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Complete using the verb to be ( am, is or are)

______ It cold today?

I ______ not at home now.

______They Korean.?

She ______not an English teacher.

We______ from Ukraine

2.Choose the correct answer

Where's the cat?

A. ? It's on the dog

B. ? It's under the dog
C. ? It's next to the dog

Where's the cat ?

A. It's in front of the elephant
B. It's under the elephant
C. It's on the elephant

Where's the cat ?

? It's under the plant

? It's behind the plant
? It's in front of the plant

Where's the cat?

? It's next to the dog

? It's under the dog
? It's b

ehind the dog

Where's the cat?
A. It's behind the chair
B. It's on the
C. It's under
the chair

3.Choose the correct answer His

. The house has a red roof.

______ roof is red. Her

Your Nadia has a new car. She

washes ______ car every


We have a dog and a cat.
They are ______ pets.

The bike belongs to me. It is
______ bike.


Betty and Daniel have three
children. ______ children
are very nice.

4. Choose the correct answer T (true ) F (false).
Because is a connector T F
Today is a connector T F
And is a connector T F
Car is a connector T F
Also is a connector T F

5. Complete the text using the verb to be am, is or are

1. Peter Baker   from Manchester, but Paul and John   from London.

Manchester and London   cities in England. Hamburg   a city in

Germany. Sandra   at school today. Jack and Peter   her friends.

They   in the same class. Mr and Mrs Baker   on a trip to the USA to visit

their cousin Anne. She   a nice girl. Peter says: "My grandfather   in

hospital. I   at home with my grandmother." What time   it? It   8

o'clock.   you tired? No, I   not.

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