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Question 1: Describe what management can do to create a safe work environment.

The Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 is an Act which provides the legislative

framework for the safety, health and welfare among all Malaysian workforces. The principle is to

prevent and protect the workers against hazards and their risks in connection with their activities

at work. Many accidents at the workplace occur when employees did not comply with the

standard Occupational Safety and Health in their organization. There are many ways in order the

management want to create a safety and health in the workplace environment.

First and foremost, the management can create a safe work environment by ensuring

that workers manning machinery are adequately trained and follow safety instructions.

The schedule must be prepared to define the required frequency for servicing, testing and

inspection where the schedule is strictly adhered to and must appropriately recorded. The

detailed written instructions covering all routine maintenance operations should be available in

the organization. These should be formally approved and issued by the responsible engineer. The

management should check regularly that work is carried out according to these instructions.

Adequate training is required for all maintenance personnel. This should include basic

information on the properties, safety precautions and emergency procedures. Proper training is

necessary for all employees, especially if there is a risk for potential injury associated with a job.

For example first aid training is very important in the workplace. The reality is that we never

know what will happen and need to be ensure that the whole organization can treat this issues.

By offering first aid training can add a level of comfort for businesses and if the worst condition

happen the management and workers know how to handle with it. Hence, the management can

provide written instructions and safe work procedures so the workers can check for themselves if

they are unsure of a task or have forgotten part of their training. The management should
supervise employees in order to ensure that they carry out their work properly and safely in

accordance with the training provided by management. Failure to provide the correct training for

employees, the management are not only endangering the safety of their workers but the

management will be held liable for the incident which could have serious consequences.

In addition, in order to create a safe work environment the management can adequate

insurance coverage for workers through government or private agencies. The main function

of the workers compensation insurance is to provide protection against the probable chances of

loss. The workers compensation insurance can guarantees the payment of loss and thus protects

the assured from sufferings. For example, in Malaysia one of the government agencies that

provide insurance coverage for workers is Social Security Organisation (SOCSO). The main

function of SOCSO is to provide social security protection to employees and their dependents

through the Employment Injury Scheme and the Invalidity Scheme. The Invalidity Scheme

provides 24-hour protection to employees against invalidity or death due to any cause outside

working hours and not related to employment. SOCSO also conducts implements accident

prevention activities through occupational safety and health awareness programmes among

employees and employers. With this insurance coverage the workers will fell secured in order to

perform their works. Workplaces that neglect safety and health risk prosecution, may lose staff,

increase costs of injuries and illness, and reduce the profitability of the organization.

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