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J u l y 2 0 2 0 - r e a d mo r e a t w w w . r mt l o n d o n ca l l i n g . o r g .

u k/ j u b i l e e s o u t h

Covid-19 Charter sets out

RMT ‘lines in the sand’
We are organising to defend jobs and workplace safety
as staff to socially distance must be
part of this process, which must in- 19-charter
clude trade union safety reps as well
as management. Covid 19 is a threat to the health and
also economic security of all of us
Some of the specific demands in the across the Tube. Therefore we all
charter include: need to be in the same union so we
can stand together and fight for a
• All individual tasks must be risk safe Tube and to protect jobs and
assessed involving RMT safety conditions. There is only one union
reps. that represents all Tube workers in all
• Risks to BAME members must be grades, the RMT. Join by searching
The RMT London Transport Region assessed for their specific role online for ‘Join RMT union’.
has drawn up a Covid-19 charter list- and location and acted on.
ing our demands and ’lines in the
sand’ in order to bring together the • All staff at additional risk should Night Tube Drivers’
continue to be accommodated
issues and needs most important to
away from the workplace. No-one
Secondment Extended
members across the Tube, and to
form a backbone for our organising in this category should be forced The secondment of Night Tube driv-
activities. to work. ers to full time has been extended by
• Social distancing rosters and re- 12 weeks.
The charter was drawn up by reps
and officials in all grades across Lon- duced staffing levels should be Night Tube has been suspended
don Underground. implemented as widely as possi- until at least March 2021 which has
ble and be regularly reviewed by resulted in a reduction in numbers at
The charter explains that in every reps. Any changes to staffing lev-
sector of the economy workers and some depots. The RMT has ensured
els should be by agreement. NT drivers are protected, with those
their trade unions should be involved Where reps agree it is safe and
in risk assessing all types of work in displaced moved to a full time posi-
necessary to do so, temporary tions and a guarantee that NT num-
each workplace before they are re- staffing levels should be increased
quired to return to work. Workplaces bers will be put back to what they
where the service level demands were once Night Tube restarts.
should only be re-opened when the it.
workforce agrees it is safe to do so. Jubilee South branch has discussed
London Underground and TfL must • Train operator duties must be re-
the restriction which keeps seconded
be able to assure us that different designed with input from RMT
T023 drivers on NT hours and plans
phases of lifting lockdown can be safety reps to ensure social dis-
to continue this discussion at the
achieved without forcing usage tancing, minimise risk and ad-
next branch meeting.
above 13% of capacity, which is the dress the various concerns of train
maximum we can carry while main- operators. The RMT is disappointed that
taining social distancing. ASLEF continues to attack the RMT
• Pay must be restored to all who
when putting out propaganda for NT
The level of services provided and refused to work because of fears
drivers. This is detrimental to all of
number of passengers using the tube for safety. The proper refusal to
us, particularly those in that grade.
must be kept under constant review work process must be followed.
We need to stand together as work-
in light of any moves in the levels of
You can read the full charter on the ers to defend ourselves from man-
Covid 19 infections and the R num-
RMT London Calling website at: agement attacks. -
ber. The ability of passengers as well

Jubilee South branch is now fortnightly. Join us on pay day and two weeks later, usually 1600 for a virtual
meeting. Ask your rep or Organiser Eamonn Lynch for details - 07578769943 /
Jubilee South branch news
Jubilee South branch stands in solidarity with TFL Funding Rally
striking Tower Hamlets council workers Join the joint union ‘TfL Funding Rally’
Council workers in the east London Like us on London Underground, as at 6pm on the 15th of July on Zoom.
borough of Tower Hamlets are due key workers you have continued to
to strike on 3, 6, and 7 July, against provide essential services all The COVID-19 pandemic has caused
their bosses' plans to dismiss thou- through the Covid crisis at great massive financial challenges for
sands of workers and re-engage personal risk to yourselves and Transport for London but TfL workers
them on worse terms and con- your families, but now you are to should not have to pay for the corona-
ditions. be ‘rewarded‘ with the sack in virus crisis!
order to impose inferior
At its meeting on 1 July, terms and conditions. TRADE UNIONS DEMAND:
RMT Jubilee South
branch, which organis- It is a disgrace that a > No cuts to services.
es workers at Canary Labour Council,
Wharf station, in the whose leaders are > Full restoration of central government
borough of Tower Ham- working safely from funding
lets, launched a solidarity home during Covid,
statement in support of the should act in this way. > No job cuts and no deterioration in
strike, and donated £200 to Labour Councils are terms and conditions
the workers' strike fund. RMT elected to defend and ex-
activists are organising to tend social provision in our Speakers at the rally will include:
secure additional branch communities, and TH is
Paula Peters - DPAC (Disabled People
and individual signato- already one of the
ries to the statement. most deprived, with a Against Cuts, Steve Hedley - RMT As-
large BAME commu- sistant General Secretary, Lorraine
The statement nity that has been Ward - Organising Director, TSSA,
among the hardest hit, Finn Brennan - ASLEF District Organ-
As an RMT branch organ- and the council should be
ising Tube workers in workplaces in iser and many more.
part of the resistance to central
Tower Hamlets, we stand in full soli- government cuts, not the active You can get more details on the RMT
darity with Tower Hamlets Unison accomplice.
members in their fight to defend their London Calling website including the
terms and conditions, and to main- Full solidarity to the workers on link to join the rally. Sign up now.
tain the services they provide to the strike. See you on the picket lines.

Bring cleaners in house and give them free travel

RMT continues to push for free travel for ABM cleaners on the Tube and for them to ultimately be
directly employed by London Underground.
Why should the people who clean the dirt on our trains have to pay to travel to work to do so? As
Tube workers we should all have the same right to free travel, particularly at a time like this when
cleaners are keeping us safe from coronavirus.
In a recent press release the RMT called on new Commissioner Andy Byford to put a stop to this shameful injustice
by giving London’s heroic Underground cleaners the same TfL travel pass that he and the Mayor are entitled to.
In another article, the RMT highlighted how London Mayor Sadiq Khan has praised the “amazing job in these ex-
traordinarily difficult times” by tube cleaners and thanked them for their “commitment and service to our city.”’ How-
ever, the article explains the Mayor continues to refuse cleaners free travel.

ABM furlough and leave

ABM has compelled tube cleaners to take annual leave during their Furlough period. This is despite the rules of the
government's furlough scheme allowing a maximum of four weeks leave to be carried forward over the next two
years when it has “not been reasonably practicable for the worker to have taken the annual leave due to COVID-19”.
With the restrictions on public life at present and the near impossibility of enjoying annual leave in the usual manner,
that ABM should be compelling members to take annual leave is unacceptable.
Strong objections were made to ABM over this matter by our Regional Organiser. If you have had an issue at ABM
come along to branch or tell your workplace rep. All cleaners are invited to join the RMT and come along to Jubilee
South branch. We are ready to organise with you to fight for a fair deal.
- Search online for ‘Join RMT union.’

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