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This Editor can use as Standalone as well as Online also.Image Processing comes with a GUI
(graphical user interface) program that lets us play with its various features. The program is
based on AWT (the Abstract Windowing Toolkit) so that more people can run it. All that is
required is an installed Java 1.1 Runtime Environment and a system that can be put into some sort
of graphics mode or work online with Internet Browser.


 Available systems are for any one Operating System
 Available systems supports only some Formats of images and uses color settings from
 Available systems are only for stand alone systems.


As there is lot of crazy towards graphics, photos or images editing, processing is very important
in that process. This application is accessible on any system and any platform. This application
can be used to change the setting of old photos, creating a new type of icons to add them into
applications and web sites. This application can be used to change the format of images from one
file type to another in simple way so that users or programmers can use one image in any format
according to compatibility and accessibility in their applications.

Modules of this Product are as follows

1.Image Color Processing:

This Module is responsible for processing the Color of picture.The following are are the
sub processes of this module:
 Adjustment
 Brightness
 Contrast
 Gamma
 Histogram
 Colors Used
 Equalize
 Normalize
 Save histogram
 Convert to Grayscale
 Invert
 Promote
 Reduce
 Invert
 Convert to minimum color type
The above are the operations conducted by the Image Color Processing Module.

2.Image Geometry Module:

This Module allow the user to apply Geometry for pictures the following are
operations conducted by this module:
 Mirroring
 Flip
 Rotate left
 Rotate right
 Rotate(180)
 Crop
 Scale
 Shear

3.Filters Module:
This Module apply Filter operations to the pictures the following are the operations conducted
by this module:
 Blur
 Sharpen
 EdgeDetection
 Emboss
 Psychedelic distillation
 Lithograph
 Horizontal sobel
 Vertical sobel
 Horizontal prewitt
 Vertical prewitt
 Minimum
 Maximum
 Median
 Oil paint

4.View Module:
This Module performs Zoom-in,Zoom-out and Original size Operations.


Environment : Java Runtime Environment 1.4 and above

Operating System : Any with compatable JVM

Hard disk : 4 GB

Processor : PII or higher

Browser :Mozilla Compact

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