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Fluorite CaF2


n 1.4331.435
Dispersion Weak
D (g/cm3) 3.18
H 4
Cleavage {111} perfect
Twinning {111}, commonly as interpenetrant cubes
Colour Extremely variable: colourless, white, yellow, green, blue and purple varieties are the most
common; colourless, pale green or pale violet in thin section
Unit cell a 5.463 Å
Z = 4; space group Fm3m
Special features Soluble in H2SO4 with evolution of HF; slightly soluble in HCl

Fluorite occurs typically as late-stage accessory mineral in granites and greisens, and is also found
as a product of hydrothermal mineralization in limestones.

Structure sometimes known as antozonite. Some dark purple

fluorite may contain hydrocarbons, and in particular
The calcium ions in fluorite are arranged on a cubic the Blue John fluorite from Treak Cliff, Castleton,
face-centred lattice, while each fluorine ion is at the Derbyshire, has yielded as much as 0.27% carbon. Dark
centre of one of the smaller cubes obtained by dividing purple fluorites have also been reported to be relatively
the unit cube into eight parts (Fig. 314). Each Ca is thus rich in strontium, containing up to 1% Sr.
coordinated by eight F ions and each F is surrounded by Fluorite can be prepared artificially by the evapora-
four Ca ions arranged at the corners of a regular tion of a solution of CaF2 in HCl. Large synthetic
tetrahedron. This is the simplest of the structures crystals for optical purposes have been obtained by
commonly assumed by AX2 compounds and represents fusing precipitated CaF2 in a graphite crucible in a
the highest possible coordination (8:4), the radius ratio vacuum furnace; PbF2 may be added to act as a
condition being that RA:RX > 0.732. scavenger for impurities. The name is derived from the
Latin fluo, I flow, in allusion to its readily fusible nature
and its commercial use as a flux in smelting.

Most fluorite is at least 99% CaF2, and the small Optical and physical properties
amounts of Si, Al and Mg reported are probably due to
impurities or inclusions. The chief substitutions which The low refractive index, small dispersion and
can occur are the replacement of part of the Ca by Sr or isotropic nature make colourless fluorite a suitable
by Y and Ce: in the variety yttrofluorite, (Ca,Y)F23, material for optical use. For fluorite with substantial
the YF3 component may amount to 1020% with minor substitution of Y for Ca, the refractive index is
amounts of CeF3. Some fluorites are reported to contain considerably increased.
free fluorine, and on grinding these specimens may give The problem of colour in fluorite has been
a strong odour of ozone and HF: this variety is extensively discussed. The theories put forward include


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Fig. 314. The crystal structure of fluorite (CrystalMaker image).

Blue: calcium; green: fluorine.

physical defects in the crystal structure, radioactive responsible for the deep blue colour of Blue John-type
inclusions or emanations from nearby radioactive fluorite. The fluorescence (a phenomenon which derives
material, traces of rare earths, and the presence of its name from fluorite) is commonly strong and has been
inclusions of carbonaceous material or MnO2. Purple correlated with relatively high contents of the rare earths
fluorite found in association with radioactive minerals Eu, La and Ce (Fig. 315); Y and Sm may also be
becomes colourless on heating above about 175ºC: the important in the green varieties.
colour is associated with an increase in refractive index
and a decrease in density.
Recent studies have shown that complex ‘centres’ Distinguishing features
involving rare-earth ions and/or oxygen give rise to
many of the various colours observed. These include In hand specimen fluorite may be distinguished by its
yttrium-associated F centres (blue), coexisting yttrium- perfect octahedral cleavage, its vitreous lustre and its
and cerium-associated F centres (yellowish green), the cubic habit. The colour is so variable as to be of little
YO2 centre (rose) and the ionized O2 molecule (O 3) help, but varying shades of purple and violet are
(yellow), cf. halite colours p. 483. Divalent rare-earth common colours, as are green and yellow, and the
ions also contribute to the coloration as in green fluorite colourless material is not rare. Fluorite is relatively soft,
(Sm2+). Strong irradiation of the crystals with ionizing does not effervesce with acid as calcite does, but is
radiation leads to coagulation of colour centres and to attacked by H2SO4. Under the microscope its isotropic
precipitation of metallic Ca colloids which may be character and very low refractive index are character-
istic: purple varieties often have sufficient depth of
colour to remain purple or violet in thin section.
Cryolite (Na3AlF6) has an even lower relief, is very
weakly birefringent, and has a pseudocubic {001}
cleavage. Halite has a perfect {001} cleavage and a
higher refractive index.


In igneous rocks fluorite may occur as a late-

crystallizing, mainly hydrothermal product, especially
in granites, syenites and greisen: it is a rather common
accessory mineral in some granitic pegmatites.
Examination of liquid inclusions in pegmatite fluorites
by the decrepitation method has given a range of
crystallization temperatures of 450550ºC. It is found in
the Alnö Island alkaline complex where it occurs in
calcitefluorite dykes, and has been reported from
nepheline syenite, and from apatite-rich deposits in
Fig. 315. Chondrite-normalized plots of REE in (1) fluorescent
green fluorite from Weardale and (2) Blue John fluorite, alkaline rocks in the Transvaal where it occurs in
Castleton, Derbyshire (after Howie, R.A., Pegram, E. & Walsh, economically important quantities. Some Newfoundland
J.N., 1982, J. Russell Soc., 1, 225). deposits, in granite, consist of veins 1.56 m thick,


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containing 7595% CaF2. Fluorite has also been Fluorite is sometimes found as a cementing material
recorded in the drusy cavities of blocks ejected from in sandstone: violet grains of fluorite are fairly common
volcanoes, and as a volcanic sublimate. In these igneous as a detrital mineral in sands, being derived from acid
occurrences associated minerals include cassiterite, igneous rocks and hydrothermal deposits. The mineral is
topaz, apatite and lepidolite for the pneumatolytic known from geodes, with calcite, baryte and sphalerite
deposits, and calcite, pyrite and apatite for the in limestone, where it is probably hydrothermal in
hydrothermal product. origin. The variety of fluorite known as Blue John
Fluorite is commonly found associated with typical occurs in spheroidal nodular masses with a radiating
hydrothermal minerals not known to be directly related to crystalline structure, and contains blue bands of varying
any igneous body. Such hydrothermal vein deposits may intensity arranged concentrically, parallel to the nodular
also carry baryte, sphalerite, galena, calcite and surface, and between these, colourless, yellow or paler
chalcedony or quartz. In the English Pennines purple blue bands: this variety is virtually restricted to an area
and green fluorite occur towards the centre of the fluorite near Castleton, Derbyshire.
zone whereas in the outer portion yellow fluorite is
found, and it is commonly associated with baryte.
Further reading
Homogenization studies on primary fluid inclusions in
hydrothermal fluorite from the North Pennine Allen, R.D. (1952) Variations in chemical and physical properties of
(Pb,Zn,Ba)fluorite deposits indicate depositional fluorite. American Mineralogist, 37, 910930.
temperatures of 92220ºC; the fluids are highly saline Bill, H. and Calas, G. (1978) Color centers, associated rare-earth ions
with 1525 equivalent wt.% NaCl. The ore-forming fluid and the origin of coloration in natural fluorites. Physics and
was probably a concentrated (Na,Ca,K)-chloride brine Chemistry of Minerals, 3, 117131.
Braithwaite, R.S.W., Flowers, W.T. Hazeldine, R.N. and Russell, M.
similar to modern oilfield waters found at depth in
(1973) The cause of the colour of Blue John and other purple
sedimentary basins; at a flow rate of 0.51.0 cm/s, the fluorites. Mineralogical Magazine, 39, 401411.
formation of a typical vein might take 1000 years. The Naldrett, D.L., Lachaine, A. and Naldrett, S.N. (1987) Rare earth
Illinois-Kentucky fluorite deposits are epigenetic and elements, thermal history, and the colour of natural fluorites.
include vein deposits and bedding replacement deposits: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 24, 20822088.
physical guides were structural and stratigraphical. Nordstrom, D.K. and Jenne, E.A. (1977) Fluorite solubility equilibria
in selected geothermal waters. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta,
Dilution of mineralizing fluids by groundwater, and the
41, 175188.
change in temperature gradient on contact with excess Rogers, P.J. (1978) Fluid inclusion studies on fluorite from the
groundwater, are considered to be the major chemical Askrigg Block. Transactions of the Institution of Mining &
factors governing the formation of these fluorite deposits. Metallurgy (Section B: Applied Earth Science), 87, 125131.


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