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PQ Implementation

with a Young Tableau

Let as consider how to implement the Priority

Queue operations using the Young Tableau
assuming that the elements coincide with keys.

A. Kostanyan
Young Tableaus
The Young tableau is a quadratic table filled with keys
and the  value so that
  may appear only at last column/row,
 the keys in each column/row follow in non-
decreasing order.
5 15 20 50
10 25 40 
30 45 55 
35 60  

Remark: Note that

 Young tableau with n keys has size n,
 the minimum key of a non-empty Young tableau can be found
at the left upper position.
A. Kostanyan
Let us consider how to implement the priority queue
operations using the Young tableau.

 min(S);
To retrieve the smallest key from a Young tableau representing the
set S, it suffices to get the key in the left upper position of the table.
The operation takes O(1) time.

5 20 30 35
10 25 40 
15 45 50 
   

A. Kostanyan
Operations – (2)
 extractMin(S);
To extract a minimum key from a Young tableau representing the set
S, it suffices to write the last finite key taken from either last row or
last column in the left upper position, write  in the previous position
of that key and restore the tableau property in the following way:
 Current key is repeatedly compared with existing neighbors on the
right and below, and these keys are swapped if the tableau property is
The operation takes O(n) complexity.

5 15 20 50 10 15 20 50
10 25 45  25 40 45 
30 40 55  30 55 60 
35 60   35   

A. Kostanyan
Operations – (3)
 insert(S, x);
To insert the key x into a Young tableau representing the set S with
at least one  , it suffices to write x after the last finite key in either
last row or last column and restore the tableau property as follows:
 Current key is repeatedly compared with existing neighbors on the
left and above, and these keys are swapped if the tableau property is
The operation takes O(n) time.

5 15 20 50 5 15 20 50
10 25 45  7 25 45 
30 40 55  10 30 55 
35 60   35 40 60 

A. Kostanyan
Operations – (5)
 decreaseKey(S, x, k);
We assume in this operation that x is given as a position in a Young
tableau representing the set S . To reduce the key in position x by
making it equal to k, it suffices to write k in position x and restore the
tableau property in the following way:
 Current key is repeatedly compared with existing neighbors on the
left and above, and these keys are swapped if the tableau property is
The operation has O(n) complexity.
5 15 20 50 5 15 20 50
decreaseKey(60, 11)
10 25 45  10 25 45 
30 40 55  11 30 55 
35 60   35 40  

A. Kostanyan

Corollary The Priority Queue operations over a

Young Tableau with n keys are performed in O(n)
worst case time.

A. Kostanyan
Young Tableau vs. Binary Heap
Binary heap Young tableau
implementation implementation

min (1) (1)

extractMin (lg n) (n)

insert (lg n) (n)

decreaseKey (lg n) (n)

Note: Despite the fact that the Young tableau compared to the binary heap provides
a worse implementation for the priority queue operations, however it efficiently
maintains a wider set of operations such as getting the maximum value or searching
for an arbitrary key (see next slide).

A. Kostanyan
Additional Operations
The Young tableau provides O(1)-time implementation
for the operation of getting the maximum key, and O(n)-
time implementation for the operation of searching for an
arbitrary key:

max=max{ 60, 55, 5} = 60 search for 60

5 15 20 50 5 15 20 50
10 25 40  10 25 45 65
30 45 55  30 40 55 70
35 60   35 60 75 80

A. Kostanyan

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