Atomic Energy Central School, Kaiga Worksheet Chapter-1 Fish Tale NAME: - CLASS/SEC:V - ROLL - NO.: - DATE: - (1) Fill in The Blanks

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NAME:_______________ CLASS/SEC:V______ ROLL.NO.:_______ DATE:______


a)The largest 6 digit number is ___________.

b)The smallest 5 digit number is __________.

c)19,85,420 in words is ________________________________________.

d)In 6,05,48,004 ; 5 is in __________ place and its place value is ______.

e)A boat travelling at 30 km/hr will cover a distance of ________ km in 4 ½ hours.

f)7 followed by 6 zeroes is __________________.(in words)

g) ¾ of 500 is ___________.

h)Half of a crore=________ (in figures)

i)One lakh=100 __________

j)Ten million is one followed by ________ zeroes.

(2)Leela has Rs.500 with her . She spends 1/5 of the amount on sardines and the
rest on prawns.

a)Find the amount she spends on each?

b)If sardines cost Rs.50 per kg and prawns cost Rs.150 per kg;find out how many
kgs of prawns and sardines can she buy?
(3)Saloni took a loan of Rs.500 to buy a cycle for her daughter.She paid back
Rs.475 per month for 1 ½ years.

a)Find the amount she paid in all?

b)Find the interest she paid?

4)Raji bought 120 kg silver fish at Rs.30 per kg.She dried and sold it at RS.75 per
kg.She used 25 kg salt for drying.(Salt costs Rs. 5 per kg).She spent Rs 350 for
packing and transport.Find her profit/loss?

(Fresh fish when dried reduces to ¼ of its weight)


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