IFRS Standards Us Gaap Recognition and Measuremen T: Intangibles

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IFRS Standards US GAAP

Recognition If an item meets the definition of An intangible asset that is
and an intangible asset, it is acquired individually or with a
measuremen recognized if: group of other assets (other than
t  The cost of the asset can be those acquired in a business
measured reliably (IAS combination) is recognized if it
38.21) or acquired in a meets the asset-recognition
business combination (IAS criteria in Concepts Statement 5.
38.33) It does not have to meet the
 It is probable that the contractual-legal criterion or the
expected future economic separability criterion (ASC 350-
benefits (IAS 38.17) w ill 30-25-4).
flow to the entity (IAS 38.21)
– this criterion is always
considered to be satisfied if the
intangible asset is separately
acquired (IAS 38.25)
The cost of separately acquired An intangible asset that is
intangible assets (not as part of acquired individually or with a
a business combination) group of other assets (but not
includes (IAS 38.27): those acquired in a business
 Purchase price, including combination) is measured based
import duties and non- on the guidance included in ASC
refundable purchase taxes, 805-50-15-3 and ASC 805-50-
after deducting trade 30-1 through 30-4. The cost of a
discounts and rebates group of assets acquired in a
 Directly attributable costs of transaction (other than those
preparing the asset for its acquired in a business
intended use combination) is allocated to the
individual assets based on their
relative fair values and does not
give rise to goodwill (ASC 805-
Research No intangible asset arising from Expenditures related to research
and research (or from the research and development activities are
development phase of an internal project) is expensed as incurred (ASC 730-
(internally recognized. Expenditure on 10-25-1).
generated research (or on the research Costs related to computer
intangible phase of an internal project) is software are discussed below .
assets) recognized as an expense when
incurred (IAS 38.54). Costs of internally developing,
maintaining, or restoring
An intangible asset arising from intangible assets (including
development (or from the goodwill) that are not specifically
development phase of an identifiable, that have
internal project) is recognized if indeterminate lives, or
an entity can demonstrate all of that are inherent in a continuing
the following (IAS 38.57): business and related to an entity
 Technical feasibility of as a whole, are expensed when
completing the intangible incurred
asset so it will be available (ASC 350-20-25-3).
for use or sale
 Intention to complete the
intangible asset and use or
sell it
 Ability to use or sell the
intangible asset
 How the intangible asset will
generate probable future
economic benefits
 Availability of adequate
technical, financial, and
other resources to complete
development and to use or
sell the intangible asset
 Ability to reliably measure
the expenditure attributable
to the intangible asset during
its development

Internally generated brands,

mastheads, publishing titles,
customer lists and items similar
in substance are not recognized
as intangible assets (IAS 38.63).
Acquisition IAS 38.33-.37 provides guidance Similar to IFRS Standards, an
as part of a for the initial measurement and intangible asset acquired in a
business recognition of an intangible asset business combination is
combination acquired in a business recognized at fair value
combination: separately from goodwill if it is
 In accordance with IFRS 3, if separable or it arises from
an intangible asset is contractual or other legal rights,
acquired in a business regardless of whether those
combination, the cost of that rights are transferable or
intangible asset is its fair separable (ASC 805-20- 25-10
value at the acquisition date. and ASC Master Glossary,
Both the probability “Identifiable”).
recognition criterion and the
reliable measurement An acquired in-process research
criterion in IAS 38.21 are and development project is
always considered to be recognized as an indefinite-lived
satisfied for intangible intangible asset at its
assets acquired in a acquisition-date fair value
business combination. (ASC 350-30-35-17A, 18B and
 In accordance with IFRS 3 ASC 730-10-15-4).
and IAS 38, an acquirer
recognizes at the acquisition
date, separately from
goodwill, an intangible asset
of the acquiree, irrespective
of whether the asset had
been recognized by the
acquiree before the
business combination. The
in-process research and
development project of the
acquiree must meet the
definition of an intangible
asset and be identifiable.
Recognition An expenditure on an intangible Similar to IFRS Standards,
of an item is not capitalized unless it except for certain advertising
expense forms part of the cost of an expenditures, which are
intangible asset that meets the expensed as incurred (similar to
recognition criteria in IAS 38 or is IFRS Standards) or the first time
acquired in a business the advertising takes place
combination and cannot be (unlike IFRS Standards), except
recognized as an intangible as noted below (ASC 720-35-25-
asset, in which case it is 1).
recognized as part of
the goodwill (IAS 38.68). When an entity assumes an
obligation to reimburse
Some expenditures may be customers for some of all of the
incurred to provide a future customers’ advertising costs
economic benefit, but an (cooperative advertising), the
intangible asset or other asset is revenue related to the
not created or acquired that can transactions creating those
be recognized (IAS 38.69). In obligations is recognized before
these situations, the expenditure the expenditures are made,
is recognized as an expense those obligations are accrued
when it is incurred. and the related advertising costs
are expensed when the related
Expenditure on an intangible revenues are recognized (ASC
item that was initially recognized 720-35-25-1A).
as an expense is not recognized
as part of the cost of an
intangible asset at a later date
(IAS 38.71)
Measurement An entity chooses either the cost Revaluation is not permitted
after model in IAS 38.74 or the (ASC 350-30-35-14).
recognition revaluation model in IAS 38.75
as its accounting policy (IAS

If the revaluation model is

selected, all the other assets in
that class are also accounted for
using the same model, unless
there is no active market for
those assets (IAS 38.72).
Useful life An entity assesses whether the Similar to IFRS Standards,
and useful life of an intangible asset intangible assets are amortized
amortization is finite or indefinite and, if finite, over their useful life unless that
the length of, or number of life is determined to be indefinite
production or similar units (ASC 350-30-35-6 through 35-
constituting, that useful life. An 7).
intangible asset is regarded by
the entity as having an indefinite Indefinite does not mean infinite
useful life when, based on an (ASC 350-30-35-4).
analysis of all the relevant
factors, there is no foreseeable Intangible assets subject to
limit to the period over which the amortization are reviewed for
asset is expected to generate impairment in accordance with
net cash inflows for the entity ASC 360-10, “Impairment or
(IAS 38.88). Disposal of Long-Lived Assets,”
subsections (ASC 350-30-35-
The term indefinite does not 14).
mean infinite (IAS 38.91).

Intangible assets are amortized

over their useful life unless that
life is determined to be indefinite
(IAS 38.97).
Impairment An intangible asset with a finite An intangible asset that is
useful life is amortized and then amortized and other long-lived
tested for impairment in assets (a long-lived asset or
accordance with IAS 36.7-17. An asset group) are tested for
entity assesses at the end of impairment using a two-step
each reporting period whether process. If the carrying amount
there is any indication that an of the asset or group is not
asset may be impaired. If any recoverable and it is greater
such indication exists, the entity than its fair value, an impairment
estimates the recoverable loss is recognized (ASC 360-10-
amount of the asset (IAS 36.9). 35-17).

An intangible asset with an An intangible asset with an

indefinite useful life is not indefinite useful life is not
amortized (IAS 38.107). amortized. It is tested for
Irrespective of whether there is impairment annually and, more
any indication of impairment , an frequently, if events or changes
entity also tests an intangible in circumstances indicate that it
asset with an indefinite useful life is more likely than not that the
for impairment by comparing its asset is impaired (ASC 350-30-
recoverable amount with its 35-18).
carrying amount annually and
whenever there is an indication
that the intangible asset may be
(IAS 36.10(a) and IAS 38.108).
Other Computer software is an Computer software costs may
matters intangible asset subject to the be capitalized as an intangible
guidance in IAS 38 unless it is asset in certain specific
an integral part of related circumstances. Separate
hardware in which case IAS 16 guidelines are provided for
would apply (IAS 38.4). internal-use software (ASC 350-
40) and software to be sold,
leased, or marketed (ASC 985-
A web site developed for internal Similar to IFRS Standards, web
or external access is an site development costs are
internally generated intangible capitalized as an intangible
asset that is subject to the asset in certain specific
guidance in IAS 38. SIC 32 circumstances. Generally, ASC
provides interpretive guidance 350-50 discusses the different
on the application of IAS 38 for stages in the development of a
web site development costs. For web site and the accounting for
example, SIC 32 discusses the the costs incurred in those
different stages in the stages. For example, ASC 350-
development of a web site and 50 refers to ASC 350-40 for
the accounting for the costs internal use software and ASC
incurred in those stages. 985-20 for software to be
marketed externally (ASC 350-
Identifying an An entity assesses at the end of Similar to IFRS Standards (ASC
asset that each reporting period whether 360-10-35-21).
may be there is any indication that an
impaired asset may be Impaired. If any
such indication exists, the entity
estimates the recoverable
amount of the asset (IAS 36.9).
Irrespective of whether there is Similar to IFRS Standards,
any indication of impairment, an except an intangible asset
entity (IAS 36.10): not yet available for use is
 Tests an intangible asset review ed for impairment when
with an indefinite useful life an indicator of impairment
or an intangible asset not yet exists. There are also some
available for use for differences in the indicators of
impairment annually by impairment. For example, under
comparing its carrying IAS 36 a change in market
amount with its recoverable interest rates or other market
amount rates of return is an indicator of
 Tests goodwill acquired in a impairment (ASC 350-30-35-18
business combination for through 35-20).
impairment annually in
accordance with IAS 36.80- Similar to IFRS Standards,
99 goodwill of a reporting unit is
tested for impairment on an
If a cash generating unit includes annual basis and between
goodwill, it is subject to annual annual tests in certain
impairment testing and circumstances. The annual
whenever there is an indication goodwill impairment test may be
that the unit may be impaired the performed any time during the
carrying amount of the unit, fiscal year provided the test is
including the goodwill, is performed at same time every
compared to the recoverable year. Different reporting units
amount of the unit. If the may be tested for impairment at
recoverable amount of the unit different times (ASC 350-20-35-
exceeds the carrying amount of 28 and 35-30).
the unit, the unit and the goodwill
allocated to that unit shall be
regarded as not impaired. If the
carrying amount of the unit
exceeds the recoverable amount
of the unit, the entity shall
recognize the impairment loss in
accordance with
IAS 36.104 (IAS 36.90).
Impairment Goodwill acquired in a business Goodwill acquired in a business
testing ‒ combination is allocated to the combination is assigned to one
goodwill acquirer’s cash-generating units or more reporting units at the
(CGU) pursuant to the guidance acquisition date (ASC 350-20-
in IAS 36.80-.90. Each unit or 35-41). A reporting unit is an
group of units that goodwill is operating segment or one level
allocated to represent the low est below an operating segment (a
level within the entity that component) (ASC 350-20-35-33
goodwill is monitored for internal through 35-38).
management purposes and are
not larger than an operating Unlike IFRS Standards, goodwill
segment as defined by IFRS 8.5, is tested for impairment at the
before aggregation (IAS 36.80). reporting unit level using a two-
step process (ASC 350-20-35-4
Goodwill is tested for impairment through 35-19). An entity may
at the CGU level using a one- first assess qualitative factors,
step approach. If the recoverable as described in ASC 350-20-35-
amount of the unit is less than 3A through 35-3G, to determine
the carrying amount of the unit, whether it is necessary to
an impairment loss is recognized perform the two-step goodwill
and allocated as follows (IAS impairment test (ASC 350- 20-
36.104): 35-3 through 35-3E).
 First, reduce the carrying
amount of any goodwill
allocated to the CGU
 Then, reduce the carrying
amount of the other assets
of the group on a pro rata
basis of the carrying amount
of each asset in the unit

These reductions in carrying

amounts are treated as
impairment losses on individual
assets and recognized in
accordance with IAS 36.60.

Reversing an An impairment loss for assets Reversals of impairment losses

impairment other than goodwill is reversed are not permitted
loss provided certain conditions are (ASC 350-20-35-13, ASC 350-
met (IAS 36.109-.125) 30-35-20, and ASC 360-10-35-

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