt Romney, Washington’s Fassihi is completely condescend- told the Times the same thing —
media exactly what they want to Washington Post columnist Jen- ranking Never Trumper, will go ing to the many women and non- we don’t know because she would
hear about the Trump GOP and to down in history as the only mem- white people on the list. Does she only speak “on the condition of an-
demoralize ordinary Republicans ber of the Senate to vote to convict think they can’t possibly have onymity in an effort to stay out of
in a crucial election year. a president of the same political ideas and opinions of their own? the growing storm.”
Julie Kelly party. Many other Never Trumpers
From pop-up groups like the Lin- Can they be nothing more than Countless liberals proved the let-
coln Project and Republicans for led the charge for appointing a tools of “privileged white men”? ter’s point with their outrage at its
Biden to e-publications like The nifer Rubin has changed her mind special counsel in the first place. Having a diverse demographic warning that an illiberal society
Bulwark, Never Trump is follow- on nearly everything. At the same time, Never Trump isn’t enough for the new left if the “invariably hurts those who lack
ing a familiar, failed pattern: go all In 2015, she suggested that Presi- ignored or justified one of the big- minorities stand beside people in power.”
out for any Democrat running dent Barack Obama had promoted gest political scandal in American the wrong demographic. Anything Two of the signers understand
against Trump. In a tweet this the Paris climate accord to distract history: the Obama Justice Depart- uttered by white men is suspect, that intimately. The dissident Garry
week, Bill Kristol, Never Trump’s from his many failures. A year ment’s abuse of its power to sabo- even if plenty of others agree. Kasparov can’t return to his home
de facto leader, endorsed the idea later, she railed against how tage Trump’s campaign and then to Reginald Dwayne Betts, a poet in Russia, for fear that Vladimir Pu-
that Illinois Sen. Tammy Duck- “ephemeral Obama’s Paris climate- derail his presidency. In 2018, the Times noted “spent more than tin’s henchmen will throw him out
worth, a Democrat, should be the change deal is.” In 2017, however, prominent Never Trumpers backed eight years in prison for a carjack- a window for his tireless work for
next vice president. when Trump pulled out of the a Democratic takeover of the ing,” is particularly concerned democracy. Salman Rushdie lived a
Here was the founder of The accord, she said the move “signals House and Senate to punish the about the “unforgiving nature” of fugitive’s life for years after the
Weekly Standard, a high official in solidarity with his climate-change GOP; they got half their wish. the culture. Does his experience as Ayatollah Khomeini issued his 1989
the George H.W. Bush administra- denial, right-wing base that revels Whatever happens in November, a black man not count? fatwa ordering Muslims to kill the
tion and a longtime conservative in scientific illiteracy.” conservatives shouldn’t soon for- The letter didn’t list specific novelist over the “blasphemous”
figurehead hoping that a left-wing Likewise in 2015, Rubin de- get all this. Just when the nation examples of cancel culture, but the novel “The Satanic Verses.”
Democrat replaces a conservative nounced Obama’s Iran nuclear needed a true bulwark against an responses to it did them one better. It’s insulting to suggest their
in office: a left-wing Democrat, accord as an awful agreement and increasingly radical left, they Emily VanDerWerff wrote to her courageousness counts for nothing
moreover, who recently suggested cited “10 reasons the Iran deal is betrayed their comrades. Vox editors complaining that an- because some white men agree
she is open to tearing down statues ludicrous.” In 2017, after Trump Julie Kelly is author of the new other staffer, Matthew Yglesias, with them. But it says everything
of George Washington. pulled out, she fretted that the book “Disloyal Opposition: How signed the letter. “He has never you need to know about today’s
It didn’t have to be this way. Hav- move threatens US “credibility.” the Never Trump Right Tried And been anything but kind to me and illiberal left. Once they come for
ing opposed his candidacy during Rubin’s flip-flops are only out- Failed To Take Down the has often supported my work pub- their own, there is no hope for any-
the 2016 GOP primaries, some stripped by those of her Post col- President.” Twitter: @Julie_Kelly2 licly,” she conceded, but “his signa- body else. Twitter: @KJTorrance
Post Weather Report
Thursday Friday New York Tides TODAY TOMORROW
Peekskill High Tide for 1st 2nd 1st 2nd

90/70 Coney Island 11:52a --- 12:02a 12:40p

Stamford Bridgeport Fire Island 11:47a --- 12:06a 12:36p
N.Y. White Plains 87/72 Hempstead 2:48a 3:26p 3:29a 4:06p
86/72 Montauk
Today: Mostly Tomorrow: Sussex 87/71 Huntington 2:47a 3:20p 3:32a 4:04p
81/69 Jones Inlet 11:36a 11:46p 12:24p ---
sunny and humid. Humid with heavy 90/68 Riverhead
High 85 to 91. rain and a t-storm. Huntington 84/71 Southampton Montauk Point 12:27a 1:00p 1:15a 1:51p
High 76 to 82. Paterson Garden 87/73 81/70 Port Washington 2:50a 3:31p 3:27a 4:09p
City Sandy Hook 11:56a --- 12:06a 12:44p
New York Post, Thursday, July 9, 2020

Tonight: A Tomorrow 87/74 Forecasts and Regional cities TODAY TOMORROW
Newark graphics provided by
passing shower or night: Showers Albany 96/71/pc 86/72/pc
and a heavier 89/75 La G JFK
AccuWeather, Inc. ©2020
Danbury 87/70/pc 78/71/r
two late. Low 70 Deer Park
to 76. t-storm. Low 68 86/7386/73 Sun and Moon Glens Falls 92/67/pc 88/69/pc
to 74. Gr Barrington 90/67/t 82/70/t
Long Beach Sunrise today ......................... 5:33 a.m. Kingston 91/69/t 81/70/r
Saturday Sunday 84/74 Sunset tonight ........................ 8:29 p.m. Liberty 86/65/t 76/66/t
Shower or A p.m. Sandy Hook Moonrise today .................... 11:37 p.m. Monticello 89/64/t 76/66/r
t-storm. t-storm. Moonset today ....................... 9:54 a.m. Newburgh 91/69/pc 81/70/r
High 83 High 84 83/74 Forecast data is current as of 6
to 89. to 90. p.m. yesterday. Temperatures are Last New First Full Poughkeepsie 91/69/pc 80/70/r
Asbury Park today’s highs and tonight’s lows. Saratoga Springs 94/69/pc 86/70/pc
Evening Evening
A stray t-storm. Low Mostly clear. Low 71 84/74 Stroudsburg 90/68/s 78/66/r
Weather (W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, Torrington 87/69/pc 80/71/r
71 to 77. to 77. c-cloudy, sh-showers, r-rain, t-thunder-
Manasquan Syracuse 96/73/s 91/71/pc
Almanac 84/74
storms, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice July 12 July 20 July 27 Aug 3
YESTERDAY’S CONDITIONS AT CENTRAL PARK THROUGH 6PM Thursday, July 9, 2020 Athens 88/72/s 88/72/s
Temperature Toms River Baghdad 118/89/pc 118/87/pc
High: 83, Low: 75, Mean: 79 86/73 Beijing 77/67/t 82/70/c
T-storms Berlin 67/57/r 77/54/r
Departure from Normal
Yesterday: +3 degrees N.J. Rain Cairo 92/77/s 96/76/s
Flurries Dublin 61/46/c 61/46/pc
Precipitation Geneva 87/62/t 83/63/t
Yesterday: 0.02”, Month: 0.72”, Year: Hong Kong 91/84/t 91/83/sh
16.87”, Normal year to date: 25.34” Long Beach Ice
Jerusalem 82/65/s 84/66/s
Cooling Degree days yesterday ..............14 83/74 Kabul 90/63/pc 94/62/pc
Total for the month (normal) ........114 (87) London 69/54/r 67/51/pc
Total since Jan. 1 (normal) ..........428 (366) Madrid 94/65/pc 94/70/s
Last year to date.....................................381 Fronts Mexico City 74/54/t 79/55/t
Heat Index (at noon yest.) ..................... 89 Cold Montreal 93/71/s 94/73/s
UV index (for Thu.) ............ 10 (Very High) Moscow 70/52/r 72/59/pc
Humidity (at noon) ............................. 72% Warm
Atlantic City Shown are noon positions of Paris 88/62/pc 75/54/pc
weather systems and precipitation.
AIR QUALITY 87/73 Temperature bands are highs for
Rio de Janeiro 77/69/pc 72/66/pc
Pollen: Moderate. Predominant pollen: Trees, Ocean City the day. Forecast high/low tempera- Rome 86/65/s 88/66/s
tures are given for selected cities.
Weeds, Grasses Sydney 65/51/pc 66/53/c
84/74 -10s -0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110s Tokyo 80/75/sh 84/76/c
AQI rating: (for Thu.).................................Good

The following persons have been nominated by
New York Life Insurance Company’s Board of
Directors as candidates for the Annual Election of
Directors, which will be held at the Company’s
Home Office, 51 Madison Avenue, New York, NY
10010, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on April 14, 2021.

Robert B. Carter
Chief Information Officer
The FedEx Corporation
Ralph de la Vega
De la Vega Group, LLC
Robert F. Friel
Former Chairman & Chief Executive

Officer PerkinElmer Inc
Donna H. Kinnaird
Former Senior Executive Vice
President and Chief Operating Officer
Reinsurance Group of America
At the Annual Election, every policyholder whose
policy is in force and has been in force at least one
year prior thereto is entitled to vote as provided in
the Insurance Law of the State of New York. All
policyholders who are eligible to vote will be sent a
ballot prior to the election (unless the Company is
otherwise instructed), so that they may vote by mail.
July 9, 2020

Dow Nasdaq
Jones Up Comp. Up
Indust. 177.10 148.61

New York Post, Thursday, July 9, 2020

Avg. 26,067.28 10,492.50

Tech surge
US stocks headed
north on Wednesday
thanks in large part to
technology shares, with
brooks altered
Street fave suit emporium files for bankruptcy
Nasdaq gaining 148.61
points for an all-time
A new chapter Post. “Brooks Brothers is here
to stay and serve our loyal cus-
high closing, while the tomers for years to come.”
Dow Jones industrial Brooks Brothers, the 202- Brooks Brothers, the iconic clothier owned by Italian Founded in 1818 on Manhat-
average increased 177.10 year-old men’s clothier that retail mogul Claudio Del Vecchio (inset) that has tan’s Lower East Side, the com-
and the S&P 500 added has dressed a large majority of long been a fixture on Madison Avenue, filed for pany boasts of having outfitted
24.62, to 3,169.94. US presidents and armies of bankruptcy on Wednesday. 41 of 45 US presidents. Abra-
Wall Street bankers, filed for ham Lincoln was a loyal cus-
Furlough woe bankruptcy on Wednesday. tomer, who was said to be
United Airlines, hob- The storied New York-based wearing a Brooks Brothers suit
bled by the coronavi- retailer, which operates 200 on the evening he was assassi-
rus-spurred cutdown stores across the US and more nated. Teddy and Franklin D.
on travel, is preparing than 500 worldwide, is the lat- Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy,
to send out as many as est retail bankruptcy casualty Bill Clinton, George W. Bush
36,000 furlough offers of the coronavirus pandemic and Barack Obama also were
to front-line employees, to which Neiman Marcus, touted as clients.
with its flight attend- JCPenney, J.Crew and others Licensing firm Authentic
ants most heavily tar- have succumbed. Brands Group, owner of Bar-
geted. The iconic brand, which neys New York, Forever 21 and
popularized business-uniform Sports Illustrated, is among the
In hand($) staples including striped companies looking at acquir-
Allstate said it’s buy- “repp” ties and buttoned- ing Brooks Brothers, sources
ing National General down shirt collars, has strug- told The Post. But the brand fa-
Holdings for about $4 gled in recent years in an in- ces significant challenges, in-
billion in cash, as it creasingly casual workplace dustry sources say, including
scales up its auto-in- where khakis, jeans and hood- its stuffy image.
surance business at a ies are now de rigueur. “Brooks Brothers is a good
time when drivers are This spring, however, the name, but it is a yesterday
using their cars less of- COVID-19 outbreak not only brand,” Craig Johnson, presi-
ten. shuttered stores but left cus- dent of Customer Growth
tomers hunkered down at Partners. “It’s a style statement
Gold at $1.8K home, working in sweatpants. that’s not as relevant to con-
Gold pushed above Indeed, before the Chapter 11 sumers today as it was a gener-
$1,800 an ounce for the filing, Brooks Brothers had al- ation ago.”
first time since 2011, ready announced plans to Apparel brands are suffering
with analysts predicting close 50 stores. as consumers spend less of
further gains as inves- Although most of its cloth- land City, Queens, where it vestment bank PJ Solomon to to obtain additional financing their disposable income on
tors stock up on an as- ing is imported, Brooks Broth- makes its ties. The company find a buyer, but the crisis and facilitate a sale process in clothing amid the pandemic.
set they expect to hold ers is one of the few US chains manufactures its suits in a fac- threw a wrench into those an efficient manner to maxi- Clothing sales are down 42
its value. that still makes some of its tory in Haverhill, Mass., and its plans. The chain has snagged mize value for our stakehold- percent year to date, according
merchandise domestically. shirts in Garland, NC. $75 million in financing to sup- ers and ensure that our iconic to CGP. Clothing accounts for
Bed Bath bet Last month, the company said Owned by Italian retail ty- port it through the Chapter 11 brand is positioned to continue just 3.8 percent of retail spend-
Bed Bath & Beyond is it may close its three US facto- coon Claudio Del Vecchio, the process, court records show. under new ownership,” a com- ing compared to 9 percent in
permanently closing ries, one of which is in Long Is- company last year hired in- “The purpose of this filing is pany spokesperson told The 2000.
about 200 stores in a bet
that the home-goods
chain can ride out the
coronavirus pandemic by
shrinking its bricks-and-
mortar footprint.

Sources: AP, Dow Jones,

Pier 1 Imports in $20M brand sale
By LISA FICKeNSCHeR ports in a bankruptcy auction on the likes of Target, Wayfair and Ama- — only to sell everything off.
Reuters and Post wires Wednesday, co-owner Tai Lopez told zon. Sales were so brisk since the re-
Pier 1 Imports isn’t dead — it’s just The Post. Pier 1 operated 936 stores at the be- openings that the chain was “blowing
heading to the Web. When going-out-of-business sales ginning of the year. When it filed for through Black Friday levels,” Chief

Follow us on The bankrupt home-goods retailer

— which revealed in May it was clos-
at stores wrap up in October, the
company will strictly be an e-com-
bankruptcy protection in February,
the chain had hoped that closing
Executive Robert Riesbeck said dur-
ing a court hearing.
ing all of its 540 stores nationwide merce business. more than 400 locations would help it Pier 1’s woes are part of a larger
after 58 years in business — has sold Founded in 1962 in San Mateo, Ca- get profitable again. trend of once-sturdy retail chains
the rights to its brand for $20 million lif., under the name Cost Plus Im- In March, however, the coronavirus landing in bankruptcy court.
to Retail ECommerce Ventures, a ports, Pier 1 later became a nation- pandemic forced Pier 1 to shutter its J.Crew, JCPenney and Neiman Mar-
firm that bought the Dressbarn brand wide shopping destination for wicker stores and hurt its efforts to find a cus have all filed for bankruptcy, al-
@NYPOSTBIZ last year.
The licensing firm, which focuses
baskets, candles and glassware.
But in recent years, the retailer fell
buyer for the company.
Many of the stores began reopening
with the easing of lockdowns in May
though those chains are looking to
downsize rather than close all loca-
on distressed assets, won Pier 1 Im- victim to rising competition against

$1.7B pay heyday for Musk Twitter

By NicOlAS VegA will trigger the second tranche in his

eye-popping $50 billion pay package.
Musk would be able to flip the shares
for a profit of $1.7 billion per tranche.
may go
Tesla’s supercharged stock rally has
put a $1.7 billion payday within arm’s
reach for Chief Executive Elon Musk.
His first stock award vested in May
when Tesla’s six-month average hit
$100 billion, allowing him to buy 1.69
The two tranches combined would
net Musk $3.4 billion in profit.
To earn his full, $50 billion award, for subs
New York Post, Thursday, July 9, 2020

Shares of the electric automaker million shares at $350 a pop. At the Musk would have to lead Tesla to a
have soared 40 percent in the past time, flipping those shares would have market cap of $650 billion by 2028. By NicOlAS VegA
week, and with a market cap of $253 landed Musk a profit of roughly $775 Tesla’s board signed off on the com-
billion, Tesla blew past Toyota as the million. pensation package in March 2018, Twitter shares soared 7.3
world’s most valuable car company. The Tesla boss will be able to pur- when the market cap was $52.46 billion. percent Wednesday after the
More important for Musk, however, chase another 1.69 million shares Musk’s net worth is $54 billion, ac- company hinted it’s building
is that Tesla’s six-month stock average when the board certifies that he has cording to Forbes, making him the 19th a subscription platform code-
is now at $138 billion. When the aver- unlocked the second tranche. At richest person in the world. named “Gryphon.”
age reaches $150 billion, Musk (right) Tesla’s current stock price of $1,365.88, With Post wires Engineers for a subscrip-
tion platform, Twitter says in
a job listing, are working
closely with Twitter’s pay-

F’book civil wrongs

ments team, and the listing is
looking for someone to “lead
the payment and subscrip-
tion client work.”
Twitter last year struck a
truce with billionaire Paul
Singer’s hedge fund Elliott
Management, which was

Platform weaponized to suppress voting: audit looking to oust Chief Execu-

tive Jack Dorsey over the
company’s weak stock per-
formance compared with
By NOAH MANSKAR Scathing review of civil rights,” the report
said. “While these decisions
other social-networking gi-
Missteps in Facebook’s ef- were made ultimately at the As a part of the truce, Twit-
forts to clamp down on issues Facebook, headed by Mark Zuckerberg, highest level, we believe civil- ter agreed to “accelerate reve-
like voter suppression and released the findings of a damning two- rights expertise was not nue growth on a year-over-
hate speech have created year audit on Wednesday amid criticism sought and applied to the de- year basis and gain share in the
“significant setbacks for civil of its lax approach to hate speech. gree it should have been and digital advertising market.”

rights,” a sweeping audit of the resulting decisions were A representative for Twit-
the company’s practices devastating.” ter did not respond to a re-
The two-year review re-
These decisions Facebook released compre-
hensive findings of the audit
quest for comment.
The stock climb also came
leased Wednesday and paid
for by Facebook concluded
exposed a major amid mounting criticism of
its lax approach to hate
as Secretary of State Mike
Pompeo said that the govern-
the company’s approach to
civil-rights issues “remains
hole in Facebook’s speech, which has led big
companies such as Verizon
ment was looking at banning
popular social media app
too reactive and piecemeal”
understanding and and Coca-Cola to join an ad- TikTok because of its con-

despite the progress it has vertising boycott of the social nections to China.
made in recent years to com-
bat misinformation and dis- application of civil media giant.
In response, Chief Operat-
The top US diplomat said
Americans should be careful
The auditors blasted Face- rights. ing Officer Sheryl Sandberg
pledged to implement pro-
using the app, which is
owned by China-based Byte-
book’s policy of not fact- — Facebook audit posals from the auditors and Dance.
checking posts from politi- other advocates and insisted Shares jumped $2.42, to

cians in the interest of pro- the move had nothing to do $35.41.
tecting free expression over in the 89-page report. “When Facebook’s decision not to re- company’s own staffers. with the ad boycott.
equality and non-discrimina- it means that powerful politi- move President Trump’s The ballot comments “ef- “This audit has been a deep
tion — an approach they
called “deeply troubling.”
“Elevating free expression
is a good thing, but it should
cians do not have to abide by
the same rules that everyone
else does, a hierarchy of
speech is created that privi-
posts about “illegal” mail-in
ballots, and chaos that en-
sued in Minneapolis after the
George Floyd protests, draw-
fectively allow the platform
to be weaponized to sup-
press voting,” the auditors
analysis of how we can
strengthen and advance civil
rights at every level of our
company — but it is the be-
apply to everyone,” Laura W.
Murphy, the civil-rights ex-
pert who led the audit, wrote
leges certain voices over less
powerful voices.”
The audit also criticized
ing fire from civil-rights
groups, including
NAACP, and some of the
“These decisions exposed a
major hole in Facebook’s un-
derstanding and application
ginning of the journey, not
the end,” she said.
in charge
In a semiconductor industry
milestone, Nvidia’s shares rose

Biogen rises on Alzheimer’s Rx hope

2.3 percent in afternoon trad-
ing on Wednesday to a record
$404, putting the graphic com-
ponent maker’s market cap at
$248 billion, just above the
By NOAH MANSKAR change the course of Alzheimer’s if it’s Biogen said its marketing application The FDA has up to 60 days to de- $246 billion value of Intel, once
approved. included data from a clinical trial show- cide whether to accept Biogen’s ap- the world’s leading chipmaker.
Biogen has asked the feds to let it The submission is “the first filing for ing the drug helped slow the decline of plication for a review, the company It closed at $408.64, up 3.5 per-
market a potentially groundbreaking FDA approval of a treatment that ad- memory and the ability to perform said in a joint statement with Japa- cent.
treatment for Alzheimer’s disease in dresses the clinical decline associated household chores and other tasks in nese drugmaker Eisai. While Intel’s stock is down
the US, the company said. with this devastating condition, as well Alzheimer’s patients who received it. The firms have been working to- 3 percent in 2020, Nvidia has
The Massachusetts-based biotech as the pathology of the disease,” Biogen A second late-stage study did not gether since October 2017 on aducanu- surged 68 percent, with ana-
firm asked the Food and Drug Admin- Chief Executive Michel Vounatsos said meet its treatment goals, but the com- mab, which targets a protein called am- lysts forecasting a revenue
istration for an expedited review of the in a statement. pany said some data from that trial “are yloid beta that abnormally piles up in rise of 34 percent in its cur-
drug known as aducanumab, which Shares rose 4.4 percent, to $280.19, on supportive of the outcome” in the suc- the brains of people with Alzheimer’s. rent fiscal year to $14.6 bil-
promises to be the first treatment to the news. cessful study. With Post wires lion. Reuters

New York Post, Thursday, July 9, 2020

Shepard Smith
Peacock network pick.

signs on May ax stations for deal
restaurants, sources said.
“Every C-store wants to
offer more fresh food,” an
By ALEXANDRA STEIGRAD By JOSH KOSMAN industry source said. “That
is the trend.”
Former Fox News anchor Shipping fee: Federal prosecutors say Former Nissan The owner of Circle K is The Canadian company
Shepard Smith is set to join CEO Carlos Ghosn sent close to $900,000 to one of the angling to sell a chunk of its wants to step lightly with
CNBC as the host of a new men who assisted in his escape from Japan. Getty Images gas stations to quell possible the FTC, one source added,
nightly newscast. antitrust concerns as it eyes noting that it was forced by
The 56-year-old newscaster a possible acquisition of the the agency earlier this week
to pay a $3.5 million penalty

Ghosn’s US rescuer
will host an hourlong weekday Speedway chain, The Post
broadcast at 7 p.m. called “The has learned. over allegations it had vio-
News with Shepard Smith,” Alimentation Couche-Tard lated a 2018 order requiring
which is expected to start in — a Canada-based conve- it to sell 10 stations in Min-
the fall, the network said. nience-store giant whose nesota and Wisconsin after
Smith, who spent 23 years at
Fox, left the network last Octo-
ber, telling news outlets that he
asked the network to let him
out of his contract so he could
is $900K richer: feds
By NOAH MANSKAR nied the allegations and said he fled “perse-
chain of nearly 8,000 Circle
K stores in the US includes
5,900 gas stations — has
launched a process to sell
1,250 gas stations that are
a smaller acquisition.
Convenience stores with
gas stations make about half
their money from fuel, but
the other half that’s from in-
start “a new chapter.” Fox cution.” near Speedways, sources store purchases carries
News shares a common owner Fugitive auto tycoon Carlos Ghosn wired Lawyers for the Taylors asked a federal close to the situation said. much richer profit margins
with News Corp., the pub- nearly $900,000 to one of the Americans ac- judge Monday to release them from the Mas- Couche-Tard is looking to as high as 40 percent, an in-
lisher of The Post. cused of aiding his dramatic escape from Ja- sachusetts jail where they’ve been held for raise about $4 billion with dustry source said.
Smith has stayed tight- pan, the feds said. more than six weeks, citing a coronavirus the sale, which would likely Last month, analysts at Bar-
lipped on his future plans but The former Nissan boss sent two payments outbreak. Some three dozen inmates and be contingent on a deal to clays estimated Couche-Tard,
said in a statement Wednesday worth $862,500 in October 2019 to a com- staff at the jail have caught COVID-19 and buy all of Speedway’s 3,800 which also owns 500 Holiday
that he was “honored to con- pany controlled by Peter Taylor, who helped one inmate died of the bug last week, accord- locations from Marathon gas stations in the Upper Mid-
tinue to pursue the truth, both Ghosn flee Tokyo for Beirut roughly two ing to a motion for the Taylors’ release. Petroleum. Marathon, which west, may have to divest 1,036
for CNBC’s loyal viewers and months later, federal prosecutors said in a The risk of the virus “is particularly acute recently revived an auction Speedway stores in a merger
for those who have been fol- court filing. for Michael Taylor, who had an earlier lung of Speedway after it got de- if the FTC forbids it from
lowing my reporting for dec- The feds offered the transfers as further ev- surgery, which places him at a heightened railed in March by the coro- owning more than 35 percent
ades in good times and in bad.” idence that Taylor and his father, ex-Green risk of serious injury or death should he con- navirus, is being prodded by of gas-and-convenience
Smith is the first big-talent Beret Michael Taylor, should remain behind tract COVID-19,” the filing said. billionaire Paul Singer to di- stores in any given market.
hire following NBCUniversal’s bars while they await extradition to Japan as But federal prosecutors say the wire trans- vest Speedway. In Minneapolis, Couche-
move to reunite NBC News, their lawyers tried to free them from a coro- fers from Ghosn indicate the Taylors “have Other possible Speedway Tard has 223 Holidays and
MSNBC and CNBC under navirus-plagued lockup. the resources with which to flee and there- suitors include Seven & I there are 80 Speedways,
uber news boss Cesar Conde. Japanese officials have asked the US to ex- fore should continue to remain detained as Holdings, the Japan-based comprising a whopping 80
tradite the duo on allegations they helped flight risks.” Ghosn sent the money from a owner of 7-Eleven, which had percent of the local market,
Ghosn skip bail while he was awaiting trial on Paris bank account to Promote Fox LLC, been nearing a deal to buy Barclays said. The concen-
which is managed by Peter Taylor and his Speedway for $20 billion be- tration would be similar in
AMC deadline financial-crime charges. Ghosn, 66, has de-
brother, according to the prosecutors’ filing. fore the pandemic hit, ac-
cording to The Wall Street
other cities including Cin-
cinnati, Detroit and Tucson,

gets extended Journal. Marathon is also Ariz., the bank added.

AMC Entertainment saw

its stock surge nearly 10 per-
GM racketeering suit tossed mulling a possible spinoff of
Speedway, sources said.
Quebec-based Couche-
Tard didn’t return calls. Mar-
In New York City, there
are 186 Speedways and only
21 Circle Ks, so the combina-
tion would result in a likely
cent Wednesday on reports A federal judge on sought to have removed from that Borman’s decision “would athon, based in Ohio, de- acceptable 28 percent mar-
that it’s nearing a debt re- Wednesday threw out a rack- the case, and would appeal. let wrongdoers off the hook.” clined to comment on re- ket share, Barclays said.
structuring deal to avoid eteering lawsuit General “There is more than enough GM filed the racketeering ports it has restarted its sale. “While we certainly hope
bankruptcy. Motors had filed against Fiat evidence from the guilty pleas lawsuit last November, alleg- Couche-Tard may be look- the FTC would take a much
AMC has been trying for Chrysler, saying the auto- of former [Fiat Chrysler] exec- ing its rival bribed United Auto ing to appease the Federal broader approach at assess-
weeks to get bondholders to maker’s alleged injuries were utives to conclude that the Workers union officials over Trade Commission, which ing the size of the industry
agree to swap debt at a dis- not caused by the rival’s al- company engaged in racket- many years to corrupt the bar- could be concerned that a the C-stores compete in —
count but only a small per- leged violations. eering, our complaint was gaining process and gain ad- combination of the two big- including dollar stores, club
centage had agreed as of GM officials said in state- timely and showed in detail vantages, costing GM billions gest gas-and-convenience- stores, grocery stores, etc. …
June 30. On Tuesday, the firm ment they “strongly disagree” how their multimillion-dollar of dollars. store chains could raise food historically, definitions have
said in a securities filing that with the order by US District bribes caused direct harm to Fiat Chrysler had called the prices at those locations, es- been largely limited to the
lenders had extended the Court Judge Paul Borman, GM,” GM said in a statement. case meritless and asked Bor- pecially during a time when exact vertical,” Barclays said.
deadline. Alexandra Steigrad whom the automaker had The Detroit company added man to dismiss it. Reuters less people are going out to
The Post Puzzle Page

Very Easy #5,143 

3 2 6
To solve a Su Doku, 9 1 8 3
you must put a number
7 1 6
New York Post, Thursday, July 9, 2020

from 1 to 9, in each
empty box. 9 5 8 4
Each number must 1 7 9 5 2 3
appear once in each
4 6 9 1

horizontal row, as well
as in each vertical 5 9 4
column and in each of
the 3-by-3 grids. 4 2 5 1
Directions: Make a 2 to 7 Impossible? Not once 2 9 7
letter word from the letters
in each row. Add points of
you get the hang of it. Difficult #4,933 
each word using scoring Tips and in depth
directions at right. 7 Letter
words get 50 point bonus. strategies at 1 9
“Blank” used as any letter
have no point value. All the 8 7 2 5
words are in the Official
SCRABBLE players 5 2
Dictionary, 4th Edition.
For more 8 4 5 9
Bridge Word Force
Su Doku puzzles 1 3 8 5
From the word or phrase above, form AT LEAST 15
five-letter words, without using more than one form
see tomorrow’s 3 1 2 8
of the same word. For example, drink or drank (not
both). New York Post 3 1
Yesterday’s word: Solutions on Page 38 7 4 8 1
© Syndicated Puzzles 6 2
aired mated miter timer triad
armed media rated tired tried

1 Number system in Program-
ming 101?
Wonderword 7 Tyler, the Creator work that
won the 2019 Grammy for Best
How to play: All the words listed below appear in the puzzle –– Rap Album
horizontally, vertically, diagonally, even backward. Find them 11 NYSE news
and Circle their letters only. Do not circle the word. The 14 Gets around
15 __ colada
leftover letters spell the Wonderword. 16 Golf scorecard word
17 Best Actress between Halle
and Charlize
18 Late-day religious service
20 *49ers Hall of Famer who was
“I had a tough problem as declarer MVP of Super Bowl XXIII
yesterday,” one of my club’s better 22 Envelope-pushing
23 Produit de la tête
players told me. 24 Maze rodent
“Congratulations,” I said. “You had a 25 Writer Deighton
chance to shine.” 26 *Inactive sort
31 Bit of verbal derision
“But this was a really tough 35 Like some patches
problem.” 36 Student, to a counselor
“Then double congratulations.” 37 Not empirically derived
38 Sequel title words
At four hearts, my friend ruffed 39 Shows contempt for
West’s third high spade, drew trumps -- 40 *One hard to fool
West threw a diamond -- and led the 43 __ tee 8 Donates, biblically
44 Newark-based insurer, on the 9 Unseparated
ace and a low diamond. West ducked, NYSE 10 Bled or fled
and dummy won. South next played a 45 Musical note connector 11 Music players discontinued in
low club from both hands. He ruffed the 49 Leg bone 2017
51 *Head honcho 12 Hunger twinge
spade return and took the A-K of clubs 54 Rest stop facility 13 Wild indulgence
but lost the 13th trick to East’s jack of 57 Like much humor 19 “Get this done”
clubs. Down one. 58 Assn. 21 “Who’s better than me?!”
“Too tough for me,” South said. 59 Sooty passage 25 “Five Minutes” country singer
60 It has its pros and cons Morgan
How would you play four hearts? 61 Grill fuel 26 Small Spanish house
At Trick Four, South should lead his 62 Diet that involves eating fat, 27 Acid found in vegetable oil
low diamond through West, whose cutting carbs, and avoiding the 28 Longstocking of kiddie lit
ends of the answers to the 29 __ Bora: Afghan cave complex
double marks him with the king. If West starred clues 30 “I’ll get this done”
wins, South has 10 winners: five 63 Not so tough 31 Baseball hats PREVIOUS PUZZLE ANSWER
trumps, three diamonds and two clubs. 32 Cain raiser (C) 2020 Tribune Media Services
Down 33 Nielsen concern
If instead West plays low, dummy 1 Scruffy film dog 34 Thick-skinned yellow fruit 48 Slot car, for one
wins, and South continues with the ace 2 Like some college walls 37 Invite to a balcony 49 Urban portmanteau
of diamonds, A-K of clubs and a third 3 Mussel shell lining 41 Refuse to participate 50 Greek goddess of marriage
4 Absolutely flip for 42 Words from a balcony 52 Wait for
club conceded. He can ruff his fourth 5 Bank (on) 45 Ones looking down 53 Zone
club in dummy for his 10th trick. 6 River of Flanders 46 Molokai neighbor 55 ‘60s atty. general
7 Poison remedy 47 Become 9-Down 56 Cheer for un gol
INSIde Alec Baldwin quietly shops downtown penthouse, p. 35

New York Post, Thursday, July 9, 2020

Tiny house
residents are
riding out the
pandemic in the
closest quarters
By Jordi Lippe-McGrAw

usT weeks after the country
shut down due to the corona-
virus, cabin fever set in. After
all, being confined to a small
space can make anyone go
nuts. But some were stuck in
especially cozy confines: tiny house
The median size of an American
single-family home is roughly 1,600
square feet, according to listings
sites Zillow and Redfin. But most
tiny houses are well under 300
square feet. Living and working so
close to partners, kids and pets —
especially in bad weather — was a
big deal. Here, four tiny house own-
ers share how they survived lock-

Shannon and Tim Soine, Rochester, NY

Raising a baby in 210 square feet is already a challenge. Add a health crisis
into the mix and it seems downright impossible. But that’s what happened to
Tim, 35, and Shannon, 34, after they welcomed son Nico in January. “When Tim
started to work from home, it created some unanticipated challenges,” Shan-
non says. A product line manager, Tim juggles frequent conference calls,
which didn’t mix well with newborn naps. Shannon bought
a sound machine to drown out the chatter. Adding to the
After ruckus, one of their two dogs ended up in a cone after sur-
New York’s stay- gery. The pair used their non-home vehicles as refuges dur-
at-home order took ing the coldest months. “Tim started taking calls from his
effect in March, truck, and we used the cars as extra storage to stock up on
Shannon and Tim Soine groceries,” says Shannon. They wouldn’t trade it. “So many
juggled new infant Nico, people are struggling financially, and we’ve been saving
two dogs and working money since paying off our debt last fall,” Shannon says. “It
from their 210-square- feels good to know that when something like this happens,
foot home on we’re okay because we’ve chosen to live this way.”
wheels (inset).

Their little
New York Post, Thursday, July 9, 2020

Amy Garner and John McCarthy in

New Haven, Conn.
When two married Pilates instructors gave up their four-bedroom home
in rural Connecticut for a 344-square-foot house on wheels, they never ex-
pected to be stuck inside it. The social couple, who chose New Haven for
access to restaurants and nightlife, opted for tiny living to have the finan-
cial means to travel more. But going abroad isn’t an option anymore.
“We chose this life to travel at least once a month,” says McCarthy, 35.
“Since we don’t have that to look forward to, it’s led to feelings of being
cooped up. Also, not being able to see our friends is hard.”
The pair usually throws an annual tiny house party each June and often
has international friends stay with them. That didn’t happen this year.
Luckily, the fitness buffs stayed busy hosting virtual workout sessions for
their clients. “We still go to our studio at the same time every day. It’s just
we don’t have in-person classes,” Garner, 33, says. “That’s helped me keep a
sense of normalcy in this situation.”
Their riverfront location and access to nearby parks helped with feeling
less claustrophobic. “We’re lucky we decided to park about 5 feet from a
river,” says McCarthy. “It’s beautiful and relaxing. That view has made all
the difference.” Their advice for others in close quarters is simple. “Keep
your space tidy,” says McCarthy. “It helps keep you sane.” Plus, the internet,
books and impromptu photo shoots of your dog help.

Tim Davidson and Sam Cosner

in Sarasota, Fla.
After living in a
tiny house on
wheels dubbed
“Tiffany” for its
stained glass
windows for
three years, Da-
vidson, a 30-
year-old lighting
salesman, and
Cosner decided to
upgrade during
the pandemic. In
June, they moved
into a whopping
320-square-foot Barbara and Bob Ienuso in Saugerties, NY
home on a foun-
dation. Florida residents Barbara and Bob Ienuso actu-
“We are both so ally chose to live in a tiny backyard home during
attached to a the pandemic. They swapped their more tradi-
smaller lifestyle,” tionally sized abode for a 240-square-foot house
says Cosner, 28. on wheels in the Hudson Valley to be closer to
Although when their four grandchildren.
they started “We figured it would be a great time to come
building the oc- visit family, help out with the kids and not be
tagon-shaped, bored,” says Barbara, whose son Bob and daugh-
weather-proof house in August, they never envisioned they’d be living in it or Tif- ter-in-law Esther build tiny houses for a living
fany during a pandemic. “It’s been a big adjustment,” says Davidson. “I’m usually on through their company Willowbee Tiny Homes.
the road for work, and now that I have to work from home, I’m not as comforta- For the retired pair, the tighter living quarters unique opportunity, especially during this pan-
ble [in the smaller space]. And we haven’t been able to see friends and get out like were actually a welcome change: less cleaning demic and quarantine,” Bob says. “They allow
we used to.” While those problems are shared by most Americans — albeit many and more time outside with their (now much ‘home’ to be anywhere you choose.”
who can retreat to larger houses — there was one issue they had to troubleshoot closer) loved ones. “We are very active here and Of course, while they love spending time with
immediately: storage. “We couldn’t stock up on items at Costco like everyone else, created a small bird garden that we tend to with their “grandbabies,” there are some little things
but didn’t want to go to the grocery store all the time,” says Cosner. The solution? the kids,” Barbara says. “When you’re in a bigger that take getting used to. Their first-floor bed-
“We took all of the air out of any food bags to make them fit in the cabinet,” Da- house, you tend to stay inside.” room is a tight squeeze. “The hardest part is get-
vidson says . “Plus, we started storing things under the couch, in the ottoman, etc. Bob agreed that having his parents live in one ting around the foot of my bed, which is about 18
There was a lot of rearranging to make it work. But we figured it out.” of his creations during a stressful time has inches,” Barbara says. “But it sure beats climbing
boosted everyone’s moods. “Tiny homes give a into a loft!”

Gimme Shelter

New York Post, Thursday, July 9, 2020

Alpine Ridge Boutique
JENNIFER GOULD 55+ Adult Living Homes

W HEN Alec Baldwin (inset) isn’t im-

personating President Trump on
“Saturday Night Live,” he’s been shop-
ping his penthouse off-market at Dev-
onshire House, a prewar condo in
Greenwich Village, sources tell Gimme
Shelter. “He started shopping it in Feb-
ruary but has been actively shopping it
during the pandemic as well,” a spy says.
We hear Baldwin and his family have been
looking to move to the Westchester town of
Bedford — and had been even before the An Intimate Collection of 24 Distinctive Rental Townhomes for
COVID-19 outbreak, according to a source.
Baldwin bought this 28 E. 10th St. penthouse Active Adults 55+… Close to Everything…Closer to Perfection!
Taidgh Barron/NY Post

for $11.7 million in 2011. The 4,137-square-foot

home comes with outdoor space — and since
it’s off-market, many other details aren’t pub-
lic. It’s in an Emery Roth-designed building,
which dates to 1928. The building features a
28 E. 10th St. landscaped rooftop terrace, a private gym and
a playroom for children.

Checkbook diplomacy 78 Morton St.

THE former Westchester home of Sey-
chelles diplomat Justin Etzin and his
then-wife, former Latvian model and
Maxim cover girl Lana Zakocela, is back
on the market for $3.37 million. That’s
down from its former ask of $6.75 million,
Starting at $5,000 a Month
but higher than the minimum bid when it and 2700 sqft
was up for auction last year for $2.5 mil-
lion. The estate, at 1503 Old Orchard St. in New Construction all Complete
North Castle, sits on 7.9 acres and in- Ready to move in Immediately
cludes a lake surrounded by a stone
quarry. There are also guest cottages and 2 Car Garages,
stables. The ground has also been dug for Basements and Separate Entrance
a 60-foot infinity pool overlooking a gran-
ite cliff above the lake. It’s all surrounded
West Village fire sale
by 490 acres of protected conservation A FORMER West Village firehouse at 78
land. The listing broker is Angela Kessel Morton St., later converted into a town-
of Houlihan Lawrence. house, has entered contract for close to its
$21.8 million asking price. “It’s a self-sus-
taining home, at a time when people may ONLY 25
be shying away from shared spaces like ga-
rages and gyms at condo and co-op build-
ings,” says Christopher Riccio, a broker
at Leslie J. Garfield, who shares the listing
with Matthew Pravda and Elana Zin-
oman. The 25-foot-wide home is 7,281 • DOWNTOWN WESTFIELD-just 2 miles to fabulous shopping, dining and entertainment.
square feet. And thanks to its previous use,
there’s also a garage with space for four • NJ Transit Bus Service to NYC, One light west at Lawrence Ave and route 22 east.
cars. Fun details include a gym, a sauna, a • Convenient to Echo Lake Country Club golf course.
wine room and an entertainment lounge • Beautifully appointed townhomes with first floor master suites in many designs.
1503 Old Orchard St. with a pool table. An original spiral stair-
case remains. • Low maintenance living- all exterior maintenance, landscaping and snow removal,
handled by the homeowners association.
THAT Marilyn Monroe’s former psychia- • DOWN SIZING? Live near all your favorite places you love-sell your big home and live
trist’s office, now a maisonette, is listed for
We r... $1.12 million. The two-bedroom at 155 E. carefree at Alpine Ridge.
hea 93rd St. is in a prewar building. Monroe • Beautiful parks and nature centers nearby parks.
(right) often visited Dr. Margaret Hohen-
Getty Images

berg here. Brokers are John Barbato and

Mark Policarpio, of Compass. . . . THAT closings
continue at Quay Tower, which has Brooklyn’s most
expensive home (a $20 million penthouse). A $10 mil-
CALL 908-613-7590
lion, seven-bedroom home on the 26th floor sold, as 1474-1494 Alpine Ridge Way, Mountainside, NJ•
did a 14th-floor, six-bedroom spread for $7.25 million.
Sally Brompton Daily Horoscope

 cANcer
(June 22-July 23) DiScOver MOre ABOut yOurSelF AND whAt the Future hOlDS At
You have everything you need to
make a success of your life. You
It's okay to daydream about SAllyBrOMptON.cOM have a goal, you have a plan, and
where you would like to be in you have motivation. So why are
New York Post, Thursday, July 9, 2020

your life a few years from now, you still stuck at the starting
but at some point you will have
to stop dreaming and start acting.  liBrA
(Sept. 24-Oct. 23)
make sure you are in a position
to deliver. If you have to let a
you not considered they may
just like and admire you?
line? Get your act together
Taurus. Get going and then keep
The more you keep putting off A friend or work colleague may friend or family member down going until the end.
those first few steps the harder it
will be to get started.
have been acting strangely of
late but you don't have to get all
today it won't do your reputation
much good. People need to be  piSceS
(Feb. 20-Mar. 20)
 geMiNi
suspicious about it. Yes, it's able to depend on you. You may not think highly of a (May 22-June 21)
 leO
(July 24-Aug. 23)
likely they have something to
hide, but that something
 cApricOrN
certain individual but what they
have to tell you today could be
A number of small but important
changes will have to be made by
The planets warn you must not probably isn't too important - (Dec. 22 - Jan. 20) very serious indeed, so listen you over the next few days, and
change things for the sake of it. chances are it's just an Don't be too hard on yourself if and learn. Even a stopped clock they will add up to a fairly big
You may be unhappy with the embarrassment. something you attempt goes is right twice a day and chances change overall. Be positive about
way things are at the moment wrong today. No one expects are on this rare occasion they what you are doing. Listen to
but if you are going to improve
your life in the long-term it must  ScOrpiO
(Oct. 24-Nov. 22)
you to get it right every single
time, so why should you expect
could be right too. your conscience, then act
quickly and decisively.
be through careful planning and
deliberate action.
There is only one thing you can
be sure of now and that is you
it of yourself? Keep your
standards high but don't forget  ArieS
(March 21-April 20) BirthDAy thurSDAy
cannot be sure of anything. Once that you are human like There is a danger that you might Affairs of the heart will
 virgO
(Aug. 24-Sept. 23)
you recognize that you are flying
blind you won't worry so much
everyone else. overreact to something you see
or hear and give your enemies
figure strongly over the
coming year and there may
Like it or not it looks like you
will need to ask for assistance
about your final destination.
Wherever you land you'll find  AquAriuS
(Jan. 21 - Feb. 19)
an excuse to come down hard on
you. You may be justified in
be times when your
affections are pulled in very
from loved ones and friends. If ways to adapt and prosper. The more others pat you on the getting angry, but look at the different directions. Which
you struggle on alone for much back and tell you what a wider picture. Now is not the relationship is likely to be
longer you could end up so far
down the hole you've been  SAgittAriuS
(Nov. 23 - Dec. 21)
wonderful person you are the
more suspicious you will be.
time to go on the warpath. best for your long-term
happiness? That's the one
digging that no one can help you
out of it again.
If you made some kind of
promise recently then you must
Why are they being so nice to
you? What's in it for them? Have  tAuruS
(April 21-May 21)
you should commit to.

We may be keeping
Stay Calm.
our distance, but we
are in this together.
Stay Connected.
Stay Active.
Go to for ways
to take care of yourself and others.

ESPN announcer in

New York Post, Thursday, July 9, 2020



hot water for gaffe
Exp’d Drivers w/CDL, Class A
or B w/Forklift and
Electrical Jack Exp. Starting
Notice of Disposition of Collateral Public Auction – UCC Foreclosure Sale
Notice is hereby given that, in accordance with applicable provisions of
the Uniform Commercial Code as enacted in New York, 5AIF Maple 2, LLC
(“Secured Party”) will offer for sale, at public auction, all member and
during call on race
Salary $1,000/week + OT By Andrew MArchAnd ously, both in the moment and sub-
SERVICES Contact Liliana 718-444-8200 other equity interests in and to 893 4th Ave Lofts LLC (“Debtor”), which
owns the real property located at 893 4th Avenue, Brooklyn, New York sequently, and have addressed it ap-
11232 (the “Collateral”). The public auction has been adjourned from
■ REAL ESTATE June 29, 2020 to July 13, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. (EST) by remote auction via During a passionate two-hour propriately,” ESPN said in a state-
Cisco WebEx Remote Meeting, Meeting link:, ESPN college football conference ment to The Post. “Consistent with
SERVICES PET PLACE Access Code: 126 015 3702, Password: TKUCC2020 (85822202 from
call last month to discuss race fol- policy, we have no plans to publicly
phones and video systems), Call-in number: (415) 655-0001, to the
■ MERCHANDISE highest qualified bidder; provided, however, that Secured Party reserves
the right to cancel the sale in its entirety, or to adjourn the sale to a future
lowing the death of George Floyd, share the specifics involving indi-
FOR SALE DOGS date. The sale will be conducted by Mannion Auctions, LLC, Matthew D.
Mannion, licensed auctioneer (DCA #1434494).
there were riveting and emotional vidual personnel matters.”
testimonials from on- and off-air Sources said the matter had
■ PETS SHIH-TZU PUPPIES This sale is being held to enforce Secured Party’s rights in the Collateral as people as hundreds listened. moved into the hands of the net-
Beautiful Males & Females a result of the indebtedness of Debtor to Secured Party, following
■ AUTOMOTIVE Price to $ell
Call 718-887-5433
Debtor’s defaults under the applicable loan documents. The Collateral
will be sold together in a single block, and there is no warranty or
About a half hour in, as ESPN’s
Maria Taylor discussed the issue
work’s human resources depart-
representations relating to title, possession, quiet enjoyment,
merchantability, fitness, or the like in this disposition. Secured Party and her experience, a play-by-play For this article, The Post spoke to
toy & teacup sizes.
reserves the right for itself and any assignee to bid (whether by cash
and/or crediting some or all of the secured obligations) and to become
man for the network, Dave LaMont 10 people for the details of what
Call 718-306-4136 the purchaser at the sale. Interested parties must contact counsel for could be heard in the background, happened, all of whom were either
Secured Party, c/o Vivian M. Arias, Esq., at Thompson & Knight, LLP, 900 apparently thinking his phone was on the conference call or were
Third Avenue, 20th Floor, New York, New York 10022, (212) 751-3325,, in order to obtain a copy of the Terms of Sale and
information regarding bidding instructions. Upon execution of a
on mute. briefed on it.
LaMont described the nature of The 60-year-old LaMont has
Phone: standard confidentiality and non-disclosure agreement, additional
documentation and information will be available. Interested parties who the call on race as “venting,” which been with ESPN/ABC for 16 years,
212-930-8100 COMMERCIAL & do not contact the Secured Party’s Counsel prior to the sale will not be
calling college football and basket-
permitted to enter a bid. stunned those listening and imme-
Mon-Fri – 8:30am – 6pm INDUSTRIAL PROPERTIES diately caused a rebuke from Tay- ball on TV and radio. He is based in
None of the Collateral has been registered for sale under any federal or
Fax: BANKRUPTCY & LENDER APPROVED state securities or blue sky laws, and as such may not be sold or otherwise lor, who warned there could be South Florida, where he has been a

transferred by Secured Party or a purchaser of any Collateral except in ramifications if he did not stop. regular broadcast presence.
212-930-8120 accordance with applicable law.
To confirm your fax He quickly did, but it might have On June 8, Lee Fitting, the senior
cost him his job. vice president of ESPN, informed
212-930-8154 7/23 OZONE PARK: MIXED-USE CNR BLDG 38%/,& 127,&(
ESPN has explored letting La- the hundreds of college football
WRZHU PRQRSROH LQ 4XHHQV 1< 7KH PRQRSROH )&& IRUP  ILOH QXPEHU Mont go even after LaMont admit- personnel who work for the net-
$ ZLOO EH ORFDWHG DW 1<&7 07$ %XV -DPDLFD 'HSRW  6RXWK 5G ted the mistake immediately fol- work that there would be a confer-
lowing the call to his bosses. ence call the following morning.
“A comment was made to my wife The subject matter was left unsaid,
RICHARD MALTZ AUCTR DCA #1240836 & LIC. NY RE BROKER that was overheard on the college but it was an all-hands invitation
1211 Ave of the Americas, • 516.349.7022 VSDFH ZLOO EH GHYHORSHG ZLWKLQ WKH GHSRW SURSHUW\ ,QWHUHVWHG SHUVRQV PD\ UH football call, offending some who meaning there would be a vast
amount of people on the line.
15th Floor
AUCTIONS...Your Liquidity Solution
® )&& IRUP  ILOH QXPEHU SURYLGHG DERYH ,QWHUHVWHG SHUVRQV PD\ UDLVH HQYL ment to The Post.”We have a ra- The two-hour call took place and
cially integrated home and I respect there were stories shared about
FURNISHED and admire those who spoke up dealing with prejudice. Besides
DEADLINES Kitchenette & Studio Rentals Bklyn,
Queens, Bronx, Manhattan Single
about their experiences. I profusely
apologize to everyone on the call”
Taylor, former Heisman Trophy
winner Desmond Howard, play-by-
Liner Ads $800mo + Couple $900mo+ nyc
rentals. 212-210-0094 No texting 5HYLHZ $WWQ 5DPRQ :LOOLDPV  WK 6WUHHW 6: :DVKLQJWRQ '&  Tedarrell Slaton, now a senior de- play man Mark Jones and analyst
Monday: Friday 2:30PM fensive lineman at Florida, who is Rod Gilmore were among those
Mon @Work: Friday 2:30PM MANHATTAN black, lived with the LaMont family who spoke.
Tuesday: Monday 2:30PM FURNISHED ROOMS during Slaton’s high school years. LaMont’s comment was brief and
Wednesday: Tuesday 2:30PM Room & Studio Rentals Bklyn,
Queens, Bronx, Manhattan Rooms
The family did not formally adopt unintended for the call as he appar-
Thursday: Wednesday 2:30PM $150wk+ : Studios $900mo+ nyc Slaton, but Slaton has honored ently thought his phone was on
rentals 212-210-0094 No texting 07$ 1(: <25. &,7< 75$16,7 1<&7 them with a tattoo that reads, “Fam- mute. When he described the con-
Thurs NYPHome: Wed 2:30PM %,'6 2SHQLQJ 'DWH   *XDUG UDLO  7UDFN IURJ 0RUH
Friday: Thursday 2:30PM All real estate advertising in this ily shows no color.” ference call to his wife as “venting,”
newspaper is subject to the Federal Lamont would not answer any those listening said it was “uncom-
Saturday: Friday 2:30PM Fair Housing Act of 1968 as amended
1<&7 62/( 6285&( 352&85(0(176 questions, except to say he believed fortable,” “shocking” and “bad tim-
Sunday: Friday 2:30PM in 1988 which makes it illegal to
he still works for ESPN. However, ing.”
Display Ads or discrimination based on race, WKH RQO\ NQRZQ VRXUFH V  $Q\ RWKHU ILUP PD\ DVVHUW LWV SRWHQWLDO WR VXSSO\ WKH ESPN vice president of communi- The next day, Fitting sent an
color, religion, sex, handicapped, LWHP V E\ QRWLI\LQJ WKH GHVLJQDWHG 1<&7 &RQWDFW LQ ZULWLQJ ZLWKLQ  EXVLQHVV email thanking everyone for partic-
Monday:Thursday 4:30PM familial status, or national origin, or GD\V RI WKLV QRWLFH &RQWUDFW   'HVF 6ZLWFK DVV\ 0IJ6XSOU 3DUW 
cations Josh Krulewitz would not
Mon @Work: Thursday 3PM intention to make such preference, *HP 6HQVRU  1RYD 1 &RQWDFW 5 -RUGDQ 07$1<&7  confirm that to be true even after ipating, but described the interrup-
Tuesday: Friday 5PM limitation or discrimination.” To %URDGZD\ WK )OU 1HZ <RUN 1<    (DUOLHVW $ZDUG repeated follow-ups. tion of Taylor as “unacceptable.”
complain of discriminiation, call HUD 'DWH  “We took this matter very seri-
Wednesday: Monday 5PM toll free at 1-800-669-9777. The
Thursday: Tuesday 5PM toll free telephone for the hearing
impaired is 1-800-927-9275. Or,
Thurs NYPHome: Tues Noon
Friday: Wednesday 5PM
Saturday/Sunday:Thursday 5PM
call the Anti Discrimination of New
York (the Fair Housing Agency
for the 5 Boros of New York) at
718-422-0066, or The New York
RFP: 657 Castleton Avenue Interior Renovation
Richmond University Medical Center, a 600,000 sq/ft. teaching hospital
on Staten Island, NY , invites interested parties to participate in a Request
For Proposal for the General Construction of the first floor interior
Showtime won’t pull plug
We Accept
City Commission of Human Rights
hotline at 212-306-7500.
renovations at 657 Castleton Avenue Staten Island, NY 10310 This
project is part of an approved NYS transitional grant award
RFA#1607010255, with the goal of Providing Integrated Outpatient
Services (IOS) to the Staten Island Community. RUMC is seeking qualified
firms experienced in similar projects with local and MBE/WBE firms
on S. Jackson for now
NOTICES strongly encouraged to participate. Interested parties are directed to the Showtime has distanced itself this network.”
Visa, Mastercard, Hospital’s website to download the RFP document,,
for full details of the project. A mandatory project meeting will be held from Stephen Jackson’s comments Stephen Jackson has defended
American Express, on July 13th, 2020 at 10am at the job site, 657 Castleton Avenue Staten defending anti-Semitism, but it is not DeSean Jackson over anti-Semitic
checks and money orders LEGAL NOTICES
Island, NY 10310. For further details, please refer to the RFP document.
cutting ties with him at this point. social media posts.
“We are aware of Stephen Jack- Stephen Jackson hosts a Show-
The New York Post reserves the right to
edit, reclassify, reject or cancel an ad at
any time. We can only give appropriate
Filed Sec. of State of NY 5/18/20.
Want it sold? son’s recent statements,” a net- time podcast with fellow former
credit, not to exceed the cost of the ad, for Off. Loc. : New York Co. SSNY
Sell it in the New York Post Classifieds
work spokesman said. “Regardless NBA player Matt Barnes called
one insertion. We are not liable for com- designated as agent upon whom Every day in the of his intentions, Stephen’s com- “All The Smoke.” The show is on
plete omissions. Any discrepancies must process may be served & shall
be brought to our attention within 30 days mail proc.: 14 Wall Street, Suite 8, ments were hurtful and inconsist- hiatus after its first season.
of the first day the ad runs, in order to New York, NY 10005. Purpose: ent with the values espoused by — Andrew Marchand
receive consideration for credit. Any lawful purpose. Call 212-930-8100

ACTION Odds & Ends


Favorites to win
2020 AL MVP

Belmont Lock of Stoney Bennett (2nd)

Post Time: 1:15 p.m. Lock Record: 8 for 18 (44%) PLAYER ODDS
Analysis by Vic Cangialosi the Day Meet Record: 71/210 $460.40
Mike Trout Even

Gleyber Torres 10/1
 6 fur(T); $64,000; mdn; 2YO(f) 4 Love Me Tomorrow(L),118 D Davis 2-2-2 Avila 7-2 5 No Word(L),122 J Ortiz 3-3-5 Pletcher 2-1
5 Allure Fortune(L),118 J Alvarado 9-3-x Englehart 5-2 Francisco Lindor 14/1
Two-year-old fillies on the turf in the opener. STEAL MY SUNSHINE 6 Buy Me Candy(L),122 J Lezcano 2-7-1 Correas 8-1
New York Post, Thursday, July 9, 2020

debuts for owner/trainer Wesley Ward. Sired by Distorted Humor who is Alex Bregman 15/1
6 Madam Deputy(M),118 J Castellano x-x-x Cox 9-2 7 Will Sing for Wine(L),122 J Velazquez 7-1-5 Mott 8-1
by Forty Niner. Irad has owned the meet. ALDA closed from 14 lengths out
Anthony Rendon 18/1
to get within a length of the winner in her opener. Dangerous 2nd time 7 Belleza(L),124 I Ortiz, Jr 2-10-x Rice 3-1 8 Arithmetic ,120 H Diaz, Jr 2-1-1 Miranda 20-1
Aaron Judge 20/1

around getting another furlong. FRANKEL AT ASCOT French filly is the
8 Sander's Empire(L),119 R Maragh 5-4-8 Williams 30-1

daughter of, yes, Frankel. J Ortiz rides the debuter for Casse.
1 mile; $66,000; alw; 3up(f) Rafael Devers 25/1
PN Horse Wt. Jockey Last 3 Trainer Odds 9 Giant Stella ,111 L Cardenas x-x-x Morrison 20-1
More ground for MRS DANVERS after getting up for 2nd in her 3YO

Shohei Ohtani 25/1
1 Contained ,119 M Franco x-x-x Duarte 8-1 debut. Earned diploma at Spa previous start. Tapit gray gets up under J
2 Alda ,119 J Velazquez 3-x-x Motion 9-5  1 1/16m(T); $42,000; clm($35,000); 3up
Some noise from QUIET OUT EAST. Went dirt to turf (his preferred
Ortiz. GRAND CLU CLASSE smashed her debut by 8+ sprinting in the slop at
Gulfstream. Mott has her competitively spotted; gets Johnny V to ride.
Jose Ramirez 25/1
Gerrit Cole 30/1
3 Trewish ,119 J Ruiz x-x-x Salzman 20-1 surface) and powered off the pace to win. Proven at this longer distance. MAIDEN BEAUTY was 4th, a 1/2 dozen back of Mrs Danvers. Won twice at a
CC RIDER switches to turf 2nd off the layoff for Matz. 0 for 6 on grass but a mile last year. Has 2 wins at Belmont; rest of field is unproven. Best value. Marcus Semien 35/1
4 Illegal Smile ,119 D Davis 7-x-x Ward 8-1 close 2nd with better last summer. Johnny V on the Florida invader. DOVEY LOVEY drags a modest win streak from Big A. Meets better; 0 for 2 DJ LeMahieu 40/1
UHTRED was a tired 5th in his seasonal. Improves, 2nd off the shelf at distance.
5 Funwhileitlasted ,119 K Carmouche 5-x-x Sweezey 12-1
stretching to distance where he's 2 for 4. Castellano replaces Alvarado. PN Horse Wt. Jockey Last 3 Trainer Odds Giancarlo Stanton 40/1
6 Frankel At Ascot ,119 J Ortiz x-x-x Casse 5-2 Rides TRICKY MAGICIAN for Casse. Jose Altuve 40/1
PN Horse Wt. Jockey Last 3 Trainer Odds 2 Grand Cru Classe(L),118 J Velazquez 1-x-x Mott 2-1
7 Steal My Sunshine ,119 I Ortiz, Jr x-x-x Ward 5-2 J.D. Martinez 40/1

1 Monaghan(L),119 R Maragh 9-5-1 Nevin 30-1 3 The Great Johanna(L),126 K Carmouche 4-1-8 Ferraro 8-1

 6 fur; $27,000; clm($10,000); 3up Yoan Moncada 40/1

2 Tricky Magician(L),126 J Alvarado 7-2-6 Casse 12-1 1 a-Cobra Sophie(L),124 B Hernandez 6-5-5 Kantarmaci 10-1
Racing at Laurel off the 14 month layoff STONEY BENNETT ran well, Matt Chapman 40/1
but a length short. Won 5 of 10 prior to the break. Should wire this bunch 3 War Film(L),124 J Ortiz 5-2-5 Asmussen 5-1 4 Dovey Lovey(L),117 H Harkie 1-1-3 Ferraro 20-1
Xander Bogaerts 50/1
with Franco up. JAVELIN is in an extended losing skid and is 0 for 13 at
4 Channel Island(L),124 I Ortiz, Jr 4-11-1 Maker 6-1 1A a-Excess Capacity(L),126 I Ortiz, Jr 6-7-3 Kantarmaci 10-1
Belmont. 2nd best twice here in June. Again? ZONIC was last of 9 after Jose Abreu 50/1
scoring 2 back. Runs off the Noda claim. Cancel replaces Gutierrez; moves 5 Another(L),124 J Lezcano 9-3-11 Kantarmaci 7-2 5 Mrs. Danvers(L),118 J Ortiz 2-1-3 McGaughey III 3-5 Vlad Guerrero Jr. 50/1
PN Horse Wt. Jockey Last 3 Trainer Odds 6 Quiet Out East(L),126 M Franco 1-7-4 Cox 4-1 6 Maiden Beauty(L),126 D Davis 4-2-1 B Brown 12-1 Matt Olson 50/1

7 Uhtred(L),124 J Castellano 5-3-4 Clement 6-1 Eloy Jimenez 60/1

1 Vincero(L),123 H Diaz, Jr 7-7-5 Jones 12-1
1 1/16m(T); $39,000; mdn clm($40,000); 3up(f)
2 Tipsy Moose(L),123 B Hernandez 7-8-3 Sciacca 20-1 8 Riendo(L),124 K Carmouche 6-9-6 Schosberg 20-1 George Springer 60/1
COME STORMING finished 1 1/2 lengths short last pair. SIMPLY
9 C C Rider(L),124 J Velazquez 3-7-2 Matz 3-1 MISS RED (2nd), FLEET STEPPER (5th) and WICKED HAPPY (4th at 85-1) Favorites to win
3 Stoney Bennett(L),123 M Franco 2-2-1 Rice 4-5

here weeks ago.
2020 NL MVP
4 Tale of Mist(L),118
5 Zonic(L),125
R Maragh
E Cancel
 7 fur; $64,000; mdn; 3up(f)
If the price is right SKY QUEEN is worth a look. Showed 3rd here
PN Horse Wt. Jockey Last 3 Trainer Odds
2 Fleet Stepper(L),118 M Franco 5-x-x Clement 4-1
weeks ago. 2nd best after leading late at Aqueduct. 7/8 may be the ticket. Ronald Acuna Jr. 5/1
6 Massey Hall(L),116 L Cardenas 12-5-6 Noda 30-1 BACK CHANNEL Clear 2nd after arguing the lead in her 6 1/2 furlong debut. 3 Hard Won(L),118 R Gutierrez 9-3-3 Gyarmati 20-1
ORSAY Turf to dirt off the layoff for Brown. Debuted a non-threatening 3rd Christian Yelich 6/1
7 Swiping Dan(L),123 R Gutierrez 5-6-7 Dharamjit 20-1 4 Come Storming(L),125 J Castellano 3-4-4 Bush 2-1
on dirt here in October. HARLEM HEIGHTS makes seasonal for Shug. Mookie Betts 13/2
8 Javelin(L),123 I Ortiz, Jr 2-2-3 Atras 4-1 Distant 3rd in year ender. Motts SIMPLY SWEET is a live 1st timer.
5 Toastnjam(L),118 J Ortiz 11-6-5 Kimmel 12-1 Juan Soto 17/2
PN Horse Wt. Jockey Last 3 Trainer Odds
9 Moneymeister(L),125 K Carmouche 4-4-1 Ferraro 8-1
Fernando Tatis Jr. 10/1

6 Simply Miss Red(L),125 E Cancel 2-6-2 Donk 7-2
1 Sky Queen(L),118 E Cancel 3-2-4 Breen 8-1

 1 1/4 miles(T); $66,000; alw; 3up(f)

Ten furlongs on the lawn. French bred EBONY makes US/seasonal
2 Pop a Choc(L),118 J Velazquez 8-4-x Casse 12-1 7 Matador Moon(L),125 J Velazquez 7-x-x Terranova II 6-1 Cody Bellinger 10/1
8 Shine Like Bobby(M),118 B Hernandez 12-5-5 Persaud 30-1 Nolan Arenado 15/1
debut for Motion. 0 for 6 on turf but runnerup 3 of last 5 going long on 3 Buyer's Remorse(L),118 K Carmouche 5-4-5 O'Neill 12-1
French grass. 1st time lasix; 1st time Irad. HUNGRY KITTEN was a fast 9 Plimsoll Anny(L),125 T Howell 11-11-10 Quiles 50-1
Javier Baez 22/1
4 Orsay(L),118 I Ortiz, Jr 8-3-x C Brown 3-1
closing 4th then a wide 6th. Stretches out for Shug; rider change to J Ortiz. Bryce Harper 22/1
NO MO TEMPER returns after 7 months for Casse. Ran evenly, 3rd best 5 Venus Oyzo(L),111 L Cardenas 5-7-x Persaud 30-1 10 Wicked Happy(L),113 R Maragh 4-3-8 Gyarmati 6-1
prior to break; graduated previous grass start. May relish the additional Manny Machado 28/1
yardage. Alvarado up; best value. WHATDOESASHARKSAY is proven at 6 Back Channel(L),118 J Lezcano 2-x-x Rice 5-2 11 Wishes and Dreams(L),111 L Cardenas 9-5-4 Summers 20-1
Pete Alonso 30/1
distance. 7 Simply Sweet(M),118 J Alvarado x-x-x Mott 6-1 1 a-Acting Chipper(L),120 R Maragh 3-7-3 Nevin 6-5
PN Horse Wt. Jockey Last 3 Trainer Odds Jacob deGrom 30/1
8 Capraia's Destiny ,119 R Maragh 4-x-x Hanan 30-1 12 Queen Daveigh ,118 H Diaz, Jr 7-10-x Laxmeter 50-1
1 Wicked Amber ,109 L Cardenas 7-6-5 Persaud 30-1 Kris Bryant 30/1
9 Fast Chica(M),118 M Franco x-x-x Asmussen 10-1 1A a-We Are Family(L),125 M Franco 7-2-3 Nevin 6-5 Charlie Blackmon 40/1
2 Whatdoesasharksay(L),124 K Carmouche 4-5-10 Toner 4-1
10 Harlem Heights(L),118 J Ortiz 3-4-x McGaughey III 9-2 Paul Goldschmidt 40/1

3 No Mo Temper(L),124 J Alvarado 3-7-1 Casse 8-1

1 1/8 miles(T); $66,000; alw; 3YO Ketel Marte 40/1
4 Ebony(M),124 I Ortiz, Jr 7-4-2 Motion 1-1
More than dozen lengths out SHAMROCKET picked up speed and Anthony Rizzo 50/1
5 Hungry Kitten(L),124 J Ortiz 6-4-10 McGaughey III 3-1 zoomed by the field to graduate traveling 1 1/4 miles. Alvarado will have to Trevor Story 50/1
6 Setting the Mood(L),118 J Velazquez 6-1-2 Pletcher 9-2 stay closer, tightening an 1/8. Only horse proven over the course. Can
Too Sexy teased us again, running home

outkick NO WORD who rallied for 3rd at a mile then 1 1/4 miles. ON BASE Rhys Hoskins 50/1
2nd best on Sunday. But Kid Chocolate won
 6 1/2 fur; $39,000; mdn clm($40,000); 3up(f) stretched to this distance and won at 2nd asking. Castellano picks up the Max Scherzer 50/1
Tampa shipper. BUY ME CANDY (2nd, this distance) and ASSIDUOUSLY at odds of 9-2. Our $39 profit on the day cut
Love LOVE ME TOMORROW going turf to dirt for Avila. Trainer has a (3rd at a mile) in their latest. Trea Turner 60/1
rich ROI off the switch. Neck short this level/distance latest on dirt.
PN Horse Wt. Jockey Last 3 Trainer Odds our losses for the meet to just $22.50.
ALLURE FORTUNE was 9th of 12 with better off the layoff. Drops..blinkers Josh Bell 60/1
on. BELLEZA ran a distant 2nd before going on the shelf in November.
Race 6: Sky Queen ran 3rd earlier in the
1 Our Country(L),122 M Franco 6-3-8 Weaver 9-2
Moves lower for Rice. MADAM DEPUTY debuts for Cox/Castellano. meet. Placed 2nd after leading late two starts ENGLISH
PN Horse Wt. Jockey Last 3 Trainer Odds 2 Assiduously(L),122 I Ortiz, Jr 3-1-6 C Brown 6-1 back at Aqueduct. May reign turning back to PREMIER LEAGUE
1 Buffet(M),118 E Cancel x-x-x Hennig 10-1 3 On Base(L),122 J Castellano 1-10-x Thomas 5-1 seven furlongs. Play $10 across the board. Tottenham at
4 Shamrocket(L),122 J Alvarado 1-2-3 Clement 4-1 — Vic Cangialosi Bournemouth (Thur.)
2 Central Exit(L),118 J Vargas, Jr 4-2-9 Terranova II 6-1
3 Funderella(L),117 H Harkie 7-9-5 Simmonds 30-1
Debbie Little at Yonkers Tottenham -150
FIRST: Mile pace; $9,375; cond 4 Family Roll Call (TBeyer) 3-2-6 12-1 8 Machiatto A (JBongiorno) 2-4-1 5-1 Draw +305
5 Line Dancer (ASiegelman) 7-3-3 8-5 6 Half A Virgin (PBerry) 6-2-6 20-1 2 FastOnTheDraw(ASiegelmn) 1-3-7 20-1 Bournemouth +390
Puzzles on Page 32 1 Amateur Hour
8 Majorette Angie
(BHolland) 5-2-8 9-5
(DDube) 5-1-5 7-1
7 Bullville Bren (ASiegelman) 2-3-4 20-1
FOURTH: Mile pace; $20,250; cond
4 Notabadgame
5 Fine Diamond
(JStratton) 2-3-1
(BHolland) 8-5-2
9-2 Southampton at
2 Real Roxy (JBongiorno) 8-6-4 15-1 4 Machnhope (PBerry) 4-1-6 5-2 6 Kept Under Wraps A (DDube) 9-6-6 20-1
3 Spilling TheBeans(JStratton) 3-3-6 5-1 5 Lispatty (ASiegelman) 3-1-1 3-1 7 Tom Me Gun N (PBerry) 1-7-1 20-1 Everton (Thur.)
3 2 1 4 6 8 7 5 9 5 1 2 8 3 4 6 9 7 4 Three Rocks (TBeyer) 7-7-1 20-1 3 Rockin The BoysA (BHolland) 1-3-3 7-1 SEVENTH: Mile pace; $14,250; cond 3-WAY BETTING ODDS
6 KamwoodLaughterN (Berry) 6-4-5 20-1 1 Neverforgetwhour (Bongirn) 2-5-3 4-1 1 Ronnies Rocket (JBongiorno) 3-7-1 2-1
9 4 6 5 1 7 8 2 3 8 3 6 9 7 2 1 5 4 7 Rock N Roll Rosie(GBrennan) 1-4-5 20-1 2 Anytime N (JStratton) 8-2-2 4-1 5 Abraxas Blues A (GBrennan) 5-5-7 3-1 Southampton +260
SECOND: Mile pace; $9,375; cond 6 Ambro Courage N (TBeyer) 3-1-1 20-1 7 Military Master A (BHolland) 1-3-7 4-1
5 7 8 3 9 2 1 6 4 9 4 7 6 5 1 3 8 2 3 Bronze Over N (GBrennan) 2-7-3 1-1 7 Sandy Win (DDube) 7-7-3 20-1 2 Kaboom Pow (TBeyer) 6-7-6 20-1
Draw +265
2 9 5 8 3 1 4 7 6 6 2 8 7 4 5 9 1 3 4 Livinginthedream (PBerry) 1-2-5 3-1 8 Scandalicious (GBrennan) 5-8-5 20-1 3 LinkjackHanover(ASegelmn) 8-2-4 6-1 Everton Even
8 HeavensChallenge (Bongirn) 3-4-8 8-1 FIFTH: Mile pace; $17,250; cond 4 Treasure Mach (PBerry) 1-1-6 6-1
6 1 7 9 4 5 2 3 8 1 9 4 3 6 8 2 7 5 1 Caviart Scarlett (BHolland) 5-6-8 6-1 3 Feelin Red Hot (GBrennan) 4-2-1 7-5 6 Aston Hill Dave (JStratton) 8-2-5 20-1 Manchester United
2 Mylittlesurfergirl (DDube) 4-7-2 20-1 4 Quite A Delight N (DDube) 2-4-4 7-1 8 Canbec Kingkazimir (DDube) 2-1-1 20-1 at Aston Villa (Thur.)
8 3 4 2 7 6 9 1 5 7 5 3 1 2 9 8 4 6 5 Sweet You (JStratton) 1-6-4 15-1 6 Tellawoman (JBongiorno) 1-7-3 9-1 EIGHTH: Mile pace; $17,250; cond
6 Vintage Babe (ASiegelman) 7-10-8 20-1 1 Easy Three (TBeyer) 3-1-7 5-1 4 Talent Soup (ASiegelman) 5-1-3 4-1 3-WAY BETTING ODDS
7 5 9 1 8 3 6 4 2 3 8 5 2 1 7 4 6 9 7 Machin Marley (TBeyer) 2-6-5 20-1 2 DongalRundlscrkN (BHollnd) 7-10-8 20-1 2 SaulsbrookDeputy (Bongirn) 4-6-1 3-1
Manchester United -315
THIRD: Mile pace; $14,250; cond 5 Rose Run Toni (ASiegelman) 3-1-8 6-1 5 Orillia Joe (BHolland) 1-6-8 7-2
4 6 2 7 5 9 3 8 1 2 7 9 4 8 6 5 3 1 1 Keystone Nikki (JStratton) 2-4-2 2-1 7 Classy Chapel N (PBerry) 4-2-2 20-1 1 Zach Maguire N (TBeyer) 2-3-2 12-1 Draw +425
5 Sezana N (JBongiorno) 1-5-1 5-2 8 My Ruebe Star N (JStratton) 1-1-2 5-1 3 Majestic Kiwi N (GBrennan) 6-4-9 7-1
1 8 3 6 2 4 5 9 7 4 6 1 5 9 3 7 2 8 8 Our Miss Reese (GBrennan) 1-8-1 9-1 SIXTH: Mile pace; $14,250; cond 6 Triple Seelster (DDube) 5-4-6 20-1 Aston Villa +870
Solution to Very Easy #5,143 Solution to Difficult #4,933 2 Color Envy (DDube) 2-4-3 9-2 1 Vague Traces (GBrennan) 1-3-2 8-5 7 Yayas Hot Spot N (JStratton) 1-1-X 7-1 (All odds by William Hill)
3 MilliondollargemA (BHollnd) 10-8-9 9-2 3 Wind Blast (TBeyer) 1-1-4 9-2 8 Betterlatethnnever (PBerry) 1-2-2 4-1
The Line MLS Standings
NYCFC set 39

All games in Orlando, Fla.

0 0 6 4 2

to kick off Ivy League cancels

New York Post, Thursday, July 9, 2020

NBA Red Bulls 1 0 1 4 4 3
Thursday, July 30 Montreal 1 0 1 4 4 3

Friday, July 31
Toronto FC
Orlando City
0 1
0 1
1 1
4 3 2
4 2 1
4 3 3
season in all of its fall sports
Magic 5½ Nets D.C. United 1 1 0 3 3 3
Blazers 1½ Grizzlies Chicago 0 1 1 1 2 3
Suns 6½ Wizards New England 0 1 1 1 2 3
Bucks 4½ Celtics
By Howie KuSSoy ate and maintain an environment for inter-
Philadelphia 0 1 1 1 3 5
Kings 2½ Spurs
collegiate athletic competition that meets
Cincinnati 0 2 0 0 3 5
Rockets 1½ Mavericks By Jared ScHwartz The Ivy League has canceled all fall sports, our requirements for safety and acceptable
Nashville SC 0 2 0 0 1 3
Saturday, Aug. 1 including football, due to the COVID-19 pan- levels of risk, consistent with the policies
NY City FC 0 2 0 0 0 2
Nuggets 2½ Heat After months of waiting, demic, again potentially foreshadowing a that each of our schools is adopting as part
Jazz 1 Thunder Inter Miami CF 0 3 0 0 2 5 New York will finally have nationwide shutdown of college athletics. of its reopening plans this fall.”
Clippers 5½ Pelicans WEST W L D Pts GF GA one of its teams play a real Winter sports, including basketball, won’t Though the Ivy League was prescient —
76ers 5 Pacers
Sporting K.C. 2 0 0 6 7 1 game. begin until Jan. 1, if at all. and initially faced some criticism — in lead-
Lakers 4 Raptors NYCFC returns to action In March, the Ivy League was first to make ing the charge of cancellations in March,
Minn. United 2 0 0 6 8 3
All odds from William Hill against the Philadelphia Un- the unprecedented decision to cancel its FBS programs are less likely to follow its
Colorado 2 0 0 6 4 2
ion on Thursday morning. It conference basketball tournaments due to lead this time.
FC Dallas 1 0 1 4 4 2
Los Angeles FC 1 0 1 4 4 3
will be the second game of the coronavirus. Every league soon fol- Given the financial standing of Ivy League
Transactions the “MLS is Back” tourna- lowed, leading to the first-ever cancellation members and the relative unimportance of
Seattle FC 1 0 1 4 3 2
ment, taking place at the of the NCAA Tournament. their respective FCS football teams without
BASEBALL Portland 1 1 0 3 2 3
ESPN Wide World of Sports The Ivy League will determine at a later meaningful media contracts, the schools
Major League Baseball Vancouver 1 1 0 3 2 3
complex in Orlando, Fla. date whether it is feasible to move fall sports wouldn’t be devastated by the potential loss
Real Salt Lake 0 0 2 2 1 1
American League The tournament, an- to the spring. of an entire season. However, several large
LA Galaxy 0 1 1 1 1 2 nounced on June 10, will at- “As a leadership group, we have a respon- FBS programs would lose several tens of
Los Angeles Angels: Placed LHP Jose San Jose 0 1 1 1 4 7
Quijada and OF Brandon Marsh on the tempt to uphold a bubble — sibility to make decisions that are in the best millions of dollars if the football season is
Houston 0 1 1 1 1 5 similar to the NBA’s planned interest of the students who attend our insti- eliminated.
10-day IL. Claimed RHP Jacob Rhame
off waivers from the Mets. restart. The integrity of the tutions, as well as the faculty and staff who The Ivy League joins multiple Division II
Notes: 3 pts. for win, 1 for tie
New York Yankees: Placed RHP Luis Pool play results of restart tournament bubble, however, has already work at our schools,” the league said in a and III schools which have already scrapped
Cessa and 2B DJ LeMahieu on the 10- count in regular-season standings; All been called into question. statement. “These decisions are extremely fall sports. Fellow FCS programs could soon
games in Orlando, Fla. Ten FC Dallas players im- difficult, particularly when they impact follow suit — including the Patriot League,
day IL.
Wednesday mediately tested positive for meaningful student-athlete experiences that which was scheduled to play numerous non-
National League Orlando City 2, Miami 1
Nashville FC vs. Chicago, ppd.
the coronavirus, and the so many value and cherish. conference games against the Ivy League —
Los Angeles Dodgers: Placed RHP
Edwin Uceta, OF Cody Thomas and OF Thursday
team was subsequently “With the information available to us to- given the optics of the increasing number of
Zach Reks on the 10-day IL.
kicked out of the tourna- day regarding the continued spread of the schools taking precautionary measures.
Philadelphia vs. NYCFC, 9 a.m.
Miami Marlins: Placed C Will Banfield New England vs. Montreal, 8pm ment. Nashville FC had five virus, we simply do not believe we can cre-
on the 10-day IL. Friday
positive tests and the Colo-
San Jose vs. Seattle FC, 9pm rado Rapids had one, but SportS ShortS
FOOTBALL both teams will remain in
National Football League the tournament, though attending a party over the July Fourth week-
Philadelphia Eagles: Signed WR Quez
Red Bulls vs. Atlanta, 8pm
Columbus vs. Cincinnati, 10:30pm Nashville’s first game was
HOOPS: Kawhi not on team flight end. The team learned of Reyes’ off-field ac-
Watkins to a four-year contract. postponed. A person with knowledge of the situation tions from social media.
Detroit Lions: Signed WR Quintez
Soccer Scores NYCFC entered the bub- says that Kawhi Leonard did not accom-  The Padres said that recently ac-
Cephus to a four-year contract.
English Premeir League
ble July 2. Head coach pany the Clippers on their flight to Central quired middle infielder Jorge Mateo, a
SOCCER Man City 5, Newcastle 0 Ronny Deila said he trusts Florida on Wednesday night for the restart of former Yankee, has tested positive for cor-
Major League Soccer Sheffield United 1, Wolverhampton 0 the league’s safety proce- the NBA season. Leonard’s absence was ex- onavirus. Padres manager Jayce Tingler
West Ham 0, Burnley 1 dures. cused and he is expected to join the team at said Mateo, 25 is experiencing symptoms,
Los Angeles FC: Signed D Tony Leone, Liverpool 3, Brighton 1
Italy Serie A “It’s been a long time now the Disney complex sometime in the next including loss of smell, and is currently in
D Christian Torres and F Erik Duenas.
Fiorentina 0, Cagliari 0 without playing,” Deila said. few days, said the person who spoke to the self-quarantine.
COLLEGE Genoa 1, Napoli 2 “I almost can’t remember Associated Press on condition of anonymity
Syracuse: Named Brandon DeNoyer
Atalanta 2, Sampdoria 0
the last time we played because the team did not publicly disclose
ETC.: Stanford to cut 11 sports
Sassuolo 2, Bologna 1
women's soccer assistant coach. Roma 2, Parma 1 games. We want to play, the matter. Stanford will cut 11 of its varsity programs
Tennessee: Named Marshall Steward Turin 3, Brescia 1
Spain La Liga
that’s why we are here. … We  Pelicans coach Alvin Gentry, 65, has at the conclusion of the 2020-21 academic
Assistant Athletic Director for have to do everything we been cleared to travel with the team to the year as it deals with the ongoing financial
Barcelona vs. Espanyol
Academic Services and Assistant Villareal 3, Getafe 1 can so that the focus is on NBA bubble in Orlando, Fla., according to ramifications of the coronavirus pandemic.
Provost. Real Betis 3, Osasuna 0 the games and nothing else. ESPN. Rockets coach Mike D’Antoni, 69, is The 11 sports that will be discontinued are
“I think the group has been among those still awaiting word. men’s and women’s fencing, field hockey,
Today's Sports on the Air
great so far. They are, of  WNBA MVP Elena Delle Donne is lightweight rowing, men’s rowing, co-ed
course, concerned, they are waiting to have her case heard by the and women’s sailing, squash, synchronized
MLS Is Back Tournament, Group Stage: looking around, getting in- league’s independent panel of doctors to see swimming, men’s volleyball and wrestling.
Soccer 9 a.m.
Philadelphia Union vs NYCFC ESPN formation about what’s hap- if she’ll be medically excused for the season,  North Carolina’s football program has
10 a.m.
NWSL Challenge Cup: pening, but we all agree that the Mystics said. The Mystics star has bat- shut down voluntary activities after the
Sky Blue FC vs. Houston Dash CBSSN we think so far it has been tled Lyme Disease since 2008 and would county’s health department identified the
English Premier League: good here [in the bubble]. potentially be at a higher risk for serious ill- campus as a “cluster” for COVID-19. The
12:55 p.m.
Bournemouth vs. Tottenham NBCSN Hopefully we can keep on ness if she contracted the new coronavirus. school announced 37 people within Tar
1:25 p.m. Italian Serie A: SPAL vs. Udinese ESPN2 doing that. If everything is Heels athletics tested positive for the virus.
3:10 p.m.
English Premier League: safe, like we are now, then
NFL: Mostert asks for trade  Ohio State has paused voluntary work-
Aston Villa vs. Manchester United NBCSN we focus on playing football. Running back Raheem Mostert has asked outs by athletes of seven sports on campus
The Basketball Tournament, Round of 16:
Basketball 2 p.m.
The Money Team at Herd That ESPN I can see that the group is re- for a trade from the 49ers, his agent announced. after getting the results of its most recent
The Basketball Tournament, Round of 16: ally looking forward to play- Brett Tessler tweeted that the trade request coronavirus testing.
4 p.m.
Overseas Elite at Armored Athlete ESPN ing.” comes after “months of unproductive talks”  In Kissimmee, Fla., nearly 200 players
PGA Tour: Workday Charity Open, Each team will play three with the team on adjusting his contract. took the field for an 8-minute, 46-second mo-
Golf 3 p.m.
First Round GOLF group-stage games before 16  Amazon became the latest company to ment of silence to protest racial injustice be-
Boxing 8 p.m. Carlos Takam vs. Jerry Forrest ESPN teams advance to the knock- announce it would be removing Redskins fore Major League Soccer action. Orlando’s
Horse out rounds. NYCFC will be merchandise for sale while the team consid- Nani scored in the seventh minute of stop-
1 p.m. America's Day at the Races FS2
Racing without goalie Brad Stuver, ers a name change. page time and held on for a 2-1 victory over
1 p.m. Belmont Park Live MSG+ who opted out of the tourna- expansion Miami.
8 p.m. Race Night TVG ment to stay with his family.
MLB: Indians give Reyes OK  In Brighton, England, Mohamed Salah
Auto Racing 8 p.m. NASCAR Xfinity Series: Shady Rays 200 FS1 The Red Bulls open play on Indians outfielder Franmil Reyes has scored twice as champion Liverpool moved
Korean 5:25 a.m. Saturday against Atlanta. been cleared by the team’s medical staff to on to 92 points with a 3-1 win at Brighton and
LG Twins vs. NC Dinos ESPN
Baseball (Friday) return to the field after being isolated after Hove Albion in the Premier League.
By MollIe WAlKer

The NHL and NHL Players Associ-

Frazier fighting

ation’s memorandum of understand-

ing for a new collective bargaining
agreement confirms Toronto and
Edmonton were selected as hub cit-
ies for the return-to-play tourna-
fasciitis in foot
ment, with Eastern teams, incouding By GeorGe A. KInG III the visiting team, so that
the Rangers and Islanders, compet- should help out. I won’t lead,
New York Post, Thursday, July 9, 2020

ing in Toronto and Western teams in Through two Yankees in- I will follow make sure I go
Edmonton, according to TSN. trasquad games, Clint Fra- to the right place,’’ Girardi
The conference finals and Stanley zier hasn’t surfaced in the said Wednesday on a Zoom
Cup finals, per the report, will be in outfield due to a foot prob- call from Philadelphia.
Edmonton — but is subject to change. lem — though it wasn’t seri-
TSN also reports that the league is
aiming to have teams travel to their
ous enough to keep him
from being a DH.
➤ Masahiro Tanaka
worked inside and outside
respective hub cities on July 24, with “Clint has had a little Wednesday.
exhibition games beginning the next plantar fasciitis, but it really “Still at this point taking it
day. The qualifying round is tenta- hasn’t held him back,. We slowly, but he is doing pretty
tively scheduled for July 30 and the have held him back in the good,’’ Boone said of Tanaka,
first round for Aug. 9. early going of getting him who suffered a concussion
The second round is supposed to out in the outfield,’’ Aaron Saturday when hit in the
begin on Aug. 23, with the confer- Boone said on a Zoom call head by a batted ball off Gi-
ence finals starting Sept. 6 and Stan- following a spring training ancarlo Stanton’s bat dur-
ley Cup finals on Sept. 20, per TSN. 2.0 workout Wednesday at ing a simulated game.
The report also said the league de- getting RestaRted: Artemi Panarin (left), Mika Zibanejad and the Ran- Yankee Stadium.
creed that Oct. 2 is the last possible
date for the finals.
gers, along with the Islanders and the rest of the Eastern Conference qualifiers,
will head to Toronto for the NHL’s return-to-play tournament. Getty Images
According to the manager,
the foot issue didn’t hold
➤ Right-hander Jonathan
Loaisiga completed his in-
In addition, TSN reports the CBA back Frazier Wednesday take testing process and
memo says NHL players will be per-
mitted to return to the Winter Olym-
pics in 2022 and 2026, pending an
Toronto, Edmonton confirmed when there was no intra-
squad game.
threw a bullpen session
Wednesday at Yankee Sta-
agreement with the International Ice
Hockey Federation and the Interna- as NHL’s hub sites: report yankees “He should be good to go
and tentatively we have him
tional Olympic Committee.
When the coronavirus pandemic 2020-21 season is tentatively sched- handful of players who traveled
notes going Saturday, a couple of
innings but he looked good
shut down the 2019-20 season in uled for Nov. 17, with the start of next from Europe to New York in the past today,’’ Boone said.
March and forced the league to put season set for Dec. 1. week or so who are still waiting to “He was out sprinting to-
together the 24-team playoff tourna-
ment, there was a sudden uncertainty
The CBA is reportedly a four-year
extension, running through the
be cleared. Alexandar Georgiev was
included in the latest group of play-
day and doing all of his out-
field work,’’ Boone said.
➤ The Yankees placed DJ
LeMahieu and Luis Cessa
about the 2020-21 season. Consider- 2025-26 season. ers to take part in Phase 2, in which “Base running and, obvi- on the COVID-19 list and in-
ing the start of next season has yet to With Phase 3, the start of training rookie Igor Shesterkin has been par- ously, hitting. I don’t expect vited right-hander Adonis
be determined, players will receive camp, set to begin on July 13, two of the ticipating since he returned from it to slow him much. We are Rosa to spring training.
one paycheck in the fall, per TSN. Rangers’ three goaltenders had partici- Florida at the end of June. kind of going easy with him LeMahieu and Cessa are
The report also says the beginning pated in the NHL’s Phase 2 voluntary Additionally, Ryan Strome, Brett here at the start.’’ quarantining at home and
of free agency is set to begin after small-group workouts as of Wednes- Howden and prospect Vitali need to pass intake proto-
Oct. 9, or seven days after the Cup fi-
nals end. Barring any changes, the
day, the team confirmed to The Post.
Veteran Henrik Lundqvist is the
Kravtsov also began skating at the
team’s practice facility this week.
➤ Joe Girardi returns to
Yankee Stadium later this
cols for COVID-19 before
entering the Stadium. The
opening of training camps for the odd goalie out — he is among a month as the Phillies’ man- moves aren’t backdated be-
ager for an exhibition game cause there is no minimum

Blueshirts asst. appears headed to Devs against the team he helped

win three World Series from
1996-99 as a player and man-
aged from 2008-17, winning
or maximum days a player
needs to spend on the COV-
ID-19 IL.

By MollIe WAlKer interim label after the Devils

canned Ray Shero last sea-
coach Alain Vigneault, he
began working predomi-
the World Series in 2009.
“I think it’ll be odd because
➤ Kyle Higashioka par-
ticipated in early fielding
The Rangers may be son following a dismal start nantly with the defense and I’m not used to going in the fundamentals on Wednes-
searching for a new assist- to the season. the penalty-kill unit. After other dugout or the other day, a day after the catcher
ant coach soon. It would be the 60-year- Vigneault was fired at the locker room. But it would be was scratched as the DH in
Lindy Ruff is expected to old Ruff’s third stint as a end of that season, Ruff was good to get back. But it’s go- an intrasquad game.
be named the next head head coach in the NHL considered to replace him. ing be a little bit different. I
coach of the Devils, end-
ing his three-year tenure
after gigs with the Sabres
and Stars. He was the head
David Quinn was ulti-
mately selected as head
have to make sure I don’t
turn into the wrong door
➤ The Yankees didn’t have
an intrasquad game Wednes-
as assistant coach of the coach of the Sabres — the coach, but Ruff was re- when I come down the day when they worked out
Rangers, according to team that drafted him in tained, along with goaltend- stairs, and I think we do but will play one both on
NHL Network analyst 1979 — from 1997-2013 be- ing coach Benoit Allaire. come in a different way as Thursday and Friday.
Kevin Weekes. The NHL Lindy Ruff fore becoming the bench Ruff, a defenseman for 12
network also reported the Expected to become boss in Dallas for four sea- seasons in the NHL, also
Devils are also expected to next Devils coach sons. played parts of three sea-
remove the interim gen- coach Alain Nasreddine, Ruff led Buffalo to the sons with the Rangers. It is
eral manager tag from former Islanders coach Stanley Cup finals during not known whether Ruff
Tom Fitzgerald, making Peter Laviolette, ex- the 1998-99 season before will be behind the Rangers
him the full-time GM. Golden Knights coach ultimately losing to the bench in Toronto when the
The Rangers declined a Gerard Gallant and former Stars. He had a 571-432- NHL is scheduled to re-
request for comment. Kings coach John Stevens. 78-84 record with the Sa- start on Aug. 1.
Ruff, who has been an It’s unclear whether Ruff bres and made eight playoff When the season was
assistant with the Rangers will be on the Rangers’ appearances, earning Coach suspended in March due
since 2017, was mentioned bench in Toronto. of the Year honors for the to the coronavirus pan-
as a candidate for the job NHL Network also re- 2005-06 season. In Dallas, demic, the Devils were 28-
two weeks ago. Sportsnet’s ported that the Devils will Ruff went 165-122-41 with 29-12. They will not be
Elliotte Friedman reported make Tom Fitzgerald the two playoff appearances. among the 24 teams com-
that Ruff was being con- full-time general manager. When the Rangers hired peting in the NHL’s re-
sidered alongside interim Fitzgerald worked under an Ruff under then-head turn-to-play tournament.

Camping out
By MiKE PuMa

Brad Brach’s absence in

New York Post, Thursday, July 9, 2020

Mets camp was confirmed
The veteran reliever has
not worked out with the
team since spring training
2.0 began on Friday, ac-
cording to manager Luis
Rojas, who said he would
Brach among those not yet at spring 2.0
provide no further details. wald, Justin Wilson, Ty-
A day earlier, Rojas con- ler Bashlor and Jeurys
firmed reliever Jared Hu- Familia all saw action
ghes, who was signed last from the mound.
week, has not appeared in
camp. ➤ Rojas was asked about
the Mets’ scheduled exhibi-
tion games against the Yan-
mets notes kees on July 17 and 18. The
first of those games is set
It is unclear if any play- for Citi Field, with the latter
ers have tested positive at Yankee Stadium.
for COVID-19 — through “I can’t wait to see an-
intake testing or since other team,” Rojas said. “I
camp began. But general am really excited for us to
manager Brodie Van Wa- face another [uniform], es-
genen indicated before in- pecially a team that we’re
take-testing results had going to be seeing in the
been received that a regular season six times, so
player on the 40-man ros- it’s going to be good for us.”
ter previously tested posi- It’s still possible the Mets
tive for the coronavirus. could add a third exhibi-
The Mets are not com- tion game.
menting on players’ sta-
tuses for non-baseball-re-
lated ailments.
➤ Amed Rosario still
hasn’t acclimated to the
Bench coach Hensley safety protocols imple-
Meulens, who had missed mented for workouts.
the first four days of work- “It’s been uncomfortable,
outs, has been in camp the just in the sense of being so
past two days. Chili Davis distant from the players,”
is the only absent member
of the coaching staff — he’s
➤ Jacob Rhame, who
began camp with the Mets,
their player pool. Rosario said through an in-
terpreter. “It’s one of the
chosen to work remotely
from home in Arizona be-
was claimed off waivers by
the Angels. The Mets
➤ The Mets played their
first intrasquad scrimmage,
things I have been used to
my whole career and now
cause of coronavirus con- added right-handed which lasted 2 ½ innings. that we can’t do it, it’s been
cerns. pitcher Ryley Gilliam to Dellin Betances, Paul Se- uncomfortable.”

PODCAST Bids due today for Mets’ sale
By Josh KosMan and cially after what happened earlier for taking steroids is also not a guar-
HOSTED BY FORMER ThornTon McEnEry this year, when Cohen had signed a antee for approval.
METS PITCHER AND T ANALYST The sale process for the Mets fi-
non-binding term sheet to buy the
Mets for $2.6 billion then tried to
A-Rod, though, is the most glamor-
ous bid especially when factoring in
NELSON FIGUEROA nally kicks into gear Thursday with
the first-round bidding deadline.
change the terms of the deal.
Cohen had initially agreed to let Jeff
his fiancèe, Jennifer Lopez.
As The Post has reported, Lopez
AND MEDIA PERSONALITY Suitors will be making indicative Wilpon control the team for five and Rodriguez have been spending
offers, meaning they will not be mak- years during a transition period. most of their waking hours in luxury
JAKE BROWN ing binding bids. The point of the
deadline is to see how much every-
Then Cohen changed his mind and
the deal fell apart, sources said.
quarantine studying the details of
running a baseball team, dreaming up
PLUS SPECIAL GUEST one might be willing to offer, and per- Now the Mets are selling full con- a future for Willets Point as a shop-
haps to winnow the field. trol up-front. ping and entertainment destination,
FORMER METS MANAGER Then the Mets will show their full The Mets will likely not commit to and speaking to key senior players at
TERRY COLLINS financials to the survivors and ask for
committed offers within a few
Cohen until they know they have a
binding offer.
J.P. Morgan private banking about the
financing of their bid on a daily basis.
months. That is unless one of the Philadelphia 76ers and New Jersey With the couple’s net worth
suitors after the first round makes an Devils owners Josh Harris and David thought to be in the realm of $750
offer too rich to refuse, which might Blitzer are expected to make a com- million, J-Rod have added heavy-
NEW EPISODE preemptively end the process. petitive offer and have a cleaner bid money hitters such as financier Vin-
DROPS TODAY The favorite is clearly hedge funder
Steve Cohen, who is worth $13 billion
than their rivals, making it likely they
will survive the first-round cut, sour-
cent Viola and Vitaminwater founder
Mike Repole to their lineup.
and if he chooses can outbid anyone ces said. The Mets in a normal season are los-
else, multiple sources close to the sit- There is no guarantee the required ing about $90 million, sources said, so a
uation said. three-quarters of MLB team owners suitor will not only have to pay roughly
Still, the Mets will likely keep at will approve Cohen after he allegedly $2 billion for the team but have to
least one and perhaps two others pulled out of the previous deal in early cover losses starting next season.
suitors in the process past the first February, but Harris and Blitzer should Longer shots include Kurt Rappa-
round no matter what to keep com- have little problem getting approved. port, a 49-year-old Los Angeles real-
petitive pressure on Cohen, sources Then there is Alex Rodriguez, who tor who is putting together a package,
close to the situation said — espe- after serving a suspension as a player and the billionaire Reuben Brothers.

Big Blue need more than small

steps from these 2nd-year talents

By PAUL SCHWARZ Julian Love, defensive

ensive back
One in a series. Note that there is no designa
designation of safety or
The Giants need more than three. cornerback with Love. This, is, potentially, is the

They need more than three players in 2020 to take beauty of what he brings to the Giants. He was
New York Post, Thursday, July 9, 2020

a quantum leap forward. After all, they won three, primarily a cornerback at No Notre
tre Dame and tran-
five and four games the past three seasons — a hor- sitioned to safety as an NFL rorookie. Love’s cover-
rid stretch that can be attributed to many deficien- age skills and ability to tackle
ckle should meld into
cies, including a dearth of talent and not nearly the formation of an interesting
esting prospect. If he
enough tangible improvement from the players they continues to grow, there is litlittle doubt this new
selected in the NFL draft. coaching staff will figure outt a way to get Love
It is not too much to ask. The roster first-year on the field with the two pr presumptive
esumptive starting
coach Joe Judge is putting together is populated with safeties, Jabrill Peppers and rookie
ro Xavier McK-
youth, which is a good thing. Inexperience leads to inney.
mistakes, but also offers the possibility of growth. It took too long to get Love rereps on defense
def last
There are so many Giants with barely filled résumés; eks, he was finally giv-
season. In the last six weeks,

their careers can go in any of a number of directions. en the opportunity to show whatwh he could do, up
When a team is in such disrepair, it is preferable in the box and also in the slot. He graded out at
to have an unproven group. In that case at least the the ninth-best safety in the box,
bo according to Pro
inhabitants of the group are possibly on the way up, Football Focus, and allowed only 19 yards in 80
as opposed to a bunch with some measure of pedi- coverage snaps in the slot.
gree but likely on the way down. Daniel Jones, quarterback
Here are the three Giants most ready and needed Ask any guy who plays the most important posi-
to produce a breakout season: tion on the field when his greatest
eatest improvement
Oshane Ximines, outside linebacker came and many will say in year ar No. 2. Eli Manning
Ximines understands his name will always be went from a rookie who often en looked unready for
linked to the Odell Beckham Jr. trade, as his 2019 the NFL in 2004 to a legitimate
itimate starter in 2005,
draft slot (No. 95 overall) in the third round was capable of leading his team int
into o the playoffs. Jones
shipped from the Browns to the Giants in that mega- had a much more impressive ve first season than
deal. Affable, serious-minded and willing to work, Manning did 17 years ago — tw twice as many
man touch-
it seems as if Ximines can handle this extra down passes (24) than interceptions
erceptions (12). Still,
ingredient (or impediment) that will carry there is a whole lot of developing
loping Jones can and
through his NFL career. probably will display in 2020.
Daniel Julian Michael Strahan (one), Osi Umenyiora (one) It is true Jones faces unique challenges. He has
Jones Love and Justin Tuck (one), had a combined total a new offense to learn, and that process in the
of three sacks in their respective rookie sea- spring and early summer was undertaken
undert remote-
sons. Does this mean guaranteed stardom ly amid the coronavirus pandemic.
ndemic. Jones was able
for Ximines, who had 4.5 sacks in his to gather his teammates for twotw weeks of throw-
NFL debut? Of course not. What this ing and catching in Austin, Texas.
Te He is a sharp
does mean is there is bona fide poten- guy and understands what it means to be Man-
tial lurking around the corner. Ximines ning’s successor. He learned the hard way
needed to continue to learn the NFL the rep ercussions of havingving shaky ball
ropes, coming from a non-Power Five security. His offensive line should pro-
college program (Old Dominion). He vide more protection. He will never be
improved steadily and, with added accused of shirking his responsibili-
experience and strength, there is ties and has bulked up, approach-
every reason to think the youngster ing 230 pounds to better withstand
called X-Man can develop into a the rigors of the job. Watch Jones’
serious pass-rusher. How serious? numbers rise this season.
We shall see.

A trio of Jets ready to bust onto the scene this

By BRIAN COSTELLO September and was drafted in 2015, what he is capable of at the end of training camp. Entering August, against the Dolphins inside the
One in a series. but Perriman’s career has been last season with the Buccaneers, there were questions whether he 5-yard line by shoving the center
The Jets enter the 2020 season odd. The Ravens took him in the when he had 25 catches for 506 would make the team, but by the into the ball carrier for a loss.
first round in 2015, and he struggled yards and five touchdowns in his end of camp he had won over the The Jets will be relying on their
still with a lot of question marks
with injuries and off-field issues final five games. Perriman got coaches. defensive front to again be stout
about their roster.
that stunted his progression. more playing time because of inju- A sixth-round pick in 2018, against the run and get more pres-
General manager Joe Douglas ries to the Bucs receivers. sure on the quarterback. There are
The Jets will be Perriman’s Fatukasi figures to be a big part of
has begun his rebuild through free Perriman won’t have to wait for holes in the secondary. Those can
fourth team in Gregg Williams’ defensive line this
agency and April’s draft, but find- injuries to get on the field this sea- season. He played behind Steve be hid to a degree if the front is
ing sure things on the roster is hard four years.
Douglas signed son. He will be their lead receiver McLendon last year, but it would strong. Fatukasi will play a big role
to do. They are going to need some and a frequent target of Sam Dar- not be surprising to see him in that.
players to surpass their expected Perriman
quickly after nold. If Perriman can produce cut into McLendon’s Kyle Phillips, defensive line/
production and become pleasant like he did late last season, playing time more in
surprises during the year. R o b b y
he will be a steal for the 2020. He is extremely
outside linebacker
Here are three Jets who are Anderson Phillips was a complete
departed Jets and a key cog for the powerful. That was
primed to be breakout players this offense. unknown entering last season. An
fo r t h e shown last year on
season: undrafted free agent out of Ten-
Panthers. Folorunso Fatukasi, several occasions
nessee, Phillips became a solid
Breshad Perriman, The Jets defensive line when he pushed
fill-in for the Jets when injuries
wide receiver believe offensive linemen
Fatukasi’s breakout began to hit at outside lineback-
It is odd to predict a breakout Pe r r i m a n began last year when into the backfield. er and on the interior of the
season for a player who turns 27 in showed he turned heads in He blew up one play line.

Ximines Darnold still must prove

New York Post, Thursday, July 9, 2020

he’s worth his next deal
You ask, we answer. The Post
is fielding questions from read-
ers about New York’s biggest pro
sports teams and getting our beat
writers to answer them in a series
of regularly published mailbags. In
today’s installment: the Jets.
How likely do you think it is
that Sam Darnold signs an-
other contract with the Jets?
He’s a California guy (who’s)
been on a losing team that may
keep losing. I suspect he’d
rather be elsewhere and that
he’s biding his time until he
can leave.
— Jonathan A.
I definitely don’t think Darnold
is biding his time until he can
leave, Jonathan. Darnold does not
strike me as a guy who spends
much time thinking about his next
contract. I think he is focused on
trying to improve and win this
As far as his next contract, Dar-
nold has to first prove he deserves
a long-term deal — he has done
that yet. This is a big season for
him in that regard, because he is
eligible to get an extension after
this year for the first time. If the
Jets do decide to re-sign Darnold, A lot on the line: The Jets need Sam Darnold to grow in Year 3,
it will come down to what it al- and he needs a big season if he wants to earn a chance for a big con-
ways does — the money. Losing tract extension. Robert Sabo
can wear on players. I think it
does play a role with Jamal Ad- gium! You raise a good point, Luis. the season starts. It’s impossible
Adams has not handled this con- to know right now.
Anthong J. Causi; AP (2)

ams’ current unhappiness. But ul-

timately money usually wins out. tract situation well this offseason. With the revamped offensive
Are the Jets going to use Adams deserves more money, but line, how effective can Le’Veon
some of their remaining cap he would have been better served Bell be with his 1.5 seconds de-
money to address the edge keeping all of the bickering with lay to find the right hole. And
rusher position by signing Ja- the team pri- will Sam
deveon Clowney, Everson vate. It is hard JETS Darnold be
Griffen or Markus Golden? to see him
MAILBAG able to roll

— Curt Hines walking back out and
I could see the Jets signing an to the Jets and By Brian throw on
edger-rusher on the cheap before returning to Costello the run, as it
training camp or early in camp. his role as a appears to
None of those guys you men- leader of the team after saying he be a major strength for him?
tioned fit that price range. The does not want to be on the team. — Michael T Sklar
Phillips’ strength is his versa- Jets view their remaining cap If he does end up playing for the The line is revamped for sure,
tility. He looked as comfortable money not as unused money this Jets this season, he will have to but is it better? That is going to be
standing up on the outside as he did year but money they can push work to regain his role as a team one of the major questions in
in a four-point stance on the inside. into next year when they may leader. 2020. If Joe Douglas’ revamping
He ended up with seven tackles have a Darnold contract to do, and Why isn’t anyone talking works, then I do think Bell can be
for loss, six quarterback hits I think they were hoping a deal for about CB Lamar Jackson, the effective and Darnold will stay
and 1.5 sacks. Adams. So though fans may view 22-year-old from Nebraska, upright. As for Darnold rolling
The Jets did very little the cap space as wasted dollars, who may be this year’s sleeper out and throwing on the run: Yes,
to address their pass rush the Jets’ front office views it as an signing? Some (mock drafts) he is good at it, but other teams
this offseason outside of investment in the future. had him slated to be (selected) know that and will take it away. If
re-signing Jordan Jenkins Obviously I want to as early as the 3rd round. teams have strong players on the
and drafting Jabari Zuni- keep Jamal Adams. He — Tom Killeen edge, it is tough to roll out. That
ga. Phillips should get can be a cornerstone, but Tom, no one has seen Jackson part is not as simple as just having
more playing time than does his attitude reflect play yet, including the Jets’ a better line.
he did last year and he someone who wants to coaches. Undrafted free agents For me, an (Adams) trade
could be a pass-rush- be a leader or will he typically make noise during the would be a first- and third-
ing factor for the Jets. eventually be a distrac- spring in OTAs then in training rounder in 2021 and a first-
By the end of this tion to what we are trying camp. It’s impossible to know rounder in 2022. Otherwise no
season, everyone may to build? what Jackson’s chances of even deal. — Ric Riel
know who Phillips is. — Luis, New Yorker making the team are right now. He There is no chance the Jets will
living in Belgium could be a sleeper signing, as you get two first-round picks for Ad- Bill Kostroun (2); Getty Images Our first question from Bel- said, or he could be gone before ams.


season is — hopefully — set to

resume at Disney World on July 30,

as teams arrive this week in
Orlando, Fla., before being
quarantined due to coronavirus
precautions. Getty Images
New York Post, Thursday, July 9, 2020

By Marc BerMan of protocols regarding handwashing and so- chances of a 17th title may rest on a talented
cial distancing. Players will also receive Kyle Kuzma, who is making his playoff de-
It’s undetermined how many asterisks their Oura smart rings to detect coronavi- but, and new signee J.R. Smith adding
will be needed when (if?) a new NBA rus symptoms, though they are optional. throwback 3-pointers and defense. James is
champion is crowned in an empty gym in The virus can live on a basketball and other seeking his fourth title and — amazingly —
October. But the march for a ring — not an surfaces, so within the document are sev- 10th appearance in The Finals.
Oura ring — begins Thursday with the eral ways for equipment managers to disin-
opening of training camps in Disney World. fect the rock. All of these rules are why
Orlando’s Mickey Mouse Tournament al- sports psychologists believe mental health
ready has seen its share of defections and a in the bubble is as vital as physical health —
growing number of COVID-19 positives, in- with one telling The Post that living in the
cluding 26 players. bubble without seeing family “could be a
A handful of the 22 teams, including miserable experience.’’
what’s left of the Nets, arrived in the Or-
lando bubble Tuesday. Others arrived Will players continue to defect?
Wednesday with the rest expected Thurs- There are various reasons, but fear of the
day. virus is the major one for some players opt-
Members of each club will quarantine ing out. Washington’s Davis Bertans had the
in their hotel rooms for 36-48 hours most questionable excuse — wanting to
upon arriving at the bubble, four protect himself for free agency. Bertans
months after the league shut down on should realize these games would fund a
March 11. salary-cap raise and therefore a raise for his
“We hope it works as we designed it,’’ next contract. Victor Oladipo, Wilson
commissioner Adam Silver said. Chandler, Trevor Ariza, Thabo Sefolosha,
Here are 10 storylines as the NBA Bradley Beal, Willie Cauley-Stein, Justise
restarts its season July 30 with eight Winslow and Avery Bradley also have de-
regular-season games followed by a cided to sit out. Chandler is worried about
16-team playoff — if the league the virus. Bradley, part of the coterie that The reuniting of Rudy Gobert
makes it that far. believes the games would hinder progress and Donovan Mitchell
to the Black Lives Matter movement, ulti-
Rules, rules and more rules mately pulled out because of his son’s The shutdown occurred after Gobert
beyond flagrant fouls health. More players will likely abandon tested positive, with Mitchell following suit.
Seven of the 22 NBA teams closed ship once in Orlando. Sources believe play- Mitchell was enraged Gobert was not care-
their practice facilities from individual ers on teams out of playoff position will lose ful leading up to the crisis and reportedly
workouts because of positive tests interest if their teams lose early games. felt their relationship was “irreparable.’’ But
among players and/or staff. the trade deadline has long passed, so here
Upon arriving in Or- Will LeBron lead his Lakers to a chip they are. “Right now, we’re good,’’ Mitchell
lando, each player and move closer to Jordan? said. “We’re going out there ready to hoop.”
must pass two coro- Michael Jordan dominated the pandemic
navirus tests before with “The Last Dance’’ documentary, but A Sixers Soap Opera
being allowed to James’ quest is the most compelling basket- If the Sixers flame out, coach Brett Brown
practice. There is ball storyline in the restart. The James and might be out of a job with the club needing
a 113-page docu- Anthony Davis-led Lakers finished 49-14 a new voice. Sources believe Knicks candi-
ment with reams before the shutdown, but the Lake Show’s date Ime Udoka, a Sixers assistant, will be

Shorthanded Nets will be

New York Post, Thursday, July 9, 2020

relying on LeVert to lead
By GreG Joyce

For long stretches over the past two sea-

sons, the Nets have been without Caris
LeVert because of injuries.
So naturally, now that the team is falling
apart at the seams because of coronavirus,
opt-outs and injuries, the Nets will turn to
LeVert to shoulder the load in Orlando, Fla.
The 25-year-old guard is in for a big test,
set to play a starring role for the Nets when
the NBA resumes on July 30, with eight
seeding games and, barring a disaster, the
playoffs on the horizon. After the Nets ar-
rived in Orlando on Tuesday night without
the services of Kyrie Irving, Kevin Durant,
Spencer Dinwiddie, Taurean Prince, DeAn-
dre Jordan, Wilson Chandler and Nic Clax-
ton, all eyes will be on LeVert — both for
his playmaking and leadership.
“I think for me it’s just taking on that chal-
lenge of being a leader, being the leader of
that group,” LeVert said on a Zoom call last
week, even before Dinwiddie and Prince
were declared out. “Going down there with
some of the most experience on the team,
playoff experience. I feel like I relish these
types of opportunities and situations. Ev- STAY SAFE: Jarrett Allen arrived in Or-
erything aside, I’m looking forward to going lando this week along with the other
down there and seeing what we can do.” handful of healthy Nets players for the
considered. The team’s journey is fascinat- He can get up to 27 games, but please don’t For LeVert, it’s another chance to answer a NBA restart. Getty Images
ing since there’s no longer any home-court vote him Rookie of the Year. key Nets question: Is he capable of being
advantage. Philadelphia was 29-2 at home their third star, behind Durant and Irving? point guard, alongside a potential starting
and couldn’t win on the road (10-24). Dis- Nothing but Nets Definitive judgments may be hard to make five of Joe Harris, Jarrett Allen, Rodions Ku-
ney World is a long way from Philly. The The Nets are a shell of themselves, with given the unusual circumstances of the re- rucs and Garrett Temple.
Sixers will also need Long Island’s Tobias Taurean Prince on Tuesday becoming the start, but a strong showing as the No. 1 option “Obviously there will be adjustments with
Harris to perform up to his max-level con- seventh player to opt out of the restart after could support LeVert’s case for stardom. It different personnel,” LeVert said. “I think
tract to aid recently injured Ben Simmons, he tested positive. Three Nets have tested could also make him an attractive trade target that’s inevitable. But like I said, next man up.
quirky Joel Embiid and aging Al Horford. positive since late June, while four Nets for another team who would be willing to We have a lot of talented guys on the roster
tested positive for the virus around the time give up its established star to land him. Or, still and I know those guys are very eager to
The Buck Stops Here of the league-wide shutdown. If the Wiz- perhaps, it could give credence to the thought get their chance and opportunity to go down
NBA insiders agree the stoppage hurt Mil- ards had Beal, the Nets would be strong that he is best as a supplementary player. there and make a statement and show what
waukee the most as Mike Budenholzer’s candidates to fall out of the playoffs. It won’t LeVert, who signed a three-year, $52.5 mil- they can do. I’m sure that everyone who has
club was sailing at 53-12 with home-court ad- be the worst thing. They’d get back their lot- lion extension last summer, has had a taste of opted in is very excited to go and play.”
vantage all but sealed through the tery-protected pick from Minnesota this bigger role before, though not quite to A year after missing 42 games with a
playoffs. Disney World is the and have two first-rounders if that this extent. Just before the NBA was sus- dislocated foot and then being sidelined
great momentum equalizer. were to happen. pended on March 11, he was in the midst of a for 24 games earlier this season following
Giannis Antetokounmpo hot stretch. He dropped 51 points on 17 of 26 thumb surgery, the Michigan product is
will never get to experience Social justice surging in shooting in a comeback win over the Celt- primed to step up in a time of need.
the mania that would’ve in- Orlando ics on March 3, which he followed up with “I feel good right now,” LeVert said. “I ha-
vaded Milwaukee amid a Give Kyrie Irving an assist on a triple-double against the Spurs two ven’t played in games since March so that’s
deep playoff run. “The something. His bid for players games later. the question I really don’t know. I feel good
Greek Freak” is a free agent to protest the games out of re- But LeVert still had another threat like in my workouts though. And if I didn’t, I hon-
in 2021 and all bets are off spect for the Black Lives Matter Dinwiddie on the floor with him for those estly wouldn’t be going down there to play.
should the Bucks stumble. movement prompted the NBA to games. Now the lineup is in flux, and the So I’m looking forward to getting out there.”
step up. The BLM logo (left) will be Nets could end up leaning heavily on him at
Blame Zion Williamson painted on the court. Players can choose
for format
There are 22 teams in-
volved because the NBA
a social justice phrase such as “I Can’t
Breathe’’ on the back of their jerseys. Crawford signed, Beasley may be next
wanted 2019 No. 1 pick Old coaches waitin’ On the eve of training camp, the depleted for-30 from the field and 7-for-13 from deep.
Williamson here. Silver put his foot in his mouth Nets added a veteran, playoff-tested pres- Beasley would plug another, though not
And the Pelicans when he said elderly head ence to their roster and were working on immediately. The 31-year-old former Knicks
aren’t too coaches may not be allowed another. forward must first serve a five-game sus-
shabby despite on the bench for safety rea- After arriving in Orlando, Fla., for the pension for violating the league’s anti-drug
their 28-36 sons. He’s since back- NBA’s resumption without seven players policy last April. He last played with the
record. In just tracked after angry reac- because of coronavirus, opt-outs and inju- Lakers in February 2019 before sitting out
19 games, tions from 60-plus Mike ries, the Nets agreed to a deal with Jamal this season. The 11-year veteran, who is
Williamson D’Antoni, Rick Carlisle Crawford and were “moving toward” one close with Kevin Durant, has appeared in 25
averaged 23.5 and Alvin Gentry, but with Michael Beasley late Wednesday night, playoff games during his career.
points and they may be forced to according to The Athletic. While it remains to be seen how much
spent the pan- wear masks. Neither player has appeared in a game this Crawford has left in the tank, especially
demic sculp- marc.berman season. The 40-year-old Crawford’s last game after a long layoff, he should fit in well. He is
ting his body. came on April 9, 2019. He left a memorable im- a three-time NBA Sixth Man of the Year and
pression in that one with the Suns, dropping 51 also was named the NBA’s Teammate of the

points on the Mavericks while shooting 18- Year in 2018. — Greg Joyce

Son’s ‘Savage’

leadership makes
New York Post, Thursday, July 9, 2020

Papa Boone proud

uLY 18 marks the one-year anni- catcher who won a World Series with the

J versary of Aaron Boone going “Sav-

age” at the Stadium on home plate
umpire Brennan Miller for calling Brett
1980 Phillies and finally again last season
as assistant GM and vice president of
player development with the Nationals.
Gardner out on strikes: The son was driven again to win his first
“Our guys are f-----g Savages in that championship almost immediately, after
box!” his second season died in Game 6 of the
When you attempt to play a baseball ALCS on Jose Altuve’s ninth-inning walk-
season, even if it is just a 60-game, 66-day off homer off Aroldis Chapman.
baseball season, you will need Savages — Ironically, the father was at Minute
tough, smart, disciplined, accountable, Maid Park scouting the Yankees for a
all-in Savages — everywhere if you plan potential World Series meeting.
on being the last team standing. “I wanted to say, ‘Hey, you think [Gi-
You will also need the manager to be a ancarlo] Stanton will be all right tomor-
Savage. Someone who can manage the row, is he gonna play?’ I couldn’t ask him
great expectations, manage the game that,” Bob Boone said.
and manage all the personalities and He didn’t have to ask Aaron how long
end the Yankees’ 11-year title drought. it took him to get over the Altuve
Someone like crusher.
Aaron Boone. “Ten seconds. ...
“I don’t know if You can’t spend any
anybody knows how time worrying about
to handle this,” Bob what happened in the
Boone told The Post past,” Bob said. “He
over the phone. didn’t have to go to a
“There’s no man- Steve Serby psychiatrist or any-
ager’s guide to how
you handle this. The father was 371-
“But I think that he’ll do as good a job 444 (.455) managing the Royals and
as anybody can do.” Reds. When he was fired in late July
Bob Boone — 72-year-old baseball 2003, Aaron was playing for him.
lifer, former player and manager — is “He was in a tough spot, ’cause he was
Aaron’s father. my son,” Bob said. “I know players
He remembers a young boy clutch in would come to him: ‘Hey, what did your
baseball, football and basketball, a dad say about who’s gonna make the
young man so clutch that he whacked team here? Who’s gonna be the 25th
that legendary 2003 ALCS Game 7 walk- guy?’ Aaron always knew to never ask
off home run off Red Sox reliever Tim me anything like that.”
Wakefield. But now, as COVID-19 looks Torre-esque in temperament, Aaron
to sabotage pinstriped dreams of that Boone has grown at his craft.
elusive 28th World Series champion- “He got the No. 1 job in the world for a
ship, the father is certain his son will sports team,” Bob Boone said, “with no
rise to another occasion. experience as to running it. It takes a
“I know for me, if I had to have a
leader, I’d pick Aaron easily, at whatever
it is,” Bob said. “He’s just got that kind of
makeup. He’s been that way his whole
very special person to convince some-
body else to sign him into that role.”
He perfectly understood Aaron’s Sav-
ages rant.
Sanchez ready for workload,
life. He brings people together. “You gotta stick up for the boys,” Bob By GeorGe A. KInG III “As far as the amount of games I am going to
“Everybody loves Aaron. He cares said. “It’s probably one of the greatest play, I am not sure. I can tell you that anytime my
about people — not just players — he arguments I ever saw a manager have.” The mind is willing, but will Gary Sanchez’s name is in the lineup, I am going to be ready to
cares about people, and he always has. Savages back in The Bronx. body allow him to stay on the field during MLB’s play,’’ Sanchez said during a Zoom session after
He brings all kinds of people into the “These guys are a bunch of guys that 60-game season, scheduled to start July 23 in the Yankees worked out Wednesday at Yankee
tent, so to speak.” are coming here to play, and they’re com- Washington? Stadium. “They will make a decision and see how
Aaron Boone, like Joe Maddon and ing in here to play do-or-die,” Bob Boone When spring training vanished on March 12 many games I can catch behind the plate, but if
Joe Girardi and Luis Rojas and every said, “and that’s probably the best com- due to the coronavirus, Sanchez was over a my name is in the lineup, I will be ready to play.’’
other manager, will face sudden and pliment I could ever give any manager. back problem but away from the Yankees’ club- Considering lower-body injuries the past two
thunderbolt health crises. It will be one “What keeps managers from being house due to the flu. Shortly after the shut- years landed Sanchez on the injured list twice
of his many daunting challenges. fired is how much you get out of your down, Sanchez returned home to the Domini- each season and limited him to 89 games in 2018
“Well, his first one is to keep all those players. ... Even if you’re a manager of a can Republic and continued to work on getting and 106 in 2019, durability has been an issue.
guys healthy,” Bob Boone said, adding 7-Eleven or a grocery store, your job is lower in his crouch to turn borderline low Perhaps a 60-game schedule will help San-
with a laugh, “He did a very poor job of to make sure that all those people that pitches into strikes, as per catching instructor chez remain off the IL and on the field to work
that last year.” are helping you run this store, they do Tanner Swanson’s suggestion. with an elite starting rotation, a dominant bull-
There is, of course, greater urgency to the best they can possibly do. And that’s Now, with his 6-foot-2, 230-pound body re- pen and be part of, if healthy, a muscle-bound
start fast in this madcap sprint. probably the most important part of a freshed from not having to endure the wear lineup.
“I don’t think you do anything differ- manager’s job, is getting the most out of and tear of three months of catching five and In a small sample taken from catching Gerrit
ently,” Bob said. “You go to the park ev- every single guy.” six days a week, Sanchez said he feels good and Cole in Tuesday night’s intrasquad game, Boone
ery day to win. Your job is to win that Savages in the box and on the mound. the 27-year-old promised when manager Aaron was impressed with Sanchez’s defensive work
game. It’s not to win 10 games.” And in the dugout too. Boone puts his name in the lineup he will be during the shutdown. Sanchez said he video-
The father was a four-time All-Star available. taped the workouts and sent them to Swanson.


New York Post, Thursday, July 9, 2020

being on
By GeorGe A. KInG III

You would think staring down

Mike Trout from the pitching
mound would be the answer. Or at-
tempting to figure out what well-
above-average pitch Gerrit Cole was
going to throw to make you look ill.
Yet, many players will tell you the
most difficult thing to accomplish at
baseball’s highest level is changing
positions once in the big leagues.
Which, of course, Miguel Andu-
jar continues to try and do.
With Gio Urshela’s breakout 2019,
which added a very solid bat to
Gold Glove defense at third base
while Andujar recovered from right
shoulder surgery that limited him
to a dozen games, the Yankees are
trying to find addition positions for
the talented 25-year-old hitter.
The experiment started in Febru-
ary and March — when Andujar
played third, first base and the out-
field — and has continued in spring
training 2.0.
“To be honest, I feel much more
ready, gary! Yankees catcher comfortable comparing going back
Gary Sanchez has battled injuries to the time in Tampa spring train-
ing,’’ Andujar said when asked
the past two seasons. Now, with
MLB ready to start an abbreviated Wednesday the difference between A NY YANKEES
now and when he started working
season in two weeks, he is set to get
significant work behind the plate, at positions other than at third. “I BASEBALL PODCAST
and he says he’s healthy and ready. think [the shutdown] has allowed
N.Y. Post: Charles Wenzleberg; AP
me to have more practice to get HOSTED BY FORMER YANKEES PITCHER
more comfortable with the position
out there, doing a lot of drills and & 4X WORLD SERIES CHAMPION
listening to the coaches.’’
Andujar finished second to the JEFF NELSON
Angels’ Shohei Ohtani in the 2018
AL Rookie of the Year race thanks AND YES NETWORK HOST

if his body can hold up to a .297 average with 27 homers

and 92 RBIs, but his defense at
third needed work not only to cut
down on the 15 errors but also to
“To get out there [Tuesday night and “I think two weeks are going to be get to more balls. FORMER YANKEES STAR
catch five] innings with Gerrit, I enough for me to get ready and catch Had he not been hurt early last
thought they did a really good job,’’ said nine innings,’’ Sanchez said. “[Tues- season, it’s likely the right-handed JOHNNY DAMON
Boone, who had Sanchez catch two in- day] I caught five and [Wednesday] I bat would have stayed productive,
nings on Monday evening. “I felt they feel really, really good. I am hoping the but when Andujar went down Ur-
were on a good page [Tuesday]. ... I next time I catch another five. De- shela got a chance and delivered.
thought Gary did a really good job. I am pending on how the manager wants to Though Urshela has to prove that
confident the bat is going to be there. I extend my innings, follow the plan.’’ last year’s career-best numbers at
am encouraged about where he is right With veteran backup Austin Romine the plate (.314, 21 HRs and 74 RBIs)
now.’’ a Tiger via free agency, the Yankees weren’t a one-season stand, if the
Sanchez, a two-time All-Star, gets are going with Kyle Higashioka as San- bat doesn’t produce, the Yankees NEW EPISODE
dinged for his defense, which im-
proved last year, but though the right-
chez’s backup. Higashioka, 30, grades
well defensively but has played just 56
could turn back to Andujar at third,
where he continued to work during DROPS TODAY
handed power is real, the past two sea- big-league games, in which he has a the shutdown.
sons Sanchez batted .211 with a .776 .164 batting average. He doesn’t have “It was a matter of balancing
OPS to negate some of the 52 homers Romine’s experience and could be an- working at third base and working
and 130 RBIs in 195 games. other reason Sanchez needs to stay on in the outfield,” he said. “I worked
Given that the opener is 14 days the field more than he has in the past at both positions the same amount
away, there is little time for players two seasons. of time.”
and pitchers to get sharp after a long The mind is willing. Can the body
layoff dominated by COVID-19 and la- hold up its end of the deal?
bor problems.
Yanks notes / Page 40
New York Post, Thursday, July 9, 2020

HE PLATFORM has shrunk from a per, in his age-23 shortstops — “We do have a tremendous

T full-length feature to, say, a short film

at best. Yet that doesn’t lower the
2020 stakes for Amed Rosario.
season; Rosario put up 2.4 WAR last year
as a 23-year-old.
With Rosario set to enter the arbitration
crop of shortstops here,” Rosario ob-
served — and a step backward for Rosario
would really hurt his cause. The range of
This still can be his statement season. cycle, which will put his salary in seven future Mets shortstop options creates a
His stairway to a higher income and bet- figures next year, the Mets should and broad spectrum of future Mets shortstop
ter job security. His message to the Mets would be thrilled if Rosario replicated outcomes.
in this golden age for Rollins’ career. The optimal outcome? Rosario, having
shortstops. “Oh my,” Luis Rojas scored points here already with his posi-
No pressure, right? responded when asked tive demeanor, work ethic and durability
“I’m not putting pres- what he saw as Rosario’s (no one in New York logged more than his
sure on myself. Some- ceiling. “It’s a great ceil- 311 games the prior two seasons), builds
times when you put ing. We’re still going to on his strong ’19 finish with a really good
pressure on yourself, it
becomes problematic,” Ken Davidoff see great things from
Amed in the future as
’20, convincing the Mets to commit to him
through, let’s say, 2025, buying out two
Rosario said Wednes- time goes by.” years of free agency. In turn, they can use
day, through an interpreter, in a Zoom As the ceiling rests high, Mauricio as a trade chip to acquire, let’s
call. “I’m just going out there to have fun however, the walls pack say, Indians stud pitcher
and play my game.” tightly. If Steve Cohen Mike Clevinger as
What is his game? Is it the .319/.351/.453 buys the Mets, as Cleveland’s shortstop
slash line that he compiled in 70 contests now seems quite pos- Lindor heads to a big-
— with improved defense, to boot — after sible once again, all in- ger market.
the All-Star break last year, giving him a dications are he’d start All big thoughts,
final slash line of .287/.323/.432 in 157 spending immediately. and right now, Rosario
games? Because that’s pretty darn good all Terrific A’s shortstop wisely focuses on the
around. Putting up the median of those Marcus Semien, An- small stuff, like preparing
two sets this upcoming 60-game season gels defensive wun- for this unprecedented sea-
(if by some miracle the season actually derkind Andrelton son. It has been “pretty un-
happens) would have to compel the Mets, Simmons and comfortable,” he said, in be-
especially if a deep-pocketed party pur- former Yankee Didi ing required to keep his dis-
chased them, to think about investing long Gregorius, trying to tance from his teammates as
term in him. rebuild his value on a well as not spit.
“Like I always say, this game can get a one-year deal with the Asked what he does instead
little bit complicated,” Rosario said. “But I Phillies, all can be free of spitting, Rosario said, “I
feel like if I can continue working hard agents this winter. And don’t do anything ... I really try
and getting consistent, I think you guys the following winter? not to think about it. I try to get
will be seeing a lot of that second-half Looks like a shortstop on with my day.”
player.” smorgasbord on the open If he gets on with his 66 days
Just 24, Rosario’s major league career to market as we chat now: and 60 games successfully
date evokes retired Mets-killer Jimmy Javier Baez, Carlos Correa, enough — and beyond, in Oc-
Rollins not physically — Rosario pos- Francisco Lindor, Corey Sea- tober — he can spit the finest
sesses a 7-inch height advantage on Roll- ger and Trevor Story. Wow. champagne in celebration. If
ins — but statistically. The shortstop Roll- Throw in the fact two of you shine on your platform,
ins debuted with the Phillies at age 21, the the Mets’ top minor lea- no matter the size, high
same age as Rosario with the Mets. Roll- guers, Andres Gimenez and stakes bring high rewards.
ins tallied 2.3 wins above replacement, as Ronny Mauricio, are
By Mike PuMa
MAN: Amed
Ces works out Steven Matz can actually con-

New York Post, Thursday, July 9, 2020

Rosario, getting sider this as spring training 3.0.
in fielding work His first camp came in Febru-
at Citi Field on
Tuesday, is
hoping his strong
on own at first ary and March with the rest of
his Mets teammates, but was sus-
pended by the coronavirus out-
second half at Yoenis Cespedes owns a first base- break. Then there was the camp
the plate last man’s mitt, and put it to use during of sorts in which Matz partici-
season will carry workouts Wednesday. pated at home in Nashville, Tenn.
over into 2020. But the grounders he took at first — with players such as James
Robert Sabo;
base were on his own, with Mets offi- McCann, Logan Forsythe, Adam
Paul J. Bereswill
cials not at the point they would con- Duvall, Lance Lynn, Phil Gos-
sider using the veteran outfielder in selin, Jacob Stallings and team-
that role. As it stands, the Mets have mate Brad Brach, all of whom live
Pete Alonso at first base, with Do- nearby.
minic Smith behind him. Matt Adams Matz credits those workouts
and Melky Cabrera are also in camp for his arriving to Citi Field last
and can play first base. week ahead of where he would
Cespedes, according to manager be normally. In his first simulated
Luis Rojas, was given a first baseman’s game, over the weekend, the left-
mitt by Alonso. hander threw three innings. By
“[Cespedes] wants to be involved,” the time this 60-game season be- PAYING
Rojas said. “He was done with his gins on July 24, he expects to be DIVIDENDS:
throwing from the outfield. He’s a guy at full strength. Mets lefty Steven
that wants to be on the field and do “That was kind of my mindset Matz worked out
different things.” all along, when this thing got with other pros at
Cespedes worked out at first base in shut down,” Matz said Wednes- home in Nashville,
2018 while rehabbing with the team. In day at Citi Field. “I felt like we Tenn., after spring
spring training he occasionally takes would be back together at some training was called
grounders at third base. point, so me and [Brach] kind of off. Robert Sabo
“He wants to show you he’s really made a vow to each other, like
good everywhere and have fun there,” we’re going to be available to
Rojas said. “I think he has played every each other because we’re in the
position in the book and we’ve defi- same area, and [catcher] James
nitely had conversations about [first McCann was awesome.
base], but nothing serious yet.” “He was out there twice a week
— Mike Puma for us catching bullpens and sim-
ulated games, so in my mindset I

At least these
Matz well
wanted to be ready to come in
and throw five innings. I threw
three innings the other day, so I

fans won’t boo feel like a lot of guys stayed in

good shape and we’ll be ready to
rock when the season comes.”
There will be paying fans at Citi Field Matz’s importance to the team
this year, after all. increased in March, when Noah

ahead of
Well, at least paying fans’ cardboard Syndergaard was diagnosed with
equivalents. a torn ulnar collateral ligament
The Mets finally are offering refunds that necessitated Tommy John
to all 2020 games (as are the Yankees, surgery. Matz at the time was a
with both teams updating their policies possibility to share a rotation
Monday), yet season-ticket holders who spot with Michael Wacha — the
opt instead for 2021 credit learned Mets had six starters for five
Wednesday, in an email sent from the spots — but now is cemented

Mets, that they will be rewarded with into a rotation that also includes
the opportunity to set up cardboard like- Jacob deGrom, Marcus Stroman
nesses of themselves that will be in- and Rick Porcello.
stalled in seats during Mets home games Matz last season went 11-10
if this coronavirus-delayed season actu- with a 4.21 ERA, reaching 30
ally takes place. starts for the second straight
The fun idea follows a trend set by the year. He’s now working to re-
A’s. Fans get one cutout per season ceive better results with his
ticket, and if they want to purchase ex- curveball.
tras, they can pay a “discounted price,”
the precise amount unspecified, to get as
many as six. Proceeds from the sales will
“The main worry is the feel of
everything and consistency of
stuff,” he said. “I have been mess-
Worked out during break
go to the Mets Foundation COVID-19 ing around with different grips,
Relief Fund. on different pitches, I have been in his next two appearances. this season will happen.
The Mets own the right to approve all throwing a slower curveball and “Seeing him for the couple of “The way it has been handled
photo submissions for the cutout, and harder curveball. I was throwing innings he threw the other day, over here, I feel with these proto-
naturally no obscenities, advertising or to hitters once a week for four in- he looks really good,” manager cols we have got, I feel that ev-
political messages will be allowed. Nor nings or so, and so I really was Luis Rojas said. “He looks like he erybody is pretty safe from my
will the names of any major league play- able to tinker with a lot of differ- did exactly what he was told and point of view,” Matz said. “The
ers. ent grips and different stuff, so what he was communicating to Mets did a great job of everybody
With the Mets’ season scheduled to all that just gave me a better feel everybody. Let’s say we’re in a putting their heads together and
begin July 24 against the Braves at Citi for what I was doing out there. I good place, for the next start and seeing how this thing could work.
Field, fans have until Aug. 7 to submit for think that’s the biggest thing, is the next start until we see the With seeing how things are going
their cutouts. The Mets’ final scheduled having that comfortable feel on pitch count and the length he can on here, I feel pretty optimistic.”
home game is Sept. 23 against the Rays. the mound.” be out there for a game.”
— Ken Davidoff Ideally, Matz would throw four With safety measures in place
innings in his next simulated game that focus mainly on social dis-
then boost that total beyond five tancing, Matz says he’s confident
More Mets / P. 41
50 CBS has fired “MacGyver” and
“Luther” star Idris Elba (left) says he “would like to see” “Magnum: P.I.” showrunner Peter
his BBC detective drama turned into a big-screen movie — Lenkov after investigating a report
of a toxic environment on

and added that there are “no formal plans” to bring it back “MacGyver.” It also terminated his
overall studio deal. Lenkov said in a
to television. Season 5 of “Luther” aired over a year ago. statement that he was “deeply sorry.”

TV Thursday
New York Post, Thursday, July 9, 2020

‘Robot Chicken’ SHOWTIME

reaches big milestone Legendary singer/
activist Lena Horne
on Adult Swim (below) is getting the
biographical treatment —
courtesy of her
granddaughter, Jenny
Lumet. She will produce
the Showtime series
“Blackbird: Lena Horne
and America” along with
Alex Kurtzman.

A “Robot Chicken” sketch from the 200th

By michael starr episode (above). Left: co-creators Matthew
Senreich and Seth Green celebrate.

oboT Chicken,” which pre-
miered in 2005, is nearing its
milestone 200th episode on
Adult Swim.
were still a fledgling network dabbling in
original content. He told us it ‘could be a
Not bad for a stop-motion ani-
mated series that began life as
good place for that thing,’ which is how he
described our show. He’s been an incredible
“Sweet J Presents” in 2001 on the now-de- factor in all of this.” NBC is reviving “The
funct and was even rejected “Robot Chicken” is known for its timely Weakest Link,” this time
by Cartoon Network — which ultimately re- pop culture references. But unlike its ani- with Jane Lynch (below
versed course and added “Robot Chicken” to mated colleague “South Park” — which can left) hosting. Anne
its nascent Adult Swim lineup. produce a topical episode the week following Robinson (below right)
But Seth Green, who co-created “Robot a headline-grabbing event — the “Robot hosted NBC’s version
Chicken” with Matthew Senreich, says “it Chicken” production schedule means that it from 2001-02 and turned
was just a matter of timing” regarding the doesn’t have that luxury. “You are the weakest link.
show’s 15-year, Emmy-winning run — with no quick-hit vignettes and sketches skewering “The main thing we do is try not to mention Goodbye!” into a national
end in sight as it barrels along in Season 10. pop culture; a recent episode featured “Mr. something we can’t guarantee will be rele- catchphrase. George Gray
“There was no sense of ‘I told you so,’ ” Robo Rogers Neighborhood,” Popeye, Bluto vant or recognized in a year’s time,” Green hosted the syndicated
Green, 46, tells The Post. “When we started our and Olive Oyl being made over for the Gen-Z says. “We try to focus on the stickiest stuff in daytime version.
Webisodes in 2000 the Internet was still dial-up crowd and takeoffs on “The Handmaid’s pop culture. There’s a documentary about
and we didn’t have this mass public acceptance Tale” and fixer-upper stars Chip and Joanna ‘South Park’ called ‘6 Days to Air’ about how
of reflecting nostalgically on pop culture. Gaines renovating “Pee-Wee’s Playhouse.” they write an episode so quickly, but we abso-
When we first tried to sell the show there really Green says that his professional relation- lutely do not have that ability. ‘Robot
wasn’t a network like Adult Swim. Then, when ship with another Seth — MacFarlane — also Chicken’ is far more involved and labor-in-
we were potentially making a deal with Com- played a role in launching “Robot Chicken.” tensive and it’s also exactly not our lane.”
edy Central, 9/11 happened and that effectively McFarlane hired Green to voice awkward The series will, however, make a big deal
killed comedy across any network for a year. teen Chris Griffin on “Family Guy” and they about its 200th episode, airing July 26.
“It wasn’t like we felt like we were ahead of discovered they had a lot in common. “The whole episode is about the concept of
our time,” he says. “It just seemed that this “We really bonded over our shared interest it being the 200th episode, from start to fin-
kind of content couldn’t get a large audience. in filmmaking, animation and pop culture,” ish,” Green says. “While it’s still very much
“Our aim was very low.” Green says. “We even lived on the same block an episode of ‘Robot Chicken’ . . . it’s focused
Green is being modest, since “Robot for a couple of years. When Seth sold the re- on the celebration, the acknowledgement and
Chicken” struck an immediate nerve with its runs of ‘Family Guy’ to Adult Swim, they the milestone.”
Best Bets Thursday July 9, 2020 SP = Spectrum, C = Cablevision, F = FiOS Movies Sports New 51
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New York Post, Thursday, July 9, 2020

Norah Tonight Sheldon (R) Unicorn (R) meetings. (R) lieutenant. (R) 11PM Show (R)
What’s on Tonight 4 WNBC 4 4 4 NBC Nightly
All AccessBlindspot: Unlikely allies
Blindspot: Ivy races to
obtain ZIP bombs.
Law & Order: Special Victims News 4 New (11:35) Tonight
Unit: Tragedy strikes. York at 11 Show
5 WNYW 5 5 5 TMZ (R) Extra The Big Bang
Celebrity Watch Party: The Labor of Love: Kristy chooses FOX 5 News at 10: Nightly The Big Bang The Big Bang
Theory Osbournes. the two finalists. news report. Theory Theory
7 WABC 7 7 7 ABC World Jeopardy! (R) Wheel of Holey Moley: Contestants vie Don’t: Sisters compete for To Tell the Truth: A house News (11:35) Kimmel
News Fortune (R)
for a romantic date. $100,000. flipper is featured. Live
9 WWOR 9 9 9 25 Words or Family Feud Family Feud Law & Order: Criminal Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud The
Less (R) (R) (R) Intent: Poet’s pleas. Deadly card game. (R) (R) (R) Simpsons
11 WPIX 11 11 11 The black-ish black-ish Burden of Truth: Faulty In the Dark: Severe PIX11 News at Ten with Seinfeld Seinfeld
Goldbergs science. consequences follow betrayal. Fadal and Chambers
13 WNET 13 13 13 BBC World The PBS NewsHour Best Iconic Women of Country: A tribute to RISE UP: Songs of the Women’s Amanpour
News Directors female country musicians. (R) Movement: Female musicians. (R)
21 WLIW 21 21 21 (6:00) News Metro Eating In Black America Since MLK: And Still I Rise (R) The PBS NewsHour (R) Metro BBC World
25 WNYE 25 22 25 Report Great Conversations Food. Potluck Actors Feet Global Health Frontiers Artbound: Art culture.
31 WPXN 31 3 531 Chicago PD Chicago P.D. Chicago P.D.: A conflict. Chicago P.D. Chicago P.D. Chicago P.D.
41 WXTV 41 6 41 Noticiero La rosa de Guadalupe Te doy la vida Amor eterno Como tú no hay 2 Noticias 41 Noticiero
movie 47 WNJU 47 16 12 Noticias Minuto para ganar Cennet 100 Días para Enemigo íntimo Noticiero Noticias
Jurassic World: 8 p.m. on FX.
55 WLNY 55 10 10 Queens Man Man Dr. Phil (R) WLNY News at 9PM Judge Judy Judge Judy Girls Girls
Twenty-two years after the
tragic events at Jurassic Park, A&E 46 46 181 First 48 (R) The First 48 (R) The First 48 (R) The First 48 (R) The First 48 (R) The First 48 (R)
the island now has a fully AMC 54 43 231 (6:22) Better Call Saul (R) Better Call Saul: A sideways move. (R) (9:15) Point Break (1991): Agent infiltrates surfer gang. Patrick Swayze. R aaa
functional dinosaur theme BET 37 54 270 (6:00) Beyond the Lights (2014): Newfound stardom. PG-13 aaa Tyler Perry’s I Can Do Bad All By Myself (2009): Troubles may change. PG-13 ac
park. Chris Pratt (above) stars. BBCAM 71 101 189 Trek: TNG Star Trek: TNG Major League (1989): An owner sabotages her baseball team. aaa Major League (1989) Tom Berenger. aaa
BRAVO 18 44 185 Housewives Real Housewives N.Y. (R) Real Housewives N.Y. (R) Real Housewives N.Y. Watch What Legally Blonde (2001) PG-13 aac
CNBC 15 24 102 Money Shark Tank Shark Tank: Bidding war. Shark Tank Shark Tank Shark Tank: Bidding war.
CNN 78 25 100 Situation Erin Burnett OutFront Coronavirus: Facts and Cuomo Prime Time CNN Tonight with Don CNN Tonight with Don
COM 45 50 190 The Office The Office The Office The Office The Office The Office The Office The Office The Office The Office The Office
DIS 49 31 250 Raven (R) Descendants 2 (2017): Adjusting to life in Auradon. Descendants 3 (2019): Isle of the Lost. Raven (R) Raven (R) Raven (R)
DSC 66 27 120 Nkd & Afrd Naked and Afraid (R) Treasure Island Naked and Afraid: Foreign Exchange Naked and Afraid XL (R)
E! 24 51 196 (5:30) Couples Retreat (2009) PG-13 aa Couples Retreat (2009): An island resort’s guests are surprised. aa Celebrity Game Face (R) Nightly Pop
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ESPN2 29 35 74 (6:40) Horn UFC Countdown UFC 245: Usman vs. Covington: from T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas. Replay. The Jump Flashback
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FX 10 40 53 Kingsman: The Golden Circle (2017) R Jurassic World (2015): Dinosaur theme park gone awry. Chris Pratt. Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) aaac
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MSG Plus 48 88 80 NHL Hockey: St. Louis Blues at New Jersey Devils. NHL Hockey Replay. MSG 150 NHL Hockey Replay.
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OWN 173 180 145 (6:00) 20/20 20/20 on OWN (R) 20/20 on OWN (R) 20/20 on OWN (R) 20/20 on OWN (R) 20/20 on OWN (R)
PARMT 36 56 54 (6:32) Men Men Men GoodFellas (1990): A man becomes part of the Mafia. Robert De Niro. R aaaa GoodFellas (1990) R aaaa
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game shoW VH1 19 52 217 Bad Boys R Bad Boys II (2003): Tough narcotics cops stop drug kingpin. Martin Lawrence, Will Smith. R aaa Bad Boys (1995): Seized drugs vanish.
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featured. Anthony
MAX 531 371 420 Contraband (2012): Counterfeit money. Rounders (1998): Student plays poker. Matt Damon. R (10:05) Widows (2018): Husbands’ debt. Viola Davis. R
Anderson (photo) is host.
SHO 551 321 365 Hustlers (2019): A stripper’s scheme. R Shameless (R) On Becoming a God (R) Black Mon. Calif. DESUS & The Grey R


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PAGES 46-47

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NBA hits

N.Y. Post photo composite

to play
some ...

Zion Williamson, Luka Doncic, Rudy Gobert and the NBA community — aside from the Knicks and half the Nets roster, that is — are checking into
Disney World, ready for their first practices inside the so-called bubble today. The Post breaks down the stories to watch. BERMAN / PAGES 44-45

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