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University of Science & Technology, Bannu

Lab Report No: 04

Artificial Intelligence Lab
Finding the most common word and letter in any language

Submitted By: Muhammad Noman

Roll No: 42385
Batch: 5th
Semester: 8th
Due Date: 24/04/2019
Submitted To: Engr. Muhammad Dawood

Department of Software Engineering

Faculty of Engineering
University of Science and Technology, Main Campus Township Bannu
Lab Assignment: A sorted list of the top 10 words and letters in at least two languages of your choice
together with their relative frequency (frequency of occurrence divided by total number). Also submit your
code as a single Python file.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sun Apr 21 14:42:38 2019
@author: NomanHuma
import wikipedia as wiki
import re
from collections import Counter
wiki.set_lang("ur") #Setting the language to Urdu
#All language codes available at: http://meta.wi
def getWikiPage(s):
This function returns the page associated wi
If there are multiple pages associated with
first one in the disambiguation of that page.
Input: s (Wikipedia page title)
Return: Wikipedia Python API page object
p =
except wiki.exceptions.DisambiguationError as
#This exception is raised if there are mult
print (disambiguation) #We display the titles of all the
print ("Warning: Picking",disambiguation.options[0]) #But we
s = disambiguation.options[0] #Like this!
p =
return p
s =input('Enter Keyword here:\n')
#Use wiki.random() to Pick a random title from Wikipedia.
print ("The Keyword you have entered to extract an
except Exception as e:
#Just in case there are any unexpected errors
print ('Failed to access the page associated with \'',s,'\'.
else: #If everything goes well, print stuff!
print ('*'*10,"Title",p.title,'*'*10+'\n')
print ('*'*10,"id",p.pageid,'*'*10+'\n')
# ('*'*10,"Summary",'*'*10+'\n',p.summary)
print ('*'*10,"Content",'*'*10+'\n',p.content)
#print ('*'*10,"Links",'*'*10+'\n','\n'.join(p.links))
#just for fun!
#List and Dictionary has been declared here
#Split the content here
split_it = p.content.split()
# Pass the split_it list to instance of Counter class.
Counter = Counter(split_it)
# most_common() produces k frequently encountered
# input values and their respective counts.
most_occur = Counter.most_common(10)
print("The Most Common Words used in this Article:\n")
for word in range(10):
print("Word : ",most_occur[word][0], " Used ",most_occur[
#this will clean the content section from all of
for i in cleanText:
#This will sort all of the letters and will co
char_dict=sorted(char_dict.items(),key=lambda x:(-
print("\n \nThe Most Common Letters used in this
for ltr in range(10):
print("Letter : ",char_list[ltr][0]," Used
Output of the Program: Here is the result for two different languages i.e. Urdu and English
Keyword is: ‫پ روگ رام وٹ ریک مپ‬
‫شاع ری ارد و ‪Keyword:‬‬
Keyword: Pakistan

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