Rizal Law

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Rizal law which aims to re-ignite nationalism and patriotism is getting ineffective in attaining its purpose.

People are not anymore that interested in knowing about Rizal. Is it still applicable in today’s era?
Besides educating ourselves about his life and teachings, how does learning about him benefit us? Do I
need to learn about Rizal in-depth to become patriotic and nationalistic? Love of country maybe
exhibited in many ways. Today, I observed that the basis of our being nationalistic and patriotic is no
longer on what were taught and practiced over the years but dictated by ways of survival. People
migrate to other countries to survive and help our country alleviate poverty yet we are still patriotic.

We have history classes during elementary which tells us about Rizal and taking it more during college is
not a guarantee it can boost nationalism and patriotism, it is innate in every Filipino.

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