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1.- You are more beautiful than I thought you would be.

I didn’t think…

2.- Someone had taken away the fire extinguishers.


3.- …………………………………………………………………………………….

Mary was going out with Ian when she met Lucas.

4.- Did the story interest you?

Did you find…

5.- Please, don’t ask so many questions.

Please, stop…

6.- “How much money have you put into the account?”, they asked.

They asked him….

7.- I’m sorry I can’t speak English perfectly.

I wish…

8.- She can’t come to the party because she is so busy.


9.- He bought his car five years ago.

He has…

10.- The film was very amusing. I couldn’t stop laughing.

The film was so…

11.- I smoked a lot when I was younger but I don’t any more.

I used…

12.- Although the weather was good, we stayed indoors.


13.- It isn’t necessary for you to do this homework.


14.- It is easier to express fear than disgust.

15.- I’m so tired that I can’t pay attention.

I’m too…

16.- Could you please open the window?

Would you…

17.- Someone will cut your hair.


18.- A shop assistant spoke to me. She was very polite.

The shop…

19.- When I say something, you never agree with it.

You never…

20.- Did you post that letter? Can you remember?

Can you remember…

21.- Peter hasn’t seen Kate for several years.

The last time…

22.- She suggested that we should go to a good disco.

“What about…

23.- I must find a job or I’ll starve.


24.- ………………………………………………………………………………….

The Prime Minister is Gordon Brown.

25.- People think that this subject is easy.

It’s …

26.- You have organized that a painter is going to paint your room.

You are…

27.- The ring had belonged to my grandmother. It is a diamond.


28.- Although there were a lot of people, we could buy all the food.

In …
29.- Politics have never interested me.


30.- Henry said he had not stolen the jumper.

Henry denied…

31.- The last time I saw Jill was in January 2006.


32.- I’m so sorry we can’t stay longer.

I wish…

33.- “Don’t open that window, Daniel!”, said the teacher.

The teacher…

34.- London didn’t impress me as much as Paris.

I didn’t think…

35.- The film was so good that Henry wanted to see it again.


36.- Have you got any intention of offering Sally the job?

Are you…

37.- ………………………………………………………………………………….

I was in the park when it started to rain.

38.- Some people say that England is a good country.

England is…

39.- Sarah lives in a house with a small garden.

The house…

40.- His tiredness after the long trip didn’t stop him from finishing his work.

He finished his work although…

41.- People don’t like her because she doesn’t tell the truth.


42.- “Will you open the window, please?”, he asked me.

He asked me…
43.- We visited a town yesterday, but I didn’t like it.

I didn’t…

44.- I´d rather go to the cinema.


45.- “I’ve never seen anything so beautiful”, he said.

He said…

46.- Mary believed Tom’s story because she had very little experience of


47.- He is too short to be a policeman.

He isn’t…

48.- They have set up an investigation.


49.- “Let’s have a Chinese meal”, he said to me.

He suggested…

50.- The last time my husband had a bath was five years ago.

My husband..

51.- I asked you to do something. Was it so difficult?


52.- A man grabbed my arm. He was a store detective.

The man…

53.- Someone once told me I could learn English in my sleep.

Once I… .

54.- I am not as good at football as he is.

He is…

55.- It isn’t necessary to leave a tip but you can if you want to.


56.- The programme was terrifying. I had bad dreams after watching it.

The programme was so…

57.- Don’t complain all the time.

I wish…

58.- “I’ll be there on time”, Alan said.

Alan promised…

59.- Do you mind if I open this window?

Would it….

60.- “Is john having a party on Friday?”, he asked.

He asked…

61.- Maria doesn’t know many words in English.

Maria knows…

62.- Football bores me.

I find...

63.- I want to go back to England because I have lots of friends there and I
want to visit them.

I want to go back to England so…

64.- Maths is considered to be a difficult subject.

Students consider…

65.- …………………………………………………………………………………….

She had been studying for four hours when the lights went out.

66.- I am sure Tina was terribly worried when her son was arrested.


67.- The wind was cold this morning, but we went for a walk.


68.- I spent an hour travelling to Mexico City.

It… .

69.- When did you move into your new flat?

How long…

70.- Eating raw vegetables can be dangerous in hot countries.

71.- I don’t want to revise any more.

I’m tired…

72.- I like gardening more than I like cycling.

I prefer… .

73.- “Have you had any strange dreams?”, my brother said.

My brother asked…

74.- He didn’t a accept the job. He didn’t earn a lot of money.


75.- Charles is said to be a rich man.

They say…

76.- The fire destroyed the school in a matter of minutes.

The school…

77.- Sitting in the sun too long can be dangerous.


78.- The last time I took an exam was three years ago.


79.- If you don’t hurry up you’ll miss the train.

Hurry up…

80.- I said something to you. Did you understand it?

Did you…

81.- I think an easier way to learn English has to be found.

I think someone…

82.- I hadn´t realized the meal would be so expensive.

The meal was…

83.- I prefer not to answer that question.

I’d rather… .

84.- Don’t talk to each other during the exam.

85.- Even though he has a pleasant manner, he isn’t a good doctor.

In spite…

86.- This was a very interesting book. I could hardly put it down.

This was such…

87.- “I’ll take you out tomorrow”, Ronald told Julia.

Ronald promised Julia that… .

88.- I’m sorry I didn’t get here earlier.

I wish…

89.- I’m going to take the car this evening, all right?

You don’t mind if…

90.- “I have nothing to conceal”, he claimed.

He claimed…

91.- I’m sure it won’t embarrass you.

I’m sure you won’t …

92.- Fred was very excited because his family was moving to Australia.


93.- I will tell a gardener that he has to clean my garden.


94.- …………………………………………………………………………………….

I didn’t take the exam because I hadn’t studied.

95.- Some feeling are difficult for me to describe.

I find…

96.- I’ve never seen such an untidy room.

This is…

97.- It’s possible that he has made a big mistake.


98.- I paid someone to make this dress for me.

I… .
99.- It’s ages since I last went to the dentist.


100.- We played so bad that we lost the match.


101.- I´m sure that someone is following me.


102.- Earl wrote that book in three months.

It took…

103.- “Where have all the people gone?”, he asked.

He wondered… .

104.- She shot him because he was so terrible to her.


105.- He is not old enough to vote.

He is too…

106.- You should speak so clearly that everyone can understand you.

You should speak clearly…

107.- Unless it stops snowing, we won’t get home.


108.- I haven’t seen a good film for ages.

It’s …

109.- “Why don’t you ring your lawyer?”, she said to him.

She suggested… .

110.- She hasn’t written to him for ages.

It… .

111.- She suggested setting up a company together.

“I think we…

112.- A man came to see me later. He was the manager.

The man…
113.- You will be given your money back tomorrow.


114.- Don’t ask so many questions!

I wish…

115.- “I won’t lend you a penny”, my father shouted.

My father refused…

116.- Chris is a very fluent Spanish speaker.

Chris speaks …

117.- She doesn’t think that music is interesting.

She isn’t… .

118.- “I don’t know”, I told them.

He told the officials … .

119.- If you come to the party, you’ll see her.


120.- Pete and Jenny are using the Internet because they want to find their
dream holiday.


121.- ……………………………………………………………………………………..

It was a long film, about three hours.

122.- It’s believed that next year is going to be better.

People… .

123.- In spite of the heat in the afternoon, we decided not to go for a swim.


124.- It was wrong of you to come home so late without telling us.


125.- I’ve never stayed in such a good hotel.

This is the…

126.- Could you come back a bit later?

127.- My sister earns much more than my father.

My father’s salary…

128.- I can’t stop playing games because I’m addicted to them.

I am…

129.- Ellen last went abroad three years ago.

Ellen hasn’t…

130.- People say that fish is good for you.

Fish is…

131.- Danny was sorry he ate that salad.

Danny wished…

132.- Take some cash because the bank might be shut.

Take some cash in…

133.- I haven´t seen Anne for ages.


134.- The invention was a success because it was very useful.

The invention was so…

135.- I failed my driving test because I was very nervous .

If I …

136.- You were supposed to send in the form three weeks ago.


137.- What he saw astonished him.


138.- Although he was ill, he visited all the museums in town.


139.- It was difficult to reach the other city.

The other…

140.- “Don’t be afraid”, he said.

He said…
141.- Mary was shy with boys because her father didn’t let her meet them.


142.- Remembering lists of words is often difficult.

It is…

143.- They have found the stolen money.


144.- How will learning English help me?

How will it…

145.- You were supposed to give the letter to Peter.

You should…

146.- You really ought to clean the floor.

The floor needs…

147.- My wife hasn’t spoken to me for years.


148.- She suggested calling for an ambulance.


149.- If I can’t afford something, I never buy it.

I never buy…

150.- Someone is repairing my car.

My car…

151.- The exam was so difficult that I couldn´t finish it.

It was…

152.- Even though they disliked him, they agreed to help.


153.-Bill can sing and dance.

Not only…

154.- I’m bored with this book and I don’t want to read it any more.

I’m tired… .
155.- Everybody expected the weather to be colder.

The weather is…

156.- It is easier for my husband to conceal his emotions than to express


My husband…

157.- Because English people drive on the left, it’s difficult for them to drive

English people are…

158.- Despite the high price of petrol, big cars are still popular.


159.- I’d like to live in a big house but I don’t.

I wish…

160.- “I’ll take you to court if you don’t stop following me”, she told him.

She threatened…

161.- This is a dangerous game. Children shouldn’t be allowed to play it.

This is such…

162.- “I’m sorry I’m late again”, he said the next day.

The next day he apologized…

163.- She doesn’t intend to leave.

She has…

164.- Computers don’t interest me.

I’m not…

165.- His wife cooks wonderful Chinese food. She’s from Hong Kong.


166.- My friends went to a hairdresser’s and she cut their hair.

My friends…

167.- I don’t find it difficult to study late at night.

I am… .

168.- I don’t want to argue with you any more.

I am tired…

169.- …………………………………………………………………………………

I played tennis very well when I was a boy.

170.- Laura’s father didn’t allow her to see Jake.

Laura’s father didn’t let…

171.- I don’t watch TV programmes because they bore me.

TV programmes…

172.- I can’t speak French, so I’m not going to live in France.


173.- We couldn’t stop laughing because the play was very funny..

It was…

174.- Mary spent three weeks cleaning her grandmother´s house.


175.- I expect you are exhausted after your long trip.


176.- They say the people in this tribe believed in rain gods.

The people in this tribe…

177.- I want to know who you saw yesterday


178.- I started learning Japanese two years ago.


179.- The goalkeeper saved the penalty. We won the match.


180.- This is an extraordinary story.


181.- Stephens wanted to see the ruins.

Stephens was looking…

182.- It is essential that the road is finished before next summer.

The road…

183.- Remind me again. I might forget.

Remind me again in…

184.- The police know the identity of one of the victims.

The identity…

185.- You are speaking so fast that I can’t understand you.

You are speaking too …

186.- It is usually better to tell the truth than it is to lie.


187.- Give me that money or I’ll shoot.


188.- Perhaps he went to London.


189.- He hasn’t written to his parents for two months.

The last time…

190.- He suggested that he should look after the money.

“Wouldn’t it be…

191.- I haven’t had a holiday for ages.

It has…

192.- You said something to me, but I didn’t hear this.

I didn’t…

193.- People speak English all over the world.


194.- Someone should redecorate your house.


195.- I don´t want to go to Scotland for the summer.

I would rather… .

196.- Prices here are higher than I thought they would be.
I didn’t think…

197.- Even though they quarrel regularly, Jack and Mary still say they love
each other.

In spite… .

198.- I’m upset because I have to do so much work.

I wish…

199.- I can’t go on holiday because I can’t afford it.

If I… .

200.- “I have made a mistake”, he admitted.

He admitted…..

201.- This kind of exercise bores me.

I am….

202.- The film is about a town in Italy. My sister lives there.

The film…

203.- …………………………………………………………………………………….

I was working for the BBC, but I was fired.

204.- It was thought that French is more important than English.

French was…

205.- Anna’s boss forced her to resign.

Anna’s boss made…

206.- He had no qualifications, but he convinced everyone he was a doctor.


207.- I’m really sorry I forgot your birthday.

I’d like to…

208.- She said to the tourists: “Please, don’t take photographs in the

She asked…

209.-She makes a lot of mistakes because she doesn’t concentrate hard


210.- He started playing football six months ago.

He has…

211.- You shouldn’t eat raw fruit.

You had…

212.- He was so ill he couldn’t go on the excursion.

He was too…

213.- Because of his hard work, he made a success of his business

He worked …

214.- “Try and remember your dream”, said the doctor to Sue.

The doctor asked…

215.- This are the most difficult questions I´ve ever seen.


216.- Tom wanted to marry her because she was rich.


217.- Fire officers sometimes inspect stadiums.


218.- It has been years since you last wrote to me.


219.- She suggested that they should go to Paris immediately.


220.- I saw a man later. He was the manager.

The man…

221.- People say English is easy to learn.


222.- The meal cost us far more than we thought it would.

We didn’t think…

223.- In spite of their love for each other, they have broken up.

Even though…
224.- It is forbidden for you to park here.


225.- I’m sorry I asked that question.

I wish…

226.- “Let me give you the money”, my mother said.

My mother offered…

227.- Do they allow you to smoke in British cinemas?


228.- I hope it won’t disappoint you.

I hope you…

229.- Few people in England speak Chinese.


230.- Debbie paid a mechanic and now her car is repaired.


231.- My father smokes these cigarettes. They are English.


232.- ………………………………………………………………………………..

Brad Pitt didn’t act in that film.

233.- I don’t like getting up early and I never do it.


234.- The kidnapper told them that contacting the police would be

The kidnapper warned…

235.- My written English is better than my spoken English.

I am…

237.- The show was so successful because Joey’s pictures were very good.


238.- People were very interested in that story.

People found…
239.- A cigarette probably started the fire.

The fire…

240.- The car won’t start if there isn’t enough petrol in the tank.

The car…

241.- I said something to you at the party. Did it offend you?


242.- Don’t forget that you have to pay the bill.

Remember to…

243.- Our lessons were held in a very cold classroom.

The classroom….

244.- I find it easier to understand English than to speak it.

Speaking English is not…

245.- I don’t work in that shop any more but I did once.

I used…

246.- In spite of her illness, my mother always had a smile on her face.


247.- I’m upset because you did that.

I wish…

248.- “I’ll kill you if you ever see my sister again”, Julia’s brother told

Julia’s brother threatened…

249.- Can I sit here?

Do you…

250.- The next unit will fascinate you.

You will…

251.- “You’ll find out later!”, they told him.

They told him…

252.- What a pity I don’t know the answer to that question.

I wish…
253.- “I’m sorry I didn’t reply to your last letter”, he said.

He apologized to me…

254.- It’s three months since she started learning English.

She has…

255.- I’ shocked when I hear bad language. It’s not usual for me.

I’m not…

256.- I like you, even though you have a strange sense of humour.


257.- You aren’t allowed to take guns with you on the plane.


258.- Criticizing is easier than making good suggestions.

It is…

259.- It is more dangerous to ride a motorbike than to drive a car.


260.- Someone has built a new house for Candy.


261.- A new report on this issue has been sent to me.


262.- I spoke to a shop assistant. She was very polite.

The shop…

263.- …………………………………………………………………………………….

I really prefer the black sweater.

264.- My uncle has employed an expert to install an alarm in his house.

My uncle…

265.- We can’t leave the house in this mess.

We must…

266.- I think I’ll read this book instead of watching TV.

267.- You were careless. You had an accident.


268.- I haven’t read it for a long time.

It has… .

269.- The book was so interesting that people couldn’t put it down.

It was…

270.- They managed to return to New York nine months later.

They succeeded…

271.- Don’t talk so loud! Perhaps the boss is listening.

Don’t talk so loud in…

272.- I’m sorry that I can’t help you.

I wish…

273.- Marie thinks French food is better than Italian food.

Marie prefers…

274.- The last time I saw a good film was six months ago.


275.- “Why don’t we buy a fast car?”

He suggested…

276.- He will only phone if he changes his mind.

He won’t…

277.- Does the teacher need to explain this structure?

Does this structure…

278.- The computer is so small it will fit into your briefcase.

The computer is small…

279.- ………………………………………………………………………………….

She will never go out with me.

280.- The waiter gave us the menu. It is very expensive.

The menu…
281.- Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928.


282.- I think it will be great to see Janet again.

I am…

283.- Anna worked in a language school. She met Kostas there.


284.- I’ve never seen such a beautiful place as this.


285.- I’m upset because you said that.

I wish…

286.- “Can you lend me some money?”, John asked Mary.

John asked if…

287.- Julia saw Ronald almost every day not so long ago but doesn’t any

Julia used…

288.- Tourists keep coming here despite the terrible weather.


289.- Don’t wait for me if you want to leave.

You… .

290.- I think Rome is more beautiful than Paris.

I prefer…

291.- They will give me a prize if I can learn this.


292.- He wrote a best-selling novel. He earned a lot of money.


293.- That’s the silliest question I’ve ever heard.

I’ve never…

294.- Do you like fruit more than vegetables?

Do you prefer…
295.- Someone almost certainly saw him leaving the building.

He must…

296.- ………………………………………………………………………………….

My teacher made me learn the list of irregular verbs.

297.- He robbed a bank. They sent him to prison.


298.- They didn’t let me stay in the country.

I wasn’t…

299.- “Please, bring me another cup of coffee”, I said to the waiter.

I asked…

300.- I’m sorry I haven’t got a lot of money.

If only…

301.- You are a good student. You could easily pass the examination.

You are such…

302.- It isn’t difficult for me to travel long distances to work because I’ve
done it before.

I am…

303.- Disgust is more difficult for most people to express than fear.

Most people…

304.- We like the countryside more than the town.

We prefer…

305.- Jack got someone to paint his house while he was away.


306.- ………………………………………………………………………………….

My grandfather has never flown in a plane.

307.- My teacher said: “If I were you, I’d do some more reading”.

My teacher suggested…

308.- Running a large house is no problem for my mother as she has done it
for some time.
My mother is…

309.- Don’t say things like that.

I wish…

310.- This is a difficult problem. Nobody can solve it.

This is such…

311.- I like eating in restaurants sometimes, but I prefer coking my own


I prefer…

312.- Adam was more attractive than Jane had expected.

Jane hadn’t…

313.- We are going to teach you what you need.


314.- They took me to see a man. He was their boss.

The man…

315.- You must help me or I am lost.


316.- This machine is so heavy that I can’t carry it.

This machine is too…

317.- They took him to hospital.


318.- You won’t get into university without passing your exams.


319.- ………………………………………………………………………………….

The Rolling Stones are one of the most important music bands in history.

320.- Someone almost certainly broke the window on purpose.

The window…

321.- “How many times have you been to Spain?” they asked me.

They asked me…

322.- I’d like to be rich, but I’m not.

I wish…

323.- This story will shock you.

You will be…

324.- He finds it easier to talk about work than to do it.

It is…

325.- Someone can repair your shoes in an hour.


326.- We haven’t had Chinese food for a year.

The last time…

327.- “I think we should rent an office.”

She suggested…

328.- Doctors have treated many people for shock.


329.- She was attracted to Tom because he seemed so pleasant.

If… .

330.- …………………………………………………………………………………..

My sister is studying in Harvard.

331.- I was bored by the film on TV.

I thought…

332.- “Then we know more about your money than you do”, they said.

The officials said that…

333.- Alcohol is bad for you and so are cigarettes.


334.- I’m sorry I did that.

I wish…

335.- It’s been a long time since I saw him.


336.- I must pass my exams or my parents will be angry.


337.- They will have to rebuild many houses after the earthquake.

Many… .

338.- All this happened because her father was so foolish.


339.- …………………………………………………………………………………..

The party is going to be on Friday night.

340.- The boss said something. It made everybody laugh.


341.- Don’t make that noise.

I wish…

342.- This problem is easy. Even you can solve it!

This problem is so…

343.- Will you post this letter for me, please?

Do you mind…

344.- “What do you mean?”, he asked.

He asked them…

345.- I got here earlier than I had planned.

I had planned…

346.- Will going to England improve my pronunciation?

Will my pronunciation…

347.- Mary married Tom because she thought he really loved her.


348.- ……………………………………………………………………………………

That bike is about $90.

349.- The intense heat burned many of the rescuers.


350.- Please, don’t do that.

I wish…

351.- You are speaking quickly. I can’t understand you.

You are speaking so…

352.- Do they allow people to park here?


353.- “Why didn’t you make an appointment earlier?, the doctor asked.

The doctor asked her…

354.- They are selling English books in that shop.

English books…

355.- They went to find a shop assistant. She was the girl I had spoken to

The shop…

356.- I haven’t heard from Kevin for a long time.

The last time…

357.- Turn off that radio or I’ll break it.


358.- Mary’s father liked Tom because he thought that he was a good boy.


359.- …………………………………………………………………………………….

Your brother always lights a candle before exams.

360.- You did something at the party. It was terrible.


361.- Have I met you before? I can’t remember.

I can’t remember…

362.- Please don’t play your music so loudly.

Would you mind…..

363.- Older people interpret body language better than younger people do.

Older people are…

364.- I didn’t go out yesterday because the weather was so bad.


365.- ……………………………………………………………………………………

That computer is mine.

366.- People were watching the match on TV.

The match…

367.-“ But perhaps I’ve forgotten a few things”, he admitted.

He admitted that…

368.- It is easier for you to criticize than to make good suggestions.


369.- “Everything I’ve told you is true”, he insisted.

He insisted that…

370.- We had planned the meeting to end earlier.

The meeting ended…

371.- Someone must tell him the truth.


372.- There is a chance you’ll need this money, so take it.

Take this money in…

373.- …………………………………………………………………………………….

When my dad was ten, he was 1.85 m. tall.

374.- The train arrived much later than I expected.

I hadn´t…

375.- Someone must develop this film for me.


376.- I hadn’t expected this exercise to be so difficult.

This exercise…

377.- Perhaps one day someone will find a cure for cancer.

Perhaps one day a…

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