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Name:__________________( )

Good morning judges and friends. The title of my story is

Hickory Dickory Dock 

One day, there was a mouse that was very afraid.

A big cat was chasing him. The mouse was running as

fast as he could to save his life.

The mouse saw a big grandfather clock. It climbed up

the clock. It reached the top and sat down to rest. 

Not long after that, the clock struck one, ‘Dong!’ The
mouse had such a shock that he ran down the clock. 

Thank you.
Name:__________________( )

Good morning judges, teachers and friends. The title of my

story is Pussy is in the Well. 

Once upon a time, there was a very useful little pussy

cat. The pussy cat killed all the mice in the farmer’s barn. 

One day, a little boy called Johnny Green wanted to

play with the pussy cat. Johnny played rough. He even tried
to drown the pussy cat in a well. The pussy cat was
terrified. It cried for help. 

A little boy called Tommy Stout was walking near the

well. He heard the pussy cat's cry from inside the well. He
went to the well and quickly pulled the pussy cat out. The
pussy cat was very happy. 

Thank you.
Name:__________________( )

Good morning judges, teachers and friends. The title of my

story is The Two Frogs. 

Two frogs were playing on a rainy day. Slowly, they

hopped and hopped and came into a house. There was a
churn of milk. Both the frogs fell into the churn. 

Both the frogs tried for some time, but in vain. One of
the frogs lost hope and said, “I can’t swim any more" and
he drowned to the bottom. The other did not lose hope. 

He kept on swimming. His movements churned the

milk into butter. The frog climbed on to a pat of butter and
hopped out of the churn. 

Thank you.

Good morning judges, teachers and friends. The title of my

story is The Dog and The Donkey. 

There lived a dog and a donkey in a house of a rich

Name:__________________( )

man. The dog guarded his house and the donkey carried
loads for him. 

It was a hot afternoon. The dog was sleeping under the

shady veranda. There was some noise outside. The dog just
lifted up his head and went back to sleep. 

The donkey asked, "Why don't you bark. It could be

thieves". The dog replied, "Mind your own business". But
the donkey would not listen. He wanted to save his master
from thieves. He started to bray. 

The master who was sound asleep got wild with the
donkey and came running out with a stick and gave hard
beatings to the donkey. 

Thank you.
Name:__________________( )

Good morning judges, teachers and friends. The title of my

story is The Crow and The Eagle. 

There lived a crow on a tree top. Everyday he used to

watch with utter wonder the acts of an eagle. 

The eagle had a nest high up on a mountain. He used

to swoop down from there to get hold of a lamb and fly up
again and all in one go. 

The crow was amazed by the feat of the eagle. 

One day he was so excited that he wanted to imitate

the eagle. So up he flew as high as he could. From there he
began to swoop down. He came down and down. But alas,
he could not control himself. He crashed on the ground and
broke his beak. 

Thank you.
Name:__________________( )

Good morning judges, teachers and friends. The title of my

story is The Dove and The Ant. 

Once, a dove saw an ant struggling in the water. 

He took pity on the ant and threw down a leaf. 

The ant climbed on to the leaf and reached the shore


After some days, the ant saw the hunter aiming an

arrow at the dove flying above. 

He wanted to save the dove. So, he bit the hunter’s


The hunter missed his aim and the dove flew safely.

Thank you.

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