Narrative Report On Values Formation: Telafas National High School

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XII
Division of Sultan Kudarat

Narrative Report on Values Formation

March 15-16 , 2019, the days wherein chances are given to students to realize

things, to contemplate and to meditate. This is there time to open their minds that they

need to face the truth, they need to face reality of life.

Bro. John Villanueva, one of the trusted values formator hea the said event. He

instructed everybody including the facilitators to start the program at exactly 8:00 in the

morning and because of the goal of each students they really tried their best to report

on time and it started on the said time successfully.

Bro. John instructed the facilititators to separate those students who have an

attitude problem inside the classroom and let them sit in front. He introduces himself as

if he was talking only to one person. He gained the trust of the students using only his

words. Even the facilitators gained interest to listen because of the way he delivered his


The day was full of enlightenment, you can see to the eyes of the students

different emotions; happiness, sadness, regrets and fears. You can also see in them

trust and hope for the next days of their lives.

The activities went smoothly, he asked students to share their experiences and

let them realize their shortcomings as a person and their individualities and differences.

He also let the students have realizations for their parents, teachers, and peers.

Students are really interested. They have put in their minds what is being said

and what is being taught. They are eager to know what is the said reality and what will

be the future.
Second day was the highlight. It was the day set by the facilitators to include the

parents in the said activity. Bro. John instructed not to let the students know that their

parents are coming.

On that day Bro. John made the students realized life and its consequences.

Students cried as if it was their last days, students feel so hopeless seems its the end of

the world. Students found hope on that day when they saw their parents coming. They

cried really really hard. Some run so fast just to hug their parents. Some waited for their

parents in their seats.

It was the day full of emotions, full of achievements. The day where students

found out the real them in the real world.

Prepared by:


Teacher I


Principal I

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