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Name _________________________________________ Class _____________________________

English in Common 1
Review Test Units 1–5
A Circle the correct choice to complete each sentence.
1. Where / Country are you from?

2. How / What is your email address?

3. I’m / I from Argentina.

4. Him / He’s in the supermarket.

5. There aren’t some / any books for the students.

B Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

6. 554 / You’re / room / in / . ___________________________________

7. number / phone / What / cell / is / his / ? ___________________________________

8. hotel / near / the / we / Are / ? ___________________________________

9. those / How / T-shirts / much / are / ? ___________________________________

10. a / read / book / you / in / Can / Spanish / ? ___________________________________

Underline the syllable with the stress.
11. Tokyo
12. Colombia
13. Australia
14. Toronto
15. India

Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. 1

Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.
A Complete the chart.
Write Say
16. ________________________________ eighty-eight
Room 304 17. Room ____________________________
18. ________________________________ one dollar and seventy-four cents
£2.47 19. ________________________________
20. ________________________________ five o’clock

B Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

beautiful city Spanish yellow address

21. Rome is a ____________________ in Italy.

22. My email ____________________ is

23. Paris isn’t ugly. It’s ____________________.

24. My favorite color is ____________________.

25. He’s from Spain. He’s ____________________.

Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. 2

Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.
Read the postcard. Mark the statements below true (T) or false (F).
Dear Robert
I’m in Seattle, Washington. It’s on the northwestern coast of the United States. The city is very
There’s a big outdoor market in Seattle. It’s called Pike Place Market. It’s the oldest farmer’s
market in the United States. It has fresh fruits, vegetables, fish, meat, and handmade crafts.
We are going to visit the famous Space Needle and some museums this weekend.
See you soon!
Your friend,

_____ 26. Emily is in the United States.

_____ 27. Emily doesn’t like Seattle.

_____ 28. Seattle’s market is new.

_____ 29. Pike Place Market doesn’t have any food.

_____ 30. There are museums in Seattle.

Track 59

A Listen to the three dialogs. Circle the correct choice to complete the statements.
Dialog 1
31. The man buys tickets for three / two people.
32. The cost of the tickets is $30 / $42.30.
Dialog 2
33. The speakers are in a theater box office / bus station.
Dialog 3
34. The speakers are in a supermarket / restaurant.
35. The man pays with a credit card / debit card.

Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. 3

Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.
Track 60

B Listen to the dialog. Mark the statements true (T) or false (F).
___ 36. The speakers are in a hotel.

___ 37. The man asks for directions to a coffee shop and a bank.

___ 38. The woman asks if there is a train station nearby.

___ 39. The Chinese restaurant is next to the bookstore.

___ 40. The museum is across from the Chinese restaurant.

A Write five sentences about ordering in a restaurant with the words from the box.
green salad chicken sandwich bottled water espresso take out

41. __________________________________________________________________________
42. __________________________________________________________________________
43. __________________________________________________________________________
44. __________________________________________________________________________
45. __________________________________________________________________________

B Write five sentences about yourself with the words from the box.
name from age a favorite food a favorite place for a holiday

46. _______________________________________________________
47. _______________________________________________________
48. _______________________________________________________
49. _______________________________________________________
50. _______________________________________________________

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Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

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