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Class: B.E.(Mech) Div- A & B Subject: Mechanical System Design

Date: 28/10/2014 12:00 – 1:30 Maximum Marks: 50

Solve Any Three Questions

Q.1 a) Explain speed deviation diagram for multispeed gearbox with sketch (6)

b) A multispeed gear box is to be designed for a small size, general purpose machine tool for spindle
speeds varying between 63 rpm and 630 rpm. If the recommended geometric progression ratio is
as per R5 series (Φ = 1.585). Draw the candidate structure diagrams for machine tool gear box
and Select the optimum structure diagram. If the gear box is to be driven by 720 rpm three
phase AC motor through a belt drive. Determine the ratio of the belt pulley diameters. (12)

Q 2 a) Derive an expression for torque transmitting capacity of single plate clutch using uniform pressure
theory (8)

b) A cone clutch with asbestos friction lining transmits 30 kW at 500 rpm. The coefficient of friction
is 0.2 and the permissible intensity of pressure is 0.35 N/mm 2. The semi cone angle is 12.5 o. The
outer diameter is fixed as 300 mm from space limitation. Assuming uniform wear theory
calculate: the inner diameter. The face width of the friction lining and the force required to
engage the clutch. (8)

Q 3 a) Write a note on thermal considerations in brake design (8)

b) An automotive type internal expanding shoe brake is shown in figure. It is actuated by a hydraulic
cylinder that exerts same force on each shoe. The shoes are identical and have a face width of 50
mm. The coefficient of friction between the asbestos friction lining and the brake drum is 0.4. If
the maximum intensity of normal pressure is limited to 0.8 MPa, Calculate the actuating force
and braking torque capacity of the brake. (8)

Q 4 a) Write Johnsons’ method of optimum design with normal specifications (8)

b) Recommend the optimum material and optimum diameter for a machine shaft subjected to a
torque of 3 kN-m and torsional stiffness of 100 N/m/θo. on the basis of minimum weight from
following data. (8)

Sr. No Material Density (kg/m3) Yeild stress (MPa) Mod of Rigidity ( MPa)
1 Mg Alloy 1760 224 46.8
2 Plastic 1200 52.5 1.96
3 Titanium Alloy 3600 910 42
4 Steel 7850 1380 84

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