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Education Facts of the Week

Get any inputs from the Education books

2. Group Chat

Administrator-Allan Magsipoc

- Initiate topic for weekly discussion related to General Education

- Initiate topic for weekly discussion related to Professional Education

3. Creating Research Culture in CTE

Introduction Method Results Analysis and


Provide only the scenario of the Provide the Provide the results of the Provide analysis and
problem method used in the study discussion.

Title of the study:

Level of awareness in Disaster Risk

Management among students

One the gravest problem in the The study made Overall results of the The results of the
country is climate change ( Magsipoc, use of the survey study yielded that the level of awareness in
2015). Imminent danger brought questionnaire level of awareness in Disaster Risk
about by this phenomenon has been specifically Disaster Risk Management among
very evident in the forms of designed to obtain Management among students is average
earthquake, flash flood, typhoons and the level of students is average . which means that
other environmental chaos. awareness in the students are not
Disaster Risk fully aware on how
_______________________________ Management to implement safety
_______________________________ among students. procedure in times
_______________________________ Responses were of man-made and
_______________________________ obtained through nature –driven
______________________. survey method. calamities.
Survey method is a
It is in this light that the researchers research method
want to investigate the Awareness in that aims to
Disaster Risk Management among ________________
students . Results of this day would ________________
surely contribute to the s safety and ________________
security among learners and in the ________________

Compilation of Researches

4. Diversified Educators (compose of potential topnotchers)

5. Industry Forum


AVP---------------------- JMC

AVP……………………… A glimpse of the 2018 TED Curricula vis a vis

Enhanced Basic Education Curriculum



1 DepED Region
2Host Training Schools
1Pafte/ TCELF
(Technical Committee on Educational Leadership and Foundations)
Guide Questions:

1. Teacher Education in the 21 st Century

2. Globalization in Education

3. Curriculum Enhancement

Closing Speech------ Dean or Program Head

6. Tracer


1. start of the operation of CTE- courses/specialization-students – started in the year 2004-2005. CTE
offered Bachelor of Elementary Education and Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English and
Math. It has a total of 6 students on its first year of operation.

2. 1st LET- The first graduates of CTE were just two on the year 2008. On September 2008, they took the
LET, and were able to pass. JMC got 100% passing rate.

3. next 5 years

4. last 5 years

5. evaluative performance

- not consistent

- not favourable

-within or not –national passing percentage

6.Highlight when –HIGH when- LOW

7. at present—licensure initiative---competency appraisal program

Employment Data


(1) Coordinate with Mr. Jayson Ybanez at Philippine Eagle for possible partnership

(2) Possible partnership may include:

(a) promotional videos and materials

(3) Memorandum of Agreement or Memorandum of Collaboration (MOA) or (MOU)


(1) Coordinate with_________________ at CSSDO

(2) Possible partnership may include:

(a) Professional Lecture to Project Hope Teachers

Possible speaker:

1. Genelyn Sanico

-Classroom Management

- Teaching Strategies

2. Allan Magsipoc

- Communication Setting

- Responsibility Building

3. Ruby Serrano

- Enhanced Qualification

- Educational Trends in the 21 st Century

4. Florence Guerra

- Filipino Language and Culture to Children

5. Flordelis Bonocan

- Beginning Sciences

Overall Coordinator : J O A N the Great!!!

(3) Memorandum of Agreement or Memorandum of Collaboration (MOA) or (MOU)

(4) Proposal

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