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20200710-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

ROYAL COMMISSION into COVID-19 issues is badly needed-Supplement 6-

As a CONSTITUTIONALIST my concern is the true meaning and application of the constitution.

* Gerrit, how would TORTURE be applicable?

**#** INSPECTOR-RIKATI®, I will try to explain it to you and so the readers.
Most people ever watching a movie, video or even seen operations in progress will recall that
medical staff generally are wearing a white mask. This is also in that when a doctor or other staff
member coughed or so the droplets are not ending up inside the patient (during an
operation/procedure) and cause infections. It is to try to keep the operation area as much as
possible clear. Sometimes you may see a medical assistant to wipe the forehead of the doctor
who is sweating. When you consider the breathing restrain for this doctor due to the mask the
doctor is wearing then it becomes very clear, at least to me, that the medical profession has so far
failed to adequately address this issue.
It becomes more pronounced in what is called COVID-19 era.

I below quote part of an email albeit have avoided identification of medical personnel, as to
avoid misunderstanding/misconceptions.

When more than 50 years ago I was a soldier it was made clear that a mask is only as good as it
can seal against your skin. Hence, soldiers had to be clean shaven to enable a proper fitting.
Round Table of over 150 Doctor’s Opinion

This video in my view explains very much why wearing a mask may be very harmful to the
person wearing it. We then have to consider also if the mask is designed for its purpose and if not
why was no alternative mask developed and in use?

If medical staff (albeit likewise can relate to others ) are using mask which may (see below
video) fail to have any filter in it or may be contaminated (see my past writings that Slovakia
discovered millions of dollars of Chinese facemask to be contaminated with the Coronavirus)
then why not in todays printing facilities create a facemask that covers the mouth and face
relevant to the specific user? With 3D printers on the rise that they even can print an entire house
then surely they ought to be able to print from a 3D scan of a persons face a mask that fits nicely
against the skin. Obviously the mask must be made of very light material and should have an
inlet valve and an outlet valve.
The inlet valve so the wearer can breath in fresh air (for so far this is available) and the outlet
valve would be where the air that the wearer breaths out is through a small hose taken to a small
cylinder the person carries say on his back. A sensor can determine if the inlet valve is opened
then the outlet valve is closed and visa versa.
p1 10-7-2020 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
Because each person’s facial skin varies it is better to have a 3D scanned face mask. This would
place less pressure upon the skin to have the facemask properly closing all around and more
tolerant to the user. It may also avoid steaming up of a doctors glasses where the current kind of
masks often do not close properly and then may cause fog on the doctors glasses, if he wears any
that is. Such 3D printed mask could be provided with removable cartridges for the inlet valve, so
that the doctor even if working in compromising conditions can still breath air most suitable to
him/her. For example in a fire affected are a doctor might have to perform certain services there
and then as no time may exist for the person to be transported to some hospital operation facility
and so a suitable 3D mask might be the answer with a cartridge to filter the air for the inlet.
Blood pressure equipment use a small motor and I view the same can be use with the sensor of
the outlet to engage a light pump to suck the CO2 from the wearer into a small container. The
overall will result in a doctor less sweating and a more hygienic situation all around.
I now draw your (so the reader’s) attention to the following video’s as an example that we have
people in the health field having to rely upon facemask which might fail totally,, if not in fact be
more dangerous to use.
Mumbai: Inferior masks with no filter made in slums

Those who reside in the slums of Mumbai may have developed some resistance against the dust
there, however when those mask that are scattered over the floor and likely contaminated with
the dust are then by a health serve person used on their face then this can have horrendous
consequences. The health service provider can become ill merely by using such contaminated
mask on his/her face! Further, could infect the very patients or senior citizen to which assistance
is provided.
60% of Chinese mask factories have serious…

The latter video underlines how those working to compile the mask with bare hands are easily
contaminating the mask they handle and so where they spread a virus then the health worker in
good faith using such a mask can become serious ill if not die as result.
Can masks protect against new coronavirus
‘NO’ Mask Can Stop Respiratory Disease Very Fine Aerosol Particles – Here’s Proof

I have in the past written about how the wearing of the mask slowly builds up the CO2 for the
wearer, and this also causes health problems to the person wearing it. Hence, my recommended
3D print mask referred to above, which will remove whatever CO2 is in the mask through the
outlet valve. Manufacturers could, for so far possible, design cartridges against specific
infectious diseases. As such, the wearer could change cartridge to what is best suited in the
circumstances but use the same nicely fitted 3D designed mask to the contours of the wearers
face without being subjected to breathing in fine particles of the fiber current mask are
manufactured from. Current mask in use do not particular seal all around and can cause the
wearer to be infected, as well as when couching /sneezing spread it through those openings into
the operation room that can result to infections for the patient.

p2 10-7-2020 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
The following is part of an email I did sent to a staff member of a hospital. Correction is that
Olga is 87 not 71 and 1,652 should be $1,652
QUOTE part of a 9-7-2020 email


to be honest Olga is loosing faith in the telephone consultation system. We still do not know why Dr XXXX
was unaware of the information I had emailed to you.

For the moment I understand Olga prefers to work through her issues with her legs and as such prefers not to
have at this time any telephone consultations.

An issue Olga also raised with me was that after discharge of YYY Hospital from hearth Failure (ICU, etc)
she was supposed to do some exercise within about 6 weeks and well that somehow never eventuated. Olga
gave me the understanding what is it worth to do such exercises more than 8 months and likely more after the

I understand Olga views to have been led down as if her health and wellbeing somehow is not considered that
important. Perhaps just some time filling issue.

When it comes to Mr ZZ and his senior staff BBB there is an overwhelming effort to make clear that Olga is
priority and Olga appears to feel very comfortable that she can confidently rely on them.

While much is claimed about COVID-19 reality for Olga is that somehow the attention she ordinary is
entitled upon now is being denied, and for what? She is the very "vulnerable person" the politicians and
health officials are on about in their mantra, but in reality is the one missing out on the appropriate care
The hotel security fiasco and the protest fiasco are issues that has so to say drained away health officials
attention from the real "vulnerable persons" in addition of the mantra not wanting to overburden the hospital
system (Where in reality even medical facilities, such as in Geelong, are left empty).
What is needed is the health profession to return to what is ordinary applicable and ensure that the
"vulnerable persons" are being provided with due and proper attention and care and not left sliding into death.

My own research indicates there is still no reliable test to ascertain if a person had COVID-19 because many
test results are found to be incorrect and many test results indicates some anti bodies of some corona virus not
necessarily relating to COVID-19 as such.

I served more than 50 years ago in the Royal Dutch army and the first thing I was taught about mask is that
unless it fits against the skin it is useless and better not rely on it.
Besides N95 being limited if not fitted appropriately it may be more of a danger to the person wearing it.
Also all those mask that show not closing around the sin (including a person wearing a beard) then the person
is likely more at danger by breathing in the CO2 that was breath out before and useless to protecting.
It places health personnel at great risk when they somehow are given the understanding they are protected.
Way back in February I wrote about Chinese officials making known that some persons showed about 42
days later to be infected. This after initially being cleared all along.
Translate this to the current outbreak in Melbourne and more young people infected then this may be that the
testing failed to expose at the time infections but now appear to be in considerable numbers.
This means that in the meantime those infected were able to go around spreading the infection and we seem
to have a post-active rather then a pre-active (preventative) system in place.
Reportedly untrained security guards were even sleeping with those held in quarantine and take them out for
shopping and well the elaborate spread resulted. And for this gross incompetence Olga and others like her are
In my view the medical profession must take stock and make clear they cannot so to say abandon their
"vulnerable person" patients because of gross incompetence Minister for Health and others.

While ordinary citizens could and will be fined some 1,652 the Premier directed the Victorian Police not to
fine anyone participating in the racism demonstration. As such, he effectively gave the green light for the
protesters to violate the very health rules enforced against others merely because it seems to me to suit his
political mantra. And now that there is a spike of proportions it is not the premier who has any issues as he

p3 10-7-2020 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
still goes around and earn a living while innocent business owners are having their hard work destroyed in the
In my view the medical profession should take a stand that they cannot and will not abort their
responsibilities towards their patients and cannot be political toys to suit the premiers wimps.
As I view it Olga (71) could basically bleed to death if it came to public health services but because we
maintained for her private health insurance, even so costly, she was able to be booked into Warringal Private
Hospital within less than 48 hours.
This then question why the public health system should be toyed around by the Minister for Health for her
gross incompetence rather than the medical profession taking a stand and making clear it will no longer
tolerate to abandon the most "vulnerable persons" merely to suit some political desire by the government.
Our constitution (Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK)) considering that the states were
created within Section 106 "subject to this constitution" was amended to include:
(xxiiiA) the provision of maternity allowances, widows’ pensions,
child endowment, unemployment, pharmaceutical,
sickness and hospital benefits, medical and dental services
(but not so as to authorize any form of civil conscription),
benefits to students and family allowances;
The medical profession then had its concern and obtained constitutional protection. This, however, now
seems to be abandoned by the medical profession that instead of continuing its medical care for the
"vulnerable persons" it now is like a puppet-on-a-string to do as they are told by the government that suits its
own political interest.
I receive communication from my readers that they view that the medical profession has abandoned their core
responsibility to care for their patients appropriately and now are so to say merely dancing to the tune of the

Considering past pandemics, etc, the question has to be asked why had the government not ensured that the
health services were prepared beforehand? Why should the medical profession abandon appropriate care for
patients merely as to suit the governments mantra?
Why were there no rules and regulations and provisions in place to protect the elderly in the nursing homes,
etc? Are we going to have the same or worse soon again because the medical profession refuses to stand up
for their patients but just go along with whatever incompetence is coming from the politicians?

END QUOTE part of a 9-7-2020 email

Our constitution doesn’t permit some foreign organization to rule out political and legal
landscape and yet it appears that our politicians are hell bend about the NEW WORLD ORDER,
the United Nations, World Health Organization, etc.

Hansard2-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates;

The Constitution empowers the Federal Parliament to deal with certain external affairs, among which
would probably be the right to negotiate for commercial treaties with foreign countries, in the same way as
Canada has negotiated for such treaties. These treaties could only confer rights and privileges upon the
citizens of the Commonwealth, because the Federal Government, in the exercise of its power, [start
page 1753] could only act for and on behalf of its citizens.
Hansard 6-3-1891 Constitution Convention Debates

I shall quote from Mr. Dicey's recent work, which is very clear in its language. He says:

One of the characteristics of a federation is that the law of the constitution must be either legally
immutable or else capable of being changed only by some authority above and beyond the ordinary
legislative bodies, whether federal or state legislatures, existing under the constitution.


p4 10-7-2020 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
In my view, the medical profession is failing their patients. They have to some degree abandoned
their care for the patients, such as canceling procedures/operations merely because of some
politician wanting to have a say.
The medical profession has an obligation towards the sick and the elderly, etc, and must be
reminded to their oath they made to become a doctor, etc.
I do not need to look up what some doctor’s oath was as in my view it never contained words
like: “I shall abandon my patients health and care entitlements to the wimps of any

As I wrote about it in the past Wuhan doctors made known that some persons showed infection
more than 42 days after having contracted it. I then already raised concerns that the 14 self-
isolation was totally insufficient and the lack of proper support for those in self-isolation caused
those infected to go shopping and spread it around. In late May 2020 there was this all over the
world so called “peaceful” protest where riots, destruction and even killings resulted. Mr Daniel
Andrews Premier of Victoria held that he couldn’t act against such protest and instructed the
Victoria Police not to issue any fines against participants.
I received this email

Subject: The truth about Black Lives Matter

From Rev. C.L. Bryant, Senior Fellow, FreedomWorks
Date Wed 09:03 (8-7-2020)

From the Desk of Reverend C.L. Bryant

Senior Fellow at FreedomWorks, Advisory Board Member at Black Voices for Trump

Dear Fellow Patriot,

In a matter of days the Black Lives Matter movement has taken over the national conversation.

The complicit national media would love for you and me to believe the LIE that they're nothing more than
"peaceful protesters" who just want "reforms."

But you and I have seen the truth.

Rampant looting and riots. Seizing control of entire city blocks. Toppling national symbols. Demanding to
ABOLISH the police!

As a black man, Black Lives Matter DOES NOT represent me – or the millions of black Americans who
want to earn an honest living and provide for their families.

The way to help our community isn't to dress up in "kente" scarfs and kneel to the mob.

“BLACK LIVES MATTER” is yearly heavily funded in hundreds of millions of dollars to alter
the political landscape and has in reality nothing to do with caring about the lives of “black”
people. Indeed, it is MISSING IN ACTION when it comes to people of black skin being
murdered by others of black skin persons. Kamala Harris (USA Congress) who I understand
support BLM actually is of a family who traded black slaves for financial gains! The same when
it comes to the abduction of female school girls to be used for sex slavery, even forced into
suicide bombings. Yet, we have politicians supporting this kind of horrific organization rather
than to support “ALL LIVES MATTER” regardless of race, colour of skin, etc.
p5 10-7-2020 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
As I have written about in the past:

Hansard 7-2-1898 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National Australasian
QUOTE Mr. BARTON (New South Wales).-

I do not think the word quarantine, for instance, which is used in the sub-section of the 52nd clause, is
intended to give the Commonwealth power to legislate with regard to any quarantine. That simply applies to
quarantine as referring to diseases among man-kind.

As such, it is a federal issue. The States can only deal with any person who is actually ill. Not
lock up people merely to pursue some New World Order mantra as now is being done.

Hansard 9-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates

Mr. DEAKIN (Victoria).-The position of my honorable and learned friend (Mr. [start page 2092] Higgins)
may be perfectly correct. It may be that without any special provision the practice of the High Court, when
declaring an Act ultra vires, would be that such a declaration applied only to the part which trespassed
beyond the limits of the Constitution. If that were so, it would be a general principle applicable to the
interpretation of the whole of the Constitution.
Hansard 8-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
Mr. GLYNN.-I think they would, because it is fixed in the Constitution. There is no special court, but the
general courts would undoubtedly protect the states. What Mr. Isaacs seeks to do is to prevent the question of
ultra vires arising after a law has been passed.
[start page 2004]
Mr. ISAACS.-No. If it is ultra vires of the Constitution it would, of course, be invalid.

Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK)

117 Rights of residents in States
A subject of the Queen, resident in any State, shall not be subject in any other State to any disability
or discrimination which would not be equally applicable to him if he were a subject of the Queen
resident in such other State.

Yet, we now have evidence that the States have abandoned their constitutional restrains even so
they were created within Section 106 “SUBJECT TO THIS CONSTITUTION” and now close
Man arrested for trying to cross NSW-Vic border (without permit)
"Vic Police deploys 1,000 officers to fight outbreaks"
While I last year reported (with evidence) to the Victorian Police about identity theft and
fraudulent withdrawals, somehow it appears the Victorian Police seems to be more interested to
pursue a government sponsored terrorism against citizens then to uphold the rule of law.
Hansard 9-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
Mr. DEAKIN (Victoria).-The position of my honorable and learned friend (Mr. [start page 2092] Higgins)
may be perfectly correct. It may be that without any special provision the practice of the High Court, when
declaring an Act ultra vires, would be that such a declaration applied only to the part which trespassed
beyond the limits of the Constitution. If that were so, it would be a general principle applicable to the
interpretation of the whole of the Constitution.
p6 10-7-2020 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
Hansard 8-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
Mr. GLYNN.-I think they would, because it is fixed in the Constitution. There is no special court, but
the general courts would undoubtedly protect the states. What Mr. Isaacs seeks to do is to prevent the
question of ultra vires arising after a law has been passed.
[start page 2004]
Mr. ISAACS.-No. If it is ultra vires of the Constitution it would, of course, be invalid.

Hansard 1-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates


Mr. GORDON.-Well, I think not. I am sure that if the honorable member applies his mind to the subject he
will see it is not abstruse. If a statute of either the Federal or the states Parliament be taken into court
the court is bound to give an interpretation according to the strict hyper-refinements of the law. It may
be a good law passed by "the sovereign will of the people," although that latter phrase is a common one which
I do not care much about. The court may say-"It is a good law, but as it technically infringes on the
Constitution we will have to wipe it out." As I have said, the proposal I support retains some remnant of
parliamentary sovereignty, leaving it to the will of Parliament on either side to attack each other's laws.


As such, no amount of terrorism by the Victorian or for that any other Australian Government
can legally justify their unconstitutional conduct, let alone their unlawful pursuance of fines, etc.

For the medical profession to claim they are “following orders” in their abandonment of their
patients rights never can be a valid excuse as the Nuremburg trails made clear.
81% of Care Home Residents Asymptomatic
'Just get tested': Fears lung cancer is flying under radar amid COVID-19
Hospital closed to new admissions after coronavirus infections as Victorian aged care
facilities record cases
Seven hospital staff in Melbourne test positive for coronavirus - as patients are urged to stay
away and visitors are restricted
Melburnians frustrated by hotel quarantine failure
Melbourne housing lockdown: 'We are treated like criminals'

p7 10-7-2020 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
Australia needs a 'national plan' to deal with Melbourne's COVID outbreak
2020 lockdown: "infant deaths fell by 30 percent on average each week"
Natural News
Infant vaccination rates plummeted during the lock down, so why did INFANT
mortality rates also plummet to historic lows?
Social Distancing and Lockdown is Bogus WHO Says Asymptomatic Are Not Infectious
World population being tortured in Deep State psyop
Is This Torture

The latter video goes into details as to what is TORTURE regarding COVID-19 conduct.

Here we had the Victorian Minister for Health going on television how people have to contribute
against the COVID-19 while she personally presided over the disaster of the quarantine fiasco. In
my view she should have been kicked out of the job!

Let us not ignore that many health workers were stood down because of the cancellations of
elective surgery, procedures, etc, and in my view this also should be unacceptable. After all, had
the medical profession stood up for the rights of their patients then those health care workers
such as nurses may have been able to work normally.
* I didn’t desire to interrupt you as you were so to say on a roll, are you indicating that the
medical profession should go back to reengage with patients and demand that the relevant
government conducts itself within the rule of law?
**#** Precisely. How on earth can anyone justify the spread of the virus amongst nursing homes
when those residents are the least moving about in the public arena. As such, there is a gross
mismanagement of care for the elderly, etc. The medical profession should insist that a proper
management plan exist and not some knee jerking political conduct, so that anytime there is an
illness going around than the most vulnerable persons are not left at a great risk uncalled for.
Isolation of those vulnerable persons I view amounts to TORTURE and totally uncalled for if
proper management is in place which ensures appropriate protection but not the kind of isolation
they now had to endure until the died.
* What about the escalation of 288 new reported infections?
**#** As we do not have any proper and reliable testing system one has to be concerned about
this kind of reporting, where even if there were anti bodies in persons it doesn’t mean they were
now infected but it might be of the past against some coronavirus or something else. As I
previously wrote about we have this bowel cancer testing kit and why now create a similar kind
of test, if available, regarding COVID-19 as after all in The Netherlands they using testing to
establish COVID-19 infections days before even people are aware of being infected.

p8 10-7-2020 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
* What about overseas visitors having to pay their own hotel cost for quarantine?
**#** In my view, if the government demands they be quarantined then it should bear the cost of
accommodation required for the quarantine.
* Is your view that more than likely the riots/demonstrations/protests were the source of the
dramatic increase in infection rates now reported all around the world?
**#** Considering that 42 days was reported to be possible for an infection to surface then the
increase about 4 weeks after the riots/demonstrations/protest falls within that period. And the fact
that younger people now are more likely infected considering with the age of the people involved
then this correlate considering the number of people involved versus the spiking of infections.
Well they played so to say Russian Roulette and are now at the receiving end of it.
*.Some claim COVID-19 is merely fabricated.
**#** It makes to me not one of iota difference if there is such a thing as COVID-19 or it merely
is a scam for the NOW purpose, reality is that something is going around and that politicians and
others are misusing it to suit their own particular goals. In the USA fake COVID-19 claims are
reported and misuse of ventilators actually causing the death of patients is as I understand it rife.
That was already reported way back in February with doctors posting video’s to complain about
this. There was recently a specialist who made clear to me that if any of his staff was to become
ill with COVID-19 he would make sure they would continue to be paid. That to me is what I
view a professional doctor should do. Hence, it pleases me to become aware that we have still
honourable doctors who will care for the health and wellbeing for their staff. Nurses, etc, are like
anyone else there to earn an income such as for their family and should not be abandoned when
they due to the kind of work they perform are falling in ill health.
*. Would you as a former insurance agent recommend that health care workers and the like are
provided at cost of their employer with an income protection insurance?
**#** Indeed, I would, because you cannot cause them to be placed at risk at the perils of any
disease that might come about but not give them the assurance that if they become ill due to the
work environment they are in then they are let loose to combat ill health and financial harm as
*.What about the tracing issues?
**#** If someone becomes ill due to the (contaminated) mask they are required to wear then this
contact tracing will be utterly and totally useless. Let us not ignore that the Ruby Princess fiasco
and the hotel quarantine fiasco, the protest of thousands of people might turn out to be the
catalyst of many subsequent infections. We really lack competent leadership all round. Nothing
to do with any particular political party. Often a person is trust into a ministerial position not
having any basic training in what it is about. When you have a person in a decision making
decision and as we now witnessed get untrained people to conduct security while they sleep with
the people in quarantine then that should underline how terrible leadership is performing.
We neither can allow health officials ruling the roost to dictate the rights of citizens as they are
not competent in relevant constitutional and other legal issues. Politicians will then hide behind
the health officials that if something went wrong blame the health official.
Having placed some 9 towers in lockdown as I understand it without any court having approved
this to be done is precisely what is a gross denial of our constitutional rights.

Hansard 1-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates

I think we might, on the attempt to found this great Commonwealth, just advance one step, not beyond
the substance of the legislation, but beyond the form of the legislation, of the different colonies, and say
p9 10-7-2020 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
that there shall be embedded in the Constitution the righteous principle that the Ministers of the
Crown and their officials shall be liable for any arbitrary act or wrong they may do, in the same way as
any private person would be.

This should be a warning to those in the medical profession that they better not allow themselves
to be or become some political tool for some Government and then risk to be personally sued

Hansard 8-2-1898 Constitution Convention Debates

Mr. OCONNOR.-No, it would not; and, as an honorable member reminds me, there is a decision on the
point. All that is intended is that there shall be some process of law by which the parties accused must be
Mr. HIGGINS.-Both sides heard.
Mr. OCONNOR.-Yes; and the process of law within that principle may be [start page 689] anything
the state thinks fit. This provision simply assures that there shall be some form by which a person
accused will have an opportunity of stating his case before being deprived of his liberty. Is not that a
first principle in criminal law now?

Therefore, locking up healthy people cannot be legally justified when no competent court of
jurisdiction authorized this after “both sides heard”. When will politicians do again the same or
worse in the future for their political mantra using health officials as an excuse to terrorize the
Many hospitals might now be financial crippled and for what? This is why the medical
profession should take a stand and make clear that regardless what political motives any
government may desire to pursue, they as doctors have no intention to place at risk to act in
violation of their oath to serve the community. Regretfully it appears to me that they now have
caved in badly for political issues pursued by the relevant governments.

I understand that the NZ Minister of Health resigned due to his errors, but the same has not
eventuated with Ministers regarding various fiascos in Australia. Why not, when people end up

The WHO (world health Organization) and USA CDC (Centre of Disease Control) have been
issuing contradictory guidelines, etc. People have lost faith in trusting any of them because the
so-called scientific details are fabricated by false and misleading counting and recordings. This is
why I prefer to consider the reports of doctors/specialist/nursing staff who have been actually
dealing with COVID-19 patients and reported this with supportive evidence in videos.
They are the true hearo’s in it all!
We need to return to the organics and legal principles embed in of our federal constitution!
This correspondence is not intended and neither must be perceived to state all issues/details.
Awaiting your response, G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. (Gerrit)
MAY JUSTICE ALWAYS PREVAIL® (Our name is our motto!)

p10 10-7-2020 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://

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