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Operating Systems-15CS64 Question Bank


1. Define an operating system. Discuss its role with user and system viewpoints
2. Briefly explain the common classes of services provided by the various operating systems for helping
the user and for ensuring the efficient operation of the systems for helping the user and for ensuring
the efficient operation of the system. (10Marks,Dec09)
3. List out the different services that an operating system provides. Explain.
(06Marks,Dec08, Jan15,june 2018, 06M Jan 19)
4. Differentiate between a trap and an interrupt. (02Marks,Dec08)
5. Discuss the operating system function
i) That helpful to user. ii) that are meant for ensuring the efficient operation of system.
6. Explain the following terms:
i) Bootstrap program ii) Caching iii) Trap iv) Job pool v) Symmetric multiprocessing.
7. Explain two sets of operating system services that are helpful to user as well as efficient
operation of system. (10Marks,May10)
8. Write and explain the sequence of system calls for copying a file to another (new) file.
9. Define the essential properties of the following operating systems: i) Time sharing operating system
ii) Batch operating system iii) Real time operating system iv) Distributed operating system.
10. Mention the different system structures employed in a modern operating system. Explain the virtual
machine approach. (06Marks,Dec10)
11. Distinguish among the following terminologies associated with the operating system and explain each
of them in detail Multitasking systems, Multiprogramming systems, Multi processors system
(12Marks, June11, Jan15, 04 M Jan 19)
12. What is an operating system? Bring out the requirements of
i) Real Time Operating System
ii) Distributed Operating System (10Marks,June12)
13. What are system calls? Explain different categories of system calls (10Marks,June12, Jan13)
(4 Marks, June 2017)
14. Briefly explain clustered and real time system (04Marks,Dec12)
15. Define virtual machines. with a neat sketch explain its working and what are the benefits of virtual
machines (4 Marks, June 2017) (10Marks,Dec12, Jan14) (05M,July 19)
16. List the operating system responsibilities in connection , with a process management and memory
management (08Marks,Dec11)
17. Explain graceful degradation and fault tolerance in multiprocessor system (06Marks,Dec11)
18. What is virtual machine? Explain just-in-time (JIT) compiler ,used in java (06Marks,Dec11)
19. What is a distributed OS? What are the advantages of distributed OS? (06Marks,Jan13)
20. Explain the advantage of layered approach with a neat diagram. (06Marks,Jan14)

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Operating Systems-15CS64 Question Bank

21. What is a process? Draw and explain the process state diagram and PCB.
(05Marks,Dec08, 05 marks June 2018, 04M Jun 19, 08 M Jan 19, 06M Jan 20)
22. Discuss the operations of process creation and process termination in UNIX. (07Marks,Dec08, 06M
Jun 19)
23. What are schedulers? Explain various schedulers, with diagrams. (07Marks,May10)
24. Discuss three common ways of establishing relationship between the user thread and kernel thread
25. What is operating system? Explain multiprogramming and time sharing systems (06 M, June 2017)
26. Explain dual mode operation in OS with a neat block diagram (06 M, June 2017, 05 M Jan 20)
27. Why it is important for the scheduler to distinguish I/O bound programs from CPU bound programs?
(02 Marks, June 2017)
28. Distinguish between the following pairs of terms:
i) Symmetric and asymmetric multiprocessor systems
ii) CPU burst and I/O burst jobs
iii) User’s view and systems view of OS
iv) Batch systems and time sharing systems
v) User mode and kernel mode operations . (10 Marks, Dec 2017)
29. List the three main advantages of multiprocessor systems. Also bring out the difference between
graceful degradation and fault tolerance in this context. . (05 Marks, June 2017)
30. Define operating system, with a neat diagram, explain dual mode operation od operating system
(06 marks, June 2018)
31. Explain layered structure of operating system with neat diagram (06 marks, June 2018)
32. Define the following
a. Virtual machine
b. CPU Scheduler
c. Context switching
d. System call (04 marks, June 2018)
33. Explain the role of operating system from different viewpoints. Explain the dual mode of operation of
an operating System. (07M Jun 19)
34. Explain the types of multi-processing system and types of clustering. (05M Jun 19)
35. Analyze modular kernel approach with layered approach with a net sketch. (06M Jan 19)
36. Explain the types of multiprocessing system and types of clustering. (04M Jun 19)
37. Describe the implementation of interposes communication using shared memory and message
passing. (08M Jan 19, 06M Jun 19, 05 M Jan 20)

1. Discuss various multithreading models with diagram. (06Marks,June09, 05 M Jan 20)
2. Consider the following set of processes.
Process Burst time Arrival Time Priority
P1 10 0 2
P2 5 2 1
P3 2 3 0
P4 20 5 3

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Operating Systems-15CS64 Question Bank

Draw Grant charts and calculate average waiting time average turnaround time using following CPU
scheduling algorithms.
i) Preemptive shortest Job First.
ii) Non preemptive priority (= HIGH Priority)
(08 Marks,June09, 06 marks, June 2018)
3. Consider the following set of processes:
Process Arrival time Burst time
P1 0 1
P2 1 9
P3 2 1
P4 3 9
i) Draw Gantt charts showing the execution of these processes using FCFS, preemptive SJF,
non-preemptive SJF and RR (Quantum – 1) scheduling schemes
ii) Compute the turnaround time and waiting time for each process for each of schemes
iii) Compute the average turnaround time and average waiting time in each scheme and above.
4. For the following examples calculate average waiting time and average turnaround time by FCFS,
preemptive SJF, and RR( 1 time unit) CPU scheduling algorithm.
Jobs Arrival time Burst time
P1 0 8
P2 1 4
P3 2 9
P4 3 5

5. For the following set of processes. Find the average waiting time and average turnaround time along
with Gant chart illustration for (06Marks,Dec12)
i) Shortest remaining time first ii) preemptive priority scheduling algorithm

Process Burst time Arrival time Priority

P1 6 2.0 5
P2 4 0.0 4
P3 7 1.6 3
P4 2 1.0 1
P5 1 0.4 2

6. Explain the benefits of multi threading programming (08Marks,Dec11,06M Jun 18,04 M Jan 19)
7. Explain hard real time system (04Marks,Dec11)
8. Differentiate between a. Process and thread b. Short term and medium term schedules c. Waiting and
Turnaround time. (08Marks,Jan14, Jan15)

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Operating Systems-15CS64 Question Bank

9. State the dining philosopher’s problem and give a solution for the same, suing semaphores. Write
the structure of philosopher. (10Marks,Dec09,Jan14,06 marks, june 2018)
10. Consider the following data about processes

Arrival Burst Priority

Process time time
P1 0 7 3
P2 3 2 2
P3 4 3 1
P4 4 1 1
P5 5 3 3
i) Draw charts to illustrate execution using SRTF, preemptive priority and RR (TS = 1 msec).
ii) Compute waiting time in each of the cases.
iii) Which of them provide minimal average waiting time and turnaround time?
Find out the time at which there are maximum numbers of processes in the ready queue in the scenario?
(10Marks,Dec 08)
11. Describe the Bounded –buffer problem and give a solution for the same using semaphores. Write the
structure of producer and consumer processes. (08Marks,June09)
12. Suppose four processes arrive for processing in the order P1, P2 P3, and P4 with burst times and
priorities as given below:

Process P1 P2 P3 P4
Burst time 7 4 3 5
Priority 3 4 2 1

Draw the Gantt charts and calculate the average waiting time for the following algorithms:

i) First Come First Served ii) Shortest Job First iii) Priority scheduling (08Marks,Dec10)

13. What are semaphores? Explain the solution to procedure- consumer problem using semaphores
14. What are monitor? Explain it (04Marks,June11,06 marks, June 2018)
15. What is critical section problem? How does a semaphores solve the crtical section problem?
Discuss whether semaphores satisfy the three requirement for a solution to a critical section problem
16. Define mutual exclusion and critical section problem. write the software solution for 2- process
synchronization (07Marks,Dec12)
17. What is semaphores? Explain how it can be used to solve producer consumer problem .

18. Explain the solution for dining –philosopher problem using monitors (06Marks,Dec12, 08
M Jun 19, 05 M Jan 20)
19. What is race condition? Explain Reader’s Writer’s problem with semaphores (10 Marks, Jan14, 08
M Jun 19, 08 M Jan 20, 05 M Jan 20)
20. Explain test and set instruction and explain mutual exclusion using test and set instructions

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Operating Systems-15CS64 Question Bank


21. Consider the following set of processes, with the length of the CPU burst given in milliseconds.

Burst Priority
Process time
P1 10 3
P2 1 1
P3 2 3
P4 1 4
P5 5 2
i) Draw the Gantt charts for the following scheduling algorithms, FCFS, SJF and RR
ii) Find out turn around time and waiting of each process for each of these scheduling algorithm
and also find out average turn around time and average waiting time.
(12 Marks,June17, 08 marks, June 2018)
22. Define Semaphore. Explain its usage and implementation (06 Marks,June17)
23. Explain multi process scheduling (04 marks, June 2018)
24. Discuss the threading issues that come with multithreaded program. (08m Jun 19)
25. Calculate the average waiting time by drawing Gantt Chart using FCFS, SRTF, RR[q=2ms]
algorithms ( 08m Jun 19, 12M Jan 19)

Arrival Burst time

Process time
P1 0 9
P2 1 4
P3 2 9
P4 3 5
26. For the process listed below, draw Gantt charts using pre-emptive and non-preemptive priority
scheduling alg. A large priority number has a higher priority. Calculate avg. weighting time and avg.
turnaround time. (06M Jan 20)

Arrival Burst Priority

Process time time
P1 0 6 4
P2 3 5 2
P3 3 3 6
P4 5 5 3
27. Define semaphores. Explain its usage and implementation. (06 M Jan 20)
28. Illustrate with examples the peterson’s solution for critical section problem and prove that the mutual
exclusion property is preserved. (08M, Jan 19)

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Operating Systems-15CS64 Question Bank

1. Describe the necessary conditions for a deadlock situation to arise, in a system. (04Marks,Dec 09)
2. Consider the following snapshot of a system:
Allocation Maximum Available
0 0 1 2 0 0 1 2 1 5 2 0
1 0 0 0 1 7 5 0
2 3 5 4 2 3 5 6
0 6 3 2 0 6 5 2
0 0 1 4 0 6 5 6

Answer the following questions using the Banker’s algorithm;

i) What is the content of the matrix need
ii) Is the system in a safe state?
iii) If a request from process P1 arrives for (0, 4, 2, 0 ) (10M,Dec09,Jan14, 10m Jan 19)
3. Define race condition. List the requirements that solution to critical section problem must satisfy.
4. Define the algorithms Test and Set ( ) and Swap (). Show that they satisfy mutual exclusion
5. Consider the following snap shot of resource-allocation at time t1

Allocation request Available

P0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
P1 2 0 0 2 0 2
P2 3 0 3 0 0 0
P3 2 1 1 1 0 0
P4 0 0 2 0 0 2
i) Show that the system is not deadlocked by generating one safe sequence.
ii) At instance 12, p2 makes one additional request for instance of type C, Show that the
system is deadlocked if the request is granted.
6. Consider the following snapshot of a system. (09Marks,June09,09 M Jun 19 06M Jan 20)
Allocation Maximum Available
P0 0 1 0 7 5 3 3 3 2
P1 2 0 0 3 2 2
P2 3 0 2 9 0 2
P3 2 1 1 2 2 2
P4 0 0 2 4 3 3
Answer following questions using Bankers algorithm.
i) Is the system in a safe state?
ii) If a request from P1 arrives for (1,0,2), can the request be granted immediately?

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Operating Systems-15CS64 Question Bank

7. Consider the Resource allocation graphs given in fig.Q4(c ) (i)and (ii), Check whether deadlock exists
in the system, if yes, identify the processes involved in deadlock. (05Marks,June09,05 M Jan 20)

Fig. Q4(c) (i) fig. Q4(c) (ii)

8. Explain how resource-allocation graph is used to describe deadlocks. (05Marks,May10)

9. What are the different methods for handling deadlocks? Explain Banker’s algorithm.
10. “A safe state in not a deadlock state but a deadlock state is an unsafe state”. Explain
11. Explain the terms: critical section and mutual exclusion. (05Marks,Dec10)
12. What is a semaphore? Explain the role of a semaphore in solving a critical section problem.
13. What are monitors? Explain its usage and implementation (08 Marks, June17)
14. Define the terms: safe state and safe sequence. Give an algorithm to find whether or not a system is
in a safe state. (10Marks,Dec10)
15. What is dead lock? explain the necessary conditions for its occurrence
16. Consider the system

Process Allocation Max Available

P0 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 2 1 5 2 0
P1 1 0 0 0 1 7 5 0
P2 1 3 5 4 2 3 5 6
P3 0 6 3 2 0 6 5 2
P4 0 0 1 4 0 6 5 6

Answer the following questions using Bankers algorithm

i) What is the content of matrix need?
ii) Is the system in safe state?
iii) If a request from process p arrives for ( 0, 4, 2, 0) can the request be granted immediately?
17. Define the necessary and sufficient conditions for dead lock to occur (04Marks,Dec12)

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Operating Systems-15CS64 Question Bank

18. Consider the following snap shot of the system

Process Allocated resources Maximum requirement Total resources
R1 R2 R3 R1 R2 R3 R1 R2 R3
P1 2 2 3 3 6 8 7 7 10
P2 2 0 3 4 3 3
P3 1 2 4 3 4 4
i) What is the content need matrix?
ii) Is the system in safe state?
iii) If the following requests are made , can they be satisfied / granted immediately in the current state :
P1 requests for (1, 1, 0)
P3 requests for ( 0, 1, 0) resource additionality. (10Marks,Dec12)
19. Given the three processes A,B and C , 3 resources X,Y and Z and the following events.
i) A requests X
ii) A requests Y
iii) B requests Y
iv) B requests Z
v) C requests X
vi) C requests Y
vii) C requests Z
Assume the requested resources is always allocated to requesting process if it is available .Draw
the resource allocation graph (RAG) for the sequence (2, 6, 3, 5, 1, 4 and 7) .Also mention if deadlock
occurs. If so, how do you recover from deadlock? (06Marks, Dec12)

20. List any four examples of deadlock that are not related to computer systems.
(08Marks, Dec11)
21. Explain safety algorithm used in Bankers algorithm, with a suitable example. (12Marks, Dec11)
22. What are deadlocks? What are its characteristics? (05 Marks, June 17)

23. Consider the following snapshot of a system:

Process Allocation Max Available
Po 0012 0012 1520
P1 1000 1750
P2 1354 2356
P3 0632 0652
P4 0014 0656
vi) Find out need matrix
vii) If a request from process P1 arrived for (0,4,2,0) can the request be granted
viii) Is the system in a safe state
24. Explain the process of recovery from deadlock. (05 Marks, June 2017)
25. Discuss the various approaches used for deadlock recovery. (07 M Jan 19)

26. What is a deadlock? List the necessary conditions for a deadlock to occur.
(12Marks,Dec10,06 marks, June 2018, 06 M Jan 19, 05M Jan 20)

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Operating Systems-15CS64 Question Bank

27. Illustrate with example, the internal and external fragmentation problem encountered in continuous
memory allocation. (07 M Jan 19, 04M Jan 19,05 M Jan 20)
28. Analyze the problem in simple paging techniques and show TLB is used to solve the problem.
(08M Jan 19, 06M Jan 20)
29. Memory partitions of 100KB, 500KB, 200KB, 300KB, 600KB (in order) are available. How would
first – fit, best – fit and worst – fit algorithms place processes of 212KB, 417KB and 426KB (in
order). Which algorithm makes the most efficient use of memory?(06M Dec08, Jan14, 06 M Jan
30. Given the memory partition of 200K, 700k,500k,300k,100k,400k. Apply first fit, best fit to place
315k, 427k, 250k, 550k (04M Jan 19)


1. What is paging and swapping? (04Marks,Dec09,Jan14,06 marks, June 2018)

2. With a diagram, discuss the steps involved in handling a page fault. (06Marks,Dec09, 08 M Jun 19)
3. Consider the following page reference stream:1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 1, 5, 6, 2, 1, 2, 3, 7,6, 3,2,1, 2, 3, 3. How
May page faults would occur for LRU, FIPO and Optimal replacement algorithms assuming 3 and 5
frames? Which one of the above is most efficient? (10Marks,Dec08)
4. What do you mean by dynamic storage allocation problem? Explain possible solutions to this
problem. (04Marks,May10)
5. Explain the structure of page table. (09Marks,Jun 19)
6. Illustrate how demand paging affects system performance. (08M Jun 19, 08M Jan 19, 05 M Jan

7. Consider the following reference string : 7,0,1,2,0,3,0,4,2,3,0,3,2,1,2,0,1,7,0,1. Assuming three

frames, all initially empty, how many page faults would occur for i) LRU ii) FIFO iii) Optimal
page replacement algorithms? Which of the algorithms is most efficient in this case?
8. What do you mean by a address binding? Explain the necessary steps, the binding of instructions and
data to memory addresses. (08Marks,Dec10)
9. What do you mean by copy-on-write? Where is it used? Explain in brief. (04Marks,Dec10)
10. What is paging? Explain it (07Marks,June11)
11. Explain internal and external fragmentation with a neat diagram (04Marks,June11)
12. Consider the following page reference string:1,2,3,5,2,3,5,7,2,1,2,3,8,6,4,3,2,2,3,6
How many page faults would occur in the case of (08Marks,June11)
i) LRU
ii) FIFO
iii) Optimal algorithm.
Assuming 3 frames note that initially all frames are empty
13. Explain the multistep processing of a user program with a neat block diagram. (05 M, June 2017)
14. Explain segmentation with an example. (06 Marks, June 2017)
15. Consider the following segment table:

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Operating Systems-15CS64 Question Bank

Segment Base Length

0 219 600
1 2300 14
2 90 100
3 1327 580
4 1952 96

What are the physical addresses for the following logical addresses?
i) 0,430 ii) 1,10 iii) 2,500 iv) 3,400 v) 4,112
16. Consider the following sequence of memory reference form a 460 word program.
10,11,104,170,73,309,185,245,246,434,458,364 show the reference string assuming page size of 100
words find page fault rate for the above reference string assuming 200 words of primary memory
available and FIFO and LRU replacement algorithms. (10Marks, Dec12)
17. What is dynamic storage allocation? Explain the commonly used strategies for dynamic storage
allocation (09Marks,Dec12)
18. Explain the following page replacement algorithms : (06Marks, Dec11)
i) Optimal
ii) LRU
19. To reference string 1,0,7,1,0,3,1,3,2,0,3,2,4,0,3,2,1,0,7 find how many page faults would occur for
these algorithms, if number of frames is 3. (10Marks,Dec10,06 marks, June 2018)
20. Explain the segmentation memory management. Describe the hardware support that is required for
its implementation (10Marks,Dec10)

21. Explain the following:

i) File types
ii) File operation.
iii) File attributes (12Marks,Dec09, Jan14, (06 marks, June 2018))
22. Explain the methods used for implementing directories. (08Marks,Dec09, Jan14)
23. What is file? Describe the different access methods on files. . (06 Marks, June 2017)
24. What is file mounting? Explain. (04Marks,Dec08)
25. Draw a neat diagram and explain finked file allocation. Is FAT linked allocation? Discuss.
26. Discuss the following in brief: i) File Attributes ii) File types iii) Sequential File Access iv) Tree
structured Directories. (12Marks,Dec08,13)
27. Explain contiguous, linked and indexed methods of allocating disk space. (08Marks,Dec10)
28. What is meant by ‘consistency semantics’? Explain the consistency semantics as implemented in a
modern O.S. (07Marks,May10)
29. With the help of neat diagram, describe:
i) Tree-structured directory ii) Acylic- graph directory. (06Marks,May10, 13,14)
30. Explain virtual file system (VFS) (09Marks,May10)
31. Explain any two file allocation methods with their merits and demerits. (08Marks,Dec10, Jan14)
32. What do mean by a free space list? With suitable examples, explain any two methods of
implementation of a free space list. (08Marks,Dec10, Jan14)

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Operating Systems-15CS64 Question Bank

33. What are the major methods used for allocating a disk space? Explain each, with suitable examples.
34. Explain different file access methods. (05Marks,June11, 05 M Jan 20)
35. Explain various directory structures (07Marks,June11)
36. Explain different disk space allocation methods with an example.
(08Marks,June11,14, (06 marks, June 2018))
37. Define file system explain different directory structure (07Marks,June12, 08 M Jan 19)
38. Explain the concept of file mounting (05 Marks,Dec12)
39. List the common file types along with its extension and functions (10Marks,Dec11)
40. How do the modern operating systems concurrently support multiplies types of file system? Explain
its implementation (10Marks,Dec11)
41. Explain the various operations performed on files. . (07 Marks, June 2017, 06M Jan 20)
42. Point out and explain briefly the problems with RAID . (05 Marks, June 2017)
43. Describe various file allocation methods. (08M Jun 19)
44. Explain various allocation methods in implementing file system. (05M Jan 20)
45. What do you mean by free space list? With suitable example, explain any three methods of free space
list implementation. (08M Jan 19)

1. A disk drive has 200 cylinders numbered from 0 to 199. The disk head is initially at cylinder 53. The
queue of pending requests in FIFO order is: 98, 183, 37, 122, 14, 124, 65, 67. Starting from the
current head position, what is the total distance traveled (in cylinders ) by Illustrate with figures in
each case. (12Marks,Dec09, Jan 14)
2. A drive has 5000cylinders numbered 0 to 4999. The drive is currently serving a request at cylinder
143 and the previous request was at cylinder 125. The queue of pending requests in FIFO order is :
86, 1470, 913, 1773, 948, 1509, 1022, 1750, 130. Starting from the current head position, what is the
total distance travelled (in cylinders) by the disk arm to satisfy the requests using algorithms FCFS,
SSTF, SCAN, LOOK. Illustrate with figures in each case. (10M Dec12,June11,May11,June09)
3. Explain the following disk scheduling algorithms in brief with examples.
i) FCFS Scheduling ii) S S T F Scheduling iii) S C A N Scheduling
(12Marks,June11) . (10 Marks, June 17) (06 marks, June 18, 08 M Jan 20, 09 M Jun 19)
4. Suppose the position of cylinder is at 53. Sketch the graphical representation for the queue of
pending requests in the order -98, 183, 37, 122, 14, 124, 65, 67, for FCFS, SSTF and LOOK
scheduling schemes. Give your comment on this scenario for the above schemes.
(12Marks,June09, July 14)
5. What is swap space management? Explain. (05Marks,June12, Jan14)
6. Explain the access matrix model of implementing protection in operating system (05Marks,June12,
Jan14, 07 M Jun 19, 08 M Jan 20, 04 M Jan 19)
7. Explain sector slipping with an example (04Marks,Dec11)
8. Assume the disk queue, with request fun I/O to block on cylinders as 80, 30,15,100,125,90,45, and
10. If the disk head is initially at cylinder 35, illustrate the disk movements using the SSTF
scheduling algorithm. Also calculate the total head movement (08Marks,Dec11)
9. Explain various questions that arise in revocation of access rights (08Marks,Dec11)
10. Discuss the directory implementation using

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i) Linear list ii) Hash table (10Marks,Dec10)

11. What are the components that the kernel module support under Linux? Explain in detail.
(10Marks Dec10, Jan 14)
12. Explain different system components in LINUX operating system.
(10Marks,Dec12, July 14, (06 marks, June 2018 08 M Jan 20, Jan 19, Jun 19)
13. Discuss inter process communication in LINUX operation system.
(10Marks,Dec12, (06 marks, June 2018)
14. Distinguish between fork ( ) and clone ( ) system calls. Also customize clone() system call to fork
functionality with suitable modification/settings (08Marks,Dec11)
15. What do you mean by cloning? How it is achieved by Linux OS? (06 Marks, Jan14)
16. Explain the LINUX device drive the block structure (12Marks,Dec11)
17. Explain process scheduling in a linux system . (06 Marks, June 2017, 05 M Jan 20)
18. Explain file systems implementation in linux . (08 Marks, June 2017)
19. Explain the way process is managed in LINUX platform (08M Jul 19)
20. Describe briefly on Linux Kernel Modules (08M Jan 19)
21. Explain the different IPC mechanisms available in Linux. (05M Jan 20)

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