The Legendary Hindu Kingdoms of Lanka

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Madagascar is Lemuria The Moslems, Not the Indian Ocean,

Destroyed Lemuria
The legendary Hindu kingdoms of Lanka, Mu,
Lemuria, and Atlantis are supposed to have sunk [On the] so-called mystery of Lemuria or
under the sea due to some great cataclysm. Yet, Madagascar: it is a historical lie that it went under
Lemuria is still very much alive and well: "Land of water with the rest of Lanka and Atlantis. According to
Lemurs" is none other than Madagascar. Up until the the ancient legends of the people of Madagascar
Portuguese "discovered" Madagascar in the 16th (whom I will call by their old epithet of Lemurians), this
century, ancient mariners were still calling it island was first settled by a race of White pygmies
Lemuria. called Vasimba. This word derives from the Sanskrit
compound word, Vah-Simha, meaning "Lion
According to Hindu mythology, the country we
Navigators." In Sanskrit, Vah and Vodham/Votan mean
now call Sri Lanka or Ceylon was much larger than it is
"Navigator" or "driver of boats or wagons." The word
now. It stretched all the way from the Southern tip of
"Simha" is used to refer to brave conquerors. In this
India across the Indian Ocean, as far as what is now
case, it probably means conquerors from Ceylon. They
Madagascar. It was also supposed to include the
were probably the ancient Veddhas, for they were
Malayan archipelago. Ancient Sri Lanka or Ceylon
known to be a short people.
had several names: Simhala Dvipa (Island of Lions);
Lanka Dvipa (Island of Jewels?); Kashi-Dvipa (Island Later on, other tribes from India came in,
of Bharata or India); Mala-Dvipa (Island of the principally the Mer-ina. This Sanskrit term means
barbarous Mala people). The ancient Greeks and "Lords, Masters, Kings" Of Meru. At first, the Merina
Phoenicians called Ceylon, Taprabane. The Sanskrit settled in the coastal areas, making of Lemuria one of
word "Dvipa" means "Island; Peninsula; Sandbank." the greatest maritime civilizations in the ancient world.
When Lanka and Atlantis went under water, Lemuria
Indian legends and mythological sources state
survived. It continued to be a great maritime nation,
that about 2400 BC, a series of powerful earthquakes
trading with all the other nations in the Pacific and
and other natural disasters caused most of the strings
Asia, until the Moslems arrived in the 9th Century
of large and small islands east and west of India to
AD. Not only did they come in with their Islamic
sink under water, leaving Madagascar Island, the
religion, but they brought in thousands of Islamized
Malayan Archipelago, and the Americas separated
African slaves who rapidly took control of the
from the parent country by large stretches of open sea.
northern and central highlands. The Moslems also
Scientists are puzzled that the gene pool of humans,
succeeded in destroying the high maritime culture
flora, and fauna in Madagscar and Malaya have
of the Merina of Lemuria, probably even destroying
more in common with India than they do with
all their written literature, for the ancient Merina
Africa and other parts of the Far East. Even now,
were a highly civilized people, deriving their
the ocean is washing away the thousands of low-lying
culture directly from India.
Maldive islands comprising the Maldive Republic, near
Sri Lanka. Notice the similarity of the word Maldive to Refusing to mingle with the Arab and African
"Mala-Dvipa". Scientists say that by 2050 AD, the invaders and not wanting to become Moslems, the
Maldive Republic will sink under the water, never to Merinas abandoned their cities and seaports, re-
rise again. establishing themselves in the highland regions. In
1500, the Portuguese "discovered" Lemuria or
According to Hindu mythology, Kubera (the
Phoenicians and their merchant marine guards, the
Yuddhis or Juddhis), exiled many of the most warlike There is much more I can say about this.
and barbarous North Indian tribes to Lanka and Atala Lemuria's civilization didn't drown under the waves of
or Patala (The Americas). The name of Madagascar the Indian Ocean. It was destroyed by the invading
and its people, the Malagasy, indicate that this is true. Moslems in the 9th Century A.D.
Madagascar derives from the Sanskrit Mahada-
Kashi-Kara, meaning "Great Indian Prison." The Gene D. Matlock
Malagasy also call their large island Nation, Gasi- February 06, 2004 03:46AM,157184,157227
Kara. It surely derives from Kashi-Kara (Indian
Prison). The word Malagasy appears to derive from
Mala-Kashi or "The Indian Tribe of Mala."
The ancient Hindu mariner-traders, the Yadavas
This word Kara (Prison) also explains the
or Panis (Hindu Phoenicians), tried to recover their
presence of the Carib Indians in the Americas, for the
hegemony over Asia's oceans in the 10th or 11th
word Karavasa means "prisoner." The legends of the
century A.D. The word Yadava, derived from Yadu-
Caribs state that their ancestors were brought under
Vah, means "Water Transporter." Many people don't
guard to what are now the Caribbean islands and
realize that Indonesia, being Hindu in those days,
Eastern South America. The Creator God of the
was part of India itself. Even today, India is just a
Tainos or Arawaks was Kuru-Rumani (North Indian
collection of Hindu nations, not a single nation as
Rama Tribes). See the 17th Century Spanish Priest
we of the West mistakenly believe. India can be
Gregorio García's book, El Orígen de Los Indios.
compared with Europe. Not all the Europeans are
I've seen this word "Kara" in Mexican place names,
English, Germans, and the like.
also. Everything checks out as far as I'm concerned.
Gene D. Matlock Supposedly, when the Arabs took Madagascar
February 05, 2004 06:18PM and Eastern Africa for themselves, the old Arab texts,157184,157184 say that the Yadavas brought in no less than 1000
ships to defend their maritime trading hegemony over (Comments)
East Africa and Madagascar, just as they had also
done in India. But the Moslems defeated them once
and for all, both in East Africa and the western side of There has been some recent archeaological finds
the Indian subcontinent, thus making Madagascar or of note on Madagascar, including some very old
Lemuria the stuff of which myths are made. All India's fossils. I also recall from another book or article about
trade with Egypt and the rest of the world came to an the possible existence years ago of a Pacific version of
abrupt end. Atlantis and that it possibly was the southern land
bridge that helped populate central and south America.
Madagascar is another "lost civilization" Maybe that is the Lemuria that is referred to in the
which must be brought to light. ancient texts, because it does appear that India,
Gene D. Matlock Madagascar and possibly Australia and Antartica
February 08, 2004 07:51PM where at one time together as one big continent,157184,157345 before the split up.

I'm thinking there was a huge comet impact

somewhere in the Pacific or Indian Ocean that caused
tremendous damage to the point of seeing
Madagascar which used to be connected to India,as
far west as you see it and India being forced up into
asia due to plate tectonics. That is why you see the
highest mountians in the world in Nepal, India is quite
literally being sunken under the Asia plates, creating a
lift on those mountains.Something would have to
account for the force needed to generate continental
movement to that magnitude in order for the collision of
India and Asia to take place and to why Madagascar
was thrown off to the west, Antartic to the south, and
Australia to the east.
February 05, 2004 06:18PM,157184,157510

The Chinese have written about Madagascar

since 763 AD. It was described at great length by
Chou Chu-Fei in 1168 AD. It has always been known
to them as Khun Lun Tsheng.
February 05, 2004 09:27PM,157184,157197

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