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Bangladesh University of Business & Te

Excel Lab Test: CIS 101

A B C D E/12 F
1 Course Atten Quiz CT 10 Mid 30 Final 40
dance 5 5

2 CIS 101 5 4 8 27 35
3 MGT 101 4 2.5 5.5 18 23
4 STA 101 5 3 7 19 31
5 BUS 101 3.5 3 7 22 33

Find GPA using the following Table (MS Excel):

Range Grade
80% and Above 4.00
70% to less than 3.5
60% to less than 3.00
50% to less than 2.5
40% to less than 2.00
50% less than 40% 1.00
1. Find Total Marks
2. Find GPA of Each Course using table above
3. Find Semester GPA (SGPA) = Average of all GPA (or Summation of GPA / 4)
4. Find Waiver according to following condition:
a. If SGPA = 4.00 then Waiver 100% of tuition
b. If SGPA >= 3.5 then Waiver 50% of tuition
c. If SGPA >= 3.00 then Waiver 25% of tuition
5. Calculate Final Payment = Tuition Fees - Waiver
f Business & Technology (BUBT)
Lab Test: CIS 101

Total 100 GPA SGPA Tuition Waiver Pay

79 3.5
53 2.5
65 3
69 3

mation of GPA / 4)

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