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ACCT3303 - Chapter 9 Extra Practice Question - Revenue Cycle

BBS Solution


Internal Control Weakness Risk/Implication Recommendation

W1 - No credit department Could sell to customers who are Set up credit department to
a bad credit risk or to customers perform credit checks on
OR who have exceeded their credit customers and set credit limits
Orders are shipped out of the limits, which increases the risk of AND before delivery of product,
warehouse upon receipt of the bad debts. ensure sale will not result in
sales order. customer exceeding their limit.

W2 - No shipping documents Since they are basing invoices Should use pre-numbered
used. (and sales) on sales orders, not shipping documents (bills of
shipments, could result in errors lading) AND use the shipping
OR (over/undercharging customers document as the source
Invoices/sales are based on sales and/or cutoff errors). document for preparing
order, not actual shipments. invoices/recording sales.
Without shipping documents,
there is no summary of the It is also a good idea (if possible)
goods actually shipped. to have customers sign
Customers could claim that the indicating that they have
goods were never received. accepted the goods.

W3 - Customer receipts only If customers’ payments are not Should have pre-numbered
provided on request. being posted to their accounts receipts and give to all
(see A/R clerk issue below) or if customers as proof of payment
there are other errors with the AND receipts should reconcile to
customers’ accounts, customers invoices (to ensure all amounts
will not be able to present their invoiced have been collected).
receipts as proof of payment.

W4 – Lack of segregation of the Could steal cash and not deposit Segregate duties - have someone
A/R clerk’s duties: He/she has in the bank. Could hide the else prepare listing of cash
the following incompatible missing cash by recording it as receipts immediately, then
functions: uncollectible (bad debt expense). forward on to A/R clerk. Max
Because Max is recording entries should do journal entry using the
 custody of assets (handles based on A/R clerk’s totals and cash receipts listing AND bank
cash receipts, makes bank not reviewing aged A/R listing, deposit.

 access to G/L (at least this could go unnoticed.
indirectly, since no one is
monitoring) (generates tape
for G/L entry)

W5 - No cash receipts ‘pre- The receptionist could take the Two people should receive cash
listing’. cash and not send it to the and prepare a cash receipts
accounts receivable clerk. listing immediately AND cash
OR receipts listing should then be
No dual custody of cash reconciled to the bank deposit
(receptionist opens the mail and A/R clerk could steal money and and the G/L.
takes payments on her own) cover up by not including the $
in the bank deposit or tapes.

Both of these errors would go

unnoticed by both customers
and Max b/c there are no
monthly statements sent and no
preparation/review of an aged
A/R sub ledger.

W6 - G/L entry done only Could be cut-off errors - Revenue Should be done daily. Use A/R
monthly by controller OR could be overstated by orders sub ledger system, which would
Revenues/A/R not posted timely. that have not been shipped yet, include aging of accounts.
or understated by orders that Record revenue when goods
have been shipped but haven’t delivered to customer (use a
been recorded in the monthly signed shipping document or bill
journal entry. Will also affect of lading).
inventory balances.

W7 - No internal verification Could be errors (accuracy, Reconcile to supporting

(reconciliation) of ‘tapes’ to completeness (not all included – documentation (order, invoices,
supporting documentation (sales missing or lost), existence and payments) before posting
orders, invoices, payments) (duplicates) with revenues/A/R. AND use sub ledger system.
This would likely also affect
inventory and cost of goods sold.

W8 - No ledger/sub ledger Could be errors (loss of Use sub-ledger system and

system used – too much revenues/higher bad debts) reconcile sub ledger (yellow
dependency on manual filing and because there is no way to track copies) to G/L account monthly.
no reconciliation of A/R sub customer balances and no follow
ledger (yellow copies) to G/L up on overdue accounts, which It is also a good idea to send
monthly statements to
control account. could result in lost revenues/bad
customers so that customers can

debts. confirm the accuracy of the
balances owing.

W9 – Bank deposits made three If cash is significant, risk of theft Bank deposits should be made
times/week increases the longer cash is held daily.
on hand.

W10 - No monthly bank Bank recs can help uncover any Bank reconciliations should be
reconciliations done. errors or missing funds. If they done at least monthly AND
are not done on a timely basis, reviewed by someone with
mistakes or lost $ could go authority.
unnoticed for a whole year.

W11 - Bad debt expense Delinquent customers not Should prepare aging report of
estimate made using 2% because identified for follow up/AFDA A/R. Estimate of bad debts
no aging of A/R is possible. estimate is not reliable. Risk of should be based on aging report
uncollectible accounts being and collection efforts, not a
overvalued. subjective estimate (in order to
meet the requirements of

Note: sales orders being written out by sales staff is NOT a weakness, as sales staff do not price the
orders (therefore commissions are based on totals of invoices, which are prepared independently by
the accounting department).

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