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....continued here
“Now my dear children, what we see now on top of that hill
is the most endangered species in the world, known as the
Rein Deer”, Mrs. Dawson’s voice whispered into their ears.
To her knowledge, they were already listening to the summary
of their Deer watching on their audio helpers.

Everyone had a colored earpiece dangling through their neck.

White, Purple, Melted Orange, Lime Pink and so on.
Lisa was listening to Jazz, Sophie to Jimmy Hendrix, Reese
to The Beatles, Linda to AC/DC, Marilyn to Punk Rock, Alicia
to Cher, Daisy to Hanna Montana,.....
The volume knob in their i Pods was at the maximum.
All the heads nodded to whatever Mrs. Dawson had to offer
via the mountain air.

The ambiance was peaceful enough for anyone to become a

And yes, the girls were already transforming into musical
Monks, engrossed into what they were listening.

“What is the name of that thing standing on that cliff, Mrs.

Dawson?”, Marilyn’s voice broke the silence to which Mrs.
Dawson made herself as a slave.
Still none of the girls, apart from Marilyn, were able to
decode the situation. They were still into Jimmy’s Guitar
and the beats from AC/DC.
Mrs. Dawson turned to Marilyn. She was happy that she was
able to get Mrs. Dawson’s attention amongst others.

“What the fuck did ya ask you slim petite looking virgin
cunt?”, fired Mrs. Dawson.
Hendrix’s notes and AC/DC’s beats were broken into pieces by
the intervention of funny new words from Mrs. Dawson.


MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC................___________________

All the headphones retreated back into the sweaters.


Silence prevailed and the Rein Deer gave a cry.

“Mary darling”, yelled Andrew waving his hand towards the
girl sitting with a sheep dog by the stream.

Marilyn heard the deep voice of his father calling out for
her. She turned her head and waved him back.
The message was conveyed. She’ll be late for the lunch.

The papers were too old. But they did hold strong for
Marilyn’s architectural intellect to build a ship out of it.
William, the sheep dog sniffed at the papers.
Bluebottle flavors. William turned his head away.

He BOW BOWD when Andrew had called for Mary, registering his
boredom in her ship making business.
He could not move from Marilyn’s arm lock, which she had
done once she heard her father’s voice. She knew about
William gave a shrill call out of hunger. Marilyn did not
take her eyes away from her creations. 14 ships, she had
even colored a few of them with her crayons.

They had no Champagne bottles to break open and inaugurate

the cruise lines.
They let them go in that beautiful stream. The scenery was

Cool breeze that showered from the Alps had made the grass
grow greener than in any part of the world. The water that
flowed through the stream, was still bearing the brilliant
blue from the clouds.

The daffodils and the lilies were happy to be a part of this

scenic pleasure.
The ships started to race each other through the stream, as
William and Marilyn had chosen their teams.

They cheered till they vanished into the current.

“Papa...Papa... my ships sailed for a very long time than
yesterday”, screamed Marilyn disrupting the silence that
prevailed in the dining hall of that cozy villa of Mr.

“How many times I got to tell you, whatever you make out of
that paper is a boat and is not a SHIP”, replied Andrew.
She folded her arms and turned away from the table, looking
out the window.

Her eyes were full.

Back in the stream, the current had made quite a remarkable
change in its course today.

The boats or ships made by Marilyn had not drowned as they

do normally.
They had formed a perfect formation. An A.
The ship colored brown, lead the formation. It was
accompanied on both sides by Grey, Green, Blue and red.
“Load the sharks! Load the sharks!” yelled Captain Frederick

“Aye Aye Captain”, was the reply from his second officer
The torpedoes were loaded. They were ready to fire.

But, something else was stopping the Captain from launching

the attack.
It’s his First Officer Mary Lynne Andrew. Also known as
Marilyn to the crew, she held the responsibility of the
espionage operation into the enemy’s ship to extract the
information needed for the people who architect wars during
their tea breaks.
Her operation was named POKEMON.
It was a take on their opposition’s favorite comic
She had crossed halfway through the tides between the enemy
ship and their submarine, the Captain had already snorted
back at the radio.

She saw them blazing between her legs, which was more than
enough to make her swim much faster than those sharks. She
knows the real potential of these warheads.
She was now a stone’s throw away from H.H.S. William.

The damage had been done.

German warships were hard to destroy. Their submarines are
even worse counterparts.
Good that they had to take the ship alone.

“Is the coffee hot enough?” asked Captain Frederick Shields.

“Yeah, very much like outside” smiled back Marilyn.

This was her first operation with His Highness’ Naval Fleet.
Her officer exchange program had not limited her orders over
His Highness’ Navy.
The cadets were very much happy to be ordered by this long
legged blonde from the United States Naval Fleet.
They simply loved to say, “Aye Aye Officer Marilyn”. And she
loved it too. be continued

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