Agreement For An Easement of Right of Way

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This Memorandum of Agreement made and entered into by and between: _______ , of legal age,
Filipino,(single / married /widow),and a resident of  _____________ , Philippines,(hereinafter referred
to as the "FIRST PARTY"),- and -_____________ , of legal age, Filipino,(single / married /widow),and a
resident of  _____________ , Philippines,(hereinafter referred to as the "SECOND PARTY"),

WITNESSETH: THAT-WHEREAS, the FIRST PARTY is the true and registered owner of a
certain parcel of land, more particularly described as follows:(Technical Description of Property)

WHEREAS, the SECOND PARTY is the true and registered owner of a certain parcel of land, more
particularly described as follows:(Technical Description of Property)

WHEREAS, the above-described parcel of land belonging to the SECOND PARTY is

surrounded by other parcels of land, including that belonging to the FIRSTPARTY, and has no
adequate outlet to a public highway;

WHEREAS, t h e S E C O N D P A R T Y h a d a s k e d f o r a r i g h t o f w a y
p a s s i n g traversing to the above-described parcel of land belonging to the FIRST PARTY,
andthe FIRST PARTY is willing and able to provide and grant a perpetual easement of right-of-
way in favor of the SECOND PARTY on the road described and marked in the Lot Plan herein described
and hereto attached as Annex "A" subject to the terms and conditions herein agreed upon.

NOW, THEREFORE,   f o r   a n d   i n   c o n s i d e r a t i o n   o f   t
h e   s u m   o f    __________________________ (P _____________ ) , t h e r e c e i p t
o f w h i c h i s h e r e b y acknowledged by the FIRST PARTY to his full and complete
satisfaction, the FIRSTPARTY, for itself and in behalf of heirs, assigns, and successor-in-
interests, by these presents, hereby grants unto and in favor of the SECOND PARTY, his
heirs, assigns

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