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Number 1

Which of these numbers is closest to 1408?

0 A. 1300 0 B. 1400

0 C. 1405 0 D. 1410
Number 2

There were birds sitting on a branch, then some

birds flew away. How many birds flew away?

0 A. 3 0 B. 4

0 C. 7 0 D. 10
Number 3

This ferry sails 6 times a day. How many times

does the ferry sail in 5 days?

0 A. 5 0 B. 6

0 C. 11 0 D. 30
Number 4

Shelly left the maze at the place marked “Exit”.

Where did Shelly enter the maze?

0 A. (A) 0 B. (B)

0 C. (C) 0 D. (D)
Number 5

What is the temperature shown on this thermometer?

0 A. 20OC 0 B. 21OC

0 C. 25OC 0 D. 29OC
Number 6

The table shows how six children travel to school.

Which boy travels to school on bicycle?

0 A. Ajay 0 B. Becky

0 C. Costas 0 D. Daniel
Number 7

Mandy bought these boxes of pizza.

How many pizzas did she buy?

0 A. 4 0 B. 6

0 C. 8 0 D. 10
Number 8

Which section of this wind sock has the smallest


0 A. (A) 0 B. (B)

0 C. (C) 0 D. (D)
Number 9

Priya hase these blocks.

How many of Priya’s blocks have more than 4 faces?

0 A. 2 0 B. 3

0 C. 4 0 D. 5
Number 10

What units could be used to measure the length of

this chain?

0 A. centimeters 0 B. kilograms

0 C. liters 0 D. minutes
Number 11

Here is a number pattern.

What is the missing number in this number pattern?

22 – 15 = 7
0 A. 7 0 B. 35
29 – 22 = 7
-> pattern of +7
29 + 7 = 36 (C)
0 C. 36 0 D. 42
Number 12

Jenny made this model of a building.

What does Jenny’s building look like
from above?

0 A. 0 B. 0 C. 0 D.
Number 13

186 – 47 =

0 A. 149 0 B. 141

0 C. 139 0 D. 39
Number 14

Whicch circle has the largest area shaded?

0 A. 0 B. 0 C. 0 D.
Number 15

Dan wrote down his seven times table but he made

one mistake.
Where did he make his mistake?

0 A. 5 x 7 0 B. 6 x 7

0 C. 7 x 7 0 D. 8 x 7
Number 16

Which shape is used most in this drawing?

0 A. circle 0 B. rectangle

0 C. square 0 D. triangle
Number 17

Ali using a number code to represent letters. Each

letter is shown by a number.
This is how ali would code the word “maths”

How should Ali code the word “mash”?

0 A. 13-01-19-20 0 B. 13-01-19-08

0 C. 13-01-08-19 0 D. 13-01-20-19
Number 18

How many days there in six years?

0 A. about 300 0 B. about 600

360 x 6 = 2160 ~ 2000
0 C. about 1000 0 D. about 2000
Number 19

Bill has a dice with the numbers 1 to 6 marked on it.

Bill rolls the dice.

Which kind of number is the dice most likely to land on?

0 A. a number less than 3 0 B. a number less than 4

0 C. a number less than 5 0 D. a number less than 6

Number 20

One angle from this triangle is missing.

Which is the missing angle?

0 A. 0 B.

0 C. 0 D.
Number 21

There are 9 strawberries in this box.

Belinda eats of the strawberries.
How many strawberries are left?

0 A. 3 0 B. 4

0 C. 6 0 D. 7
Number 22

945 ÷ 9 =

0 A. 15 0 B. 100

0 C. 105 0 D. 150
Number 23

Sunil had this hollow shape.

He took is apart and lost two pieces.
Which pieces were left?

0 A. 0 B.

0 C. 0 D.
Number 24

The bar should be shaded to that it is symmetrical.

Which square on Side Y should NOT be shaded?

0 A. (A) 0 B. (B)

0 C. (C) 0 D. (D)
Number 25

Jack put 12 pencils into two boxes.

He put three times as many pencils in the large box
as he put in the small box.
How many pencils did he put in the large box?

0 A. 3 0 B. 4

0 C. 6 0 D. 9
Answer 25

1) Jack put 12 pencils into two boxes. He put three times as many
pencils in the large box as he put in the small box.
Large Small
Box Box

@box = 12 ÷ 4 = 3 pencils

2) How many pencils did he put in the large box?

large box = 3 x @box = 3 x 3 pencils = 9 pencils (D)
Number 26

This table shows the number of boys and girls aged 9 and 10
in a class.

How many girls aged 10 are in the class?

0 A. 5 0 B. 6

0 C. 17 0 D. 19
Number 27

Lisa wrote her name on a piece of paper.

She then held the paper in front of a mirror.

Which one of these shows that Lisa saw in the

0 A. (A) 0 B. (B)

0 C. (C) 0 D. (D)
Number 28

Here is a bottle of medicine.

Which of these shows how to work out how many
doses there are in the bottle?

0 A. 360 ÷ 8 0 B. 360 ÷ 3

0 C. 8 x 360 0 D. 3 x 8
Number 29

The position of every cube in this stack can be shown

using three numbers.
Cube Q is at position 1-2-3.
What is the position of cube P?

0 A. 1-3-2 0 B. 2-1-3

0 C. 2-3-1 0 D. 3-1-2
Number 29

Cube Q is at position 1-2-3.

What is the position of cube P?

1st position = red

2nd position = green
3rd position = blue

Position P = 2-1-3 (B)

Number 30

Emma wants to stick photos on the outside of her folder. The

photos will be placed side by side with no gaps or overlaps.
How may photos will she need to cover just the front and the
back of her folder?

0 A. 16 0 B. 12

0 C. 8 0 D. 6
Answer 30

Folder size = 30 cm x 40 cm
Photo size = 15 cm x 10 cm

30 cm x 40 cm
n Photo =
15 cm x 10 cm

front&back = 8 x 2
= 16 photos (A)
Number 31

At Pete’s Shop there is a rule that there can only be

maximum of 8 gold fish in a tank at any time.
Next month there will be 35 gold fish at Pete’s Pet Shop.
How many tanks will Pete need?

0 A. 1 0 B. 4

0 C. 5 0 D. 8
Number 32

Kavi watched a movie. He looked at a clock when the movie

started and when the movie finished.

How many minutes long was the movie?

06. 15 2 h 10 min
0 A. 120 0 B. 130
04.05 = (2x60min) + 10 min
------ - = 120 min + 10 min
02. 10 = 130 min (B)
0 C. 135 0 D. 210
Number 33

Sarah made these model bugs.

She then made a model bug that had 36 legs.

How many spots did that model bug have?

0 A. 9 0 B. 12

0 C. 27 0 D. 48
Number 33

No. Pattern 1 2 3 Formula

n Spots 3 6 9 No. Pattern x 3
n Legs 4 8 12 No. Pattern x 4

Number of legs = 36
Number of legs
1) No. Pattern =
Pattern of legs
= =9
Number of spots = No. Pattern x 3
= 27 (C)
Number 34

The picture shows the date of birth of four children

Which of these shows the children in order from youngest to oldest?

0 A. Anne, Matt, Eric, Jane 0 B. Eric, Jane, Matt, Anne

0 C. Jane, Eric, Matt, Anne 0 D. Matt, Anne, Jane, Eric

Number 35

Lester had these three tiles.

Which of these shapes can Lester make using three tiles?

0 A. 0 B. 0 C. 0 D.
Answer 35
Number 36

Myra had this wire shape lying on her desk.

She rotated it half a turn to the right.

Which is the new position of her shape?

0 A. 0 B. 0 C. 0 D.
Answer 36

Initial A quarter A half turn

state turn (A)
Number 37

This diagram shows how points are awarded for the

first four places in each event at a school sports day.
Tess went in 3 events and scored a total of 13 points.

What could her places have been?

0 A. 2nd, 3rd, 3rd 0 B. 1st, 3rd, 3rd

0 C. 2nd, 2nd, 4th 0 D. 1st, 3rd, 4th

Answer 37

*) A. 2nd, 3rd, 3rd = 5 + 3 + 3 = 11 points

*) B. 1st, 3rd, 3rd = 7 + 3 + 3 = 13 points
*) C. 2nd, 2nd, 4th = 5 + 5 + 2 = 12 points
*) D. 1st, 3rd, 4th = 7 + 3 + 2 = 12 points
∴ 13 point from 1st, 3rd, 3rd (B)
Number 38

Mr Tran put 61 textbooks on some shelves. He put 13

books on each shelf except the last shelf.

How many books did he put on the last shelf?

0 A. 4 0 B. 5

0 C. 9 0 D. 11
Answer 38

number of textbooks = 61
number of books each shelf = 13
books on the last shelf?

1* books on the 2nd shelf = 13

books on the 2nd shelf = 61 – 13 = 48
books on the 3rd shelf = 48 – 13 = 35
books on the 4th shelf = 35 – 13 = 22
books on the 5th shelf = 22 – 13 =9

number of textbooks
2* number of shelf =
number of books each shelf
61 9
= 13 = 4 13
remaining of fraction = books on the last shelf = 9 (C)
Number 39

✿ +  +  = 11
✿ + ✿ + ★+  = 10
✿ + ★+  = 9

0 A. 1 0 B. 3

0 C. 4 0 D. 5
Answer 39

1) ✿ +  +  = 11 (eq.1)
✿ + ✿ + ★+  = 10 (eq.2)
✿ + ★+  = 9 (eq.3)

2) combine eq.2 and eq.3

✿ = 10 – 9

3) combine number 2) and eq.1

1 +  +  = 11
1 + 2  = 11
2  = 11 - 1
2  = 10
 = 5 (D)
Number 40

Mike and Kiri used their steps to measure a corridor.

Mike took 25 steps to walk the corridor.

Kiri took 30 steps to walk the corridor.
Kiri’s steps were all equal lengths
and each of Mike’s steps was 600 mm.

How long was each of Kiri’s steps?

0 A. 500 mm 0 B. 595 mm

0 C. 605 mm 0 D. 720 mm
Answer 40

n step Mike = 25
n step Kiri = 30
Mike’s step length = 600 mm
question: Kiri’s step length?

1) Corridor length = Mike’s step length x n step Mike

= 600 mm x 25 step
= 15000 mm

Corridor length
2) Kiri’s step length = n Step Kiri
15000 mm
= 30 step
= 500 mm (A)

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