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Producer : Space Sweater Ltd.

DBID : 380379 and Audit Id : 167611 Audit Date : 14/11/2019

Audit Type : Follow-up Audit

Auditee : Space Sweater Ltd.

Audit Date From : 14/11/2019

Audit Date To : 14/11/2019

Expiry Date of the Audit : Please refer to the producer profile in the amfori BSCI platform

Auditing Company : SGS

Auditor’s Name(s) : Rashna Shamsuddin(Lead), Foysal Ahammed

Auditing Branch (if applicable) : SGS BANGLADESH

This is an extract of the on line Audit Report.The complete report is available in the amfori BSCI Platform.
Access, for entitled users only.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any, means electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, be lent, re-sold, hired out or otherwise circulated without the amfori consent.

This is an extract of the amfori BSCI Audit Report, which is available in the amfori BSCI Platform. © amfori, 2018 - The English version is the legally binding One.

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Generated on:01/12/2019
Producer : Space Sweater Ltd.
DBID : 380379 and Audit Id : 167611 Audit Date : 14/11/2019
Audit Type : Follow-up Audit

Rating Definitions

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Generated on:01/12/2019
Producer : Space Sweater Ltd.
DBID : 380379 and Audit Id : 167611 Audit Date : 14/11/2019
Audit Type : Follow-up Audit

Main Auditee Information

Name of producer : Space Sweater Ltd.

DBID number : 380379

Audit ID : 167611

Address : Shi- 145/1, Jugitala, Gazipur

Province : Dhaka Country : Bangladesh

Management Representative : Md. Siddiqur Rahman

Contact person: Md. Siddiqur Rahman Sector : Non-Food

Industry Type : Textiles, clothing, leather Product group : Apparel

Product Type : sweater

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Generated on:01/12/2019
Producer : Space Sweater Ltd.
DBID : 380379 and Audit Id : 167611 Audit Date : 14/11/2019
Audit Type : Follow-up Audit

Audit Details

Audit Range : Full Audit Follow-up Audit

Audit Scope : Main Auditee Main Auditee & Farms

Audit Environment : Industrial Agricultural Small Producer

Audit Announcement : Fully-Announced Fully-Unannounced Semi-Announced

Random Unannounced Check (RUC) : No

Audit extent (if applicable) : none

Audit interferences or contingencies (if applicable) : none

Overall rating : C

Need of follow-up : Yes If YES, by : 14/11/2020

Rating per Performance Area (PA)

PA 1 PA 2 PA 3 PA 4 PA 5 PA 6 PA 7 PA 8 PA 9 PA 10 PA 11 PA 12 PA 13


Executive summary of audit report

Space Sweater Ltd. is a 100% export oriented sweater factory which is located at Shi-145/1, Jugitala, Gazipur, Bangladesh. The factory started operation
from 2006 (as per incorporation) at Konabari, Gazipur. Later facility management shifted the factory and starts production in the current location in July
2017 as per management comment. Main production process of this facility is Winding> Knitting (Jacquard)> Linking> Light check> Trimming> Mending>
Sewing> Washing> Iron> PQC> Packing. Production capacity of the facility 500,000 pieces per month reported by the management.

Total land area occupied by this facility is about 43920 square feet where production area is about 122722 square feet and warehouse area is about 25,070
square feet.

There are three buildings and two sheds in the facility. Details building description is given as below:

Building # 1 (7 storied building)

Ground Floor: Jacquard Section, Winding Section, Bonded Warehouse, Childcare, Medical Room, Chemical Room,
1st Floor: Jacquard Section, Yarn Distribution Room, Needle Control Room, UPS Room.
2nd Floor: Finished Goods Area.
3rd Floor: PQC Section, Packing Section, Washing Section, Iron Section, Spot Removing Room, Light Check Area, Office Room, Label & Accessories
Control Room.
4th Floor: Trimming Section, Mending Section, Goods Keeping Area, Overlock Section, Attachment Area, Needle Control Room, Office Room, Zipper
Attached Machine, Light check Area.
5th Floor: Linking Section, Linking Distribution Room, Needle Control Room, Overlock Machine, Office Room.
6th Floor: Dining Room, Canteen, Prayer Room, Office Room, Inspection Area, Sample Section, Accessories Store.
Rooftop: 100% Vacant.

Building # 2 (2 storied Utility Building):

Ground Floor: Power Sub- Station Room, Generator Room, Boiler Room, Compressor Room.
1st Floor: Wastage room, maintenance room.
Building # 3: (1 storied building)
Ground floor: Pump Room.
Shed # 1: Security post Room
Shed # 2: Gas Cylinder Room

The facility has total 26 first aider, 11 first aid box, 249 fire fighters, 24 hose pipes, 96 ABC fire extinguishers, 35 Co2 fire extinguisher, 32 fire alarm, 440
smoke detectors, 143 emergency light, 3 staircases and 12 electric panel board.

Currently 1109 employees are working in this factory. Among them 805 are male and 301 are female. Employees work for 6 days (Saturday to Thursday) in
a week. Factory runs in one general shift from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm with an hour lunch break. Besides Knitting (Jacquard) runs in two shifts. Shift A starts
from 08:00 am to 5:00 PM, Shift B starts from 8:00 PM to 05:00 AM including one hour meal break. They maintain attendance records through paper time
card (manual). Factory’s weekly holiday is Friday. Employees receive wages by monthly basis in local currency.
Audit Process – The audit was conducted in one day on 14/11/2019 with 2 auditors ( Rashna Shamsuddin- RA 21701410 and Foysal Ahammed- ASCA
21701426). An opening meeting was arranged in the first day where Mr. Musharaf Hossen Khan – General Manager, Mr. Asrafuzzaman (Babu) – Admin
Manager, Mr. Md. Siddiqur Rahman –Assistant General Manager- HR, Admin and Compliance, Mr. Sajib Kumar Debnath – Senior Compliance Executive,
and Ms. Bilkis– Vice President of Participation Committee were present.

During opening meeting auditors explained about the audit scope & process and a detail description on amfori BSCI new requirement and approach.
Immediate after the opening meeting a site visit was conducted with the factory management. A general document checklist was provided to the
management and supplied documents were reviewed. The auditors verified documents of November 2018 to October 2019 and documents were found
available in the factory.

Closing meeting: After audit process a closing meeting was held to discuss all the areas of improvement in the CAP and positive notes with Mr. Md.

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Producer : Space Sweater Ltd.
DBID : 380379 and Audit Id : 167611 Audit Date : 14/11/2019
Audit Type : Follow-up Audit

Siddiqur Rahman – Assistant General Manager- HR, Admin and Compliance and with his team. During the closing meeting, they have agreed with all the
gaps and signed on CAP. Auditor informed the management regarding the submission of remediation plan to the amfori BSCI participant through amfori
BSCI platform against the findings raised on the audit within 60 days.

Overall Findings: Non-compliance were noted in the area of “Social Management System and Cascade Effect", "Worker involvement and protection", “Fair
Remuneration”, “Decent Working Hour”, “Occupational Health and Safety”, and “Protection of the Environment”. Details of the findings are listed in
respective section. For other areas, no non-conformity was noted.

Non-conformity closed status:

Based on satisfactory evidence previous non-conformity which were raised on question no. 1.4, 6.2, 7.2, 7.3, 7.7, 7.10. 7.11, 7.14, 7.17, 7.23, 12.4 and
13.1 have been closed in this follow up audit.

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Generated on:01/12/2019
Producer : Space Sweater Ltd.
DBID : 380379 and Audit Id : 167611 Audit Date : 14/11/2019
Audit Type : Follow-up Audit

Ratings Summary

Auditee's background information

Auditee's name : Space Sweater Ltd. Legal status : Private Limited Company

Local Name : স সােয়টার িলঃ Year in which the auditee was founded : 2006

Address : Shi- 145/1, Jugitala, Contact person (please select) : Md. Siddiqur Rahman

Province : Dhaka Contact's Email :

City : Gazipur Auditee’s official language(s) for written Bengali

communications :

Region : South Asia Other relevant languages for the English

auditee :

Country : Bangladesh Website of auditee (if applicable) :

GPS coordinates : 23.9739403, 90.4055929 Total turnover (in Euros) : 73156442.47

Sector : Non-Food Of which exports % : 100.00

Industry : Textiles, clothing, leather Of which domestic market % : 0.00

If other, please specify : None Production volume : 500,000 pieces per month

Product Group : Apparel Production cost calculation : Yes

If other, please specify : None Lost time injury calculation cost : Yes

Product Type : sweater

Auditee's employment structure at the time of the audit

Total number of workers : 1106 Total number of workers in the production unit to be monitored (if applicable) : 0


Permanent workers 805 301

Temporary workers 0 0

In management positions 84 10

Apprentices 0 0

On probation 294 126

With disabilities 0 0

Migrants (national citizens) 0 0

Migrants (foreign citizens) 0 0

Workers on the permanent payroll 805 301

Production based workers 669 278

With shifts at night 134 0

Unionised 0 0

Pregnant - 0

On maternity leave - 1

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Generated on:01/12/2019
Producer : Space Sweater Ltd.
DBID : 380379 and Audit Id : 167611 Audit Date : 14/11/2019
Audit Type : Follow-up Audit

Finding Report

Performance Area 1 : Social Management System and Cascade Effect

1- Followup Audit [Audit Id - 167611] Audit Date: 14/11/2019 PA Score: D Deadline date:30/09/2020


The overall observation shows that the auditee partially fulfils requirements of this Performance Area-1 (Social Management System and
Cascade Effect). The facility has assigned a senior management to implement the amfori BSCI COC, Planning department are planning for
production. However still there are some gaps for continuous improvement and monitoring system.
1.1 - The auditee is in process to implement the amfori BSCI Code of Conduct into day-to-day business practices, currently facility did not estimate
living wage properly, no provision for en-cash of un-availed annual leave and no proper grievance mechanism policy for business partners. Some
gaps were identified in performance area 7 on Health and safety including lack of PPE used and insufficient risk assessment etc. [as per amfori
1.4 - Factory did not have proper “contingency plan” to reduce unnecessary subcontracting or overtime. Per unit cost, per unit cost per workers,
contingency plan, overtime planning and who will make the final decision if it appears that delivery time will not be met. (As per amfori BSCI

Remarks from Auditee:

Full Audit [Audit Id - 138246] Audit Date: 19/11/2018 PA Score: B Deadline date:30/09/2019
Good practices

Areas of improvement

The overall observation shows that the auditee partially fulfils requirements of this Performance Area-1 (Social Management System and Cascade
Effect). The facility has assigned a senior management to implement the amfori BSCI COC, Planning department are planning for production.
However still there are some gaps for continuous improvement and monitoring system.
সামি ক পযেব ণ দখা যায় য, কারখানায় সামািজক িনরী ণ আংিশকভেব এই কম মতা এলাকা-১ (সরবরাহ শৃ ল পিরচালনা এবং পাতাকার ভাব) এর েয়াজনীয়তা িল
পূরণ কের, আমফির িবএসিসআই িনয়ম ও িবধান অনুযায়ী কা ািনর সামািজক ম ােনজেম িসে ম বজায় রাখার জন একজন িসিনয়র ব ব াপনা িতিনিধ িনযু কেরেছন এবং
পিরক না িবভাগ উৎপাদন পিরক না কেরন । তারপরও িনিরিবি উ য়ন এবং পযেব েণর ে িকছু তফাৎ পিরলি ত হয়ঃ-
1.1 - The auditee is in process to implement amfori BSCI Code of Conduct into day-to-day business practices. Currently amfori BSCI Terms of
Implementation was not shared with their all significant business partners and proper awareness for the use of PPE and machine safety was not
found from the workers. Further living wage was not calculated as per amfori BSCI standard. [as per amfori BSCI COC].
িত ান েত আমফির িবএসিসআই আচরণ িবিধ অনুযায়ী দনি ন ব বসািয়ক কাযাবলী বা বায়েন ি য়ায় রেয়েছ, বতমােন আমফির িবএসিসআই বা বায়েনর শতাবলী তােদর
সকল পূণ ব বসািয়ক অংশীদারেদর সােথ ভাগ করা হয়িন এবং িপিপই এবং মিশন সুর া ব বহােরর জন যথাযথ সেচতনতা িমকেদর িনরাপ া থেক পাওয়া যায় িন। এছাড়া
িলিভং ওেয়জ যথাযথভােব করা হয়িন আমফির িবএসিসআই এর মান অনুযায়ী। [আমফির িবএসিসআই আচরণিবিধ অনুযায়ী]
Remarks from Auditee

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Generated on:01/12/2019
Producer : Space Sweater Ltd.
DBID : 380379 and Audit Id : 167611 Audit Date : 14/11/2019
Audit Type : Follow-up Audit

Performance Area 2 : Workers Involvement and Protection

1- Followup Audit [Audit Id - 167611] Audit Date: 14/11/2019 PA Score: A Deadline date:30/09/2020


Overall observation shows that the facility partially complies with the requirements of this performance area. The facility has developed freedom
of association policy. The facility has formed participation committee where members were elected by the management to ensure two way
communications. However still there are some gaps for continuous improvement and monitoring system.
2.5 - Factory has a grievance procedure for its employees but the procedure did not define how to deal with “potential conflict of interest”. Moreover,
there was no mechanism for the business partner to lodge their grievances and the facility did not conduct any satisfaction surveys on grievance
mechanism system for external interested parties. [As per amfori BSCI COC]

Remarks from Auditee:

Full Audit [Audit Id - 138246] Audit Date: 19/11/2018 PA Score: A Deadline date:31/01/2019
Good practices

Areas of improvement

Overall observation shows that the facility partially complies with the requirements of this performance area-2 (Workers Involvement and
Protection). The facility has developed freedom of association policy. Although no trade union is formed in the facility but the facility has open policy
to accept trade union. The facility has formed participation committee where members are elected by the workers to ensure two way
communications. Facility posted amfori BSCI code of conduct and summery of Local law in the prominent place of factory. However still there are
some gaps for continuous improvement and monitoring system.
সামি ক পযেব ণ দখা যায় য, কারখানায় সামািজক িনরী ণ আংিশকভেব এই কম মতা এলাকা-২ (কম েদর পর র সহেযাগীতা এবং িনরাপ া) এর েয়াজনীয়তা িল পূরণ
কের, িত ান সংঘ করার াধীনতা নীিতমালা উ যন কেরেছ । যিদও ড ইউিনয়েনর কানও সং ার গঠন করা হয়িন িক ড ইউিনয়েনর জন উ ু নীিত রেয়েছ। এই
িত ান অংশ হনকারী কিম গঠন কেরেছ যখােন দুই পে র যাগােযাগ িনি ত করার জন সদস েদর ারা ব ব াপনা পিরচািলত হয় । ফ া ির র ধান ােন আমফির
িবএসিসআই আচরন িবিধ এবং ানীয় আইন সং া সারসংে প পা করা হেয়েছ। তেব এখনও মাগত উ িত এবং পযেব েণর ে িকছু তফাৎ পিরলি ত হয়ঃ-
2.5 - Facility management has grievance procedure for its employees but member of grievance committee have inadequate knowledge regarding
grievance procedure of the factory. [As per amfori BSCI CoC]
অিভেযােগর ি য়া আেছ িক অিভেযাগ কিম র সদস েদর অিভেযােগর ি য়া স েক অপজা ধারনা িছল। [আমফির িবএসিসআই আচরণ িবিধ অনুযায়ী]
Remarks from Auditee

Performance Area 3 : The rights of Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining

1- Followup Audit [Audit Id - 167611] Audit Date: 14/11/2019 PA Score: A Deadline date:


As previously there was no finding in this performance area, it is marked as not rated during follow up audit.

Remarks from Auditee:

Full Audit [Audit Id - 138246] Audit Date: 19/11/2018 PA Score: A Deadline date:
Good practices

Areas of improvement

The overall observation shows that the auditee entirely fulfils requirements of this Performance Area-3 (The rights of Freedom of Association and
Collective Bargaining). Facility has policy and procedure of Freedom of Association and communicated this policy with the workers. Management
respects workers’ rights to bargain collectively. Facility has no trade union but formed Participation Committee (PC) as parallel means. Regular
meetings are held between the workers representative and the management. Workers representatives has full access to the workers in the

সামি ক পযেব ণ দখা যায় য, কারখানায় সামািজক িনরী ণ পিরপূণভােব কম মতা এলাকা-৩ (সংঘব হওয়ার াধীনতা এবং যৗথ দর কষাকিষর অিধকার) এর
েয়াজনীয়তা িল পূরণ কের, িত ান েত সংঘ করার াধীনতা এর নীিত ও প িত রেয়েছ এবং এই নীিতমালােক িমকেদর সােথ যাগােযাগ কেরেছ। ব ব াপনা িতিনিধ
সি িলতভােব িমকেদর অিধকারেক া কের। কারখানায় কান ড ইউিনয়ন নই িক সমা রাল িহেসেব অংশ হনকারী কিম (িপিস) গঠন করা হেয়েছ। িমক িতিনিধ এবং
ব ব াপনায় িনয়িমত বঠক অনুি ত হয়। 'কম েল কম েদর িতিনিধ কম েদর পূণ েবশাধীকার আেছ।
Remarks from Auditee

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Generated on:01/12/2019
Producer : Space Sweater Ltd.
DBID : 380379 and Audit Id : 167611 Audit Date : 14/11/2019
Audit Type : Follow-up Audit

Performance Area 4 : No Discrimination

1- Followup Audit [Audit Id - 167611] Audit Date: 14/11/2019 PA Score: A Deadline date:


As previously there was no finding in this performance area, it is marked as not rated during follow up audit.

Remarks from Auditee:

Full Audit [Audit Id - 138246] Audit Date: 19/11/2018 PA Score: A Deadline date:
Good practices

Areas of improvement

The overall observation shows that the auditee entirely fulfils requirements of this Performance Area-4 (No Discrimination). The facility has non-
discrimination policy. No evidence of discrimination was found during audit, workers aware about the discrimination policy of the company.
সামি ক পযেব ণ দখা যায় য, কারখানায় সামািজক িনরী ণ স ুনভােব এই কম মতা এলাকা-৪ (অ- বষম ) এর েয়াজনীয়তা িল পূরণ কের, িত ান অ- বষম নীিতমালা
উ যন কেরেছ । কা ানীর বষম নীিত স েক সেচতন িমকেদর িনরী া সময় বষেম র কােনা মাণ পাওয়া যায়িন।
Remarks from Auditee

Performance Area 5 : Fair Remuneration

1- Followup Audit [Audit Id - 167611] Audit Date: 14/11/2019 PA Score: B Deadline date:30/09/2020

a. Facility provides BDT. 300 as attendance bonus to all workers. b. Facility provides production bonus to piece rate workers

The overall observation shows that the auditee partially fulfils requirements of this Performance Area-5 (Fair Remuneration). The facility has
developed wages and compensation policy as per law. The facility ensures minimum wages to the workers for all workers. However, still there are
some gaps for continuous improvement and monitoring system.
5.4 - Though the facility has conducted several surveys on living wage calculation but the facility did not estimate the living standard in the region
calculating their living wage properly to determine a potential gap between present local minimum wage and living wage. [As per amfori BSCI
5.5 - Currently facility did not have the provision for en-cash of un-availed annual leave after enactment of Bangladesh Labour Rules 2015 and
workers were not aware about this provision of rules. [As per Rule 107(2) of Bangladesh Labor Rules 2015]

Remarks from Auditee:

Full Audit [Audit Id - 138246] Audit Date: 19/11/2018 PA Score: A Deadline date:30/09/2019
Good practices

a. Facility provides BDT. 300 as attendance bonus to all workers. b. Facility provides production bonus to piece rate workers.
Areas of improvement

The overall observation shows that the auditee partially fulfils requirements of this Performance Area-5 (Fair Remuneration). The facility has
developed wages and compensation policy as per law. Facility provides salary within seven working days. However, still there are some gaps for
continuous improvement and monitoring system.
সামি ক পযেব ণ দখা যায় য, কারখানায় সামািজক িনরী ণ আংিশকভােব এই কম মতা এলাকা-৫ (ন ায পাির িমক) এর েয়াজনীয়তা িল পূরণ কের, িত ান আইন
অনুযায়ী মজুির ও িতপূরণ নীিতমালা উ যন কেরেছ । কারখানা সাত কম িদবেসর মেধ মজুির দান কের। যাইেহাক, এখনও মাগত উ িত এবং পযেব েণর ে িকছু তফাৎ
পিরলি ত হয়ঃ
5.4 - The facility did not estimate the living standard in the region calculating their living wage properly to determine a potential gap between present
local minimum wage and living wage and so no action plan is in place to fill the gaps. (As per amfori BSCI COC).
কারখানায় ানীয় নূ নতম িলিভং ওেয়জ (মজুির) যথাযথভােব িনণয় করেত পােরিন এবং িবদ মান মজুিরর মেধ স াব ব বধান িনধারেণর জন কান ব ব া হনও করা হয়িন ।
তাছাড়া এই তফাৎ পূরেণর জন কােনা কম পিরক না নই (আমফির িবএসিসআই িসওিস অনুযায়ী)
Remarks from Auditee

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Producer : Space Sweater Ltd.
DBID : 380379 and Audit Id : 167611 Audit Date : 14/11/2019
Audit Type : Follow-up Audit

Performance Area 6 : Decent Working Hours

1- Followup Audit [Audit Id - 167611] Audit Date: 14/11/2019 PA Score: D Deadline date:30/09/2020


The overall observation shows that the auditee partially respects requirements of this principle / Performance Area-6 (Decent Working Hours).
Facility provides legally required overtime rate, the facility uses manual time keeping system to track the workers daily in and out time, As per
provided records, the highest overtime found 03 hours/day and 18 hours/week. The maximum continuous working days were noted 6 days and
provides legally required break to all workers. However still there are some gaps for continuous improvement and monitoring system.

6.1 - Still though there is no records of more than 48 hours general or excessive overtime work observed but there is lacking record keeping system of
employees daily working hours. Since the factory is maintaining workers daily attendance by manual time keeping system (time card) where
everyday workers 'in time' was shown 8.00am and 'out time' was shown 5.00/7.00pm. So actual "IN" and "OUT" time' is not reflected in the
workers manual time record keeping system.
6.2 - As per Job card and salary sheet reviewed, workers and management interview that the facility had performed excessive overtime – 3 out of 15
sample workers had worked overtime 18 hours (exceed 12) in a week in the month of October, 2019 (Current month) and daily maximum
overtime found 3 hours. 3 out of 15 sample workers had worked overtime 18 hours (exceed 12) in a week in the month of July, 2019 (peak
month) and daily maximum overtime found 3 hours. (As per amfori BSCI COC]

Remarks from Auditee:

Full Audit [Audit Id - 138246] Audit Date: 19/11/2018 PA Score: A Deadline date:30/09/2019
Good practices

Areas of improvement

The overall observation shows that the auditee partially respects requirements of this principle / Performance Area-6 (Decent Working Hours).
Facility provides legally required overtime rate, the facility uses manual time keeping system to track the workers daily in and out time, As per
provided records, the highest overtime found 02 hours/day and 12 hours/week regularly. The maximum continuous working days were noted 6 days
and provides legally required break to all workers. However still there are some gaps for continuous improvement and monitoring system.
সামি ক পযেব ণ দখা যায় য, কারখানায় সামািজক িনরী ণ আংিশকভেব এই কম মতা এলাকা-৬ (যেথািচত কােজর ঘ া) এর েয়াজনীয়তা িল পূরণ কের, িত ান
আইনগতভােব েয়াজনীয় ওভারটাইম হার দান, কারখানা ইন এবং আউট সময় সংর েনর জন ম ানুয়াল পপার টাইম কাড ব বহার কের। দ রকড অনুযায়ী, সেবা দিনক
অিতঃ কমঘ া ০২ ঘ া এবং সেবা স ােহ অিতঃ কমঘ া ১২ ঘ া ায় িনয়িমত ভােব পযেব ণ করা হেয়েছ যা কাজ করার স ােহর , আমফির িবএসিসআই আচরন িবিধ অিত ম
কেরেছ । সবািধক একটানা কােজর িদন ০৬ িদন উে খ করা হেয়েছ এবং সম কম েদর আইনত েয়াজনীয় িবরিত দান কােজর সময়। তেব মাগত উ িত এবং পযেব ণ িসে েমর
জন িকছু ফাঁক আেছ।
6.1 - Though there are no records of more than 48 hours general or excessive overtime work observed but there is lacking record keeping system of
employees daily working hours. Since the factory is maintaining workers daily attendance by manual time keeping system (time card) where
everyday workers 'in time' was shown 8.00am and 'out time' was shown 5.00/7.00pm. So actual "IN" and "OUT" time' is not reflected in the workers
manual time record keeping system.
যিদও ৪৮ ঘ ার সাধারণ (অথবা অত িধক ওভারটাইম কােজর কান রকড নই) তেব, কমে ে কমে ে রকিডং রাখার ব ব া অভাব রেয়েছ । যেহতু ফ া ির ম ানুয়াল টাইিমং
িসে ম (টাইম কাড) ারা কম েদর িতিদেনর উপি িত বজায় রােখ, যখােন িতিদেনর কম েদর 'সময়' দখােনা হয় ৮.০০ টা এবং 'আউট টাইম' দখােনা হয় ৫.০০ / ৭.০০ টা, তাই
কৃ ত "ইন" এবং "আউট" সময় 'কম েদর ম ানুয়াল সময় রকড পালন িসে েমর মেধ িতফিলত হয় না। [আমফির িবএসিসআই িসওিস অনুযায়ী]
Remarks from Auditee

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Generated on:01/12/2019
Producer : Space Sweater Ltd.
DBID : 380379 and Audit Id : 167611 Audit Date : 14/11/2019
Audit Type : Follow-up Audit

Performance Area 7 : Occupational Health and Safety

1- Followup Audit [Audit Id - 167611] Audit Date: 14/11/2019 PA Score: A Deadline date:31/12/2019


The overall observation shows that the facility partially complies with the requirements of this performance area-7 (Occupational Health and
Safety). The facility has developed health & safety policy. The facility has assigned personnel for monitoring the health & safety. However still
there are some gaps for continuous improvement and monitoring system as lack of using PPE properly and OHS risk assessment
7.1 - Still the facility management did not involve worker’s representatives and workers in the drifting and enforcement of the internal procedure on
occupational health and safety. [As per amfori BSCI COC].
7.6 - Still below (PPE) related issue was observed during site visit: Around 7-9 Jacquard and winding section workers were not using face mask and
ear plug during work. [As per amfori BSCI COC and Bangladesh Labor Rules 2015, rule 67(2)].
7.11 - a. It was noted through document review and management interview that the Trade License of the factory has been expired on 01 July 2019.
[As per with City Corporation Taxation Rules, 1983, Section: 44 (6)]

b. 01 out of 03 Boiler registration certificate of the factory expired on October 18, 2019. However, factory management has applied to respective
authority dated on October 09, 2019. [As per The Boilers Act 1923, section 8. (1) (a)]

Remarks from Auditee:

Full Audit [Audit Id - 138246] Audit Date: 19/11/2018 PA Score: D Deadline date:30/09/2019
Good practices

Areas of improvement

The overall observation shows that the facility partially complies with the requirements of this performance area-7 (Occupational Health and
Safety). The facility has developed health & safety policy. The facility has assigned personnel for monitoring the health & safety. However still there
are some gaps for continuous improvement and monitoring system.
সামি ক পযেব ণ দখা যায় য, কারখানায় সামািজক িনরী ণ আংিশকভেব এই কম মতা এলাকা-৭ ( পশাগত া এবং িনরাপ া) এর েয়াজনীয়তা িল পূরণ কের, িত ান
পশাগত া এবং িনরাপ া িবষয়ক নীিতমালা উ যন কেরেছ । া ও িনরাপ ার িনরী েণর জন িত ান কমকতা িনেয়াগ িদেয়েছ । যাইেহাক, এখনও মাগত উ িত এবং
পযেব েণর ে িকছু তফাৎ পিরলি ত হয়ঃ
7.1 - The facility management did not involve worker’s representatives and workers in the drifting and enforcement of the internal procedure on
occupational health and safety. [As per amfori BSCI COC].
কারখানায় া ও িনরাপ া িবষেয় অভ রীণ প িতেত এবং কাযাবলীেত কম েদর িতিনিধ ও িমকেদর পুেরাপুির অ ভু িছল না [আমফির িবএসিসআই িসওিস অনুযায়ী]
7.2 - The facility management did not involve worker’s representatives to identify better ways to protect workers from accident. [As per amfori BSCI
দুঘটনা থেক িমকেদর র া করার জন আরও ভাল উপায় িচি ত করার জন সুিবধার ব ব াপক িমক িতিনিধেদর অ ভু িছেলন না [আমফির িবএসিসআই িসওিস অনুযায়ী]
7.3 - Facility did not identify proper risk of chemical and wastage management as facility were kept chemicals in open space without proper protection
and wastage were not segregated with type or hazard also kept in open area. [As per Bangladesh Labor Rules, 2015, Schedule-4, Matters relating
to safety committee (2) and amfori BSCI COC]
কারখানার কিমক াল ও আবজনা ব ব াপনার ঝুঁ িক িন পন করা হয়িন, কারণ তারা িকছু কিমক াল যথাযথ িনরাপ া িনি ত না কের খালা জায়গায় রাখা আেছ এবং বজ েক খালা
জায়গায় পৃথকীকরণ না কের রেখেছ। [বাংলােদশ ম িবিধমালা, ২০১৫, সূচী -৪, িনরাপ া কিম র স িকত িবষয় িল (২) এবং আমফির িবএসিসআই িসওিস অনুযায়ী]।
7.6 - Following personal protective equipment’s (PPE) related issued were noted: a. Around 10-12 Jacquard and winding section workers were not using
face mask and ear plug during work. b. 1 out of 1 label cutter operator was not using face mask and hand gloves during work. c. 5 out of 5 over
lock machines operators were not using face mask during work. [As per amfori BSCI COC and Bangladesh Labor Rules 2015, rule 67(2)].
ব ি গত িতর ামূলক সর াম (িপিপই) স িকত িন িলিখত িবষয় েলা ল করা হেয়েছ: ক. আনুমািনক ১০-১২ জন জ াকাড ও উইি ং সকশেনর িমেকরা কাজ করার সময়
মুখশ ও ইয়ার াগ ব বহার করিছল না । খ. ১ জেনর মেধ ১ জন লেবল কাটার কমী কাজ করার সময় মুখশ ও হাতেমাজা ব বহার করিছল না। গ. ৫ জেনর মেধ ৫ জন ওভারলক
মিশেনর অপােরটররা কাজ করার সময় মুখশ ব বহার করিছল না । [আমফির িবএসিসআই িসওিস ও বাংলােদশ ম িবিধ, ২০১৫ এর িবিধমালা ৬৭ (২)অনুযায়ী]
7.7 - Secondary containment, labeling and MSDS was missing for Diesel and machine oil containers at shed-4. [As per amfori BSCI COC and rule 68
(10) of the Bangladesh Labour rules 2015].
মিশন ওেয়ল ও িডেজল পাে র এর জন সেক াির কনেটইনেম , লেবল ও এমএসিডএস িছল না যা সড-৪ রাখা িছল । [আমফির িবএসিসআই আচরণ িবিধ এবং বাংলােদশ ম িবিধ,
২০১৫ এর িবিধমালা ৬৮ (১০) অনুযায়ী]
7.10 - Factory keeps records for accident and injury but did not identify root cause for every occurrence individually and during investigation no workers
and their representatives are involved in the investigation process. In addition, no procedure in place to report near-misses. [As per amfori BSCI
কারখানা দুঘটনা ও আঘােতর জন রকড রােখ িক েত ক ঘটনার মূল কারণ স কভােব খুেঁ জ বর কের না এবং তদ কােল কান িমক িতিনিধরা তদ ি য়ার সােথ জিড়ত
নয়। কানও ে কাছ থেক এিড়েয় যাওয়া দুঘটনা িরেপাট করার প িত নই। [আমফির িবএসিসআই আচরণ িবিধ অনুযায়ী]
7.11 - Facility did not include shed-4 used as temporary wastage store and cycle stand (around 500 square feet) in their fire license. [As per amfori BSCI
COC and Fire Protection and Prevention Act-2003, section-4 (1)].
কারখানা কতৃ প তােদর ফায়ার লাইেস এ সড-৪ যা অ ায়ী আবজনা রাখার ও সাইেকল রাখার ান (আনুমািনক ৫০০ য়ার িফট) অ ভূ কেরিন । [অি িনরাপ া ও িতেরাধ
আইন-২০০৩, ধারা-৪ (১)]
7.14 - a. No fire equipment’s like fire extinguishers, fire alarm and smoke detector for shed-4 used as temporary wastage store and cycle stand. b. PA
system found missing at winding section and yarn store (ground floor) of building-1. b. Inadequate smoke detectors was noted in 2nd floor and 4th
floor of building-1. Facility installed one smokedetectors for 2nd floor and 04 smoke detectors for 4th floor which is inadequate as each floor is
20801square feet. Moreover, randomly checked 03 out of 05 smoke detectors found inactive at ground floor and 1st floor of building-1. [As per rule
55 of the Bangladesh Labour rules 2015 and amfori BSCI COC] Note: Facility management stated that they will installed auto detecting system in

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Generated on:01/12/2019
Producer : Space Sweater Ltd.
DBID : 380379 and Audit Id : 167611 Audit Date : 14/11/2019
Audit Type : Follow-up Audit

the factory soon.

ক. কারখানার সড-৪ এ কান ফায়ার এ ং ইসার , ফায়ার এলাম ও ধাঁয়া সনা করণ য াপন কেরিন, যা অ ায়ী আবজনা রাখার ও সাইেকল রাখার ান িহেসেব ব বহার
করেছ। ক . ভবন ১ এর িনচ তলার উইি ং স শেন ও ইয়ান াের িপ এ িসে ম িছলনা । খ. ধাঁয়া সনা করণ অপযা পাওয়া গেছ িবি ং ০১ এর তৃ তীয় ও প ম তলায় । তৃ তীয়
তলায় ০১ ও প ম তলায় ৪ ধাঁয়া সনা করণ পাওয়া গেছ য অপযা যেহতু েত ক ােরর আকার ২০৮০১ ায়ার িফট । অিধিক যেথ ভােব যাচাই করা হেল, ৫ র
মেধ ৩ িনচ তলায় ও ৪ র মেধ ১ ি তীয় তলায় ধাঁয়া সনা করণ য অকাযকর অব ায় পাওয়া যায়। [বাংলােদশ ম িবিধ, ২০১৫ এর িবিধমালা ৫৫ অনুযায়ী এবং আমফির
িবএসিসআই আচরণ িবিধ] নাট: কারখানা ব ব াপনা বেলেছন য তারা শী ই কারখানা েত য়ংি য়ভােব ধাঁয়া সনা করণ ব ব া ইন ল করেব।
7.17 - Following machine safety related issued was noted during site visit: a. 4 out of 4 button hole and button attached machine eye guard were
displaced during work at 4th floor. b. 3 out 10 auto placket machine pulley cover were missing at ground floor. c. Safety instruction missing for
exhaust fan at 3rd floor. [As per amfori BSCI COC and Bangladesh Labour Law 2006, section 63(1) D (3)].
কারখানায় িন িলিখত মিশেনর িনরাপ া সং া অভাব পিরলি ত হয়- ক. ৪ র মেধ ৪ বাটন ল ও বাটন এটা মিশেনর চােখর িনরাপ া গাড স কভােব িছলনা । খ. ১০
র মেধ ৩ অেটা- েকট মিশেনর পুিলকভার লাগােনা িছল না। গ. ৪থ তলার এডজ ফ ােনর পােশ সফ িনেদিশকা লাগােনা িছল না [বাংলােদশ ম আইন ২০০৬ অনুযায়ী, ধারা
– ৬৩ (১) িড (৩)]
7.23 - Whether the provided transport to the workers is safe or not could not be verified as factory management did not provide fitness certificate, driving
license and others legal papers of buses. Note that total 9 buses used per day for workers’ (approx. 450 workers) pick and drop daily. [As per
amfori BSCI COC].
িমকেদর যাতায়েতর জন সরবরাহকৃ ত যানবাহন িনরাপদ িকনা তা যাচাই করা যায়িন, কারণ কারখানা কতৃ প উ যান বাহেনর িফটেনস সা িফেকট, াইিভং লাইেস এবং
অন ান বােসর বধ কাগজপ দান কেরিন উে খ , ায় ৪৫০ জন িমক ৯ বােস িত িদেন যাওয়া- আসা কের। [আমফির িবএসিসআই িসওিস অনুযায়ী]
Remarks from Auditee

Performance Area 8 : No Child Labour

1- Followup Audit [Audit Id - 167611] Audit Date: 14/11/2019 PA Score: A Deadline date:


As previously there was no finding in this performance area, it is marked as not rated during follow up audit.

Remarks from Auditee:

Full Audit [Audit Id - 138246] Audit Date: 19/11/2018 PA Score: A Deadline date:
Good practices

Areas of improvement

The overall observation shows that the facility has fully complied with the requirements of this performance area-8 (No Child Labour). Facility has
child labor policy. During the audit, no child labor identified.

সামি ক পযেব ণ দখা যায় য, কারখানায় সামািজক িনরী ণ পিরপূণভােব এই কম মতা এলাকা-৮ (িশ িমক না) এর েয়াজনীয়তা িল পূরণ কের, িত ান িশ িমক
িবষয়ক নীিতমালা উ যন কেরেছ । িনরী ার সময় কান িশ ম সনা হয়িন।
Remarks from Auditee

Performance Area 9 : Special protection for young workers

1- Followup Audit [Audit Id - 167611] Audit Date: 14/11/2019 PA Score: A Deadline date:


As previously there was no finding in this performance area, it is marked as not rated during follow up audit.

Remarks from Auditee:

Full Audit [Audit Id - 138246] Audit Date: 19/11/2018 PA Score: A Deadline date:
Good practices

Areas of improvement

Overall observation shows that the facility entirely complies with the requirements of this performance area-9 (Special protection for young
workers). Facility did not engage young worker in the facility as a result all question rated as not applicable.
সামি ক পযেব ণ দখা যায় য, কারখানায় সামািজক িনরী ণ পিরপূণভােব এই কম মতা এলাকা-৯ (অ বয়সী কম েদর জন িবেশষ িনরাপ া) এর েয়াজনীয়তা িল পূরণ কের ।
িত ান েত কান ত ণ কম েক কােজ িনেয়ািজত করা হয়না, যার ফল প সম “ েযাজ নয়” িহসােব িচি ত করা হেয়েছ।
Remarks from Auditee

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Producer : Space Sweater Ltd.
DBID : 380379 and Audit Id : 167611 Audit Date : 14/11/2019
Audit Type : Follow-up Audit

Performance Area 10 : No Precarious Employment

1- Followup Audit [Audit Id - 167611] Audit Date: 14/11/2019 PA Score: A Deadline date:


As previously there was no finding in this performance area, it is marked as not rated during follow up audit.

Remarks from Auditee:

Full Audit [Audit Id - 138246] Audit Date: 19/11/2018 PA Score: A Deadline date:
Good practices

Areas of improvement

Overall observation shows that the facility entirely complies with the requirements of this performance area-10 (No Precarious Employment).
Facility provides contract letter and ID card to all employees upon employment. No false apprenticeship contract is used by the facility.

সামি ক পযেব ণ দখা যায় য, কারখানায় সামািজক িনরী ণ পিরপূণভােব এই কম মতা এলাকা-১০ (আশ াজনক কম িনযুি না) এর েয়াজনীয়তা িল পূরণ কের । িত ান
তার সকল কম েদরেক িনেয়াগর সময় তার সকল কম েদরেক িনেয়াগপ , আই িড কাড দান কেরেছ। িত ান কান িমথ া িশ ানিবশ চু ি ব বহার কেরেছ বেল পিরলি ত হয়িন ।
Remarks from Auditee

Performance Area 11 : No Bonded Labour

1- Followup Audit [Audit Id - 167611] Audit Date: 14/11/2019 PA Score: A Deadline date:


As previously there was no finding in this performance area, it is marked as not rated during follow up audit.

Remarks from Auditee:

Full Audit [Audit Id - 138246] Audit Date: 19/11/2018 PA Score: A Deadline date:
Good practices

Areas of improvement

Overall observation shows that the facility entirely complies with the requirements of this performance area11 (No Bonded Labour). Facility has
implemented no forced labor policy in the facility, and during audit no forced labor identified. Factory did not recruit migrant workers as a result
question 11.2 was rated as not applicable.
সামি ক পযেব ণ দখা যায় য, কারখানায় সামািজক িনরী ণ পিরপূণভােব এই কম মতা এলাকা-১১ (ঋেন ায়ব ম না) এর েয়াজনীয়তা িল পূরণ কের, িত ান কান
জারপূবক ম নয় িবষয়ক নীিতমালা উ যন কেরেছ । িত ান েত কান জারপূবক ম পিরলি ত হয়িন, কারখানায় কান অিভবাসী িমকও িনেয়াগ করা হয়িন, যার ফল প
নং-১১.২ “ েযাজ নয়” িহসােব িচি ত করা হেয়েছ ।
Remarks from Auditee

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Generated on:01/12/2019
Producer : Space Sweater Ltd.
DBID : 380379 and Audit Id : 167611 Audit Date : 14/11/2019
Audit Type : Follow-up Audit

Performance Area 12 : Protection of the Environment

1- Followup Audit [Audit Id - 167611] Audit Date: 14/11/2019 PA Score: A Deadline date:30/09/2020


Overall observation shows that the facility partially complies with the requirements of this performance area-12 (Protection of the Environment).
Facility has waste handling procedure. However, few gaps have been identified during implementation of this performance area.
12.5 - Still the facility is in process to implement the water conservation and water waste reduction though they set a plan to monitor water conservation
and water waste reduction. In addition, factory management has arranged random training to the employees but they were not conscious about
water waste reduction. [As per amfori BSCI COC]

Remarks from Auditee:

Full Audit [Audit Id - 138246] Audit Date: 19/11/2018 PA Score: B Deadline date:31/01/2019
Good practices

Areas of improvement

Overall observation shows that the facility partially complies with the requirements of this performance area. Facility has conducted Environmental
Impact Assessment. However, few gaps have been identified during implementation of this performance area.
সামি ক পযেব ণ দখায় য, কারখানা আংিশকভােব এই পারফরেম এিরয়ার েয়াজনীয়তা পূরণ কেরেছ। িত ান পিরেবশ ভাব িন পন সমী া কিরেয়েছ । তেব এখনও
মাগত উ িত এবং পযেব ণ িসে েম িকছু ঘাটিত রেয়েছ।
12.4 - The factory has a separate place for keeping waste generated in the premises, but through plant visit it was noted that the factory has kept different
types of waste without separation by types or hazards and few were kept (Empty chemical containers, poly, paper, metal, plastic, used empty diesel
drum and lube oil container) at open air. [As per amfori BSCI COC and Bangladesh Labour Law, 2006, section-54].

কারখানা েত তরীকৃ ত বজ রাখার জন এক পৃথক জায়গা রেয়েছ, িক এ ল করা যায় য কারখানা িবিভ ধরেনর বজ েক খালা জায়গায় পৃথকীকরণ না কের রেখেছ
( যমন- খািল কিমক াল াম, কাগজ, পিলিথন, াি ক, ধাতব, খািল রাসায়িনক াম, লু ব তল, িডেজল াম) । [আমফির িবএসিসআই িসওিস অনুযায়ী এবং বাংলােদশ ম আইন
২০০৬ অনুযায়ী, ধারা-৫৪]
12.5 - The facility is in process to implement the water conservation and water waste reduction but did not set a plan to monitor water conservation and
water waste reduction. In addition, factory management has arranged random training to the employees but they were not conscious about water
waste reduction. [as per amfori BSCI COC]

জল সংর ণ এবং জল বজ াস বা বায়েন এই ি য়া চলেছ, িক জল সংর ণ ও জল বজ ােসর িনরী েণর জন পিরক না করা হয়িন। উপর , কারখানার ব ব াপনা
কমচারীেদর এজেন িশ ণ ব ব া আেছ িক তারা জল বজ াস স েক সেচতন না । [আমফির িবএসিসআই িসওিস অনুযায়ী]
Remarks from Auditee

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Producer : Space Sweater Ltd.
DBID : 380379 and Audit Id : 167611 Audit Date : 14/11/2019
Audit Type : Follow-up Audit

Performance Area 13 : Ethical Business Behaviour

1- Followup Audit [Audit Id - 167611] Audit Date: 14/11/2019 PA Score: A Deadline date:


Overall observation shows that the facility fully complies with the requirements of this performance area. Facility management was transparent to
provide information during audit. Facilities have anti corruption and anti bribery policy and provide training to the employees.

Remarks from Auditee:

Full Audit [Audit Id - 138246] Audit Date: 19/11/2018 PA Score: A Deadline date:
Good practices

Areas of improvement

Overall observation shows that the facility partially complies with the requirements of this performance area-13 (Ethical Business Behaviour).
Facility management was transparent to provide information during audit. Facility has anti-corruption and anti-bribery policy. However, few gaps
identified during the audit while implementing the requirement of this performance area.
সামি ক পযেব ণ দখা যায় য, কারখানায় সামািজক িনরী ণ আংিশকভেব এই কম মতা এলাকা-১৩ ( নিতক ব বসািয়ক আচরণ) এর েয়াজনীয়তা িল পূরণ কের, িনরী ার
সময় তথ সরবরােহর ে ব ব াপনাপ িছল । িত ান দুন িত িবেরাধী এবং িবেরাধী ঘুেষর নীিত সং া নীিত তির কেরেছ । যাইেহাক, এখনও মাগত উ িত এবং
পযেব েণর ে িকছু তফাৎ পিরলি ত হয়ঃ
13.1 - The factory does not have a procedure in place to investigate and any ‘reward’ system on reporting ethical behaviour and integrity among workers
and managers and did not provide sufficient training to the staffs and employees on corruption and the ethical behaviour and integrity policy of the
factory. [As per amfori BSCI CoC]

কারখানা দুন িতর অিভেযাগ অনুস ােনর কান প িত নই এবং নিতক আচরণ ও সততা সংবাদ করার জন িমক ও ব ব াপেকর মেধ কান 'পুর ার' ব ব া নই এবং দুন িতর
জন কারখানার নিতক আচরণ ও নীিতিন নীিতমালার উপর কম েদর পযা িশ ণ দান কের নাই। [আমফির িবএসিসআই আচরণ িবিধ অনুযায়ী]
Remarks from Auditee

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Producer : Space Sweater Ltd.
DBID : 380379 and Audit Id : 167611 Audit Date : 14/11/2019
Audit Type : Follow-up Audit


Audit Type Date Audit Id PA1 PA2 PA3 PA4 PA5 PA6 PA7 PA8 PA9 PA10 PA11 PA12 PA13

14/11/2019 167611 D A A A B D A A A A A A A C

Full Audit 19/11/2018 138246 B A A A A A D A A A A B A C

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Generated on:01/12/2019
Producer : Space Sweater Ltd.
DBID : 380379 and Audit Id : 167611 Audit Date : 14/11/2019
Audit Type : Follow-up Audit

Producer Photos

External photo(s) of the production unit(s) Photo of fire safety equipment Photo of the inside of the main production hall
Factory building.JPG Smoke detector.JPG Trimming and Mending section.JPG

External photo(s) of the production unit(s) Photo of fire safety equipment Photo of the inside of the main production hall
Factory gate.JPG Water pressure checking of fire hose pipe.JPG Washing section.JPG

External photo(s) of the production unit(s) Photo of fire safety equipment Photo of the inside of the main production hall
Factory name.JPG Wet riser system.JPG Winding section.JPG

External photo(s) of the production unit(s) Photo of non-conformity Photo of the inside of the main production hall
Roof top.JPG NC 7.6- Jacquard section workers were not using face Yarn storing area.JPG
mask and ear plug during work.JPG

External photo(s) of the production unit(s) Photo of non-conformity Photo of the inside of the main production hall
Security post point.JPG NC 7.6- Winding section workers were not using face mask Danger sign posted in electrical DB.JPG
and ear plug during work.JPG

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Generated on:01/12/2019
Producer : Space Sweater Ltd.
DBID : 380379 and Audit Id : 167611 Audit Date : 14/11/2019
Audit Type : Follow-up Audit

External photo(s) of the production unit(s) Photo of the canteen (if applicable) Photo of the inside of the main production hall
Boiler room.JPG Canteen facilities.JPG Drinking water point.JPG

External photo(s) of the production unit(s) Photo of the canteen (if applicable) Photo of the inside of the main production hall
Generator room.JPG Worker dining hall.JPG Emergency evacuation plan.JPG

Photo first aid facilities Photo of the code of conduct on display Photo of the inside of the main production hall
Doctor room.JPG amfori BSCI Code of Conduct posted.JPG Eye wash station.JPG

Photo first aid facilities Photo of the inside of the main production hall Photo of the inside of the main production hall
First aid box.JPG Accessories storing area.JPG Grievance box.JPG

Photo first aid facilities Photo of the inside of the main production hall Photo of the inside of the main production hall
First aider with identification dress.JPG Finished goods storing area.JPG Stair case.JPG

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Generated on:01/12/2019
Producer : Space Sweater Ltd.
DBID : 380379 and Audit Id : 167611 Audit Date : 14/11/2019
Audit Type : Follow-up Audit

Photo of fire safety equipment Photo of the inside of the main production hall Photo of the nursery (if applicable)
Fire alarm switch.JPG Folding table area.JPG Child care room.JPG

Photo of fire safety equipment Photo of the inside of the main production hall Photo of the sampled farms (if applicable)
Fire alarm.JPG Iron section.JPG Workers Toilet area.JPG

Photo of fire safety equipment Photo of the inside of the main production hall Photo of the inside of the main production hall
Fire control panel.JPG Knitting section.JPG NC Closed 7.17- Auto placket machine were found with
pulley cover.JPG

Photo of fire safety equipment Photo of the inside of the main production hall Photo of the inside of the main production hall
Fire door.JPG Light checking section.JPG NC Closed 7.17-Safety instruction found with exhaust

Photo of fire safety equipment Photo of the inside of the main production hall Photo of the inside of the main production hall
Fire extinguishers.JPG Linking section.JPG NC closed 7.3 and 12.4-Wastage were segregated with

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Generated on:01/12/2019
Producer : Space Sweater Ltd.
DBID : 380379 and Audit Id : 167611 Audit Date : 14/11/2019
Audit Type : Follow-up Audit

Photo of fire safety equipment Photo of the inside of the main production hall Photo of the inside of the main production hall
Fire hose pipe.JPG Packing section.JPG NC closed 7.6-Over lock machines operators were using
face mask during work..JPG

Photo of fire safety equipment Photo of the inside of the main production hall Photo of the inside of the main production hall
Firefighting equipment.JPG PQC section.JPG NC closed 7.7- Diesel containers were found with
secondary containment and labeling and MSDS.JPG

Photo of fire safety equipment Photo of the inside of the main production hall
Public address system.JPG Sewing section.JPG

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