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For Apartment A

1. Occupancy Category IV: Standard Occupancy Structures

2. Basic Wind speed V = 280 kph = 77.78 m/s

3. Directionality Factor, Kd = 0.85

4. Exposure Category = B

5. Topographic factor, Kzt = 1.0

6. Gust effect factor, G or Gf = 0.85

7. Enclosure Classification:

Partially Enclosed

8. Internal pressure coefficient, GCpi:

Six-Storey Apartment type Building A

9. The velocity factor coefficient, Kh or Kz:

At 1.00 m:

Kz = 0.70

At 3.60 m:

Kz = 0.70
Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.
At 6.80m:

Kz = 0.70

At 10m:

Using interpolation,

y 2− y 1
y – y1 = ( x 2−x 1) ( x−x 1 )

where x = velocity factor coefficient

y = height above ground level

12m−9 m
10m – 9m = ( 0.76−0.70 ) ( x−0.70 )
x = 0.72

At 13.2m:

Using interpolation,

y 2− y 1
y – y1 = ( x 2−x 1) ( x−x 1 )

where x = velocity factor coefficient

y = height above ground level

Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.
15 m−12 m
13.2m – 12m = (
0.81−0.76 )
( x−0.76 )

x = 0.78

At 16.4m:

Using interpolation,

y 2− y 1
y – y1 = ( x 2−x 1) ( x−x 1 )

where x = velocity factor coefficient

y = height above ground level

16.4m – 15m = ( 180.85−0.81

m−15 m
) ( x−0.81)
x = 0.829

At 19.6m:

Using interpolation,

y 2− y 1
y – y1 = ( x 2−x 1) ( x−x 1 )

where x = velocity factor coefficient

y = height above ground level

Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.
21 m−18 m
19.6m – 18m = (
0.89−0.85 )( x−0.85 )

x = 0.871

Height above ground level, z

Velocity factor coefficient
19.6 0.871
16.4 0.829
13.2 0.78
10 0.72
6.8 0.7
3.6 0.7
1 0.7

10. pressure, qz:

at 1m:

qz = 0.613 Kz Kzt Kd V2

qz = 0.613 (0.70) (1.0) (0.85) (77.78 m/s)2

qz = 2206.548 Pa

at 3.60m:

qz = 0.613 Kz Kzt Kd V2

qz = 0.613 (0.70) (1.0) (0.85) (77.78 m/s)2

qz = 2206.548 Pa

Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.
at 6.80m:

qz = 0.613 Kz Kzt Kd V2

qz = 0.613 (0.70) (1.0) (0.85) (77.78 m/s)2

qz = 2206.548 Pa

at 10m:

qz = 0.613 Kz Kzt Kd V2

qz = 0.613 (0.72) (1.0) (0.85) (77.78 m/s)2

qz = 2269.592 Pa

at 13.2m:

qz = 0.613 Kz Kzt Kd V2

qz = 0.613 (0.78) (1.0) (0.85) (77.78 m/s)2

qz = 2458.725 Pa

at 16.4m:

qz = 0.613 Kz Kzt Kd V2

qz = 0.613 (0.829) (1.0) (0.85) (77.78 m/s)2

qz = 2613.183 Pa

at 19.6m:

qz = 0.613 Kz Kzt Kd V2

qz = 0.613 (0.871) (1.0) (0.85) (77.78 m/s)2

Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.
qz = 2745.576 Pa

Height above ground level, z

Velocity Pressure, qz
19.6 2745.575766
16.4 2613.182905
13.2 2458.724567
10 2269.591908
6.8 2206.547688
3.6 2206.547688
1 2206.547688

11. External pressure coefficient, GCp in accordance with Figure 207.F.6-1,

Wind at x direction

a = 10% least horizontal dimension, (must be less than 0.90m)

a = 0.10 (19.2m) = 1.92m

1.92m > 0.90m

Therefore, use a = 1.92m

Effective Area, A = L(L/3) = 3.2m (3.2m)

A = 3.413 m2

For Zone 5,

Using interpolation,

y 2− y 1
y – y1 = ( x 2−x 1) ( x−x 1 )

where x = effective area

Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.
y = External pressure coefficient, GCp

0.8−0.9 m
y – 0.9 = ( 4.6 m2−1.9 m2 )
( 3.413 m2−1.9 m2)

y = 0.844 – positive Gcp

y + 1.8 = ( 9.3−1.4+1.8
m −1.9 m )
( 3.413 m −1.9 m )

y = -1.718 – negative Gcp

For Zone 4,

Using interpolation,

y 2− y 1
y – y1 = ( x 2−x 1 )
( x−x 1 )

where x = effective area

y = External pressure coefficient, GCp

0.8−0.9 m
y – 0.9 = ( 2
4.6 m −1.9 m ) 2 2
2 ( 3.413 m −1.9 m )

y = 0.844 – positive Gcp

y + 0.9 = ( 9.3−0.8+0.9
m −1.9 m )
( 3.413 m −1.9 m )

y = -0.880 – negative Gcp

Zone Gcp Gcp

5 0.844 -1.718

Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.
4 0.844 -0.880

12. The design wind load (p) shall be calculated using the following equations as


Windward Walls at Zone 4 and Zone 5

p = qz (GCp) – qi(±GCpi) (N/m2) (Eq. 207E.6-1,NSCP 2015)

where q = qz for GCp (+) and qh for GCp (-)

qi = qz for GCpi (-) and qh for GCpi (+)

At 1m height

P1 = 2206.548 (0.844) – 2206.548(0.55) = 648.725 N/m2

P1 = 2206.548 (0.844) – 2745.576(-0.55) = 3372.393 N/m2

At 3.6m height

P3.6 = 2206.548 (0.844) – 2206.548(0.55) = 648.725 N/m2

P3.6 = 2206.548 (0.844) – 2745.576(-0.55) = 3372.393 N/m2

At 6.8m height

P6.8 = 2206.548 (0.844) – 2206.548(0.55) = 648.725 N/m2

P6.8 = 2206.548 (0.844) – 2745.576(-0.55) = 3372.393 N/m2

At 10m height

Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.
P10 = 2269.592 (0.844) – 2269.592 (0.55) = 667.260 N/m2

P10 = 2269.592 (0.844) – 2745.576(-0.55) = 3425.602 N/m2

At 13.2m height

P13.2 = 2458.725(0.844) – 2458.725(0.55) = 722.865 N/m2

P13.2 = 2458.725(0.844) – 2745.576(-0.55) = 3585.230 N/m2

At 16.4m height

P16.4 = 2613.183(0.844) – 2613.183(0.55) = 768.276 N/m2

P16.4 = 2613.183(0.844) – 2745.576(-0.55) = 3715.593 N/m2

At 19.6m height

P19.6 = 2745.576(0.844) – 2745.576(0.55) = 807.199 N/m2

P19.6 = 2745.576(0.844) – 2745.576 (-0.55) = 3827.333 N/m2

Leeward walls,

at zone 4,

P1 = 2745.576 (-0.88) – 2206.548(0.55) = -3629.708 N/m2

At 3.6m height

P3.6 = 2745.576 (-0.88) – 2206.548(0.55) = -3629.708 N/m2

At 6.8m height

P6.8 = 2745.576 (-0.88) – 2206.548(0.55) = -3629.708 N/m2

At 10m height

Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.
P10 = 2745.576 (-0.88) – 2269.592(0.55) = -3664.382 N/m2

At 13.2m height

P13.2 = 2745.576 (-0.88) – 2458.725(0.55) = -3768.405 N/m2

At 16.4m height

P16.4 = 2745.576 (-0.88) – 2613.183(0.55) = -3853.173 N/m2

At 19.6m height

P19.6 = 2745.576 (-0.88) – 2745.576(0.55) = -3926.357 N/m2

P = 2745.576[-0.880 – (-0.55)] = -906.040 N/m2

at zone 5,

P1 = 2745.576 (-1.718) – 2206.548(0.55) = -5930.500 N/m2

At 3.6m height

P3.6 = 2745.576 (-1.718) – 2206.548(0.55) = -5930.500 N/m2

At 6.8m height

P6.8 = 2745.576 (-1.718) – 2206.548(0.55) = -5930.500 N/m2

At 10m height

P10 = 2745.576 (-1.718) – 2269.592(0.55) = -5965.175 N/m2

At 13.2m height

P13.2 = 2745.576 (-1.718) – 2458.725(0.55) = -6069.198 N/m2

At 16.4m height

Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.
P16.4 = 2745.576 (-1.718) – 2613.183(0.55) = -6154.150 N/m2

At 19.6m height

P19.6 = 2745.576 (-1.718) – 2745.576(0.55) = -6226.966 N/m2

p = 2745.576[-1.718 – (0.55)] = -6226.966 N/m2

Zone Height above Windward Pressure (Pa) Leeward Pressure (Pa)

ground level, z
Gcpi -Gcpi Gcpi -Gcpi
19.6 807.199 3827.333 -3926.173345

16.4 768.276 3715.593 -3853.357272

13.2 722.865 3585.230 -3768.405186

4 10 667.260 3425.602 -3664.382223 -906.040
6.8 648.725 3372.393 -3629.707902

3.6 648.725 3372.393 -3629.707902

1 648.725 3372.393 -3629.707902

19.6 807.199 3827.333 -3926.173345

16.4 768.276 3715.593 -3853.357272

13.2 722.865 3585.230 -3768.405186

10 667.260 3425.602 -3664.382223 -

6.8 648.725 3372.393 -3629.707902

3.6 648.725 3372.393 -3629.707902

1 648.725 3372.393 -3629.707902

Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.
13. Calculate the horizontal shear

V = PA

At positive internal pressure coefficient, Gcpi

V1 = (648.725 N/m2) (19.2m2) = 12.456 KN

V3.6 = (648.725 N/m2) (49.92m2) = 32.384 KN

V6.8 = (648.725 N/m2) (61.44m2) = 39.858 KN

V10 = (667.260 N/m2) (61.44m2) = 40.996 KN

V13.2 = (722.865 N/m2) (61.44m2) = 44.413 KN

V16.4 = (768.276 N/m2) (61.44m2) = 47.203 KN

V19.6 = (807.199 N/m2) (61.44m2) = 49.594 KN

At negative internal pressure coefficient, Gcpi

V1 = (3372.393 N/m2) (19.2m2) = 64.750 KN

V3.6 = (3372.393 N/m2) (49.92m2) = 168.35 KN

V6.8 = (3372.393 N/m2) (61.44m2) = 207.200 KN

V10 = (3425.602 N/m2) (61.44m2) = 210.469 KN

V13.2 = (3585.230 N/m2) (61.44m2) = 220.277 KN

V16.4 = (3715.593 N/m2) (61.44m2) = 228.286 KN

V19.6 = (3827.333 N/m2) (61.44m2) = 235.151 KN

Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.
For Apartment B

1. Occupancy Category IV: Standard Occupancy Structures

2. Basic Wind speed V = 280 kph = 77.78 m/s

3. Directionality Factor, Kd = 0.85

4. Exposure Category = B

5. Topographic factor, Kzt = 1.0

6. Gust effect factor, G or Gf = 0.85

7. Enclosure Classification:

Partially Enclosed

8. Internal pressure coefficient, GCpi:

Six-Storey Apartment type Building B

9. The velocity factor coefficient, Kh or Kz:

At 1.00 m:

Kz = 0.70

At 3.60 m:

Kz = 0.70

Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.

At 6.80m:

Kz = 0.70

At 10m:

Using interpolation,

y 2− y 1
y – y1 = ( x 2−x 1) ( x−x 1 )

where x = velocity factor coefficient

y = height above ground level

12m−9 m
10m – 9m = ( 0.76−0.70 ) ( x−0.70 )
x = 0.72

At 13.2m:

Using interpolation,

y 2− y 1
y – y1 = ( x 2−x 1) ( x−x 1 )

where x = velocity factor coefficient

Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.
y = height above ground level

13.2m – 12m = ( 150.81−0.76

m−12 m
) ( x−0.76 )
x = 0.78

At 16.4m:

Using interpolation,

y 2− y 1
y – y1 = ( x 2−x 1) ( x−x 1 )

where x = velocity factor coefficient

y = height above ground level

16.4m – 15m = ( 180.85−0.81

m−15 m
) ( x−0.81)
x = 0.829

At 19.6m:

Using interpolation,

y 2− y 1
y – y1 = ( x 2−x 1) ( x−x 1 )

where x = velocity factor coefficient

y = height above ground level

Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.
21 m−18 m
19.6m – 18m = (
0.89−0.85 )( x−0.85 )

x = 0.871

Height above ground level, z

Velocity factor coefficient
19.6 0.871
16.4 0.829
13.2 0.78
10 0.72
6.8 0.7
3.6 0.7
1 0.7

10. pressure, qz:

at 1m:

qz = 0.613 Kz Kzt Kd V2

qz = 0.613 (0.70) (1.0) (0.85) (77.78 m/s)2

qz = 2206.548 Pa

at 3.60m:

qz = 0.613 Kz Kzt Kd V2

qz = 0.613 (0.70) (1.0) (0.85) (77.78 m/s)2

qz = 2206.548 Pa

at 6.80m:

qz = 0.613 Kz Kzt Kd V2

qz = 0.613 (0.70) (1.0) (0.85) (77.78 m/s)2

Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.
qz = 2206.548 Pa

at 10m:

qz = 0.613 Kz Kzt Kd V2

qz = 0.613 (0.72) (1.0) (0.85) (77.78 m/s)2

qz = 2269.592 Pa

at 13.2m:

qz = 0.613 Kz Kzt Kd V2

qz = 0.613 (0.78) (1.0) (0.85) (77.78 m/s)2

qz = 2458.725 Pa

at 16.4m:

qz = 0.613 Kz Kzt Kd V2

qz = 0.613 (0.829) (1.0) (0.85) (77.78 m/s)2

qz = 2613.183 Pa

at 19.6m:

qz = 0.613 Kz Kzt Kd V2

qz = 0.613 (0.871) (1.0) (0.85) (77.78 m/s)2

qz = 2745.576 Pa

Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.

Height above ground level, z

Velocity Pressure, qz
19.6 2745.575766
16.4 2613.182905
13.2 2458.724567
10 2269.591908
6.8 2206.547688
3.6 2206.547688
1 2206.547688

11. External pressure coefficient, GCp in accordance with Figure 207.F.6-1,

Wind at x direction

a = 10% least horizontal dimension, (must be less than 0.90m)

a = 0.10 (17m) = 1.7m

1.7m > 0.90m

Therefore, use a = 1.7m

Effective Area, A = L(L/3) = 3.2m (3.2m)

A = 3.413 m2

For Zone 5,

Using interpolation,

y 2− y 1
y – y1 = ( x 2−x 1) ( x−x 1 )

where x = effective area

y = External pressure coefficient, GCp

Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.
0.8−0.9 m
y – 0.9 = (
4.6 m2−1.9 m2 )
( 3.413 m2−1.9 m2)

y = 0.844 – positive Gcp

−1.4+1.8 m
y + 1.8 = ( 2
9.3 m −1.9 m ) 2 2
2 ( 3.413 m −1.9 m )

y = -1.718 – negative Gcp

For Zone 4,

Using interpolation,

y 2− y 1
y – y1 = ( x 2−x 1 )
( x−x 1 )

where x = effective area

y = External pressure coefficient, GCp

y – 0.9 = ( 4.60.8−0.9
m −1.9 m )
2 2
( 3.413 m −1.9 m )

y = 0.844 – positive Gcp

−0.8+0.9 m
y + 0.9 = ( 2
9.3 m −1.9 m ) 2 2
2 ( 3.413 m −1.9 m )

y = -0.880 – negative Gcp

Zone Gcp Gcp

5 0.844 -1.718

Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.
4 0.844 -0.880

12. The design wind load (p) shall be calculated using the following equations as


Windward Walls at Zone 4 and Zone 5

p = qz (GCp) – qi(±GCpi) (N/m2) (Eq. 207E.6-1,NSCP 2015)

where q = qz for GCp (+) and qh for GCp (+)

qi = qz for GCpi (+) and qh for GCpi (+)

At 1m height

P1 = 2206.548 (0.844) – 2206.548(0.55) = 648.725 N/m2

P1 = 2206.548 (0.844) – 2745.576(-0.55) = 3372.393 N/m2

At 3.6m height

P3.6 = 2206.548 (0.844) – 2206.548(0.55) = 648.725 N/m2

P3.6 = 2206.548 (0.844) – 2745.576(-0.55) = 3372.393 N/m2

At 6.8m height

P6.8 = 2206.548 (0.844) – 2206.548(0.55) = 648.725 N/m2

P6.8 = 2206.548 (0.844) – 2745.576(-0.55) = 3372.393 N/m2

At 10m height

P10 = 2269.592 (0.844) – 2269.592 (0.55) = 667.260 N/m2

P10 = 2269.592 (0.844) – 2745.576(-0.55) = 3425.602 N/m2

Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.
At 13.2m height

P13.2 = 2458.725(0.844) – 2458.725(0.55) = 722.865 N/m2

P13.2 = 2458.725(0.844) – 2745.576(-0.55) = 3585.230 N/m2

At 16.4m height

P16.4 = 2613.183(0.844) – 2613.183(0.55) = 768.276 N/m2

P16.4 = 2613.183(0.844) – 2745.576(-0.55) = 3715.593 N/m2

At 19.6m height

P19.6 = 2745.576(0.844) – 2745.576(0.55) = 807.199 N/m2

P19.6 = 2745.576(0.844) – 2745.576 (-0.55) = 3827.333 N/m2

Leeward walls,

at zone 4,

P1 = 2745.576 (-0.88) – 2206.548(0.55) = -3629.708 N/m2

At 3.6m height

P3.6 = 2745.576 (-0.88) – 2206.548(0.55) = -3629.708 N/m2

At 6.8m height

P6.8 = 2745.576 (-0.88) – 2206.548(0.55) = -3629.708 N/m2

At 10m height

P10 = 2745.576 (-0.88) – 2269.592(0.55) = -3664.382 N/m2

At 13.2m height

Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.
P13.2 = 2745.576 (-0.88) – 2458.725(0.55) = -3768.405 N/m2

At 16.4m height

P16.4 = 2745.576 (-0.88) – 2613.183(0.55) = -3853.173 N/m2

At 19.6m height

P19.6 = 2745.576 (-0.88) – 2745.576(0.55) = -3926.357 N/m2

P = 2745.576[-0.880 – (-0.55)] = -906.040 N/m2

at zone 5,

P1 = 2745.576 (-1.718) – 2206.548(0.55) = -5930.500 N/m2

At 3.6m height

P3.6 = 2745.576 (-1.718) – 2206.548(0.55) = -5930.500 N/m2

At 6.8m height

P6.8 = 2745.576 (-1.718) – 2206.548(0.55) = -5930.500 N/m2

At 10m height

P10 = 2745.576 (-1.718) – 2269.592(0.55) = -5965.175 N/m2

At 13.2m height

P13.2 = 2745.576 (-1.718) – 2458.725(0.55) = -6069.198 N/m2

At 16.4m height

P16.4 = 2745.576 (-1.718) – 2613.183(0.55) = -6154.150 N/m2

At 19.6m height

Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.
P19.6 = 2745.576 (-1.718) – 2745.576(0.55) = -6226.966 N/m2

p = 2745.576[-1.718 – (0.55)] = -6226.966 N/m2

Zone Height above Windward Pressure (Pa) Leeward Pressure (Pa)

ground level, z
Gcpi -Gcpi Gcpi -Gcpi
19.6 807.199 3827.333 -3926.173345

16.4 768.276 3715.593 -3853.357272

13.2 722.865 3585.230 -3768.405186

4 10 667.260 3425.602 -3664.382223 -906.040
6.8 648.725 3372.393 -3629.707902

3.6 648.725 3372.393 -3629.707902

1 648.725 3372.393 -3629.707902

19.6 807.199 3827.333 -3926.173345

16.4 768.276 3715.593 -3853.357272

13.2 722.865 3585.230 -3768.405186

10 667.260 3425.602 -3664.382223 -

6.8 648.725 3372.393 -3629.707902

3.6 648.725 3372.393 -3629.707902

1 648.725 3372.393 -3629.707902

13. Calculate the horizontal shear

V = PA

At positive internal pressure coefficient, Gcpi

Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.
V1 = (648.725 N/m2) (17m2) = 11.028 KN

V3.6 = (648.725 N/m2) (44.2m2) = 28.674 KN

V6.8 = (648.725 N/m2) (54.4m2) = 35.291 KN

V10 = (667.260 N/m2) (54.4m2) = 36.299 KN

V13.2 = (722.865 N/m2) (54.4m2) = 39.324 KN

V16.4 = (768.276 N/m2) (54.4m2) = 41.794 KN

V19.6 = (807.199 N/m2) (54.4m2) = 43.912 KN

At negative internal pressure coefficient, Gcpi

V1 = (3372.393 N/m2) (17m2) = 57.331 KN

V3.6 = (3372.393 N/m2) (44.2m2) = 149.06 KN

V6.8 = (3372.393 N/m2) (54.4m2) = 183.458 KN

V10 = (3425.602 N/m2) (54.4m2) = 186.353 KN

V13.2 = (3585.230 N/m2) (54.4m2) = 195.037 KN

V16.4 = (3715.593 N/m2) (54.4m2) = 202.128 KN

V19.6 = (3827.333 N/m2) (54.4m2) = 208.207 KN

For Basketball Court

1. Occupancy Category IV: Standard Occupancy Structures

2. Basic Wind speed V = 280 kph = 77.78 m/s

3. Directionality Factor, Kd = 0.85

4. Exposure Category = B

Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.
5. Topographic factor, Kzt = 1.0

6. Gust effect factor, G or Gf = 0.85

7. Enclosure Classification:

Open Building

8. Internal pressure coefficient, GCpi:

Basketball Court 0

9. The velocity factor coefficient, Kh or Kz:

For roofs with  > 10°,

h= ( eave height+2ridge height ) = ( 7.1 m+9

) = 8.05m
At 8.05m:

Using interpolation,

y 2− y 1
y – y1 = ( x 2−x 1) ( x−x 1 )

where x = velocity factor coefficient

y = height above ground level

9 m−7.5 m
8.05m – 7.5m = ( 0.697−0.662 ) ( x−0.662 )
x = 0.6748

10. Velocity pressure, qz:

Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.
qz = 0.613 Kz Kzt Kd V2

qz = 0.613 (0.6748) (1.0) (0.85) (77.78 m/s)2

qz = 2127.1120 Pa

11. Determine the pressure coefficient, CN – Figure 207E.8-2

L = 17.4 m Mean roof height,h = 8.05m

Roof slope,  = 36.5° Purlin spacing = 0.95m

Truss spacing = 4.9m

Solving for a,

10% (L) = 0.10 (17.4m) = 1.74m 4% (L) = 0.04 (17.4m) = 0.07m

0.4h = 0.4 (8.05m) = 3.22m

a = 1.74m – GOVERNS

For purlins,

Solving for the effective area,

A = 1/3 (4.9m) (4.9m) = 8.00 m2


Area  Zone 3 Zone 2 Zone 1

30° 0.8 -1.8 0.8 -1.8 0.5 -1.2
4a2 36.5° 0.8 -1.8 0.8 -1.8 0.5 -1.2
45° 0.8 -1.8 0.8 -1.8 0.5 -1.2

Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.
For truss,

Solving for the effective area,

A = (4.9m) (17.4m) = 85.26 m2


Area  Zone 3 Zone 2 Zone 1

30° 0.5 -1.2 0.5 -1.2 0.5 -1.2
>4a 36.5° 0.5 -1.2 0.5 -1.2 0.5 -1.2
45° 0.5 -1.2 0.5 -1.2 0.5 -1.2

12. The design wind load (p) shall be calculated using the following equations as


p = qz (GCn) (N/m2) (Eq. 207E.8-1,NSCP 2015)

For Purlins,

At Zone 3,

p = 2127.1120 Pa (0.85) (0.8) = 1.446 KPa

p = 2127.1120 Pa (0.85) (-1.8) = -3.254 KPa

p = 1.446 KPa (0.95m) = 1.374 KN/m

p = -3.254 KPa (0.95m) = -3.091 KN/m

At Zone 2,

p = 2127.1120 Pa (0.85) (0.8) = 1.446 KPa

p = 2127.1120 Pa (0.85) (-1.8) = -3.254 KPa

Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.
p = 1.446 KPa (0.95m) = 1.374 KN/m

p = -3.254 KPa (0.95m) = -3.091 KN/m

At Zone 1,

p = 2127.1120 Pa (0.85) (0.5) = 0.904 KPa

p = 2127.1120 Pa (0.85) (-1.2) = -2.170 KPa

p = 0.904 KPa (0.95m) = 0.8588 KN/m

p = -2.170 KPa (0.95m) = -2.062 KN/m

Zone P P(0.95m)
3 1.446 KPa -3.254 KPa 1.374 KN/m -3.091 KN/m
2 1.446 KPa -3.254 KPa 1.374 KN/m -3.091 KN/m
1 0.904 KPa -2.170 KPa 0.859 KN/m -2.062 KN/m

For Truss,

At Zone 3,

p = 2127.1120 Pa (0.85) (0.5) = 0.904 KPa

p = 2127.1120 Pa (0.85) (-1.2) = -2.170 KPa

p = 0.904 KPa (4.9m) = 4.4296 KN/m

p = -2.170 KPa (4.9m) = -10.633 KN/m

Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.
At Zone 2,

p = 2127.1120 Pa (0.85) (0.5) = 0.904 KPa

p = 2127.1120 Pa (0.85) (-1.2) = -2.170 KPa

p = 0.904 KPa (4.9m) = 4.4296 KN/m

p = -2.170 KPa (4.9m) = -10.633 KN/m

At Zone 1,

p = 2127.1120 Pa (0.85) (0.5) = 0.904 KPa

p = 2127.1120 Pa (0.85) (-1.2) = -2.170 KPa

p = 0.904 KPa (4.9m) = 4.4296 KN/m

p = -2.170 KPa (4.9m) = -10.633 KN/m

Zone P P(4.9 m)
3 0.904 KPa -2.170 KPa 4.4296 KN/m -10.633 KN/m
2 0.904 KPa -2.170 KPa 4.4296 KN/m -10.633 KN/m
1 0.904 KPa -2.170 KPa 4.4296 KN/m -10.633 KN/m

For Apartment A (Alternative Design)

1. Occupancy Category IV: Standard Occupancy Structures

Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.
2. Basic Wind speed V = 280 kph = 77.78 m/s

3. Directionality Factor, Kd = 0.85

4. Exposure Category = B

5. Topographic factor, Kzt = 1.0

6. Gust effect factor, G or Gf = 0.85

7. Enclosure Classification:

Partially Enclosed

8. Internal pressure coefficient, GCpi:

Six-Storey Apartment type Building A +0.55
(Alternative Design) -0.55

9. The velocity factor coefficient, Kh or Kz:

At 1.00 m:

Kz = 0.70

At 3.60 m:

Kz = 0.70

Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.

At 6.80m:

Kz = 0.70

At 10m:

Using interpolation,

y 2− y 1
y – y1 = ( x 2−x 1) ( x−x 1 )

where x = velocity factor coefficient

y = height above ground level

12m−9 m
10m – 9m = ( 0.76−0.70 ) ( x−0.70 )
x = 0.72

At 13.2m:

Using interpolation,

y 2− y 1
y – y1 = ( x 2−x 1) ( x−x 1 )

where x = velocity factor coefficient

Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.
y = height above ground level

13.2m – 12m = ( 150.81−0.76

m−12 m
) ( x−0.76 )
x = 0.78

At 16.4m:

Using interpolation,

y 2− y 1
y – y1 = ( x 2−x 1) ( x−x 1 )

where x = velocity factor coefficient

y = height above ground level

16.4m – 15m = ( 180.85−0.81

m−15 m
) ( x−0.81)
x = 0.829

At 19.6m:

Using interpolation,

y 2− y 1
y – y1 = ( x 2−x 1) ( x−x 1 )

where x = velocity factor coefficient

y = height above ground level

Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.
21 m−18 m
19.6m – 18m = (
0.89−0.85 )( x−0.85 )

x = 0.871

Height above ground level, z

Velocity factor coefficient
19.6 0.871
16.4 0.829
13.2 0.78
10 0.72
6.8 0.7
3.6 0.7
1 0.7

10. pressure, qz:

at 1m:

qz = 0.613 Kz Kzt Kd V2

qz = 0.613 (0.70) (1.0) (0.85) (77.78 m/s)2

qz = 2206.548 Pa

at 3.60m:

qz = 0.613 Kz Kzt Kd V2

qz = 0.613 (0.70) (1.0) (0.85) (77.78 m/s)2

qz = 2206.548 Pa

at 6.80m:

qz = 0.613 Kz Kzt Kd V2

qz = 0.613 (0.70) (1.0) (0.85) (77.78 m/s)2

Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.
qz = 2206.548 Pa

at 10m:

qz = 0.613 Kz Kzt Kd V2

qz = 0.613 (0.72) (1.0) (0.85) (77.78 m/s)2

qz = 2269.592 Pa

at 13.2m:

qz = 0.613 Kz Kzt Kd V2

qz = 0.613 (0.78) (1.0) (0.85) (77.78 m/s)2

qz = 2458.725 Pa

at 16.4m:

qz = 0.613 Kz Kzt Kd V2

qz = 0.613 (0.829) (1.0) (0.85) (77.78 m/s)2

qz = 2613.183 Pa

at 19.6m:

qz = 0.613 Kz Kzt Kd V2

qz = 0.613 (0.871) (1.0) (0.85) (77.78 m/s)2

qz = 2745.576 Pa

Height above ground level, z

Velocity Pressure, qz
19.6 2745.575766
16.4 2613.182905

Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.
13.2 2458.724567
10 2269.591908
6.8 2206.547688
3.6 2206.547688
1 2206.547688

11. External pressure coefficient, GCp in accordance with Figure 207.F.6-1,

Wind at x direction

a = 10% least horizontal dimension, (must be less than 0.90m)

a = 0.10 (19.1m) = 1.91m

1.91m > 0.90m

Therefore, use a = 1.91m

Effective Area, A = L(L/3) = 3.2m (3.2m)

A = 3.413 m2

For Zone 5,

Using interpolation,

y 2− y 1
y – y1 = ( x 2−x 1 )
( x−x 1 )

where x = effective area

y = External pressure coefficient, GCp

0.8−0.9 m
y – 0.9 = ( 2
4.6 m −1.9 m ) 2 2
2 ( 3.413 m −1.9 m )

y = 0.844 – positive Gcp

y + 1.8 = ( 9.3−1.4+1.8
m −1.9 m )
( 3.413 m −1.9 m )

Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.
y = -1.718 – negative Gcp

For Zone 4,

Using interpolation,

y 2− y 1
y – y1 = ( x 2−x 1 )( x−x 1 )

where x = effective area

y = External pressure coefficient, GCp

y – 0.9 = ( 4.60.8−0.9
m −1.9 m )
2 2
( 3.413 m −1.9 m )

y = 0.844 – positive Gcp

y + 0.9 = ( 9.3−0.8+0.9
m −1.9 m )
2 2
( 3.413 m −1.9 m )

y = -0.880 – negative Gcp

Zone Gcp Gcp

5 0.844 -1.718
4 0.844 -0.880

12. The design wind load (p) shall be calculated using the following equations as


Windward Walls at Zone 4 and Zone 5

13. p = qz (GCp) – qi(±GCpi) (N/m2) (Eq. 207E.6-1,NSCP 2015)

where q = qz for GCp (+) and qh for GCp (+)

Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.
qi = qz for GCpi (+) and qh for GCpi (+)

At 1m height

P1 = 2206.548 (0.844) – 2206.548(0.55) = 648.725 N/m2

P1 = 2206.548 (0.844) – 2745.576(-0.55) = 3372.393 N/m2

At 3.6m height

P3.6 = 2206.548 (0.844) – 2206.548(0.55) = 648.725 N/m2

P3.6 = 2206.548 (0.844) – 2745.576(-0.55) = 3372.393 N/m2

At 6.8m height

P6.8 = 2206.548 (0.844) – 2206.548(0.55) = 648.725 N/m2

P6.8 = 2206.548 (0.844) – 2745.576(-0.55) = 3372.393 N/m2

At 10m height

P10 = 2269.592 (0.844) – 2269.592 (0.55) = 667.260 N/m2

P10 = 2269.592 (0.844) – 2745.576(-0.55) = 3425.602 N/m2

At 13.2m height

P13.2 = 2458.725(0.844) – 2458.725(0.55) = 722.865 N/m2

P13.2 = 2458.725(0.844) – 2745.576(-0.55) = 3585.230 N/m2

At 16.4m height

P16.4 = 2613.183(0.844) – 2613.183(0.55) = 768.276 N/m2

P16.4 = 2613.183(0.844) – 2745.576(-0.55) = 3715.593 N/m2

Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.
At 19.6m height

P19.6 = 2745.576(0.844) – 2745.576(0.55) = 807.199 N/m2

P19.6 = 2745.576(0.844) – 2745.576 (-0.55) = 3827.333 N/m2

Leeward walls,

at zone 4,

P1 = 2745.576 (-0.88) – 2206.548(0.55) = -3629.708 N/m2

At 3.6m height

P3.6 = 2745.576 (-0.88) – 2206.548(0.55) = -3629.708 N/m2

At 6.8m height

P6.8 = 2745.576 (-0.88) – 2206.548(0.55) = -3629.708 N/m2

At 10m height

P10 = 2745.576 (-0.88) – 2269.592(0.55) = -3664.382 N/m2

At 13.2m height

P13.2 = 2745.576 (-0.88) – 2458.725(0.55) = -3768.405 N/m2

At 16.4m height

P16.4 = 2745.576 (-0.88) – 2613.183(0.55) = -3853.173 N/m2

At 19.6m height

P19.6 = 2745.576 (-0.88) – 2745.576(0.55) = -3926.357 N/m2

P = 2745.576[-0.880 – (-0.55)] = -906.040 N/m2

Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.
at zone 5,

P1 = 2745.576 (-1.718) – 2206.548(0.55) = -5930.500 N/m2

At 3.6m height

P3.6 = 2745.576 (-1.718) – 2206.548(0.55) = -5930.500 N/m2

At 6.8m height

P6.8 = 2745.576 (-1.718) – 2206.548(0.55) = -5930.500 N/m2

At 10m height

P10 = 2745.576 (-1.718) – 2269.592(0.55) = -5965.175 N/m2

At 13.2m height

P13.2 = 2745.576 (-1.718) – 2458.725(0.55) = -6069.198 N/m2

At 16.4m height

P16.4 = 2745.576 (-1.718) – 2613.183(0.55) = -6154.150 N/m2

At 19.6m height

P19.6 = 2745.576 (-1.718) – 2745.576(0.55) = -6226.966 N/m2

P = 2745.576[-1.718 – (0.55)] = -6226.966 N/m2

Zone Height above Windward Pressure (Pa) Leeward Pressure (Pa)

ground level, z
Gcpi -Gcpi Gcpi -Gcpi
19.6 807.199 3827.333 -3926.173345
16.4 768.276 3715.593 -3853.357272 -906.040

13.2 722.865 3585.230 -3768.405186

Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.
10 667.260 3425.602 -3664.382223

6.8 648.725 3372.393 -3629.707902

3.6 648.725 3372.393 -3629.707902

1 648.725 3372.393 -3629.707902

19.6 807.199 3827.333 -3926.173345

16.4 768.276 3715.593 -3853.357272

13.2 722.865 3585.230 -3768.405186

10 667.260 3425.602 -3664.382223 -

6.8 648.725 3372.393 -3629.707902

3.6 648.725 3372.393 -3629.707902

1 648.725 3372.393 -3629.707902

13. Calculate the horizontal shear

V = PA

At positive internal pressure coefficient, Gcpi

V1 = (648.725 N/m2) (19.1m2) = 12.391 KN

V3.6 = (648.725 N/m2) (49.66m2) = 32.216 KN

V6.8 = (648.725 N/m2) (61.12m2) = 39.650 KN

V10 = (667.260 N/m2) (61.12m2) = 40.783 KN

V13.2 = (722.865 N/m2) (61.12m2) = 44.182 KN

V16.4 = (768.276 N/m2) (61.12m2) = 46.957 KN

V19.6 = (807.199 N/m2) (61.12m2) = 49.336 KN

Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.

At negative internal pressure coefficient, Gcpi

V1 = (3372.393 N/m2) (19.1m2) = 64.413 KN

V3.6 = (3372.393 N/m2) (49.66m2) = 167.473 KN

V6.8 = (3372.393 N/m2) (61.12m2) = 206.121 KN

V10 = (3425.602 N/m2) (61.12m2) = 209.372 KN

V13.2 = (3585.230 N/m2) (61.12m2) = 219.129 KN

V16.4 = (3715.593 N/m2) (61.12m2) = 227.097 KN

V19.6 = (3827.333 N/m2) (61.12m2) = 233.927 KN

For Apartment B (Alternative Design)

1. Occupancy Category IV: Standard Occupancy Structures

2. Basic Wind speed V = 280 kph = 77.78 m/s

3. Directionality Factor, Kd = 0.85

4. Exposure Category = B

5. Topographic factor, Kzt = 1.0

6. Gust effect factor, G or Gf = 0.85

7. Enclosure Classification:

Partially Enclosed

8. Internal pressure coefficient, GCpi:

Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.
Six-Storey Apartment type Building B +0.55
(Alternative Design) -0.55

9. The velocity factor coefficient, Kh or Kz:

At 1.00 m:

Kz = 0.70

At 3.60 m:

Kz = 0.70

At 6.80m:

Kz = 0.70

At 10m:

Using interpolation,

y 2− y 1
y – y1 = ( x 2−x 1) ( x−x 1 )

Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.
where x = velocity factor coefficient

y = height above ground level

12m−9 m
10m – 9m = ( 0.76−0.70 ) ( x−0.70 )
x = 0.72

At 13.2m:

Using interpolation,

y 2− y 1
y – y1 = ( x 2−x 1) ( x−x 1 )

where x = velocity factor coefficient

y = height above ground level

13.2m – 12m = ( 150.81−0.76

m−12 m
) ( x−0.76 )
x = 0.78

At 16.4m:

Using interpolation,

y 2− y 1
y – y1 = ( x 2−x 1) ( x−x 1 )

where x = velocity factor coefficient

Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.
y = height above ground level

16.4m – 15m = ( 180.85−0.81

m−15 m
) ( x−0.81)
x = 0.829

At 19.6m:

Using interpolation,

y 2− y 1
y – y1 = ( x 2−x 1) ( x−x 1 )

where x = velocity factor coefficient

y = height above ground level

19.6m – 18m = ( 210.89−0.85

m−18 m
) ( x−0.85 )
x = 0.871

Height above ground level, z

Velocity factor coefficient
19.6 0.871
16.4 0.829
13.2 0.78
10 0.72
6.8 0.7
3.6 0.7
1 0.7

10. pressure, qz:

Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.
at 1m:

qz = 0.613 Kz Kzt Kd V2

qz = 0.613 (0.70) (1.0) (0.85) (77.78 m/s)2

qz = 2206.548 Pa

at 3.60m:

qz = 0.613 Kz Kzt Kd V2

qz = 0.613 (0.70) (1.0) (0.85) (77.78 m/s)2

qz = 2206.548 Pa

at 6.80m:

qz = 0.613 Kz Kzt Kd V2

qz = 0.613 (0.70) (1.0) (0.85) (77.78 m/s)2

qz = 2206.548 Pa

at 10m:

qz = 0.613 Kz Kzt Kd V2

qz = 0.613 (0.72) (1.0) (0.85) (77.78 m/s)2

qz = 2269.592 Pa

at 13.2m:

qz = 0.613 Kz Kzt Kd V2

qz = 0.613 (0.78) (1.0) (0.85) (77.78 m/s)2

Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.
qz = 2458.725 Pa

at 16.4m:

qz = 0.613 Kz Kzt Kd V2

qz = 0.613 (0.829) (1.0) (0.85) (77.78 m/s)2

qz = 2613.183 Pa

at 19.6m:

qz = 0.613 Kz Kzt Kd V2

qz = 0.613 (0.871) (1.0) (0.85) (77.78 m/s)2

qz = 2745.576 Pa

Height above ground level, z

Velocity Pressure, qz
19.6 2745.575766
16.4 2613.182905
13.2 2458.724567
10 2269.591908
6.8 2206.547688
3.6 2206.547688
1 2206.547688

11. External pressure coefficient, GCp in accordance with Figure 207.F.6-1,

Wind at x direction

a = 10% least horizontal dimension, (must be less than 0.90m)

a = 0.10 (19.1m) = 1.91m

1.91m > 0.90m

Therefore, use a = 1.91m

Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.
Effective Area, A = L(L/3) = 3.2m (3.2m)

A = 3.413 m2

For Zone 5,

Using interpolation,

y 2− y 1
y – y1 = ( x 2−x 1 )
( x−x 1 )

where x = effective area

y = External pressure coefficient, GCp

0.8−0.9 m
y – 0.9 = ( 2
4.6 m −1.9 m ) 2 2
2 ( 3.413 m −1.9 m )

y = 0.844 – positive Gcp

y + 1.8 = ( 9.3−1.4+1.8
m −1.9 m )
( 3.413 m −1.9 m )

y = -1.718 – negative Gcp

For Zone 4,

Using interpolation,

y 2− y 1
y – y1 = ( x 2−x 1 )
( x−x 1 )

where x = effective area

y = External pressure coefficient, GCp

0.8−0.9 m
y – 0.9 = ( 2
4.6 m −1.9 m ) 2 2
2 ( 3.413 m −1.9 m )

Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.
y = 0.844 – positive Gcp

−0.8+0.9 m
y + 0.9 = ( 9.3 m2−1.9 m2 )
( 3.413 m 2−1.9 m2)

y = -0.880 – negative Gcp

Zone Gcp Gcp

5 0.844 -1.718
4 0.844 -0.880

12. The design wind load (p) shall be calculated using the following equations as


Windward Walls at Zone 4 and Zone 5

p = qz (GCp) – qi(±GCpi) (N/m2) (Eq. 207E.6-1,NSCP 2015)

where q = qz for GCp (+) and qh for GCp (+)

qi = qz for GCpi (+) and qh for GCpi (+)

At 1m height

P1 = 2206.548 (0.844) – 2206.548(0.55) = 648.725 N/m2

P1 = 2206.548 (0.844) – 2745.576(-0.55) = 3372.393 N/m2

At 3.6m height

P3.6 = 2206.548 (0.844) – 2206.548(0.55) = 648.725 N/m2

P3.6 = 2206.548 (0.844) – 2745.576(-0.55) = 3372.393 N/m2

At 6.8m height

Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.
P6.8 = 2206.548 (0.844) – 2206.548(0.55) = 648.725 N/m2

P6.8 = 2206.548 (0.844) – 2745.576(-0.55) = 3372.393 N/m2

At 10m height

P10 = 2269.592 (0.844) – 2269.592 (0.55) = 667.260 N/m2

P10 = 2269.592 (0.844) – 2745.576(-0.55) = 3425.602 N/m2

At 13.2m height

P13.2 = 2458.725(0.844) – 2458.725(0.55) = 722.865 N/m2

P13.2 = 2458.725(0.844) – 2745.576(-0.55) = 3585.230 N/m2

At 16.4m height

P16.4 = 2613.183(0.844) – 2613.183(0.55) = 768.276 N/m2

P16.4 = 2613.183(0.844) – 2745.576(-0.55) = 3715.593 N/m2

At 19.6m height

P19.6 = 2745.576(0.844) – 2745.576(0.55) = 807.199 N/m2

P19.6 = 2745.576(0.844) – 2745.576 (-0.55) = 3827.333 N/m2

Leeward walls,

at zone 4,

P1 = 2745.576 (-0.88) – 2206.548(0.55) = -3629.708 N/m2

At 3.6m height

P3.6 = 2745.576 (-0.88) – 2206.548(0.55) = -3629.708 N/m2

Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.
At 6.8m height

P6.8 = 2745.576 (-0.88) – 2206.548(0.55) = -3629.708 N/m2

At 10m height

P10 = 2745.576 (-0.88) – 2269.592(0.55) = -3664.382 N/m2

At 13.2m height

P13.2 = 2745.576 (-0.88) – 2458.725(0.55) = -3768.405 N/m2

At 16.4m height

P16.4 = 2745.576 (-0.88) – 2613.183(0.55) = -3853.173 N/m2

At 19.6m height

P19.6 = 2745.576 (-0.88) – 2745.576(0.55) = -3926.357 N/m2

P = 2745.576[-0.880 – (-0.55)] = -906.040 N/m2

at zone 5,

P1 = 2745.576 (-1.718) – 2206.548(0.55) = -5930.500 N/m2

At 3.6m height

P3.6 = 2745.576 (-1.718) – 2206.548(0.55) = -5930.500 N/m2

At 6.8m height

P6.8 = 2745.576 (-1.718) – 2206.548(0.55) = -5930.500 N/m2

At 10m height

P10 = 2745.576 (-1.718) – 2269.592(0.55) = -5965.175 N/m2

Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.
At 13.2m height

P13.2 = 2745.576 (-1.718) – 2458.725(0.55) = -6069.198 N/m2

At 16.4m height

P16.4 = 2745.576 (-1.718) – 2613.183(0.55) = -6154.150 N/m2

At 19.6m height

P19.6 = 2745.576 (-1.718) – 2745.576(0.55) = -6226.966 N/m2

P = 2745.576[-1.718 – (0.55)] = -6226.966 N/m2

Zone Height above Windward Pressure (Pa) Leeward Pressure (Pa)

ground level, z
Gcpi -Gcpi Gcpi -Gcpi
19.6 807.199 3827.333 -3926.173345

16.4 768.276 3715.593 -3853.357272

13.2 722.865 3585.230 -3768.405186

4 10 667.260 3425.602 -3664.382223 -906.040
6.8 648.725 3372.393 -3629.707902

3.6 648.725 3372.393 -3629.707902

1 648.725 3372.393 -3629.707902

19.6 807.199 3827.333 -3926.173345

16.4 768.276 3715.593 -3853.357272

13.2 722.865 3585.230 -3768.405186 -

10 667.260 3425.602 -3664.382223

6.8 648.725 3372.393 -3629.707902

Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.
3.6 648.725 3372.393 -3629.707902

1 648.725 3372.393 -3629.707902

13. Calculate the horizontal shear

V = PA

At positive internal pressure coefficient, Gcpi

V1 = (648.725 N/m2) (19.1m2) = 12.391 KN

V3.6 = (648.725 N/m2) (49.66m2) = 32.216 KN

V6.8 = (648.725 N/m2) (61.12m2) = 39.650 KN

V10 = (667.260 N/m2) (61.12m2) = 40.783 KN

V13.2 = (722.865 N/m2) (61.12m2) = 44.182 KN

V16.4 = (768.276 N/m2) (61.12m2) = 46.957 KN

V19.6 = (807.199 N/m2) (61.12m2) = 49.336 KN

At negative internal pressure coefficient, Gcpi

V1 = (3372.393 N/m2) (19.1m2) = 64.413 KN

V3.6 = (3372.393 N/m2) (49.66m2) = 167.473 KN

V6.8 = (3372.393 N/m2) (61.12m2) = 206.121 KN

V10 = (3425.602 N/m2) (61.12m2) = 209.372 KN

V13.2 = (3585.230 N/m2) (61.12m2) = 219.129 KN

Proposed Site Development Plan and Design of Socialized… Chapter 1I: Technical
Aguisanda, J.D.L., Ilagan, R.C., Valencia, A.G.S.
V16.4 = (3715.593 N/m2) (61.12m2) = 227.097 KN

V19.6 = (3827.333 N/m2) (61.12m2) = 233.927 KN


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