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Advisory Leaflet

Setting-up and Application of

Sewer Information Systems

November 2000
ISBN 3-937758-43-7

Publisher Company of ATV-DVWK German Association for Water, Wastewater

Theodor-Heuss-Allee 17 y D-53773 Hennef y Postfach 11 65 y D-53758 Hennef
Tel. +49 (0)22 42 / 8 72-120 y Fax:+49 (0)22 42 / 8 72-100
E-Mail: y Internet: http://www.gfa-verlag.ded

The Advisory Leaflet ATV-DVWK-M 145E presented here was elaborated by the ATV-DVWK Working Group
ES-7.1 ”Sewer Database” within the ATV-DVWK Specialist Committee ES-7 “Operation and Support”. The
following have collaborated:

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Hermann Brechtel, Lauf

Dr.-Ing. Peter Drewniok, Leipzig
Dipl.-Ing. Arnulf Gekeler, Stuttgart (Chairman)
Dipl.-Ing. Volkmar Holzhausen, Frankfurt/M.
Dipl.-Ing. Dieter Jacobi, Berlin
Dipl.-Ing. Heiner Kretzer, Berlin
Dipl.-Ing. Jürgen Lüddecke, Hannover
Dipl.-Kfm. Hans Müller, Schieder-Schwalenberg
Dipl.-Ing. Jürgen Sawatzki, Schwerte
Dipl.-Ing. Rainer Schubert, München
Dipl.-Ing. Jörg Henning Werker, Köln

Die Deutsche Bibliothek [The German Library] – CIP-Einheitsaufnahme

ATV-DVWK, German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste:

ATV-DVWK Rules and Standards [Medium combination] / ATV-DVWK, Wasserwirtschaft
Abwasser, Abfall. – Hennef: GFA, Publishing Company of the ATV-DVWK,
Previously under the [German] title of: Abwassertechnische Vereinigung: ATV-Regelwerk
M 145E. Setting-up and Application of Sewer Information Systems – 2000
ISBN 3-937758-43-7

All rights, in particular those of translation into other languages, are reserved. No part of this Advisory Leaflet may
be reproduced in any form – by photocopy, microfilm or any other process – or transferred into a language usable
in machines, in particular data processing machines, without the written approval of the publisher.

© GFA-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Abwassertechnik e. V., Hennef 2000

Setting and printing of the German original DCM, Meckenheim

2 November 2000
Preparation 2

User Notes 5

Foreword 5

1 Determination of Terms 5

2 Setting–up of a Sewer Information System 6

2.1 General 6
2.2 Sewer Database 6
2.2.1 Reach and Shaft (Manhole) Files 6
2.2.2 Connection Files 7
2.2.3 Special Structure Files 7
2.3 Geoinformation System 7

3 Contents of a Sewer Information System 7

3.1 Sewer Database 7
3.1.1 Reach Files 7
3.1.2 Shaft (Manhole) Files 8
3.1.3 Connection Files 9
3.1.4 Special Structures Files 9
3.2 Geoinformation System 10

4 Collection, Recording, Maintenance and Supplementing of Data 11

4.1 Collection of Data 11
4.1.1 Principles with the Collection of Data 11
4.1.2 Collection of Basic Data 11
4.1.3 Collection of Factual Data 11
4.2 Recording of Data 11
4.2.1 Principles for the Recording of Data 11
4.2.2 Recording of Basic Data 12
4.2.3 Recording of Factual Data 12
4.3 Maintenance of Data 12
4.3.1 Principles for the Maintenance of Data 12
4.3.2 Maintenance of Basic Data 12
4.3.3 Maintenance of Factual Data 12
4.4 Supplementing of Data 12

5 Processing of Data 12
5.1 General 12
5.2 Requirements on Hardware and Software 13
5.3 Organisation of Data Processing 13
5.4 Data Security 13
5.4.1 Organisational Data Security 14
5.4.2 Technical Data Security 14
5.5 Data Protection 14

November 2000 3

6 Application Possibilities 14
6.1 General 14
6.2 Sewer Maintenance 14
6.3 Sewer Network Calculation 15
6.4 Asset Calculation of a Sewer Network 15
6.5 Graphical Applications and Assessments 15
6.6 Further Applications 15

7 ATV-DVWK Standards 16

4 November 2000

It therefore became necessary to revise and sup-

User Notes plement the previous Standard ATV-A 145 [not
available in English]. Due to the new specifications
This Advisory Leaflet is the result of honorary, for the production of the ATV-DVWK Set of Rules
technical-scientific/economic collaboration which and Standards, the Working Group decided to pub-
has been achieved in accordance with the princi- lish the revised version as an Advisory Leaflet.
ples applicable therefor (statutes, rules of proce-
dure of the ATV-DVWK and the Standard ATV- The essential components for the setting-up and
DVWK-A 400E). For this, according to precedents, application of a sewer information system are de-
there exists an actual presumption that it is textu- scribed in the here presented Advisory Leaflet
ally and technically correct and also generally rec- ATV-DVWK-M 145E.
The Working Group, however, did not see itself to
The application of this Advisory Leaflet is open to be in a position to give specific details on the cost
everyone. However, an obligation for application effects of the information in this Advisory Leaflet.
can arise from legal or administrative regulations, a The continuous development in this field of hard-
contract or other legal reason. ware and software make it impossible to give reli-
able details for a longer period of time.
This Advisory Leaflet is an important, however, not
the sole source of information for correct solutions.
With its application no one avoids responsibility for
his own action or for the correct application in spe-
cific cases; this applies in particular for the correct
1 Determination of
handling of the margins described in the Advisory Terms

The terms used in this Advisory Leaflet are defined

as follows:

Foreword Defining data assure the clear local allocation of

the data of a sewer information system to the parts
of the sewer network. Under parts of a sewer net-
In order to identify the possible hazard potential of work come reaches, shafts (manholes), connec-
leaking sewers it was considered necessary to re- tions and special structures.
cord and document the condition of the sewer sys-
tem. In 1987 this was the reason for the tasking of Master data describe the location, geometry, func-
the ATV Working Group 1.7.1 “Sewer Database” in tion and structural formation of the sewer network.
order to show how a status document can be sen-
sibly organised. Basic data: defining data and master data form
the basis of a sewer information system. They are
Automated data processing has established itself therefore designated as basic data.
everywhere where applications with large amounts
of data and necessarily short access times have to Status data describe the structural condition of a
be available and, at the same time, a clear data sewer network at the times of inspection.
management is demanded. This development has
led to consideration being given to the general Operational data describe the operational status
form and organisation of automatic data process- and the maintenance of a sewer network.
ing which increasingly should be available immedi-
ately at the work place. From this has resulted the Hydraulic data are data which are required for the
concept for sewer information systems which, in carrying out of hydraulic calculations and also the
their respective forms, have to satisfy the most var- result data of hydraulic calculations.
ied demands.

November 2000 5
Cost data are data which are required for the car- 2.2 Sewer Database
rying out of asset assessments and cost determi-
nations as well as the results of these calculations. In principle a database should be divided into four
Factual data: status data, operational data, hy-
– reach files
draulic data and cost data are fact- and purpose-
– shaft (manhole) files
related and are therefore designated as factual
– connection files
– special structure files.
File: related data are managed in a file, several
Each group contains the appropriate basic data for
files form a database.
its field and the associated factual data, so that the
set-up shown in Fig. 1 results:

2 Setting–up of a Defining
Basic data
Master Opera-
Factual data

Sewer Information
Status data Cost data
data data tional data data
Reach file

System Shaft (manho-

le) file
Connection file

Special struc-
ture file
2.1 General
Fig. 1: Basic set-up of a sewer database
A sewer information service is an instrument which
manages and assesses the information on the Indispensable component of each group are the
sewer inventory, on the sewer operation, on hy- basic data. The allocation of factual data is then
draulic dependencies and on the changes in value dependent on the aspired for versatility of the ap-
as well as other information on a sewer network. plication possibilities.
The necessary collection, recording and updating
for this necessitates high expense and should The individual data of each group are differentiated
therefore be placed in relation to the achievable into such which have, of necessity, to be included
application uses. From these aspects the operator in order to be able to cover the versatility of the
of sewer networks should decide, on the basis of a sewer database as well as such data whose sav-
design concept, whether the prerequisites are pre- ing in individual cases can be useful. With these
sent in his area and his requirements can be met additional data which, for example, are listed in
economically and appropriately by the setting up of Section 3, it should, in any case, be examined
a sewer information system. whether their saving, also with regard to the main-
tenance of the data, produces advantages for the
Data management should take place in an efficient use of the sewer database.
sewer database. The integration of the sewer da-
tabase in a geoinformation system offers the op-
portunity of carrying out graphic and non-graphic 2.2.1 Reach and Shaft (Manhole) Files
assessment on the basis of the same database.
Through this a sewer database becomes a sewer A stretch of sewer between neighbouring shafts or
information system. Component part of this infor- fictional shafts is defined, within the meaning of
mation system can sensibly be, for example, also this Advisory Leaflet, as “reach”. Shafts are struc-
the management of documents, texts and plans. tures in network-specific normal design, which ex-
clusively serve for the aeration and ventilation as
The setting up of a sewer information system can well as for the monitoring and cleaning of the
take place, dependent on the desired application sewer reaches. Fictional shafts can be introduced
possibilities, in stages. for technical data reasons, for example with the ty-
ing of a stretch of sewer to a special structure, and

6 November 2000

with amendment of master data or hydraulic data the sewer database with regard to the number of
between two shafts. individual structures and their differentiation.

2.2.2 Connection Files 2.3 Geoinformation System

Within the meaning of this Advisory Leaflet these A geoinformation system is a system for the man-
files include the data of the positioning of all con- agement and assessment of geographical data. It
nections (branches) in a reach or at a shaft. The is useful for a geoinformation system if the digital
files should be so built up that access to the con- urban base map (cadastre and topography) is
nection takes place via the reach and shaft files. available. For the optimised use of a sewer infor-
So far as connection-related information has to be mation system it is sensible to be able to fall back
saved this should be carried out analogously as in also on other geographical information, e.g. con-
a reach and shaft file (e.g. defining terms). taminated sites, water protective zones, supply
and disposal pipelines.
The connection serves for private property drain-
age, road drainage or other uses. The various us-
ages are defined in the master data (Section 3.1.3
B) as type of usage.
3 Contents of a Sewer
It should be ensured, from a technical database
aspect that, in opposition to the types of usage
Information System
(e.g. drainage of one or possibly more properties),
access via the associated connection to the reach
file is also possible. Connection to an indirect dis- 3.1 Sewer Database
charger file via the connection file should be capa-
ble of being established through suitable inter- 3.1.1 Reach Files
A. Defining data
Road number/code
2.2.3 Special Structure Files
Reach number/shaft numbers (from ... to …)
If required, additionally:
Within the meaning of this Advisory Leaflet, com-
Municipal code
ponent parts of the sewer system, which are nei-
Area code
ther reach nor shafts, are designated as special
Number of the catchment area
structures. As a rule they have special hydraulic
Number of the wastewater treatment plant
and operational functions. The following, for exam-
Number of the pumping station
ple, count as special structures:
Number of the special structure
• stormwater holding tanks Direction of flow
• stormwater overflows
• stormwater sedimentation tanks B. Master data
• stormwater tanks with overflow
Height of invert at start of the reach
• inlet structures
Height of invert at end of the reach
• outlet structures
Year of construction
• inverted siphons
Length of reach
• pumping stations
Gradient of reach (calculated)
• special shafts (e.g. gate shafts, backwater
Type of sewer (combined wastewater, wastewater,
stormwater and similar.)
Type of profile
With the setting up of a special structure file, very
Profile height
particular attention is to be paid as to whether the
Profile width
information requirement can be met by this part of

November 2000 7
Type of material E. Hydraulic data
Functional condition (e.g. out of service)
Sub-catchment area surface
Position coordinates
Degree of compaction
If required, additionally:
Development densities
Type of drainage (gravity, vacuum, pressure drain-
If required, additionally:
age and similar.)
Result data
Construction method
Type of bedding
F. Cost data
Groundwater condition
Type of ownership Data in accordance with Standard ATV-A 133E
Pipe length
Water protective zone
Number of the inventory plan 3.1.2 Shaft (Manhole) Files
Position in the road space
A. Defining data
C. Status data
Shaft number
Date of the inspection If required, additionally:
Type of inspection Municipal code
Reason for inspection Area code
Date of status assessment Number of the catchment area
Status assessment Number of the wastewater treatment plant
Date of damage repair Number of the pumping station
Type of damage repair
Date of status assessment following damage re- B. Master data
Height of manhole cover
Assessment after damage repair
Invert height at lowest point
If required, additionally:
Depth of shaft (calculated)
Quality factor, hydraulic factor
Year of construction
Inspection interval
Shaft length
Status description
Shaft width
Videotape number
Type of shaft
Video counter number
Shaft material
If required, as subfile:
Position coordinates
Date of a single damage:
If required, additionally:
Construction method
Description of damage
Type of foundation
If required, additionally:
Groundwater conditions
Status assessment
Type of ownership
Video counter number
Water protective zone
Photo number
Flooding area
D. Operational data Position in the traffic space
Type of cover
Maintenance interval
Type of sewer (combined wastewater, wastewater,
Date of last maintenance
stormwater and similar)
Type and quantity of deposit
Wastewater characteristics
C. Status data
Type of treatment
If required, additionally: Date of inspection
Crew number Type of inspection
Particular observations (e.g. water level, odour) Reason for inspection
Date of status assessment
Status assessment

8 November 2000

Date of damage repair Indirect discharger number

Type of damage repair Type of wastewater
Date of status assessment Reference to inventory documentation
following damage repair
Assessment after damage repair C. Status data
If required, additionally:
Data can be saved according to the responsibility
Inspection interval
for operation and maintenance in accordance with
Status description
Section 3.1.1 C.
D. Operational data
D. Operational data
Extermination of rats
Date and type of bait Data can be saved according to the responsibility
If required, additionally: for operation and maintenance in accordance with
Maintenance interval Section 3.1.1 D.
Date of last maintenance
E. Hydraulic data
E. Hydraulic data Data can be saved according to the responsibility
Observed height of backwater for operation and maintenance in accordance with
Date of observed backwater Section 3.1.1 E.
If required, additionally:
Result data (e.g. frequency of flooding) If required, additionally:
Permitted amount of discharge
F. Cost data
F. Cost data
Data in accordance with Standard ATV-A 133E
Data can be saved according to the responsibility
for operation and maintenance in accordance with
Section 3.1.1 F.
3.1.3 Connection Files

A. Defining data
3.1.4 Special Structures Files
Road number/code
Reach number/shaft number (from ...) A. Defining data
Structure number
B. Master data Shaft numbers (inlets and outlets)
If required, additionally:
Type of use (e.g. private property As for shaft file (see 3.1.2 A)
drainage with Parcel No./Building No.
– Road drainage B. Master data
– Other use
– Not used)
Type of special structure
Position coordinates Structure dimensions
If required, additionally: Year of construction
Type of profile Position coordinates (edge and shaft entrances)
Profile height Water management characteristic data
Profile width If required, additionally:
Height of connection at the reach/shaft (m AMSL) Structural, mechanical and electrical engineering
Year of construction/commissioning description
Type of material Measurement and control engineering description
Form of connection (e.g. fitting, saddle, connection Manhole cover height
piece) Ground water conditions
Ownership structure Type of ownership

November 2000 9
Water protective zone preparation of the space-related data for output on
Flooding area a monitor, printer or plotter. A geoinformation sys-
Position in traffic space tem makes available general and technically spe-
Approval data cific functions for the processing of graphic data
and their attribute data (e. g. thematic colouring
C. Status data according to arbitrary attribute values, intersec-
tions). Only in a few cases are all data available in
Date of inspection
vector form usable in a sewer information system.
Type of inspection
Therefore a geoinformation system should enable
Reason for inspection
the processing of raster (e. g. urban base map)
Date of status assessment
and vector data.
Status assessment
Date of damage repair
A geoinformation system should offer the opportu-
Type of damage repair
nity of integrating, as required, discipline-specific
Date of status assessment following damage re-
functionality for different branches (e. g. sewer,
gas, water, general real property cadastre, local
Assessment after damage repair
development plan). It is then possible to operate
If required, additionally:
several specialist shells or specialist applications
Description of condition
within one geoinformation system.
D. Operational data
A sewer specialist shell forms the topology of a
Characteristic data of normal operation sewer network corresponding with the object-
Characteristic data of special operation based data model defined in this Advisory Leaflet.
Registration of abnormal occurrences In order to create and update a consistent data in-
If required, additionally: ventory, discipline-specific correlation conditions,
Reference to system documentation ranges of values and compulsory fields for attribute
Reference to operating instructions data as well as functions for testing of plausibility
Reference to operator’s logbook are required. Examples for data inconsistencies,
Maintenance intervals which a specialist shell must prevent, are the link-
Date of last maintenance ing of a sewer reach with a water supply pipeline,
the connection of a wastewater sewer to a storm-
E. Hydraulic data water sewer or a sewer invert which lies higher
than the upper edge of the manhole cover.
Hydraulic characteristic data
Hydraulic measured data
A consistent and permanently available data inven-
tory is the most expensive part of a sewer informa-
F. Cost data
tion system. As approximate value one assumes a
Data in accordance with Standard ATV-A 133E ratio for hardware:software:data of 1:10:100. In or-
der to ensure long-term investment protection it is
sensible to keep data in accordance with open and
3.2 Geoinformation System documented standards on appropriate database
systems. The geoinformation system, in addition to
Using a geoinformation system space related data the already mentioned functions, makes available
can be recorded, modified, linked, analysed and the functionality of the communication with the da-
presented digitally in their graphic and attributive tabase.
form. Presentation is to be understood as the

10 November 2000

lar the survey data and digitalised data are to be

4 Collection, differentiated from each other through status de-
Recording, tails. Data fields whose contents are not guaran-
teed should also be marked.
Maintenance and
New surveys take place fundamentally on a coor-
Supplementing of dinate basis. Height details are to be related to

Data MSL.

4.1.3 Collection of Factual Data

4.1 Collection of Data
Status data are collected as working result of the
4.1.1 Principles with the Collection of recording of status. The recording of the status, in
Data particular with shafts and special structures, can
take place within the scope of the operationally re-
Due to the great expense collection of data should quired inspection. The data recorded should be so
be carried out once only. For this all necessary constituted that they apply for both the non-man-
data are to be determined and collected as com- accessible as well as the man-accessible sewers.
pletely as possible. Before data collection it is to be
established in what form and with what accuracy Operational data are collected as a part of mainte-
the data should be collected. With the collection of nance. They can also be obtained from working
the factual data reference is always to be made to reports.
basic data already collected, so that a clear as-
signment of the factual data to the basic data is Hydraulic data are collected for sewer network cal-
obvious. culations or obtained from these as results. With
this the limits of the sub-catchment areas are re-
corded graphically in the sewer information sys-
4.1.2 Collection of Basic Data tem. The data can be brought up to date with the
aid of aerial photography assessment.
The defining data are determined based on the se-
lected defining system or, with recording (digitalisa- The rules of Standard ATV-A 133E apply for the
tion), created automatically. The master data are collection of cost data.
extracted within the scope of the digitalisation from
the sewer inventory plans or from the official map
system (atlas), and can be supplemented from ad- 4.2 Recording of Data
ditional documents, for example, construction files,
property files, inspection results or other data in- 4.2.1 Principles for the Recording of
ventories. The data used are to be examined for Data
their correctness on a random sample basis.
The recording of the data of the sewer network
If the quality or actuality of the plans for a digitali- takes place on two different routes. The master
sation is insufficient or if errors determined or in- data from the inventory plans are, so far as they
consistencies cannot be corrected or explained, a are not transferred directly from the surveying into
local monitoring or re-recording by survey is re- the sewer information system and further proc-
quired. The expense of achieving a particular ac- essed there, are recorded through digitalisation on
curacy should be measured against the possible the tablet or monitor screen. The recording of fac-
usage. tual data is normally carried out on the work station
computer by means of menu-driven, formatted in-
As it is seldom possible to collect data of the same put masks. Limited values, comparison of data,
quality for the complete sewer network, the differ- permitted input formats or symbols must be con-
ent sources are to be noted accordingly. In particu- tained in the recording programs. Before the re-

November 2000 11
cording an appropriately high expenditure for the The justification for maintenance of data is to be
determination of the input controls should be avail- determined organisationally (see Section 5). The
able in order to obtain assured data. Freedom of updated data are to be checked for plausibility.
redundancy should be maintained. Changes are to be documented.

Derived data (e.g. gradients) should be entered for

monitoring purposes only. The recorded data 4.3.2 Maintenance of Basic Data
should be checked for plausibility.
The effects of changes of basic data on factual
data are to be indicated through appropriate test
4.2.2 Recording of Basic Data routines. It is to be ensured that, with changes of
basic data, the factual data affected by this are
With the digitalisation of inventory plans the follow- modified or at least correspondingly identified.
ing plausibility checks, for example, have proved
themselves: limitations for lengths of reach and
depths of shaft, indication of reverse gradients and 4.3.3 Maintenance of Factual Data
height drops at shafts and special structures in the
direction of flow, discharge of wastewater into With second or repeat recording of status and op-
stormwater sewers and the opposite. erational data, the recorded data are to be
matched with data already recorded in the sewer
The plausibility checks should be supported by the information system, in order to ascertain inconsis-
production of layout plans and longitudinal sec- tencies.

4.4 Supplementing of Data

4.2.3 Recording of Factual Data
With the expansion of networks as well as the pro-
A data comparison with the associated basic data duction of new shafts or special structures, only
is required for the recording of factual data. Incon- data from local survey should be adopted in the
sistencies are to be indicated and clarified. sewer information system.

With the input of factual data, numerical details are

fundamentally to be checked using limiting values,
other details (material, construction method etc.)
should be taken from user-specific truth tables 5 Processing of Data
which are produced before recording.

5.1 General
4.3 Maintenance of Data
The processing of data in a sewer information sys-
4.3.1 Principles for the Maintenance of tem is dependent on the hardware and software,
Data on the organisation and on the measures for data
security and data protection.
Maintenance of data is understood to be the
amendment and updating of existing data as well Independent of the type and level of upgrading of
as repeat recording of status and operational data. the computer system employed, the points made
below for the processing of data should be in-
With amendments the previous data is overwritten. cluded in the considerations for the employment of
With repeat recording and the retention of previous the sewer information system. Operators of sewer
data, additional data is so entered that they can be networks who wish to employ their own data proc-
compared. essing systems should process these points ac-
cordingly into the design concept.

12 November 2000

5.2 Requirements on Hardware and addition, the documentation of the process of data
Software collection up to and including the user handbook is
also part of the organisation.
The high costs for the collection and updating of
data as well as organisational changes associated An important function with this is taken on by the
with the introduction of a sewer information sys- person responsible for the sewer information sys-
tems can be justified only through a long-term and tem (database manager). System-related and
versatile use of the data. Therefore, with the selec- technical tasks are to be differentiated. To the sys-
tion of the system, a solution must be sought which tem-related tasks, depending on the type and ca-
offers the corresponding upgrading possibilities. pacity of the computer system, belong the creation
The opportunity should be taken to involve soft- of a concept for the organisational and technical
ware suppliers at an early stage. data security as well as the monitoring of the data
security, the assignment of access rights for the
The following aspects are to be taken into account users of the sewer information system in accor-
with the selection of the system: dance with the technical responsibilities, the estab-
lishment and updating of the user-specific system
• Expansion possibilities settings, the allocation and changes of passwords,
Connection of additional work station computers the instruction of the users in the operation and the
as well as additional hardware components introduction of new versions of the user software.
• Hardware
Use of the sewer information system via the The determination of the responsibilities for data
work station computer without additional hard- groups or individual data fields corresponds with
ware the technical allocation of tasks. Associated with
• Operating system this is the regulation of the access authorisation. It
Hardware-independent operating system is recommended that only the posts which are ac-
• Database system countable for certain data(-groups) are also
Selection of an SQL-capable database system granted amendment authority for these data while
independent of hardware and operating system other users may only read these data.
• Geoinformation system
Integration in a hardware-independent geoin- Essentially the documentation must contain the in-
formation system with the possibility of process- structions for data collection and data recording,
ing hybrid graphic data (raster and vector data) the description of the hardware and software, in-
using defined interfaces formation for the database manager and the user
• Interfaces handbook for users of the sewer database and the
Efficient interfaces to other geoinformation and sewer information system.
graphic systems, to other database systems, to
calculation programs, to TV inspection systems
and to office communication 5.4 Data Security
• User prompting
Simple user prompting matched to the existing Under data security is understood here to be the
graphic surface standard software also for em- totality of the technical and organisational meas-
ployees without detailed data processing knowl- ures which prevent the saved data from being lost,
edge. destroyed or corrupted and an unauthorised ac-
cess to the data taking place.
5.3 Organisation of Data Processing
The production of a concept for data security falls
The organisation of the data processing must with the scope of activity of those accountable for
cover all fields of data collection from the introduc- the sewer information system. The measures for
tion of the sewer information system, the training of data security cover hardware (including communi-
the users up to and including data security etc. Ac- cation lines), software, data media and organisa-
countability and responsibilities must be deter- tion and are to take into account abnormal occur-
mined within the framework of the organisation. In rences due to natural events (fire, water) and also

November 2000 13
technical failures (power failure, hardware errors, the data to be found in a data memory or on data
communication line errors), human error (software media against unauthorised access. In the narrow
errors, incorrect operation) and sabotage. sense data protection is understood to be the pro-
tection of personal data from misuse (unauthorised
use, onward transmission etc.).
5.4.1 Organisational Data Security
As a rule, no personal data is held in the sewer in-
Organisational data security can be provided formation system. Legal provisions with regard to
through the following measures: data protection therefore do not take effect.

Control of access For the case of the linking of the sewer information
system with other databases or information sys-
Unauthorised persons are refused access to the
tems (e.g. residents registration matters) suitable
data processing system.
measures are to be taken in order to prevent an
improper use.
Control of users
The user must verify his user authority with the
computer (e.g. through password).

Control of Access
6 Application
Access authorisation can refer to the reading (tak- Possibilities
ing notice) or amendment (input, correction, dele-
tion) of complete data groups or individual data
fields and should be assigned according to techni-
6.1 General
cal responsibility.
The diversity of the application and interrogation
possibilities with the evaluation of the data material
5.4.2 Technical Data Security is dependent on the scope and on the differentia-
tion of the input data. The uses of results from ap-
The production of a security copy of the complete plications and interrogations should be weighed
contents of the sewer information system at certain against the expense for the determination and
time intervals for retention at a specially secured or maintenance of the data material necessary for
separate location is absolutely recommended. this. The results should be able to be presented
clearly, intelligibly and not encoded.
With a sewer information system with a large num-
ber of persons authorised to carry out corrections
or deletions, all amendments should be minuted
6.2 Sewer Maintenance
automatically in the database tables (time and type
of transaction, old and new contents) and secured
The relevant facts for inspection, maintenance and
on data carriers.
structural rehabilitation of sewer system facilities
can be documented as status and operational data
Following an abnormal occurrence the current
in the sewer information system.
status of the sewer information system can be re-
constructed on the basis of the latest security copy
The inspection program can be set up on the basis
and by assessment of the amendment protocol.
of master data. The inspection program can be
updated and measures for the improvement of
condition determined through the evaluation of
5.5 Data Protection status data.

In the broad sense data protection is understood to Application programs for sewer and gully cleaning,
be the totality of the legislative, organisational and the employment of a sewer inspection vehicle or of
technical measures which refer to the protection of

14 November 2000

monitoring runs for maintenance can, inter alia, be An integrated pipeline cadastre can be produced
set up and provided with annotations such as dan- through interfaces to the geoinformation systems
ger points, danger of flooding, means for the elimi- of the supply companies. If the supply companies
nation of rats, heavy deposits or blockages to flow apply the same geoinformation system the data
etc., on the basis of the operational data, if re- can be simply overlaid.
quired, with the inclusion of status data.
A further advantage of sewer information system
lies in the possibility of linking any arbitrary factual
6.3 Sewer Network Calculation data with the graphical data and thus produce
plans for all specialist tasks. Corresponding infor-
For the monitoring of the efficiency of the existing mation is also useful for public relations.
sewer network the basic data can be linked to the
hydraulic data and sewer network calculations can Status and rehabilitation plans as well as, if re-
be carried out using suitable computer programs. quired, damage plans can be produced for sewer
Determination of costs and financing programs can maintenance; route plans for operations; arithmetic
be developed in combination with the cost data. network plans, loading plans and pondage height
plans for hydraulic calculation.

6.4 Asset Calculation of a Sewer Another graphic application within the sewer infor-
Network mation system is the accessing, from the struc-
tures or reaches, of data in raster format (digital
The precise and complete knowledge of the status indications of damage, scanned structural plans
of the sewer network is the most important prereq- etc.) and presenting them on the monitor screen.
uisite for the realistic asset assessment of the
sewer network. The determination of the system
assets takes place using suitable computer pro- 6.6 Further Applications
grams using the linking of the basic data with the
cost data, if required, through the incorporation of Linking with other databases or information sys-
the status data. tems as well as further specialist-related applica-
tions can be realised through suitable interfaces.
Thus, for example, the sewer information system
6.5 Graphical Applications and can deliver the basic elements for the determina-
Assessments tion of variants with sewer planning or for pollutant
load calculations.
The sewer information system offers the possibility
of performing all graphical applications and as- The linking of the sewer information system with
sessments on the basis of the same database as other databases such as those for indirect dis-
the non-graphical applications. With this a redun- charger surveillance or the measuring and control
dant data keeping of factual data and plan con- engineering monitoring of the sewer network, the
tents with the disadvantages associated with this is pumping stations, and stormwater overflow facili-
avoided. ties can be planned. The sewer information system
can, in addition, also become a component part of
Using the data of the sewer information systems it an environmental information system.
is possible to present the sewer network in general
plans, longitudinal sections and cross-sections. Through the linking with technical office communi-
Through overlaying the sewer inventory with the cations, data from the sewer information system
digital urban base map in vector or raster form, the can be adopted in correspondence in letters, ad-
output of current inventory and general plans to ministrative decisions, reports, printed forms, ta-
various scales and in various forms is possible. bles and graphical assessments.
Here it is an advantage for the actuality if the base
map is updated in the same geoinformation sys-

November 2000 15


Standard ATV-A 133E

Recording, Assessment and Up-dating of the As-
sets of Communal Drainage Facilities

16 November 2000

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