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JP Christian Science Reading Room ​Monthly Digest 

What’s happening in the  
JP CS Reading Room 

by ​Daniela​ on July 8 
The Reading Room may still be closed to the public, but neither the Reading Room nor the 
church have been idle: activities have been buzzing! The recently instituted online activities 
have picked up momentum and have been rewarding and a blessing for both participants 
and organizers. There are currently 3 regular attendants to the ​Monitor​ Prayer Discussion 
group on Mondays, one regular participant in the reading of the Sermon on the Mount on 
Tuesdays, enjoying the variety of Bibles available on Biblegateway, and the book club has 
seen a variety of participants. The reminiscences we’re reading have many accounts 
relevant to today. It’s very inspiring to see how challenges that we also face today were 
handled by the first students of Mary Baker Eddy. Here is an example:  
While Mrs. Eddy patiently answered questions asked from the material point of 
view, her teaching aimed to lift the thought of her students to the understanding of 
spiritual creation coming to humanity in Christian Science. She endeavored to lift 
thought above mortal sense and used the following terms to present the unfoldment 
of the spiritual idea along mental and spiritual lines—namely, ​perception, reception, 
conception.​ Although her students were slow in grasping her meaning, nevertheless 
she patiently worked on until we could see how spiritual ideals would displace all 
mortal beliefs about being. She made it clear that perception of the truth must 
come first to the individual, then the next step must of necessity be its reception 
before progress could be made, and this led to the conception of the divine idea of 
which St. Paul speaks when he says, “My little children, of whom I travail in birth 
again until Christ be formed in you” (Galatians 4:19). 
At one of these lessons, a member of the class said that, in treating a patient, she 
always tried to hold the perfect body in thought. Mrs. Eddy expressed surprise at 
her statement and asked where she got that impression, and the lady replied 
cheerfully that of course she had got it from ​Science and Health​. Mrs. Eddy said that 
she was mistaken in saying so, but the lady offered to read the passage and 
proceeded to do so. The statement is to be found on page 407 of ​Science and Health 
and reads, “Let the perfect model be present in your thoughts instead of its 
demoralized opposite.” Mrs. Eddy asked the student if she thought that meant the 
body, and the lady replied that she certainly did, and others in the class said that 
they also had accepted it in that way. Mrs. Eddy, however, went on to explain that 
the perfect model was never the body but man as God’s spiritual idea, which is 
incorporeal, and she reminded us of the statement on page 313 of ​Science and 
Health,​ where the word ​character​ is used in connection with the phrase “express 
In warning us against animal magnetism, Mrs. Eddy said, “Error cannot use the 
name of Christian Science or Christian Scientist as a cloak for envy, jealousy, hatred, 
or revenge.” 
(We Knew Mary Baker Eddy,​ Expanded Edition, Vol. I, p. 173-174) 
Even if we’re not able to show a personal presence, neighbors and passersby will be able to 
see our activity through the new window display. We’re hoping to have it ready very soon. 
Check it out soon, if you have the opportunity to walk by.  
Our desire to update the video displayed on the TV monitor prompted us to purchase a 
new TV, as it was hard to get new videos to display on the old TV monitor. We’re still 
setting it up, but we’re looking to have a new video run every week, and this will be 
integrated in the new window display.  
Look for an email from Christa that will explain how you can be part of the “live” video 
display with your contribution! 
We’re still working out the details, but we’re hoping to set up a table when Daniela is 
physically at the Reading Room, inviting the community to share their prayers, leaning on 
the success that the Wake Up the Earth festival had.  
We invite you to continue to check out the ​Reading Room Log/Fruitage​ on the RR Google 
site. Feel free to be in touch with any feedback or insights that could be added to the 
fruitage. Again, please note that we will resume updating the ​Reading Room Schedule​ after 
the lockdown is ended.  

Reading Room Activities 
RR volunteers request an online training 
Place an order! 
Bible Study Group 

Reading Room Activities 

Regular Reading Room activities continue to be successful. We’re blessed these are met 
with such enthusiasm. All activities start at 3 pm on the specified day. Anyone wishing to 
join can still do so. Here is a break out of the activities again: 
● Mondays​, (3 pm) Monitor​ discussion and prayer group​. We share an article from the 
Monitor​ on Monday morning to have time to read it and then discuss it during the 
meeting. We also set aside time to pray during the meeting. 
● Tuesdays​, (3 pm):​ Reading of The Sermon on the Mount​.  
● Fridays,​ (3 pm): ​JP RR Bookclub.​ We are continuing to read W
​ e Knew Mary Baker 
Eddy​ Expanded Edition, Volume I. The next meeting is going to be Friday, July 17th 
and we’re reading 3 more reminiscences: Alfred Farlow, Frank Walter Gale, and Bliss 
The website team has offered to post these RR Activities on the website and we’re looking 
to contact the Boston Public Library to advertise these events on their calendar.  
All are welcome to join these activities, no registration needed. Feel free to be in touch at​ if you have any questions or any recommendation.  
Note:​ As we determine the hours of activity of the Reading Room, we will strive to continue 
these activities. Reading Room volunteers are encouraged to take the lead on any of these 
activities. Just be in touch with Daniela at ​​ if you’re able to help this 

RR volunteers request an online training  

(offer still stands) 
While the Reading Room is physically closed, Reading Room attendants/volunteers can still 
take advantage of the available online tools to receive training. Get a refresher on our 
Reading Room practices and be ready to reopen the physical location to the public! Contact 
the Librarian at ​​ to schedule a training. Best times are Monday through 
Friday between 2 pm and 3 pm.  

Place an order! 
While you’re welcome to place an order at the online shop anytime, we’re happy to 
accommodate your needs and get you Reading Room literature from the JP Reading Room! 
Contact us at ​​. 
We have been successful in setting up online invoices, so you don’t have to physically come 
to the Reading Room. We can also set up appointments for any purchase. Daniela is happy 
to make deliveries to your mailbox on her way home on any given Thursday. 

Bible Study Group 

The Bible Study Group will meet next on ​July 11, 2020​. Daniela will lead the discussion on 
the topic of “Women in the Bible.” We’ll explore how the women of the Bible have been 
influential in their own right. Mr. Baldock states in his book ​Women in the Bible​: “It is fair to 
say that women are given a bad press in all this: from Eve to Jezebel and beyond, they are 
often portrayed as the cause of the misfortunes that befell the people of Israel and their 
ancestors. In this regard, the role assigned to women in the Old Testament reflects the 
changing attitudes towards women, as both society and religion become increasingly 
patriarchal. For example, when God created Eve we are told that she was Adam’s equal. In 
the early history of the Israelites, women were the equals of men in that they held 
important positions as prophets and judges, and occasionally officiated as priests. Certain 
women – e.g. Deborah, Esther and Judith – also acquired the stature of national heroes. At 
the other extreme, women were considered to be the property of their ‘father’s house’, a 
term that embraces the immediate family, the clan and the tribe.  
The Christian view of the Old Testament was summarized by St. Augustine, who said, ‘The 
Old Testament is nothing but the New covered with a veil, and the New is nothing but the 
Old unveiled.’ From the earliest times, Christians have understood many of the people and 
events described in the Old Testament as prefiguring prominent figures and events in the 
This is the Zoom connection information: 
Topic: Bible Study Group: Women in the Bible. 
Time: 11 AM 
Zoom Meeting link 
Meeting ID: 617 318 6381 
Password: ​Principle 
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Meeting ID: 617 318 6381 
Find your local number: ​  

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