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Department of Leadership and Management Studies

Faculty of Contemporary Studies

National Defense University


What is the difference between a group and a team? What are the four types
of teams?
Group: It is a bunch of people that interacts primarily to share information and make decisions
to help each member perform within his or her area of responsibility. They have no need or
opportunity to engage in collective work that requires joint effort. Their performance is merely a
summation of each group member’s individual contribution. They have no positive synergy that
creates an overall level of performance greater than the sum of the inputs.

Team: A group whose individual efforts result in performance that is greater than the sum of the
individual inputs. They generate a positive synergy through coordinated effort. The individual
efforts result in a level of performance greater than the sum of those individual inputs.

Following are some types of teams:

Functional work team

In this work team, all the members belong to the same functional area and respond to a single
manager, responsible for the management of the whole group. It’s very common in companies
with rigid hierarchies and you’ll recognize them for the examples we are going to give: such as
Accounting and HR departments or the Maintenance team and other specialized groups like

Inter-working team

In this case, the work team is made up of members from different areas of activity, and its
members usually have the same hierarchical level. This type of work team is usually formed to
develop work with a multidisciplinary view, in which each area represented by team members
complements the knowledge of others, bringing more creative and comprehensive results.

Examples of these types of work teams would be committees and councils, where members from
different areas work together to solve specific problems, such as a Sustainability Committee, for
example; or strategic, as is the case with the Boards of Directors of companies.
Project team

These are work groups an organization creates to implement a specific project until completion.
Afterward, the group dissolves as it achieved its objectives. Typically, members come from
different areas of the company and perform other tasks related to their home department.

Task Force team

This is one of the most interesting types of work teams. They form only when emergency
situations emerge which the organization needs to solve. Its members are usually the best of the
company in the area. During the resolution of the emergency, they will dedicate themselves
exclusively to this task. Their goal is to do this in the best way and in the shortest possible time.

What conditions or context factors determine whether teams are effective?

Following conditions are necessary for the effective teams.

This category includes variables relate to how teams should be staffed. In this section, we will
address the ability and personality of team members, allocating roles and diversity, size of the
Team, Member Flexibility, And Members’ Preference for Teamwork.

Abilities of Members

To perform effectively, a team requires three different types of skills. First, it needs people with
technical expertise.

Roles and Diversity

Teams have different needs, and people should be selected for a team to ensure that there is
diversity and that all various roles are filled. Successful work teams have people to fill all these
roles and have selected people to play in these roles based on their skills and preferences.
Member Flexibility

Teams made up of flexible individuals have members who can complete each other’s tasks. This
is an obvious plus to a team because it greatly improves its adaptability and makes it less reliant
on any single member. So, selecting members who themselves value flexibility, then cross-
training them to be able to do each other’s jobs, should lead to higher team performance over

How can organizations create team players?

Selecting: Hiring Team Players

Some people already possess the interpersonal skills to be effective team players. When hiring
team members, be sure candidates can fulfill their team roles as well as technical requirements.
When faced with job candidates who lack team skills, managers have three options. First, don’t
hire them. If you have to hire them, assign them to tasks or positions that don’t require
teamwork. If that is not feasible, the candidates can undergo training to make them into team
Training: Creating Team Players

Training specialists conduct exercises that allow employees to experience the satisfaction
teamwork can provide. Workshops help employees improve their problem-solving,
communication, negotiation, conflict-management, and coaching skills.
Rewarding: Incentives for Good Team Player

Promotions, pay raises, and other forms of recognition should be given to individuals who work
effectively as team members by training new colleagues, sharing information, helping resolve
team conflicts, and mastering needed new skills.

What do you think of the elements of successful teamwork Hackman has

identified? Do you believe these elements are necessary for effective team
Hackman Identified following elements:

Teams should be small in size

In his research Hackman found that larger size of team led to failure of the team most of the
times .Disagreements and not reaching to the conclusion were common insights in large team.
So, Smaller team were more efficient and effective to solve any problem or accomplish any

Evolution of teams

Teams should be kept together for more amount of time so that it gives members the chance to
develop as a group. Mostly companies make team for a project and once the project is over, they
reconfigure them .This does not bring out the best performance of the group.


Hackman believed on evaluating the performance of a team as a whole and not individual. Group
based awards helped in growing the efficiency of team.


Team should possess diversity. Different kind of skill sets and abilities of people helped in
solving the problem more quickly and efficiently.

Break down of task

If tasks are divided into sub tasks and then given to the members it adds perfection and accuracy
to the work done. Hackman stated that overall work should be bifurcated into small chunks and
each individual should complete his /her given task.
Can you think of other conditions necessary for teams to be effective?
Following conditions are necessary for effective teams:

Strong Communication

Each and every member of the group should feel important and communication should be
proper, transparent and flowing across all levels of team. Communication is something which
keeps you involved as a team and it is the basis on which teams work. Any information, idea,
thought should be communicated with the applicable mode of communication.

Focus on Objectives

A plan or a clear objective is very necessary for the team to work efficiently. Goals should be set
and tracked, according to the work done. This helps to monitor as well as individual contribution
is taken into consideration.

Each one should contribute

Teams are a group of individuals who work collectively to achieve a desired goal or objective.
Collective performance is very necessary for the success of the team. Each individual should
work or play his part assigned to him/her in the most honest manner to achieve the desired target.

Supportive Approach

The thinking of the people in team should be to help each other rather than focusing on
individual goals. Providing constant support to each other helps you to achieve the goal quickly
and more perfectly.

What specific steps might you take early in the team’s life to ensure that the
new team is able to avoid some of the problems Hackman identified?
Hackman identified following steps to be taken so that teams don’t face any problem:

Proper Plan

A proper plan will be communicated to all the new hires from day one. They will be made
understand about how things will work, what need to be achieved, who will do what, with proper
guidelines and Statutory operating procedure. This will give them clarity and vision about the
target and the path.

Work Allocation

Work will be allocated individually into sub task so that individual performance can be assessed
and required changes can be made instantly.

Leading from the front

To lead a team of highly potential new hires the leader needs to be assertive and the one who will
lead from front. Arguments and disagreements will be there within the team but the leader will
make sure that decisions taken are fair to everyone and they are taken unanimously.


Communication plays a key role in solving problems if any within the team and also helps in
maintaining the strength of team. So, communication will be kept flowing across all within the
teams. If some people of the team have some problems or grievances those won’t go unheard and
will be addressed by the leader. This information will be passed on to each member of the group.


Be it an individual or a team as a whole leader will provide extended support to the members
whenever required and all members will maintain a supportive partnership to achieve the desired

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