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Solubility of solid particles in liquid with different temp.

Aim of experiment

 To investigate the dissolving rate change with different

temperature degrees.
 To find the saturation concentration of solid material at different


Dissolving can be thought of as a particular type of mixing. Mixing

materials can result in a number of outcomes. Sometimes the components
have little effect on each other, remain visible and can be easily
separated. In other cases mixing can result in dramatic irreversible
changes to the materials. Dissolving lies somewhere between the two. In
the simplest case it involves mixing two materials together. The most
common examples of dissolving involve a solid and a liquid, usually
water. When a solid dissolves the solid (solute) and the liquid (solvent)
form a very close intimate mixture called a solution. Unless the solid is
coloured it will not be visible and the solution may just look like the
starting liquid. However the presence of the solid can be confirmed by a
number of strategies. In some cases, eg salt or sugar, taste will indicate
the presence of the solid. Alternatively evaporation of the liquid should
leave a solid residue .The mixing is so complete the particles in a solution
will pass through most filter paper so it is not possible to separate the
mixture by filtering. The particle model can provide a simple
representation of dissolving in terms of mixing to show what happens
when a solid dissolves, (Fig.1). If a solid dissolves on mixing its particles
break apart and form a loose association with the liquid (solvent)
particles. A solid will not dissolve in a liquid if its particles are unable to
form links to the liquid particles. The simple particle model is less helpful
in explaining why there is a limit to the solubility of any material or why
the solubility varies at different temperature. Although we most
commonly think of dissolving solids in water other liquids can act as
solvents. Nail varnish remover is used to dissolve nail varnish and, white
spirit to dissolve some kinds of paint and petrol is a good solvent for
grease. Many non water solvents are not really suitable for use with
primary children.

Dissolving is a reversible process and the solute can be recovered from a

solution by evaporation though it will not always be in the exactly the
same form as at the start.

fig 1. dissolving of solid particles in liquid.


1. fill the beaker with suitable solvent such as water.

2. Add the dosage of sugar and continue to stirrer at ambient
3. use stop watch to record the time necessary to dissolve the sugar
till reach the saturation and filter the solution by using filter paper,
the remained residue may be dried and weighed.
 weight of dissolved sugar = weight of dosage- weight of
residue .
 saturation concentration= weight of dissolved sugar/
volume of solution.

4. repeat the 1,2,3 with different temperature degree by using hot

plate and use thermometer to measure temperature degree .
5. record the dissolving time and saturation concentration for every
temperature to obtain the plots.

fig 2. experimental rig setup.

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