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FRX2Any v.12.14.


                MANAGEMENT     NTPC-01JULY 01/07/20

CHANAKYA Cash Statement
 Team 06 Ltd.
                             REPORT DESCRIPTION CU

Operation Cash  Inflows 11,170,922
Income Statement
Sales Revenue Collection
Results of Quarter

C6 Current Quarter 10,351,292
Previous Quarter 819,629
3 Operation Cash Outflows
Raw Materials

    Current Quarter 8,776,520
    Previous Quarter 0
Balance Sheet Net Sales Revenue 11,347,975 Manpower & SW 
Other Income 73,000     Current Quarter 442,000
DESCRIPTION CU    Previous Quarter 0
Total Income 11,420,975
Warehousing Charges 74,960
Share Holders' Funds EXPENSES
Production Overheads 320,000
Equity Share Capital (FV=10) 10,000,000 FG Op Inv 1,287,449
Selling, Dist  and Admin costs 1,424,145
Res & Surplus or Ret Earnings 1,311,756 9,535,000
Raw Materials Consumed 0
(Eq share prem: 0.00 ) Information Package
+Manpower & SW cost 442,000 0
Preference Share capital Product Design & Certification
0 =Total Direct Costs 9,977,000 Interest Flows 26,441
( )
(Pr. share prem: 0.00 ) +Warehousing Charges 74,960 Net Interest Paid
Loan Funds +Production Overheads 320,000 Interest on Bank OD
0 0
Two Year Term Loan =Cost of Production (CoP) 10,371,960 Interest on Term loans
0 Interest on Bonds 0
Three Year Term Loan Goods Available for Sale (Op+CoP) 11,659,409
Bonds 0 Shark Loan Interest 99,441
Less FG Closing Inventory 3,012,144
Total Sources 11,311,755 8,647,265 Income from Investments (+) 73,000
=Cost of Goods Sold
Fixed Assets Gross Profits
2,773,709 Corporate Tax 269,619
3,170,000 1,424,144 Ext item,inv writeoff, disband(+/-) 0
Assembly Plant (incl Plant under inst) Selling, Dist  & Admin Expenses
  less Accumulated Depreciation 487,750 34,391 Net Operational Flows
Bad Debts -162,763
Machinery (incl Mach under instal) 3,170,000 Cash Discount+Bill Disc Chges 0 Appropriations
  less Accumulated Depreciation 487,750 0 Preference Dividend 0
Information Package
Total Fixed Assets 5,364,500 0 Equity Dividend 0
Research & Develpment
1,315,173 Capital Inflows
Investments & Vendor Deposits 3,650,000 EBITDA
Depreciation & GW amortization 317,000   Overdraft and Loans Taken 0
Current Assets 4,474,434
EBIT Capital Raised
3,012,144 998,173 0
RM+FG Inv Pref Shares Issued
Bank Overdraft Interest 0
Accounts Receivables 962,290 Equity Shares Issued 0
Shark Loan Interest 99,441
Cash on Hand 500,000 Capital Outflows
2/3 year Term Loan Interest 0 -150,000
Less Current Liabilities Investments
2,177,179 Bond Interest 0
Accounts Payables Principal Repayments 0
0 Misc Exp, Royalty, TM etc 0 994,415
Maturing Term Loans Shark Loan Repayed
0 Total Financial Expenses 1,170,000
99,441 Cap Expenditure
Bonds maturing 0 Corporate Tax 269,619 Net Capital Flows -2,014,415
Bank Overdraft 0 Ext item,Inv write off, disband 0
Shark Loans 2,177,179 Profit After Tax (PAT)
629,112 0
Appropriations Misc Exp, Royalty, TM etc
Total Net Current Assets 2,297,255
Total Application of Funds Dividend on Preference Shares 0 Opening Balance Cash 500,000
11,311,755 0 Shark Loans Raised 2,177,179
Dividend on Equity Shares
Net Income to Retained Earnings 629,112 Closing Balance 500,000


Order Enq Recd  Dom(units) 8,439 3,170 2,653 1,256

Opening Inventory (units) 3,562
Actual Production (units) 4,000 5,000 4,500 2,500

Total Sales (Dom +X/tender) 7,562 3,339 2,893 1,486

FG Closing Inventory (units) 1,661 1,607 1,014
Material Consumed   / unit
PCBA 3.00 2.00 10.00 1.00
BMDC 2.00 3.00 12.00 1.00
Material Consumed (units)
PCBA 12,000 10,000 45,000 2,500
BMDC 8,000 15,000 54,000 2,500
Report  on the Market submitted by : Your Corporate Planning Dept
Manpower & SW Cost/Unit 27.62 27.62 27.62 27.62
Forecast of General Economic Environment Your Direct Cost pu 364.38 337.00 1,427.00 157.00
Avg Ind  Selling Price CU 565.33 514.35 1,791.00 307.66
Qrtr-> 3 4 Your Market Share (%)(units) 7.00 8.00 9.00 11.00
5 6 7
Index (Base )
Raw Material Numbers Value Cu.
106 109 112 114 116 PCBA BMDC PCBA BMDC
STK IDX 13650 13750 13800 13950 14000 Opening Inventory 9,481 758,480
CPI 105 108 107 108 109 Fresh Purchases 60,019 79,500 4,801,520 3,975,000
IIP 106 106 108 110 112 Consumption 69,500 79,500 5,560,000 3,975,000
Closing Inventory
CIBOR/PLR (%pa) 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0
Proc Price pu 80.00 50.00
Actual Or Forecasted Demand for the Domestic Sector; Export, Tenders etc is extra and as given in Gz, emails  (in Units

Qrtr-> 3 4 5 6 7
Product Messages
PC 105,831 98,200 98,300 99,100 100,000
SP 43,008 41,200 42,100 43,200 44,100
SS 32,473 31,200 33,500 34,000 35,100
ITP 14,472 13,600 14,000 14,500 15,250
FRX2Any v.12.14.01 DEMO

Update Issued at the end of  Quarter No:
3 Team No:
C 6
Company Name Team 00 Team 01 Team 02 Team 03 Team 04 Team 05 Team 06 Team 07 Team 08 Team 09 Team 10 Team 11
Plant Capacity (for next qtr) 15000 13000 18000 15000 13000 13000 16000 14000 15000 17000 16000 18000
Machine Capacity (for next qtr) 15000 13000 18000 15000 13000 13000 16000 14000 15000 17000 16000 18000
Plant Capacity thru Productivity Gains
Machine Capacity thru Productivity Gains
Equity Share Price on Stk Exc 3.39 16.79 11.87 13.70 15.61 15.32 11.24 11.31 14.57 12.76 12.29 11.60
CUMPAT(000 -16.739 24.469 18.192 19.282 22.180 23.459 11.593 17.228 19.705 20.018 18.927 16.184
Winning Criterion ( 00)
 8 11
Ranking 15 Winner  9  7  4  2 13 10  6  5

Key Performance Data  (Information Package # 6 - Price Cu.50,000)
Average Manpower & SW  Cost 35.00 27.00 36.33 27.00 35.00 27.00 27.63 35.00 27.00 36.18 27.00 36.67
Net Income Margin -0.3620 0.0916 0.0527 0.0745 0.0926 0.0802 0.0551 0.0478 0.0832 0.0587 0.0638 0.0543
Debt to Equity Ratio 0.05 0.12
Current Ratio 1.02 ”ÞwÈMi¯ 4.52 1.44 ”ÞwpP½¯ ”Þwh}]¯ 2.06 48.30 ”Þw…}¯ 3.70 8.23 1.85
Earnings Per Share -1.1095 1.0083 0.5810 0.7335 0.9209 0.8663 0.6291 0.5482 0.8676 0.6362 0.6177 0.5649
Return on Equity -0.1221 0.0810 0.0490 0.0606 0.0754 0.0702 0.0556 0.0468 0.0725 0.0527 0.0519 0.0479
Return on Investment -0.0556 0.0810 0.0463 0.0498 0.0754 0.0702 0.0466 0.0442 0.0725 0.0484 0.0510 0.0358
Collection in Curr Qtr/Sales 1.00 0.91 0.91 0.92 0.92 0.91 0.91 0.93 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.93

 Efficiency  and Activity Ratios ((Information Package # 7 - Price Cu.40,000)
Prod Dev /Sales
S & D & Info Pack Cost/Sales 0.18 0.13 0.13 0.14 0.10 0.13 0.12 0.12 0.10 0.13 0.14 0.13
Material Cost/Sales 1.70 0.65 0.78 0.84 0.67 0.67 0.84 0.46 0.83 0.85 0.67 0.89
Financial Cost/Sales 0.21 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00
Days Sales Outstanding 9.35 9.31 9.18 8.24 10.05 9.54 7.70 9.34 9.89 9.91 8.13
FG Inventory Holding Days 352.54 13.36 17.98 31.51 0.83 3.52 31.35 4.96 37.97 27.27 3.38 30.49
Sales/Total Assets 0.15 0.88 0.87 0.66 0.80 0.87 0.84 0.92 0.87 0.82 0.79 0.65

Market Share Data (Information Package # 8 - Price Cu.125,000)
PC Mkt Share % units 0.05 0.07 0.07 0.05 0.07 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.06
        Avg Price / Unit 608 568 575 617 569 570 540 548 552 589 565 569
        Sale/Ord Enq 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 0.90 0.90 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02

SP Mkt Share % units 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.08 0.08 0.06 0.07 0.09 0.09 0.06
        Avg Price / Unit 532 525 542 523 505 515 525 511 499 490 549
        Sale/Ord Enq 1.05 1.05 1.05 0.90 1.04 1.05 0.89 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05

SS 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.07 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.06 0.08
        Avg Price / Unit 1820 1815 1807 1784 1785 1760 1750 1783 1819 1810 1835
        Sale/Ord Enq 1.0900000000 1.09 1.09 1.00 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 0.80 1.09

ITP 0.11 0.09 0.07 0.07 0.09 0.11 0.11 0.14 0.07 0.07
        Avg Price / Unit 302 310 337 343 301 305 300 250 299 285 330
        Sale/Ord Enq 1.16 1.09 1.18 1.18 0.99 1.18 1.18 1.09 0.75 1.18

Market Share (Rs Sales) 0.02 0.08 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07

Contract Sales (no charge)
Price Quotation
Qty Awarded
Price Quotation
SP Qty Awarded
Price Quotation
Qty Awarded
Price Quotation
Qty Awarded

Industry Wide Inventory Levels (Information Package # 9
                                                             - Price Cu.25,000)
  PC 39,355
  SP 12,246
  SS 7,064  PCBA 11,381
 ITP 3,039  BMDC 13,065

Asset List (no Charge)
Plant # 1 2 3
Capacity (units) 10000 3000 3000
Remaining Life (qtrs) 16 18 19

Machine # 1 2 3
Capacity (units) 10000 3000 3000
Remaining Life (qtrs) 16 18 19

FRX2Any v.12.14.01 DEMO

Update Issued at the end of  Quarter No:
3 Team No:
C 6
Company Name Team 12 Team 13 Team 14
Plant Capacity (for next qtr) 14000 12000 14000
Machine Capacity (for next qtr) 14000 12000 14000
Plant Capacity thru Productivity Gains
Machine Capacity thru Productivity Gains
Equity Share Price on Stk Exc 7.67 15.67 9.06
Winning Criterion ( 00)
) 5.918 22.195 12.034

Ranking 14  3 12

Key Performance Data  (Information Package # 6 - Price Cu.50,000)
Average Manpower & SW  Cost 27.00 27.00 27.00
Net Income Margin 0.0579 0.0895 0.0548
Debt to Equity Ratio 0.17
Current Ratio 16.94 ”Þw@——¯ 1.51
Earnings Per Share 0.4482 0.9291 0.3881
Return on Equity 0.0423 0.0760 0.0344
Return on Investment 0.0358 0.0760 0.0311
Collection in Curr Qtr/Sales 0.92 0.92 0.88

 Efficiency  and Activity Ratios ((Information Package # 7 - Price Cu.40,000)
Prod Dev /Sales
S & D & Info Pack Cost/Sales 0.11 0.13 0.16
Material Cost/Sales 0.70 0.67 0.66
Financial Cost/Sales 0.01 0.00
Days Sales Outstanding 8.77 9.00 12.80
FG Inventory Holding Days 10.37 2.65
Sales/Total Assets 0.61 0.84 0.56

Market Share Data (Information Package # 8 - Price Cu.125,000)
PC Mkt Share % units 0.09 0.06 0.09
        Avg Price / Unit 510 585 515
        Sale/Ord Enq 0.98 1.02 1.01

SP Mkt Share % units 0.07 0.07 0.08

        Avg Price / Unit 450 530 505
        Sale/Ord Enq 0.72 1.05 1.05

SS 0.03 0.08
        Avg Price / Unit 1700 1815
        Sale/Ord Enq 0.36 1.09

ITP 0.07
        Avg Price / Unit 330
        Sale/Ord Enq 1.08

Market Share (Rs Sales) 0.05 0.07 0.05

Contract Sales (no charge)
Price Quotation
Qty Awarded
Price Quotation
SP Qty Awarded
Price Quotation
Qty Awarded
Price Quotation
Qty Awarded

Industry Wide Inventory Levels (Information Package # 9
                                                             - Price Cu.25,000)
  PC 39,355
  SP 12,246
  SS 7,064  PCBA 11,381
 ITP 3,039  BMDC 13,065

Asset List (no Charge)
Plant # 1 2 3
Capacity (units) 10000 3000 3000
Remaining Life (qtrs) 16 18 19

Machine # 1 2 3
Capacity (units) 10000 3000 3000
Remaining Life (qtrs) 16 18 19


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