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Intermediate Accounting Chapter 02

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1. The conceptual 4. A. is an objectively Although many objections have been

framework for determinable amount. raised about the "cost" principle, it is
financial reporting still widely
consists of how supported for financial reporting
many levels? because it
A. is an objectively determinable
B. is a good measure of current
C. facilitates comparisons between
D. takes into account price-level
adjusted information.

3 levels- the Why, the Bridge, and the 5. A. is the residual According to the FASB conceptual
How interest in the assets framework, equity
of an entity that A. is the residual interest in the assets
2. A. a company satisfies its performance Under the revenue
remains after of an entity that remains after
obligations. recognition
deducting its deducting its liabilities.
principle, revenue is
liabilities. B. is the same thing as
comprehensive income.
recognized when:
C. is the net gains less the net loses
A. a company
for a period of time.
satisfies its
D. is the net revenues and expenses
for a period of time.
B. the merchandise 6. A. Monetary unit Which of the following basic
has been ordered. assumption. accounting assumptions is
C. all expenses threatened by the existence of severe
have been inflation in the economy?
identified. A. Monetary unit assumption.
D. the accounting B. Periodicity assumption.
process is virtually C. Going-concern assumption.
complete. D. Economic entity assumption.

3. A. Cost. What is the 7. A. Yes No According to the FASB Conceptual

constraint that Framework, the elements-assets,
supports liabilities, and equity-describe
considering that the amounts of resources and claims to
benefits of the resources at/during a
information 1. Moment in Time 2. Period of Time
outweigh A. Yes No
the sacrifices to B. Yes Yes
provide the C. No Yes
information? D. No No
A. Cost. 8. A. Yes Yes Yes Ingredients of faithful representation
B. Prudence. are:
C. Consistency. 1. Completeness 2. Neutrality 3. Free
D. Conservatism. from Error
A. Yes Yes Yes
B. Yes No Yes
C. No No No
D. No Yes No
9. B. Financial statements Which of the following violates 13. Change in equity (net Comprehensive Income
included buildings with a the concept of faithful assets) of an entity
carrying amount representation? during a period from
estimated by A. The management report refers transactions and
management. to new discoveries and other events and
inventions made, but the financial circumstances from
statements never report the nonowner sources. It
results. includes all changes in
B. Financial statements included equity during a
buildings with a carrying amount period, except those
estimated by management. resulting from
C. Financial statements were investments by owners
issued one year late. and distributions to
D. All of the choices violate owners.
faithful representation.
14. C. Information that is of In complying with the full
10. B. Predictive value. Which of the following is a sufficient importance to disclosure principle, an
characteristic describing the influence the judgment accountant must determine the
primary quality of relevance? and decisions of an amount of
A. Materiality. informed user. disclosure necessary. How much
B. Predictive value. disclosure is enough?
C. Verifiability. A. Information sufficient for a
D. Understandability. person without any knowledge of
accounting to understand
11. B. promote comparability The major objective of the
the statements.
between financial quality of comparability is to:
B. All information that might be
statements of different A. provide timely financial
of interest to an owner of a
accounting periods. information for statement users.
business enterprise.
B. promote comparability
C. Information that is of sufficient
between financial statements of
importance to influence the
different accounting periods.
judgment and decisions of an
C. enable users to identify the
informed user.
real similarities and differences in
D. Information sufficient to permit
economic events between
most persons coming in contact
with the statements to
D. be sure the same information
reach an accurate decision about
is disclosed in each accounting
the financial condition of the
12. B. those resulting from Comprehensive income includes
15. C. No Yes During the lifetime of an entity
investments by or all changes in equity during a
accountants produce financial
distribution to owners. period except:
statements at artificial points in
A. sale of assets other than
time in accordance with the
concept of:
B. those resulting from
1. Objectivity 2. Periodicity
investments by or distribution to
A. No No
B. Yes No
C. sales to a particular entity
C. No Yes
where ultimate payment by the
D. Yes Yes
entity is doubtful.
D. those resulting from revenue
generated by a totally owned
16. C. No Yes Continuation 21. C. The activity of a The economic entity
of an business enterprise can be assumption in accounting is
accounting kept separate and distinct best reflected by which of the
entity in the from its owners and any following statements?
absence of other business unit. A. When a parent and
evidence to subsidiary company are
the contrary is merged for accounting and
an example of reporting purposes the
the basic economic entity assumption is
concept of violated.
1. Consistency B. The best way to truly
2. Going measure the results of
Concern enterprise activity is to
A. No No measure them at the time the
B. Yes No enterprise is liquidated.
C. No Yes C. The activity of a business
D. Yes Yes enterprise can be kept
separate and distinct from its
17. Comparability and verifiability. Enhancing
owners and any other business
It also includes timeliness and qualities of
understandability. accounting
D. A business enterprise is in
business to enhance the
economic well being of its
18. Comprehensive income. The change in owners.
net assets
22. D. a faithful representation. If accounting information is
during a
complete, free from error, and
period from
neutral, it can be considered:
A. relevant
and other
B. timely.
events and
C. comparable.
D. a faithful representation.
from non-
owner sources 23. D. all of the above. In accounting an economic
is called entity may be defined as:
A. a business enterprise.
19. Confirmatory or predictive value. In order to be
B. an individual.
Relevant information has predictive value relevant,
C. a division within a business
or confirmatory value (or both), and is financial
material. information
D. all of the above.
must have
20. The Cost Constraint (or cost-benefit Cost
relationship) relates to the notion that the Constraint
benefits to be derived from providing
certain accounting information should
exceed the costs of providing that
information. The difficulty in cost-benefit
analysis is that the costs and especially
the benefits are not always evident or
24. D. All of the choices are Which of the following is a 27. Decrease in equity (net assets) Losses
correct. correct statement regarding from peripheral or incidental
the expense recognition transactions of an entity from all
principle? other transactions and other
A. Expenses are recognized events and circumstances
when they make a affecting the entity during a
contribution to revenue. period except those
B. Costs can be charged to that result from expenses or
the current period as an distributions to owners.
expense simply because no
28. Decreases in net assets of a Distributions to Owners
connection with revenue can
particular enterprise that result
be determined.
from transferring
C. In recognizing expenses,
assets, performing services, or
accountants attempt to
incurring liabilities by the
follow the approach of let
enterprise to owners.
the expense follow the
Distributions to owners
decrease ownership interests (or
D. All of the choices are
equity) in an enterprise.
29. D. that where possible the The concept referred to
25. D. Business entities will need Which of the following is
expenses to be included in the by the "expense
far less assistance from not a benefit associated
income statement were incurred recognition" principle is
accountants because the with the FASB Conceptual
to produce the revenues. A. that current liabilities
financial reporting process Framework
have the same period of
will be quite easy to apply. Project?
existence as the current
A. A conceptual framework
should increase financial
B. that all cash
statement users'
disbursements for a
understanding of and
period be matched to
confidence in financial
cash receipts for the
B. Practical problems
C. that net income
should be more quickly
should be reported on a
solvable by reference to an
quarterly basis.
existing conceptual
D. that where possible
the expenses to be
C. A coherent set of
included in the income
accounting standards and
statement were incurred
rules should result.
to produce the revenues.
D. Business entities will
need far less assistance 30. The economic activities of an Economic Entity
from accountants because entity can be accumulated and Assumption
the financial reporting reported in
process will be quite easy a manner that assumes the
to apply. entity is separate and distinct
from its owners or other
26. Decision Usefulness The underlying theme of the
business units.
conceptual framework is?
31. Fair value is a market-based Which of the following
measure. statements about the fair
Fair value is more relevant, more value principle is true?
subjective, and GAAP gives
companies the option of using
fair value for financial assets and
financial liabilities.
32. False True or False Period costs such as officer salaries and 42. False Both GAAP and IFRS are
administrative expenses attach to the product and are Both GAAP and IFRS increasing the use of fair value to
carried into future periods if the revenue from the are increasing the use report assets, but at this point
product is recognized in subsequent periods. of fair value to report GAAP has adopted it more
assets, but at this point broadly.
33. False True or False The notes to financial statements
IFRS has adopted it
generally summarize the items presented in the main
more broadly.
body of the statements.
43. False For information to be relevant, it
34. False True or False If Company A wishes to acquire an asset
For information to be needs to have predictive value
owned by Company B, the cost principle would
relevant, it needs to and confirmatory value.
require Company A to record the asset at the original
have predictive value or
cost to Company B.
confirmatory value or
35. False True or False The economic entity assumption is useful both
only when the entity referred to is a profit-seeking
44. False The difficulty in cost-benefit
business enterprise.
The difficulty in cost- analysis is that the benefits are
36. False True or False The three elements: assets, liabilities, and benefit analysis is that usually evident and easily
equity describe transactions, events, and the costs and especially measurable, while the costs are
circumstances that affect an enterprise during a the benefits are not not always evident or
period of time. always evident or measurable.
37. False True or False When an amount is determined by the measurable.
accountant to be immaterial in relation to other 45. False The existing conceptual
amounts reported in the financial statements, that The existing conceptual frameworks underlying IFRS and
amount may be deleted from the financial frameworks underlying GAAP are strikingly different and
statements. IFRS and GAAP are the FASB and IASB will likely
38. False True or False Adherence to the concept of consistency very similar and there is change many aspects of each of
requires that the same accounting principles be no need to change the frameworks in order to create
applied to similar transactions for a minimum of five many aspects of the a common conceptual framework.
years before any change in principle is adopted. existing frameworks.

39. False True or False Accounting theory is developed without 46. False The periodicity assumption
consideration of the environment within which it The periodicity specifies that the most
exists. assumption suggests appropriate time periods for
that the economic life financial reporting are weekly, bi-
40. False True or False Use of a sound conceptual framework in
of a business can be monthly, and yearly.
the development of accounting principles will make
divided into artificial
financial statements of all entities comparable
time periods such as a
because alternative accounting methods for similar
month, quarter or year.
transactions will be eliminated.
47. Gain An increase in net assets arising
41. False True or False A conceptual framework underlying
from peripheral or incidental
financial accounting is necessary because future
accounting practice problems can be solved by
reference to the conceptual framework and a formal 48. Generally accepted Derive their credibility and
standard-setting body will not be necessary. accounting principles authority from general recognition
and acceptance by the
accounting profession.
49. Going concern. Depreciation and amortization
policies are justifiable and
appropriate because of the:
50. The historical cost principle requires that Measurement 57. In the absence of contrary information, a Going Concern
companies account for and report many Principles business entity is assumed to have a long Assumption
assets and liabilities on the basis of life. The current relevance of the
acquisition price. historical cost principle is dependent on
the going concern assumption.
51. The IASB framework makes two Which
assumptions. statement is 58. In the preparation of financial statements, Full Disclosure
The IASB framework makes two assumptions true the accountant should include sufficient Principle
- accrual basis and going concern. The regarding the information to permit the knowledgeable
converged framework will be a single convergence reader to make an informed judgment
document, the existing frameworks are very project by about the financial condition of the
similar, and while the FASB framework the FASB and enterprise in question.
discusses accrual accounting, it does not IASB?
59. The life of an economic entity can be Periodicity
identify it as an assumption.
divided into artificial time periods for the Assumption
52. IFRS Who, more purpose of providing periodic reports on
broadly, has the economic activities of the entity.
adopted the
60. Materiality Which of the
use of fair
The ingredients of faithful representation following is
value to
include completeness, neutrality, and not among the
freedom from error. ingredients of
53. Increases in equity (net assets) from Gains fundamental
peripheral or incidental transactions of an quality of
entity and from all faithful
other transactions and other events and representation?
circumstances affecting the entity during a
61. Measurement and recognition concepts In the
period except those
such as assumptions, principles, and conceptual
that result from revenues or investments by
constraints. framework for
54. Increases in net assets of a particular Investment reporting, what
enterprise resulting from transfers to it by Owners provides the
from other entities of something of value to "how" - the
obtain or increase ownership interests (or implementation
equity) in it. of accounting?
Assets are most commonly received as
62. Monetary unit assumption. Under current
investments by owners, but that which is
GAAP, inflation
received may include
is ignored in
services or satisfaction or conversion of
accounting due
liabilities of the enterprise.
55. Inflows or other enhancements of assets of Revenues
63. Money is the common denominator of Monetary Unit
an entity or settlement of its liabilities (or a
economic activity and provides an Assumption
combination of both) during a period from
appropriate basis for accounting
delivering or producing goods, performing
measurement and analysis. The monetary
services, or other
unit is assumed to remain relatively stable
activities that constitute the entity's
over the years in terms of purchasing
ongoing major or central operations.
power. In essence, this assumption
56. Information may be more useful for certain Fair Value disregards any inflation or deflation in the
types of assets and liabilities and in certain economy in which the entity operates.
64. Neutrality Enhancing 71. True True or False To be relevant, accounting information
Enhancing qualities include comparability, qualities of must be capable of making a difference in a decision.
verifiability, timeliness, and understandability. accounting
72. True True or False Relevance and reliability are the two
primary qualities that make accounting information
include all
useful for decision making.
of the
following 73. True. A contract is an agreement between two parties that
except: creates enforceable rights or obligations.

65. Outflows or other using up of assets or Expenses 74. True True or False The fact that equity represents an
incurrences of liabilities (or a combination of ownership interest and a residual claim against the net
both) assets of an enterprise means that in the event of
during a period from delivering or producing liquidation, creditors have a priority over owners in
goods, performing services, or carrying out the distribution of assets.
other 75. True True or False The basis for determining whether an
activities that constitute the entity's ongoing item is material is based on both quantitative and
major or central operations. qualitative factors.
66. Performance obligation is satisfied. Generally, 76. True True or False The difficulty in applying the cost
When a company satisfies the performance revenues constraint is that the costs and especially the benefits
obligation to perform services or sell a are are not always evident or measurable.
product, revenue is recognized. recognized
77. True True or False A conceptual framework is a coherent
when the:
system of interrelated objectives and fundamentals
67. Probable future economic benefits obtained Asset that can lead to consistent standards and that
or controlled by a particular entity as a result prescribes the nature, function, and limits of financial
of past accounting and financial statements.
transactions or events.
78. True True or False Under the expense recognition principle,
68. Probable future sacrifices of economic Liabilities it is possible to have an expense reported on the
benefits that arise from present obligations income statement in one period and the cash payment
of a for that expense reported in another period.
particular entity to transfer assets or provide
79. True True or False Recognition of revenue when cash is
services to other entities in the future as a
collected is appropriate only when it is impossible to
result of past
establish the revenue figure at the time of sale because
transactions or events.
of the uncertainty of collection.
69. Residual interest in the assets of an entity Equity
80. True True or False Generally, confirmation of a sale to
that remains after deducting its liabilities. In a
independent interests is used to indicate the point at
business enterprise, the equity is the
which revenue is recognized.
ownership interest.
81. True True or False The periodicity assumption is a result of
70. Revenue is recognized when a company Revenue
the demands of various financial statement user
satisfies its performance obligations. Recognition
groups for timely reporting of financial information.
Recognition at the time of sale provides a Principle
uniform and reasonable test. Certain 82. True True or False The monetary unit assumption means
variations in the revenue recognition that money is the common denominator of economic
principle include: certain long-term activity and provides an appropriate basis for
construction contracts, end-of production accounting measurement and analysis.
recognition, and recognition upon receipt of 83. True True or False The going-concern assumption is
cash. generally applicable in most business situations unless
liquidation appears imminent.
84. True True or False The full disclosure principle states that
information should be provided when it is of
sufficient importance to influence the judgment and
decisions of an informed user.
85. True1 True or False Information that
has been measured and
reported in a similar manner
for different enterprises
is considered comparable.
86. Using the matching principle accountants attempt to match expenses incurred while earning Expense Recognition Principle
revenues with the related revenues. Use of accrual accounting procedures assists the
accountant in allocating revenues and expenses properly among the fiscal periods that
compose the life of a business enterprise.

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