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Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 112 (2020) 109988

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Experimentally investigating the flow characteristics of airlift pumps T

operating in gas-liquid-solid flow

Zhineng Wanga,b,c, , Yingjian Dengb, Yang Pana, Yongping Jinc, Fei Huangd
School of Mechanical Engineering, Hunan University of Science and Technology, Xiangtan 411201, China
School of Mechanical Engineering, Hunan University of Technology, Zhuzhou 412007, China
National-Local Joint Engineering Laboratory of Marine Mineral Resources Exploration Equipment and Safety Technology, Hunan University of Science and Technology,
Xiangtan, Hunan 411201, China
The SAWS Laboratory of Prevention and Controlling the Roof, Coal and Gas Outburst in Coal Mine of South China, Hunan University of Science and Technology,
Xiangtan 411201, China


Keywords: Experiment were conducted to investigated the flow characteristics of airlift pumps operating in gas-liquid-solid
Airlift pumps three phase flow by employing a high-speed camera. The results showed that an intermittent flow consisted of
Gas-liquid-solid flow film and liquid slug appeared in airlift pumps with a flow frequency of 1.5–2.6 Hz. The portion of slug body
Flow structure directly determined the performance of airlift pumps due to a large particle concentration. In practical en-
gineering, some methods for increasing the portion of slug body could be used for better pump performance.

1. Introduction performance. Kassab [5] experimentally investigated the performance

of airlift pump operating at nine submergence ratios and found that
Airlift pump has been widely used for lifting toxic or corrosive pump efficiency increased with submergence ratio. Ahmed [6,7] pre-
substance in chemical industries, conveying manganese nodules in sented a comprehensive experimental investigation on the effect of air
deep-sea mining, lifting slurries in sewage treatment since the begin- injection methods on the performance of airlift pumps. He found that
ning of the twentieth century [1,2]. This pump has a simple structure the pulsating mode of air injection could control the intermittent flow
and it mainly consisted of a vertical pipe, partially submerged into the pattern in the pump riser and consequently was able to keep the pump
lifted liquid. Compressor air was injected into the bottom of rising pipe operating within the best efficiency range. The above researchers ex-
resulting in a high buoyancy force for lifting slurries. Compared with perimentally measure the flow rates of output liquid or solid and tried
other pumps, airlift pump was very economic and reliable, because it to give a lot of suggestions for improving the pump performance. But it
had no moving parts and no need for lubrication. Even though, airlift was not enough to totally understand the pump performance because
pumps had many advantages than that of other pumps, a big problem some other important parameters, such as, volumetric fractions of gas,
still existed that its pumping efficient was still not high enough, espe- or particle, pressure drop, and the flow structure of gas-liquid-solid flow
cially under a low static liquid level, compared with other mechanical were still unclear to us.
pumps. The gas fraction in gas-liquid two phase flow could be measured by
Most of researchers tried to improve the performance of airlift pump conductivity probe due to the different electric conductivity. But, for
by optimizing the geometry, operating parameters or choosing some gas-liquid-solid three phase flow, it was very hard to measure the vo-
proper air-injectors. Hanafizadeh [3] numerically investigated the effect lumetric fractions by conductivity probe, because there was a problem
of step geometry in airlift pumps on the pumping performance. He for distinguish the electric conductivity of gas, liquid and solid. Thus,
found that step geometry with an abrupt increase in cross sectional area there was still no report on the volumetric fraction of particle in airlift
can keep pump retaining in slug regime and greatly enhance the liquid pump until now. Recently, Tighzert [8] measured the gas volumetric
superficial velocity. Fujimoto [4] experimentally investigated the effect fraction in airlift pump operating in gas-liquid two phase flow, by using
of local bends on the pump performance using six types of rising pipe quick closing value method and he found that the gas volumetric
with S-shaped portions. And he found that a larger inclination angle of fraction decreased with the increase of submergence ratio. But the
S-shaped portion gave rise to a larger reduction of pumping quick closing value method was not fit for gas-liquid-solid three phase

Corresponding author at: School of Mechanical Engineering, Hunan University of Science and Technology, Xiangtan 411201, China.
E-mail address: (Z. Wang).
Received 6 August 2019; Received in revised form 22 October 2019; Accepted 6 November 2019
Available online 09 November 2019
0894-1777/ © 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Z. Wang, et al. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 112 (2020) 109988

flow, because, it greatly affected the hydrodynamic of particle flow a lift mechanism to change the submergence ratio defined as γ = H1/H
when stopping the mixture flow by closing the values. Moreover, the (in Fig. 1).
measured value was a transient one and extremely unstable, which Experiments were performed using uniform spherical particles
greatly depended on the measured distance between the two con- (medical stone) with density of 1967 kg/m3 and a diameter of 2 mm. In
trollable values. In fact, the particle volumetric fraction could be the- this experiment, the feed speed of this particles was about 0.01–0.02
oretically derived from its rue velocity and superficial velocity, as said kg/s. The compressed air was continuously supplied by an air com-
by Kassab [9] and Yoshinaga [10], who proposed a correlation for pressor and was cleaned by an air filter. To regulate the flow rate and
particle volumetric fraction and employed this correlation in the minimize its fluctuation, a regulator and a shock absorber were
modeling of airlift pump. Both Kassab [9] and Yoshinaga [10] showed mounted at the inlet of the air injection. Solid particles were con-
that the predicted solid and liquid superficial velocity could fit well tinuously fed from the particle feeder. In air separator, the air was re-
with the corresponding experimental data. Thus, we believed that the leased to the atmosphere from the pinholes on the cover of the se-
correlation for particle volumetric fraction proposed by Kassab and parator. Water and particles continued flowing to the strainer where the
Yoshinaga was reasonable and meaningful for estimating the particle particles were separated from water.
volumetric fraction in three-phase flow. To avoid the decrease of the submergence ratio caused by the loss of
The flow structure of gas-liquid-solid flow as a key parameter for output water, a centrifugal pump with a control system was employed
airlift pump was unfortunately not clearly understood in the previously to keep the height of water in the supply tank. In this experiment, the
cited works. Researchers investigated the flow regime in airlift pump submergence ratio varied from 0.4 to 0.7, and the air discharge varied
operating in gas-liquid two-phase flow, based on the classical flow re- from 0 to 70 m3/h. A gas turbine flow meter (type: LUGB25) with an
gime map in typical vertical upward flow where both the gas and liquid accuracy of ± 1% was mounted near the air injector to get the inlet air
discharge were controlled artificially. According to the typical flow flow rate. 5 pressure transducers ((type: VMK-P300)) were mounted
regime map, some researchers, such as, Hanafizadeh [11–13], Zaraki along the rising pipe to measure the instantaneous pressure signals
[14], Parker [15], Khalil [16], Fan [17], inferred that airlift pump ex- using a sampling frequency 500 Hz. To analyze the flow structure in
perienced bubble flow, slug flow, churn flow, annular flow, respec- vertical tube, a high speed camcorder (type: PhantomM310-12G) was
tively, when increasing the gas superficial velocity. Afterwards, it was used with a shooting frequency of 1500 frames/s.
found that bubbly flow could be ignored in airlift pump due to its To investigate the flow characteristics, some experimental mea-
disability for pumping liquid in an extremely low air discharge. In fact, surements should be made in the fully developed segment. For a slow
the flow structure was more unstable in airlift pump than that in typical multi-phase flow in airlift pumps (JG < 16 m/s, JL < 0.8 m/s,
vertical gas-liquid flow because the uncontrollable liquid flow rate JS < 0.006 m/s), its developed length was not long. This had been
entering into airlift pump resulted in a stronger turbulent fluctuation. It verified by Moisidis [21] who analyzed the pressure drop along the
has been found that output liquid flow rate could almost retain a con- riser pipe and found that its pressure drops almost kept constant at a
stant maximal flow rate even under an increasing high gas flow rate distance about 16 D (pipe diameter) far away from the exist of the air
[6–10], which was not consistent with the result of annular flow whose injectors. Tighzert [8] also measured the void fraction of airlift pump
output liquid flow rate should be sharply reduced due to the thinner working in gas-liquid flow by using quick closing valve method by si-
film when increasing the gas flow rate according to Stenning and multaneously closing the two valves, which were about 40 D away from
Martin theory [18]. This was proved by Tramba [19] who found that a the air injector. It could be deduced from the result of Tighzert [8] that
quasi-periodic burst-like behavior, rather than the annular flow, the flow in airlift pump had been fully developed. In this experiment,
dominated the performance of airlift pump under low submergence the top two pressure transducers which were 42.5 D and 45D away
ratios. We also reported that an intermittent gas-liquid flow structure in from the air injector were employed for calculating the experimental
airlift pump operating at high gas flow rate even under high sub- pressure drop, and the multiphase flow at a distance region of 50 D-58
mergence ratios because the continuous gas core was easy to discrete D was captured by high speed camera for investigating the hydro-
into a spray of small bubbles under a strong turbulent environment. dynamic of multiphase flow.
Until now, the exact flow structure of the gas-liquid-solid flow in airlift The water flow rate was measured by artificially weighing the
pump was still not investigated yet. Many researchers, such as Kassab output water in 1 min after the airlift pump working in stable condition.
[9], Yoshinaga [10], Hu [20] tried to explain the structure of the gas- The particle mass flow rate was also measured by the same method. To
liquid-solid flow in airlift pump based on the gas-liquid two phase flow accurately obtain the weight of solid particles, the sampled output
regime map. But for gas-liquid-solid flow, we believed its flow structure particles was weighted after 5 min dehydration in natural state. For
should be more complex and unstable than that of gas-liquid flow in convenience, we did an auxiliary test by soaking the solid particles in
airlift pump, because both the liquid and solid superficial velocities water tank and taking them out for 5 min dehydration in natural state
were totally controlled by the gas flow. to obtain the correlation between wet particles and dry particles. Fig. 2
In present work, a theoretical analysis of volumetric fractions of gas, showed the result of wet particle mass versus dry particle mass. It could
liquid, solid was conducted for better understanding the hydrodynamic be found that the correlation between the mass of dry particles (mdry)
of gas-liquid-solid three phase flow. Moreover, a high-speed camera and wet particles (mwet) was,
was employed for investigating the flow structure of gas-liquid-solid
flow in airlift pump. mdry = 0.889m wet (1)

2. Experimental setups To maximally reduce the artificial measured error, the water and
particle flow rates were measured 5 times to obtain their mean flow
The experimental apparatus is shown in Fig. 1. It mainly consisted rates, respectively
of a 40 mm inner diameter lifting tube made of transparent plexiglass to 5
visually observe the flow structure. The lifting tube was 2500 mm long 1 ΔmL 1
JL = ∑
provided with two appropriate flanges. Its entrance was connected to 5 i=1
Δt ρL A (2)
an air injector submerged in the intermediate tank. Its outlet was
connected to a separator provided with an air and a water outlet. The 5
1 Δmdry 1
suction pipe was about 600 mm with an inner diameter of 40 mm, and JS = ∑
its bottom was about 50–150 mm away from the particles deposited in 5 i=1
Δt ρS A (3)
the Intermediate tank. The supply tank could be moved up and down by

Z. Wang, et al. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 112 (2020) 109988

Fig. 1. Airlift pump device.

Fig. 2. Wet particle mass versus dry particle mass.

Fig. 3. Superficial liquid velocity versus superficial gas velocity.

3. Results and discussion
gas flow rate because the thin film flow could hardly pump a high flow
3.1. Water and particle superficial velocities
rate of output water, as said by Wang [2]. Moreover, the output water
flow was intermittent in our experiment which was not consistent with
The results of lifting water and particles by airlift pump, at various
the stable and continuous flow characteristic of annular flow. Wang had
superficial gas velocities and submergence ratios were presented, as
found that the flow structure with a periodic characteristic was mainly
shown in Figs. 3 and 4. In Fig. 3, the lifting water velocity firstly in-
consisted of three flow stage: falling film, slug, ascending film, which
creased to a peak value and then almost keep constant with increasing
was much more reasonable for explaining the water flow characteristic
superficial gas velocity, which was consisted with the result of Kassab
in our experiment.
[9], Yoshinaga [10], Fujimoto [4]. Many researchers had declared that
As shown in Fig. 4, the flow rate of lifting particles was also firstly
this pumping performance was corresponding to the flow regimes
increased to a peak value and then keep constant with the increasing of
transition from slug to churn and finally to annular flow regime, ac-
gas flow rate, which was similar to the trend of water flow. By com-
cording to the classical vertical flow pattern map by Hewitt [22]. In fact,
paring with the liquid and particle velocities in Figs. 3 and 4, it could be
the annular flow should not dominate the pump performance in high

Z. Wang, et al. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 112 (2020) 109988

Fig. 4. Superficial solid velocity versus superficial gas velocity.

Fig. 5. Pump efficiency versus superficial gas velocity.
found that the critical gas velocity for pumping particles was much
bigger than that for pumping water at a same submergence ratio. This is could be estimated by Yoshinaga correlation [10]:
because the buoyancy force for particles was bigger than that for water
flow. In addition, it also could be found that the peak values of water uS = c + uSW
ρA (6)
and particle velocities appeared in different gas velocities and that the
peak value of particle appeared in a higher gas velocity. Kassab [9] had where c was the distribution coefficient, m the mass flux of gas-liquid-
found that most of particles were uniformly distributed in water slug particle mixture, ρA the apparent density of three phase mixture, uSW
due to the higher friction between particle and water than that between the wall-affected settling velocity of particles. The above parameters,
particle and gas. Thus, particle flow rate should also reach its maximum were given as,
at a maximal water velocity. But the fact was that particle velocity still
c = 1 + 0.2e−5εS,3/(1 − εG) (7)
increased after a peak water velocity. This could be explained that few
particles existed in gas flow still accelerate their velocities after water m = ρG JG + ρL JL + ρS JS (8)
reach its maximal its maximal velocity.
The pumping efficiency, defined as the ratio of the grained power ρ3
ρA = ( )1.5ρLS,3
over the consumed power, can be written as Hu [23] ρLS,3 (9)
ρL QL3 QS2
+ ρL QL g (H − H1) + + QS ρS g (H + H0) − ρL g (H1 + H0) QS ds 2 εS,3 2.4 (ρL / ρA ) S − 1
2A2 2A2 uSW = [1 − ( ) ][1 − ] uST
η= P
Po QG ln( PI ) D 1 − εG S−1 (10)

(4) where S was the specific density of particles, uST the free settling ve-
locity of particles in still liquid, ρ3 was the mean density of three phase
where ρ was the mass density, g the gravity acceleration, Q the flow
mixture, ρLS,3 the mean density of the slurry. The two parameters (ρ3,
rate, A the cress section area, H the length of rising pipe, H1 the static
ρLS,3) could be expressed by
depth of water, H0 the length of suction pipe, Po the atmosphere
pressure, PI the air injection pressure. ρ3 = ρG εG + ρL εL,3 + ρS εS,3 (11)
Fig. 5 demonstrated the curves of pumping efficiency versus gas εL,3 εS,3
superficial velocity at various submergence ratios. It was shown that the ρLS,3 = ρL + ρS
1 − εG 1 − εG (12)
pump efficiency decayed linearly in gas superficial velocity at various
submergence ratios, which phenomenon could also be found in the where εG εL,3 were the volumetric fraction of gas and liquid, respec-
researches of Hu [23], Lawniczak [24]. By comparing Figs. 3–5, it could tively. The volumetric fraction of gas was proposed by Yoshinaga [10]
be found that the pump efficiency didn’t increased with the increasing and Kassab [9],
liquid and particle velocities, because the consumed power for in-
creasing gas velocity was much larger than the grained power of water
ρG 1 ρ 1 ρLS,3 / ρG + 0.4(1/ x − 1) 0.5 −1
and particles. In addition, the pump efficiency was also strongly de- = {1 + 0.4 ( − 1) + 0.6 G ( − 1)[ ] }
pendent on the submergence ratio. A higher submergence ratio usually ρLS,3 x ρLS,3 x 1 + 0.4(1/ x − 1)
produced a higher pressure at the bottom of suction pipe and a shorter (13)
distance for water and particles.
m (14)
3.2. Volumetric fractions and pressure drops
The volumetric fraction of liquid could be derived from the volu-
The volumetric fraction of particle (εS,3) in lifting pipe was ex- metric fractions of gas and particle,
pressed by εL,3 = 1 − εG − εS,3 (15)
εS,3 = S For the pressure drop in three phase flow, Sadatomi et al. [25]
uS (5)
proposed a modified correlation by regarding a three-phase flow as an
where J was the superficial velocity, us the true particle velocity, which air-slurry flow,

Z. Wang, et al. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 112 (2020) 109988

Δp3 21 1 Δp
= (1 + + 2 )(( LS ))
Δz χ χ Δz (16)
where Δp3/Δz was pressure drop in three phase flow, ΔpLS/Δz pressure
drop in two-phase water-solid flow, χ Lockhart and Martinelli para-
In Eq. (16), the pressure drop in two-phase water-solid flow was
proposed by Sadatomi [25],
= (JL + JS )2
Δz 2D (17)

λLS = 0.316Re−LS0.25 (18)

(JL + JS ) D
ReLS =
νL (19)
where νL was liquid kinematic viscosity, D the pipe diameter.
The Lockhart and Martinelli parameter could be expressed by
ΔpLS Δpf,G
χ2 = ( )/( )
Δz Δz (20)
Fig. 6. Comparison of model value of particle volumetric fractions with mea-
where Δp3/Δz was pressure drop in gas flow, and it could be calculated sured value.
as follows:
ΔpG λ
= G ρG JG2
Δz 2D (21)

λ G = 0.316Re−

ReG =
νG (23)
where νG was gas kinematic viscosity.
A numerical solution was need to calculate the volumetric fractions
of gas and particle. For the known phase superficial velocities (JG, JL,
JS), a solution of two nonlinear equations (Eqs. (5), (13)) for unknown
parameters (εG, εS,3) was needed, while the other equations (Eqs.
(6)–(12), (14), (15)) were used as explicit auxiliary equations. The two
equations (Eqs. (5), (13)) were rewritten in an implicit form with 0 on
their right-hand side and was solved by a nonlinear equation algorithm
using MATLAB software. This solution could yield the values of para-
meters (εG, εS,3). Plugging those two values into Eq. (15), the volumetric
fraction of liquid could also be calculated. For the pressure drop (Δp3/
Δz), it was very easy to be calculated from explicit Eqs. (16)–(23) for Fig. 7. Comparison of calculated pressure drop with measured one.
known parameters (JG, JL, JS, εG, εS,3, εL,3).
To verify the correctness of this model, the particle volumetric
fraction was firstly measured from the multiphase flow images, cap-
tured by high speed camera. As we know, the particle volumetric
fraction was very difficult to be directly measured by sensors. Liu [26]
proposed a particle volumetric fraction measurement method by using
high speed camera recording the gas-liquid-solid flow field and
counting the numbers of spherical particles. For uniform spherical
particles, its volumetric fraction could be estimated as follows:
i=N ni 3 π (ds /2)3
εS,3 =
∑ V
i=1 (24)
where N was the number of images, n the particle numbers in images, V
the actual volume of multiphase flow in the statistic image.
Fig. 6 showed the model calculated particle volumetric fractions
and the measured values at different superficial gas velocities. Fig. 7
showed the model calculated pressure drop and the measured pressure
drop at different superficial gas velocities. It could be found that the
model calculated values of particle volumetric fraction and pressure
drop were in agreement with the corresponding experimental ones.
Fig. 8. Gas volumetric fraction versus superficial gas velocity.
The calculated results of volumetric fractions of gas, water and
particles in three-phase flow, at various superficial gas velocity were
presented in Figs. 8–10, respectively. It could be found that gas occu-
pied most of the space in rising pipe with a high volumetric fraction, in

Z. Wang, et al. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 112 (2020) 109988

Fig. 9. Liquid volumetric fraction versus superficial gas velocity.

Fig. 11. Pressure drop versus gas velocity.

Tighzert [8], because the liquid film became thinner at a larger gas
velocity. But for particles, it was hard to be lifted at a small gas su-
perficial velocity, as many researchers claimed. Its volumetric fraction
firstly increased with the gas superficial velocity because the drag force
acted on particles became larger. When still increasing the gas super-
ficial velocity, particle volumetric fraction slowly decreased. This is
because most of particles were concentrated in liquid phase, as Kassab
said, and it slowly decreased with the decreased liquid volumetric
fraction at a high gas superficial velocity.
Fig. 11 showed the pressure drop of three phase flow at different gas
superficial velocities. It could be found that higher gas superficial ve-
locity produced a larger pressure drop, which was benefit for improving
the liquid and particle velocities. Moisidis [21] also measured the
pressure distribution along the rising pipe, and found that the pressure
drops increased with gas superficial velocity. Moisidis [21], Kassab [9]
Fig. 10. Particle volumetric fraction versus gas velocity. and Sadatomi [25] considered this pressure drop was related to the
mixture gravity and wall friction acted on the mixture flow. With the
increase of gas superficial velocity, the wall friction seems to still in-
a range of 0.78–0.9, and that gas volumetric fraction linearly increased
crease because its mixture velocity increase. Submergence ratio could
with the increased gas superficial velocity, which was also consisted
obviously increase the pressure drop in three phase flow, as shown in
with the findings of Tighzert [8] who measured the void fraction in
Fig. 11. This could be explained that the bottom of rising pipe was
airlift pump working in gas-liquid flow. That’s why pump efficiency was
under a higher pressure in a larger submergence ratio.
so smaller and continuously decreased with increasing gas velocity. An
interesting phenomenon was that a higher submergence ratio seems to
greatly decrease gas volumetric fraction in rising pipe. That’s to say, 3.3. Flow structure in airlift pump
littler gas was needed for pump liquid or particles with a higher sub-
mergence ratio. High speed camera was carried out for observing the flow process of
The liquid volumetric fraction continuously decreased with the in- the gas-liquid-solid flow in airlift pump. For a small superficial gas
creasing gas velocity, as shown in Fig. 9. However, this decreased liquid velocity, slug flow could be observed in rising pipe, as shown in Fig. 12,
volumetric fraction would not produce a low output water flow rate which could hardly pump particles due to a small buoyancy force.
with the increased gas flow rate because the true liquid velocity still Kassab [9] also found this slug flow regime only in a pumping condition
increased due to a higher drag force in gas-liquid interface. that a small quantity of water was lifted without any solid particles.
For the particle volumetric fraction, it firstly increased to a maximal When the gas superficial velocity increased, particles began to be
value and then slowly decreased with the increasing gas superficial lifted. Fig. 13 showed photographs of particles flow for the superficial
velocity. This trend was similar to that of particle superficial velocity gas velocity 6.7 m/s and submergence ratio 0.5. It was found that the
versus gas superficial velocity in Fig. 4. It seems that both of particle Taylor bubble disappeared and that a periodic flow structure, consisted
volumetric fraction and particle superficial velocity reached their of three flow state: ascending film, falling film, liquid slug dominated in
maximums at same gas superficial velocity. That’s to say, particle vo- rising pipe, which also was similar to the finding in gas-liquid flow [2].
lumetric fraction may dominate the output particle flow rate in some From the images in Fig. 13, it could be found that the particle volu-
extent. metric fraction in liquid slug was much higher than that in liquid film.
Comparing the curves of liquid volumetric fraction and particle This could be explained that the friction drags between liquid and solid
volumetric fraction, it was found that their showed the different curve was higher than that between gas and solid. Kassab [9] further de-
trends. The liquid volumetric fraction continuously decreased when monstrated that solid particles in gas core fell faster due to a smaller
increasing the gas superficial velocity, which had also been verified by drag force and were caught up with the chasing gas/film interface, until
entering into liquid slugs.

Z. Wang, et al. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 112 (2020) 109988

Fig.12. Flow structure in airlift pump at JG = 1.2 m/s, γ = 0.5.

With the increasing of gas superficial velocity, the falling film pumps operating at a low gas flow rate, as respect to Fig. 13. Small
showed a shorter duration time until disappearance. Fig. 14 showed bubbles in slug body produced a strong drag force, driving liquid
photographs of a flow cycle for the superficial gas velocity 12 m/s and quickly flowing upward, due to the large bubble-liquid contact area. It
submergence ratio 0.5. Compared with Figs. 13 and 14, ascending film seemed that the downstream liquid film also tried to pursue the fast-
and liquid slug could also be found to flow in lifting pipe, alternately, moving liquid in slug body, which finally formed a fast-ascending film.
But the falling film could not be observed any more. It could be ex- However, the shear force acted on the liquid film was not enough to
plained that the higher gas velocity produced a larger interface shear, balance the film gravity. Thus, the film decelerated its upward velocity
which efficiently prevented the falling movement caused by liquid slowly and then accelerated to fall downward. For the contraflow of
gravity. Further increasing the gas velocity, this flow cycle with as- ascending gas flow and falling film, huge waves formed in the interface
cending film and liquid slug was also dominated, which means the easily resulted in liquid bridges, blocking the gas core, and finally de-
annular flow with the concurrent flow of continuous gas phase and stroy the continuous gas core into a cluster of small bubbles.
continuous liquid phase would not be found in airlift pumps. Many Fig. 16 described the flow structure in airlift pumps operating at a
researchers [27–29] claimed that airlift pumps operating in annular high gas flow rate, as respect to Fig. 14. Liquid film flowed upward due
flow at high flow rate of air intake, according to the classical flow to a large shear stress caused by gas flow. But slug body with bubble-
pattern map made by Hewitt [22]. In fact, the inlet liquid flow rate in liquid mixture still appeared due to the instability of gas-liquid inter-
airlift pumps could not be controlled artificially as that in classical face.
vertical pipe flow. The gas-liquid interface in airlift pump operating at As it mentioned above, the mixture flow showed a cycle char-
high gas flow rate was easier to be broken, due to its stronger turbulent acteristic in airlift pumps. Thus, we could define the flow frequency for
fluctuation of liquid film. That’s why a cycle characteristic was domi- this intermittent flow as the average number of slug body passing
nated in pumps. through a predefined observatory point along vertical pipe per unit
Above all, an intermittent flow characteristic could be observed in time. This frequency directly determined the pressure gradient and very
airlift pumps, even under a high gas flow rate. Here, we introduced helpful for us to understanding pumping performance. According the
hand-drawing sketches to describe the flow structure of airlift pumps, definition, the frequency could be calculated from the captured images,
as shown in Figs. 15 and 16. Fig. 15 showed a flow structure in airlift as follows:

Fig. 13. Flow structure in airlift pump at JG = 6.7 m/s, γ = 0.5.

Z. Wang, et al. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 112 (2020) 109988

Fig. 14. Flow structure in airlift pump at JG = 12 m/s, γ = 0.5.

Fig. 16. Flow structure in airlift pumps operating at a high gas flow rate.

tslug (or tAF , tFF )

PSB (or PAF , PFF ) =
T (26)

Fig. 15. Flow structure in airlift pumps operating at a low gas flow rate. where t was the duration time, T flow cycle, the subscript, SB, AF, FF
means the slug body, ascending film, falling film.
fM = N/T (25) For the images of gas-liquid-solid flow, the manual statistical
method could achieve the flow frequency, the proportions of slug body
where T was the observation time, N was the number of slug body. and liquid film. But this artificial method was a very hard work, which
To better understand the flow structure, we quantification-ally de- also existed a human error. Thus, we introduced an image fractal di-
fined the proportion of slug body, ascending film, falling film in a flow mension for estimating these flow parameters.
cycle, as: Fractal dimension was a useful tool to describe the degree of
roughness of complex profiles. It had been successfully used in

Z. Wang, et al. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 112 (2020) 109988

Fig. 17. Box fractal dimensions for different flow images. Fig. 19. Flow frequency versus gas superficial velocity.

analyzing the dynamic characteristic of multiphase flow. Liu [30] in- dimension, it could be concluded that the fractal dimension of slug
vestigated the fractal structures of flow images of gas-liquid-solid cir- body image was in a range of 2.02–2.06, the dimension of ascending
culating fluidized beds and found that the fractal dimension changes film was in a range of 2–2.02, and the dimension of falling film was in a
with the phase holdup and the agglomeration degree of bubbles. In range of 1.92–2. From the time series of fractal dimension, the numbers
airlift pumps, the images of slug body, ascending film, falling film in a of slug body (N in Eq. (25)), the observation time (T in Eq. (26)), and
flow cycle showed some obvious differences in image roughness. Thus, the corresponding duration time of slug body, ascending film, falling
fractal dimension could be used to distinguish these three different flow film (t in Eq. (26)), could also be estimated. Thus, the flow frequency
states. and the proportion of slug body, ascending film, falling film could also
In this investigation, a box dimension was used for analyzing the be easily measured.
flow characteristics. Its detail calculation method could be seen in the Fig. 19 showed a plot of flow frequency as a function of gas su-
researches of Nayak [31] and Nasim [32]. Fig. 17 showed the box di- perficial velocity at submergence ratio, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6. It showed that the
mensions of the flow images in Fig. 13 at JG = 6.7 m/s, γ = 0.5. it could flow frequency was in a range of 1.5–2.6 Hz, and it decreased with the
be found that the image of slug body showed a maximal fractal di- increasing gas superficial velocity. For increasing gas superficial velo-
mension and the image of falling film showed a minimal fractal di- city, a decrease in liquid holdup would be happened, as shown in Fig. 9.
mension because the small bubbles in slug body was the densest, re- This means the film thickness would be thinner, which delayed the
sulting in a coarse image as shown in Fig. 13(e). formation of slug body and finally decrease the flow frequency, because
For the flow images, all their fractal dimensions could be calculated. a thin film was not good for the formation of a complete liquid bridge
Fig. 18 showed the fractal dimension versus time at JG = 6.7 m/s, capable of blocking gas flow. Submergence ratio also had an obvious
12 m/s, γ = 0.5. It could be found that the fractal dimension showed a effect on the flow frequency that large submergence ratio enhanced the
periodic fluctuation characteristic, which means the slug body and film flow frequency at the same gas superficial velocity. As we already
alternately flowing. By comparing the actual flow images with the known from Figs. 3, 9 that submergence ratio could improve the liquid
series of fractal dimension, it could be verified that the fractal dimen- volumetric fraction and superficial liquid velocity. Thus, we could de-
sion could successfully describing the flow dynamic of gas-liquid-solid duce that the larger liquid superficial velocity was benefit for enhancing
flow in airlift pumps. flow frequency.
By comparing the actual flow images with the series of fractal Ahmed [6,7] used to investigate the pulsating air injection method
in an airlift pump with a 31.75 mm inner diameter for better pump
performance by a solenoid value with a function of controlling the
pulsating air stream at various frequencies. His results showed that the
pulsating injection operating at a frequency range of 1–2.5 Hz has a
much high pump efficiency than that of steadily air injection method.
Ahmed explained that pulsating injection could reduce the axial air
penetration and minimize water reverse flow in the riser. It also con-
firmed that pulsating injection using some frequency greatly could
prevent the formation of film flow. This was reasonable, because film
flow could easily transform into slug body flow, according to the in-
stability of gas-liquid interface theory [33].
Figs. 20–22 illustrated the curves of proportion of slug body, falling
film, ascending film versus gas superficial velocity at submergence
ratio, 0.4 ,0.5, 0.6. It could be found from Fig. 20 that the proportion of
falling film decreased slowly until to 0 with the increasing gas velocity,
due to the larger shear stress of gas flow. Moreover, an increase in
submergence ratio resulted in a decrease in proportion of falling film,
because, the mixture pressure became more higher and efficiently and
this pressure prevented the falling movement. For ascending film, its
proportion continuously increased with the increasing gas superficial
Fig. 18. Fractal dimension versus time at different gas superficial velocity.

Z. Wang, et al. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 112 (2020) 109988

Fig. 23. Particle superficial velocity versus proportion of slug body.

Fig. 20. Proportion of falling film versus gas superficial velocity.
slug body. According to Kelvin-Helmholtz theory [33], the proportion
of slug body should become larger when increasing the gas superficial
velocity, because the gas-liquid interface was easier to be broken under
a large perturbation. It was true that the slug body length became
longer when continuously increasing gas superficial velocity in a gas
velocity range of JG < 11 m/s, as shown in Fig. 21. However, this
phenomenon could not sustain at a high gas velocity, because the small
bubbles in slug body sharply increased their quantity and coalesced into
gas core. That’s to say, gas core formation and slug body formation
simultaneity occurred at high gas superficial velocity. Moreover, the
speed of gas core formation was larger than that of slug body formation,
which also resulted in a decline of proportion of slug body at high gas
superficial velocity, as shown in Fig. 21.
The effect of submergence ratio on the proportion of slug body was
obvious that a large submergence ratio improved the proportion of slug
body, which could be explained that a higher-pressure gradient, caused
by submergence ratio was more benefited for the formation of slug
As we mentioned in Figs. 13 and 14, the particle number in slug
body was much larger than that in liquid film. Thus, the proportion of
Fig. 21. Proportion of slug body versus gas superficial velocity. slug body was very important to determine the pump performance.
Figs. 23 and 24 showed the curves of particle and liquid superficial
velocities versus the proportion of slug body. It was confirmed that a
large portion of slug body could greatly improve the particle and liquid
superficial velocities.

Fig. 22. Proportion of ascending film versus gas superficial velocity.

velocity. This was very reasonable that higher gas velocity produced a
higher shear stress.
For the proportion of slug body, it firstly increased with the gas
superficial velocity until to a maximal value, beyond which, a further
increase in gas velocity leaded to a slowly decrease in the proportion of Fig. 24. Liquid superficial velocity versus proportion of slug body.

Z. Wang, et al. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 112 (2020) 109988

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