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Marketplace Market Share in Review

Calendar Year 2010


Camilo Gil – 416.594.8478 –
How the numbers look…

•TMX volume market share fell further in 2010 by approximately 5%. Closing the year at 72.46% from 77.40%
• There was a notable shift in flow from Alpha to Chi-X in May 2010
•MATCHnow (Canada's dark pool) experienced a 40% growth in volume*, but still represents less than 1% of Canadian volume
•Since early December Omega's number of transactions have more than doubled

*based on a 5 day average


Camilo Gil – 416.594.8478 –
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1 – Alpha fee change on lower priced securities

2 – TSX fee change on lower priced securities
3 – TSX fee change on higher priced securities and Chi-X removes volume limits for the smart order router
4 – Pure introduces new fee schedule and Alpha changes fees on lower priced securities
Camilo Gil – 416.594.8478 –
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1 – Alpha fee change on lower priced securities

2 – TSX fee change on lower priced securities
3 – TSX fee change on higher priced securities and Chi-X removes volume limits for the smart order router
4 – Pure introduces new fee schedule and Alpha changes fees on lower priced securities
Camilo Gil – 416.594.8478 –
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1 – Alpha fee change on lower priced securities

2 – TSX fee change on lower priced securities
3 – TSX fee change on higher priced securities and Chi-X removes volume limits for the smart order router
4 – Pure introduces new fee schedule and Alpha changes fees on lower priced securities
Camilo Gil – 416.594.8478 –
Camilo Gil – 416.594.8478 –
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Camilo Gil – 416.594.8478 –

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