Hitachi Top 10 Brand Guidelines

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How to make your day-to-day work more effective and consistent


A consistent brand image adds to the trust our prospects, customers and partners have for us. It also
helps to multiply the effectiveness of our marketing resources. By its nature, this document is for quick,
general use. The 2010 Hitachi Data Systems Identity Guidelines and Hitachi Group Identification Standards
Manual should be referenced for additional information.

Please follow these guidelines and direct questions to Kat Gan at or +1 408-970-7053.

Table of Contents:

1. Understanding Hitachi Data Systems Brand Logos and Marks

2. Logo Colors

3. Choosing the Correct File Formats

4. Using the CS Logo and Hitachi Data Systems Logo

5. Incorrect Logo Use

6. The Staging Unit and Staging System

7. Hitachi Colors

8. Hitachi Typefaces

9. Photography Style

10. Partner Logos on Co-branded Materials

04.12.10 ©2010 Hitachi Data Systems Corporation. All rights reserved.

1. Understanding Hitachi Data Systems Brand Logos and Marks

The most common element of the Hitachi brand is the Hitachi logo.
Hitachi Logo

The Hitachi corporate statement logo (CS logo) is the combination of the Hitachi logo and the
CS Logo
corporate statement “Inspire the Next”.

The Hitachi mark is the company symbol and family crest, and is primarily used together
Hitachi Mark
with the Hitachi Data Systems name.

The Hitachi Data Systems logo is the combination of the Hitachi mark and our company
Hitachi Data
name. This logo must be used from a logo file. Typing out of the Hitachi Data Systems com-
Systems Logo
pany name is not permitted.

Hitachi Data Systems

04.12.10 ©2010 Hitachi Data Systems Corporation. All rights reserved.

2. Logo Colors

Please note, Inspire Gray is the preferred logo color on white or light backgrounds.

CS Logo 2-Color CS Logo

1-Color CS Logo

Hitachi Mark

HDS Logo Hitachi Data Systems Hitachi Data Systems Hitachi Data Systems

Hitachi Data Systems Hitachi Data Systems

Hitachi Logo

HDS Logo with

CS Logo Hitachi Data Systems

Hitachi Data Systems

04.12.10 ©2010 Hitachi Data Systems Corporation. All rights reserved.

3. Choosing the Correct File Formats

EPS Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) is a standard file format for importing and exporting
PostScript files. It is usually a single page PostScript program that describes an illustration
or an entire page.
EPS file is ideal format for desktop publishin and printing.

GIF is still an excellent format for graphics, especially on the web. Graphic images (like
logos or dialog boxes) use few colors. Being limited to 256 colors is not important for a 3
color logo. A 16 color GIF is a very small file, much smaller, and more clear than any JPG,
and ideal for graphics on the web.
GIF file is ideal format for web publishing.

This is the right format for photo images which must be small files, for example, for
Web sites or email. JPG is often used on digital camera memory cards. JPG uses lossy
compression (lossy meaning “with losses to quality”). Lossy means that some image
quality is lost when the JPG data is compressed and saved, and this quality can never be

TIFF TIFF is the format of choice for archiving important images. TIFF is THE leading
commercial and professional image standard. TIFF is the most universal and most widely
supported format across all platforms, Mac, Windows, Unix. Data up to 48 bits
is supported.
TIFF supports most color spaces, RGB, CMYK, YCbCr, etc. TIFF is a flexible format
with many options. TIFF can store data with bytes in either PC or Mac order (Intel or
Motorola CPU chips differ in this way). This choice improves efficiency (speed), but all
major programs today can read TIFF either way, and TIFF files can be exchanged without
problem. TIFF files are good for file exchange and desktop publishing use.

Where to download

04.12.10 ©2010 Hitachi Data Systems Corporation. All rights reserved.

4. Using the CS Logo and Hitachi Data Systems Logo

The Hitachi CS logo and Hitachi Data Systems logos are most commonly used together
as part of the Staging System. When used in this way, the height of the capital letters in
Hitachi Data Systems should never exceed the height of the word Hitachi in the CS logo.
Also, the Hitachi Data Systems logo should be veritically centered to the word Hitachi in the
CS logo.

If the Staging System is not used, then the Hitachi Data Systems logo should be placed to
the left of the CS logo (as shown above) or at the bottom of the design area right aligned to
the end of the word Hitachi in the CS logo.

04.12.10 ©2010 Hitachi Data Systems Corporation. All rights reserved.

5. Incorrect Logo Use

Incorrect Use Never use the CS logo, Hitachi mark, Hitachi Data Systems logo, or Hitachi logo in the
ways as illustrated below or in any other way that may compromise the visibility or compre-
hension of the logo or mark.

Apply to CS logo only

The display sequence of The Hitachi CS Logo The Hitachi CS Logo

the Hitachi CS Logo must must not be displayed in should not be arranged
not be changed. unspecified typefaces. horizontally.

Apply to Hitachi mark only

The line thickness of the The mark may not be The mark must not be
mark must not be changed. displayed in outline. displayed in the form
of a pattern.

Apply to Hitachi logo only

The clear space must not The character layout of the The alphabetic characters of
contain any characters, Hitachi Logo must not be the Hitachi Logo must not
patterns, product names, etc. changed. be arranged vertically.

Apply to Hitachi Data Systems logo only

Hitachi Data Systems Hitachi Data Systems Hitachi Data Systems

The Hitachi mark and Hitachi The space between the The display sequence of
Data Systems name can Hitachi mark and Hitachi the Hitachi Data Systems
not be displayed in different Data Systems must not be logo must not be changed.
colors. changed

Apply to all logos and marks

Logos and marks must The character spacing of all Logos and marks must not
not be deformed. logos must not be changed. be given any
trimming or hatching.

Continued on next page

04.12.10 ©2010 Hitachi Data Systems Corporation. All rights reserved.

5. Incorrect Logo Use continued

Apply to all logos and marks continued

All logos and marks must Logos and marks Logos and marks must
not be displayed against a must not be displayed not be displayed using
background that is complex. in different colors. shadowing or other outlining
of the text to make it stand
out from a dark background.

Logos and marks must not The background color must

be enclosed in a frame. not be such that the color of
the logo or mark cannot be

04.12.10 ©2010 Hitachi Data Systems Corporation. All rights reserved.

6. The Staging Unit and Staging System

The Staging Unit The Staging Unit is a design element intended to highlight the Hitachi CS logo. The pre-
ferred use of the staging bar within Hitachi Data Systems marketing communications is
Option 1.

Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4

The Staging System The Staging System expands on the Staging Unit and is required or preferred for use in
many types of brand communications. The Hitachi CS logo must always be placed flush
right. The preferred color option for the Staging System is Option 1.

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Option 4

04.12.10 ©2010 Hitachi Data Systems Corporation. All rights reserved.

7. Hitachi Colors
group colors support colors

Hitachi Group Colors are the corporate colors - Inspire Gray, Inspire Red and Inspire White.
Group Colors
They are the primary colors for Hitachi logos and can also be used in various types of

Process color K 90%

Pantone color Warm Gray 9
RGB color R65, G64, B66

Process color M 100% Y 85%

Pantone color 186C
RGB color R237, G274, B52

Supportive Colors Hitachi Supportive Colors are ones that complement the group colors most effectively, and
are defined in order to provide versatility and flexibility to the development of designs.

Process color Process color Process color Process color

K 70% K 55% K 30% K 15%
RGB color RGB color RGB color RGB color
R109, G110, B113 R138, G140, B142 R188, G190, B192 R220, G221, B222

Process color Process color

M 100%, Y 85%, M 100%, Y 85%,
K 30% K 50%
RGB color RGB color
R177, G14, B35 R139, G0, B19


Hitachi Group Colors and Supportive Colors are used to preserve the corporate identity.
Other colors can be introduced to enhance various phases of communications.

When reproducing the colors, please do so based on process color ratios for four-color
(CMYK) process printing. Only in case of specifying spot color, please use color chip
number (PANTONE).

04.12.10 ©2010 Hitachi Data Systems Corporation. All rights reserved.

8. Hitachi Typefaces

Specified Typefaces Consistent application of Hitachi-approved typefaces plays an important role in

communicating the corporate brand identity and strengthening the Hitachi brand
worldwide. Simple and easy to read, Helvetica / Helvetica Neue is the primary font for
printed communications such as advertisements, brochures, data sheets, signs, etc.
These typefaces can be obtained from Adobe Systems Inc. or Linotype GmbH.
OpenType is the font format that is recommended for use.

Helvetica / Helvetica Neue LT

Helvetica Family Sample—Helvetica Regular

Rotis San Serif is available for use as a secondary typeface in marketing communications.
Emphasis Typefaces
It can be used in titles and headline banners for advertisements, data sheets, brochures,
etc., in conjunction with Helvetica/Helvetica Neue as body copy.

Rotis San Serif

Rotis San Family Sample—Rotis San Serif Regular

Hitachi Data Systems does not supply licensed fonts.

These fonts may be purchased by going to:

For online applications, such as company Internet and Intranet sites, Helvetica or Arial are
the primary fonts.

04.12.10 ©2010 Hitachi Data Systems Corporation. All rights reserved.

9. Photography Style

Photography should depict the diversity of real world environments that are empowered
and enabled by data and Hitachi Data Systems solutions. Consider shots that suggest the
power of our technologies to enhance society at the macro, micro, professional and per-
sonal levels. Traditional ‘business’ shots should be avoided. Instead, look for images that
reflect the changing world of work across a wide variety of regions, industries and sectors.

Image selections should help tell a rich, human story: the focus should always be on people
and the ways in which (digital) information can positively impact our daily lives. We aim to
add context, relevance and meaning to the following concept – data drives our world.

In style, all imagery should be authentic, contemporary and sophisticated; overtly staged
situations or stylized scenarios should be avoided. Choose images that offer snapshots into
individuals’ daily working or personal lives. Metaphorical imagery, including landscape and
abstract shots, possess little or no discernible human context and should consequently be

Models should look like everyday people: diversity in age, race and gender is encouraged.
Avoid models with a stereotypically ‘perfect’ look – forced and unnatural poses diminish the
authenticity and impact of the rich, human story that our marketing communications strive to
tell. In pose, models should appear natural, relaxed, comfortable, proud and empowered.

To ensure maximum standout for (additional and/or overlaid) graphic and text elements,
look for images that are tonally consistent and have scale, depth and minimal background
clutter. All selections should be clean, possess a point of focus and be easily understood.
Avoid excessive adjustments and manipulation of all photography: take care to preserve the
context and integrity of the original image.

04.12.10 ©2010 Hitachi Data Systems Corporation. All rights reserved.

10. Partner Logos on Co-branded Materials

When using the Staging System in your design, the partner logo should be placed next to
With Staging System
the Hitachi Data Systems logo with a vertical line between them. The partner logo should
appear in grayscale and should not exceed the height of the word Hitachi in the CS logo if
possible. Generally, the partner logo should appear to be equivalent in size and scale to
the Hitachi Data Systems logo.


If the design does not include the Staging System in your design, the partner logo should
Without Staging
be placed at the same level or subordinate to the Hitachi Data Systems logo in vertical
orientation. Generally, the partner logo should appear to be equivalent in size and scale to
the Hitachi Data Systems logo.

04.12.10 ©2010 Hitachi Data Systems Corporation. All rights reserved.

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