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National University


M itted y: Ro Aiel L. Mañosca
M itted to: Prof. Ailene Carpio

a cc

 c cc c

ë is c apter contains t e introd ction of t e st dy as well as its ackgro nd and

oectives. ë e significance, scope and liitations of t e st dy, concept al fraework

and t e definition of ters sed are all incl ded ere.


c Cop ter systes now play very significant role to o r ind stry. Alost all t e

large instit tions s c as governent agencies, niversities, alls and anks now se

cop ter to ake t eir works and services easier, faster yet acc rately.

Dataase is considered as t e lood strea of t e copanies. Data s o ld e

processed and aintain wit extree care and acc racy or else it ay ca se an error and

loss of file. Errors or corr pted files in dataase ay res lt to t e loss or daage t e

copany. Man al access and processing of a large dataase ay take a lot of tie. ë e

odern tec nology now gives t e ind stry a tool to ake t e aintenance and

processing of t e data faster and lesser error. ë ere are now soe cop ter software t at

ad een developed for dataase aking, accessing and aintenance t at contri tes

really a lot to t e works and services of any instit tions. Wit t e se of t ese kinds of

software, we can now design an efficient syste t at elps s to ake o r works faster

and easier.

 cc c c

National University was an ed cational instit tion fo nded in year 1900. It is one

of t e well known sc ools in Manila, prod cing ed cated and well trained personalities

ntil fo r of its  ildings were cons ed y fire. ë e instit tion was ale to re-open its

doors after few weeks of nrelenting restoration work. In t e last q arter of year 2008,

t e MM Gro p of Copanies acq ired aority owners ip of t e National University.

ë e all o t s pport of t e MM Gro p is expected to elp strengt en t e instit tion as

ig er instit tion foc sed in acadeic excellence.

ëoday, t e University is engaged in a contin o s odernization and pgrading

progra for its facilities, fac lty and sports developent. In relation wit t ese

iproveents, t e st dent pop lation is now eginning to expand. D ring t e enrollent

and payent sc ed les yo will see long lines of st dents in front of acco nting and

registrar¶s office. ë e c rrent syste of enrollent ay not eno g to accoodate t e

expected n er of incoing st dents in t e f t re. ë is kind of scenario s ows t at t e

niversity needs a newly developed faster and ore efficient syste t at co ld

accoodate t e growing st dent pop lation.

ë e syste t at is aied to e developed in t is researc ay pgrade t e process

of enrollent, payent and grade iss ance. ë is is an integrated syste t at will elp t e

sc ool to accoodate larger n er of enrollees; will provide t e sc ool a new process

of payents of st dents and will elp for easier processing iss ance of grades. Once

ipleented t e f ll enefit of t e syste is expected to elp t e sc ool to its f rt er

odernization and expansion.

D cc c 

General Oective

ëo design and develop a syste t at will elp t e National University for f rt er

syste odernization in ters of enrollents, payents and giving of grades to its

st dents.

Mpecific Oective

1. ëo renew t e old/an al syste of enrollent

2. ëo integrate t e dataases of t e registrar, acco nting office and MIMD for

t e to work etter and easily find o t if t ere is an existing error.

3. ëo create a syste t at will a toatically cop te and display t e grades of

t e st dents and t e possile sc olars ip t ey are q alified to.

c c  c

ë e syste to e design and develop can accoodate registrations of a large

n er of enrollees si ltaneo sly. ë e process of enrollent will e done y t e

st dents y registration of t eir own selves. ë e cop ter roos will e sed y t e

enrollees in t e process of t eir assessents and registrations. After t e registration, a

printer is provided to every cop ter roo to print t e assessent fors of t e st dents.

ë e assessent for contains t e co rse, st dent¶s n er, s ect sc ed les and roo

On payent process, t e syste can record t e payents and will send it to t e

records of t e st dent t at is saved in t e syste server. After t e confiration of

payents, t e syste will provide a receipt containing t e payent reakdown. It can

also print t e exaination perit of t ose st dents w o ad already done t eir t ition

payent. It also acknowledges t e type of sc olars ip does t e st dent ave. ë e

liitation of t e syste is it cannot accept and record payents a toatically wit o t t e

intervention of a person fro t e acco nting office.

On grades cop tations and iss ance, t e syste will a toatically cop te t e

grades eing encoded y t e fac lty, depending on ow is t e syste of grading. ë e

final grades will e sent a toatically to t e st dents files saved on t e ain cop ter.

ë e syste will only allow t e grades to e accessed if t e st dents are already aving a

payent record. ë e possile sc olars ip q alification of t e st dent will also e

incl ded to t e printed grades and records it if confired in t e registrar¶s office.c

c c

  c Dac D  c
 c"  #c Researc , design and Integrated syste t at
Prograing and developent of an co ld accoodate ig er
Dataase Processing integrated enrollent, n er of enrollees
Knowledge payent and grade si ltaneo sly, confir
$ c"  #c iss ance syste. and verify payent
At least Penti  4 4GHz
120 MB RAM ëesting and De gging inforation and co ld
c"  #c iss e grades toget er wit
At least Windows XP Myste Eval ation t e possile sc olars ip
Java R ntie Environent grant q alifications¬
JAVA 6.0
MM Access 2007

Fig re 1. ë e Concept al Fraework of t e Mt dy

ë is concept al fraework ill strates t e flow of t e developent of t e

proposed syste in t is st dy fro its astraction to t e aied o tp t of t e st dy. ë e

inp t s ows t e all t e req ireents to develop t e syste. ë e syste developer s o ld

posses¶ knowledge in creating and processing of dataase as well as t e skills in sing

Java as a prograing lang age eca se it will e sed in t e developent of t e

syste. ë en in its process of developent, t e syste will e tested and eval ated ntil

it reac ed t e expected o tp t syste.

  cc c c

ë is st dy ais to develop a faster and ore efficient syste of enrollent,

payent and grades iss ance to t e st dents of National University. Once ipleented,

t e following will get t e enefits of t e syste:

- a fast growing instit tion needs soe syste developents

eca se t e old syste ay not e s itale for t e c anges ro g t y t e

growt . A sc ool wit a large n er of enrollees needs to ave a fast

and ore efficient enrollent syste. A etter syste ay also e

acknowledged y t e st dents for t e to ave a good ipression to t e

sc ool.

)   - Easier enrollent, faster payent processing and a to-iss ing

of grades can elp t e st dents to save t e tie t at t ey are spending

d ring t e sc ed le of t ese activities.

- t e syste provides a to cop tation of grades prograed

depending on t e criteria/percentage of grade cop tations. ë e fac lty

eer needs only to encode t e grades of t e st dent and t e final grade

will a toatically e cop ted.

d)  c%

- d ring t e syste developent t e a t or of t e

syste ay acq ire new knowledge t ro g is researc es. He can also

expand is logic in developing a syste. If t e syste e developed is to

e ipleented, e ay ave soe payents or ot er enefits fro t e

instit tion t at will e sing is developed syste.

%  cc c


&  c- office t at accepts and processes payents.

% c- Any collection of related inforation gro p toget er as a single ite. It is
considered as t e center of any inforation anageent syste t at contains records and

%  c- finding and fixing errors.


 c- process of application of st dents to t eir c osen sc ool for a sc ool year
or seester.

c- professors or instr ctors.

  c - a syste ade p of different aspect coined to work toget ercc

'c- a platfor independent prograing lang age sed to develop t e syste.

'c  c   - needed y a Java progra to r n.

c- City w ere t e National University is located.

(c&c)**+- MM Office Application t at creates dataases and progras to track

and anage inforation.

,cc- office t at keeps records and dataases of t e st dents.

c- an ed cational instit tion; instit tion t at adds knowledge to its st dents.

- t e person, w o researc es, designs and develops systes.

(c-cca  c- a large  siness entity in t e P ilippines t at c rrently owns

a aor s are in t e National University.

   ± an individ al w o goes to sc ool to learn and gain knowledge.

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